He said it was the reason that roughly 50% of Japanese Husbands in Japan cheat on their wives, not that it was roughly 50% of the reason Japanese Husbands in Japan cheat on their wives. Or indeed that it was any amount of the reason why any proportion of Japanese Husbands in Japan cheat on their wives roughly.
Ain't the English language grand?
Western misunderstandings of the various Buddhist schools aside...
There are specific and predominantly Buddhist cultures with specific features that have given rise to this sort of myth, but that's about as as representative of wider Buddhist sexual mores as Taureg modesty traditions are of wider Muslim modesty traditions or American chastity rings are representative of how most Christians deal with being horny teenagers.
EDIT: If you look at what the Buddha actually says, sexual desire, sex and sexual pleasure are specifically mentioned as things that cause spiritual suffering. Where it differs from Christianity is that sexual desire and sexual pleasure are not seen as any greater a cause of suffering than any other way of straying from the path. So all the major Buddhist monastic orders embrace celibacy, but not with the heavy emphasis that certain Christian monastic groups did.
Comparing with other religious traditions Buddhism is actually remarkably down on the whole sex thing, so far as I am aware, they only come out ahead of the Christians and the Manicheans. Of course, since we live in a Christian society, Buddhism seems much more liberal. This is true in a relative sense, but not an absolute sense.
Nope, there's no misunderstanding at all.
In the bible, it outright says "get married for love and only love and stick with your wife unless one of you commit adultery."
In Japan, Buddism doesn't have that rule at -all- and considering that 99% of the Japanese population is Buddist, Buddist and Shinto or Shinto, it means pretty much 99% of all Japanese have no moral obligations to stay faithful.
The only reasons why Japan is not swimming in children born out of wedlock is because there is a -massive- social stigma about having children outside of marriage and Japanese culture is still sexist towards single mothers because of zero government support towards single moms and being a single mom can mean being stuck on $40 a week if you're unlucky.
So yeah, get rid of the 'every family needs a father and mother' rule?
You prove to the galaxy that men are horny gits who have problems dealing with the aftermath of one night stands or paid sex.