He said it was the reason that roughly 50% of Japanese Husbands in Japan cheat on their wives, not that it was roughly 50% of the reason Japanese Husbands in Japan cheat on their wives. Or indeed that it was any amount of the reason why any proportion of Japanese Husbands in Japan cheat on their wives roughly.

Ain't the English language grand?

Western misunderstandings of the various Buddhist schools aside...

There are specific and predominantly Buddhist cultures with specific features that have given rise to this sort of myth, but that's about as as representative of wider Buddhist sexual mores as Taureg modesty traditions are of wider Muslim modesty traditions or American chastity rings are representative of how most Christians deal with being horny teenagers.

EDIT: If you look at what the Buddha actually says, sexual desire, sex and sexual pleasure are specifically mentioned as things that cause spiritual suffering. Where it differs from Christianity is that sexual desire and sexual pleasure are not seen as any greater a cause of suffering than any other way of straying from the path. So all the major Buddhist monastic orders embrace celibacy, but not with the heavy emphasis that certain Christian monastic groups did.

Comparing with other religious traditions Buddhism is actually remarkably down on the whole sex thing, so far as I am aware, they only come out ahead of the Christians and the Manicheans. Of course, since we live in a Christian society, Buddhism seems much more liberal. This is true in a relative sense, but not an absolute sense.


Nope, there's no misunderstanding at all.

In the bible, it outright says "get married for love and only love and stick with your wife unless one of you commit adultery."

In Japan, Buddism doesn't have that rule at -all- and considering that 99% of the Japanese population is Buddist, Buddist and Shinto or Shinto, it means pretty much 99% of all Japanese have no moral obligations to stay faithful.

The only reasons why Japan is not swimming in children born out of wedlock is because there is a -massive- social stigma about having children outside of marriage and Japanese culture is still sexist towards single mothers because of zero government support towards single moms and being a single mom can mean being stuck on $40 a week if you're unlucky.

So yeah, get rid of the 'every family needs a father and mother' rule?

You prove to the galaxy that men are horny gits who have problems dealing with the aftermath of one night stands or paid sex.
Probably if we decrese game aspect and ramp up dificulty but, I can see us seling it as is to arcades. (Jedi copyright claim? That would be funny.)

Probably a lot cheaper and safer to modify something like that than to work with lots of training remotes etc.
Nope, there's no misunderstanding at all.

In the bible, it outright says "get married for love and only love and stick with your wife unless one of you commit adultery."

In Japan, Buddism doesn't have that rule at -all- and considering that 99% of the Japanese population is Buddist, Buddist and Shinto or Shinto, it means pretty much 99% of all Japanese have no moral obligations to stay faithful.

The only reasons why Japan is not swimming in children born out of wedlock is because there is a -massive- social stigma about having children outside of marriage and Japanese culture is still sexist towards single mothers because of zero government support towards single moms and being a single mom can mean being stuck on $40 a week if you're unlucky.

So yeah, get rid of the 'every family needs a father and mother' rule?

You prove to the galaxy that men are horny gits who have problems dealing with the aftermath of one night stands or paid sex.
I thought there was something in there about if you're a solider and rape a lady while sacking a city you have to marry her. Somewhere along there with the bit where it says how much silver is an appropriate bride price or whatever.

I'll admit to not knowing exactly where, but the old testament hasn't aged well in places.
Nope, there's no misunderstanding at all.

In the bible, it outright says "get married for love and only love and stick with your wife unless one of you commit adultery."

In Japan, Buddism doesn't have that rule at -all- and considering that 99% of the Japanese population is Buddist, Buddist and Shinto or Shinto, it means pretty much 99% of all Japanese have no moral obligations to stay faithful.

The only reasons why Japan is not swimming in children born out of wedlock is because there is a -massive- social stigma about having children outside of marriage and Japanese culture is still sexist towards single mothers because of zero government support towards single moms and being a single mom can mean being stuck on $40 a week if you're unlucky.

So yeah, get rid of the 'every family needs a father and mother' rule?

You prove to the galaxy that men are horny gits who have problems dealing with the aftermath of one night stands or paid sex.
Actually, although there is no obligation to marry, Buddhism does include an injunction against adultery. I also very much disagree with your implicit assumption that morality must come from religion.

But can we stop arguing about religion?
I thought there was something in there about if you're a solider and rape a lady while sacking a city you have to marry her. Somewhere along there with the bit where it says how much silver is an appropriate bride price or whatever.

I'll admit to not knowing exactly where, but the old testament hasn't aged well in places.

Err..no. If you're a soldier and a woman caught you're eye, you had to wait a month before marrying and having sex with her.
(Omake) The Enemy Inside (Canon)
Since I lack the attention span to write detailed stories for my Abysswatcher, like some people, I wrote a mixture of background mixed with philosophical questioning.

The Enemy Inside


I know paper seems out of character for myself, archaic for someone who prides himself on high-tech gadgets and his visor that controls the blaster bits, but I feel as though you'd want this conversation to be private and while datapads can be encrypted, there's always someone who can break it. Apologies for the placement of this, but I figured not even Ciaran is shameless enough to reach into the back of your underwear draw. For this trespass I offer a favour to be used at a later date, but for now I'll get to the Bantha in the room.

I know the topic we're not supposed to discuss and yet being a former Watcher we tend to learn things we really shouldn't, but do anyway. I know enough to learn about your history and how you came to join us, I know Ciaran is going to ambush you later and knowing her you won't like her methods. So I'm going to use my strength in the Force as an empath and try a a different approach.

As a Watcher, I was involved in a variety of tasks and one such task was going over information collected from Wesker's first lab. You ever see the recordings from La'Sombra, monstrous mutants that were born out of horrific experiments on unwilling test subjects?

I have to admit they were pretty frightening, I saw violent ruthless killing machines, but then I came across reports that said they were basically brain-dead, they weren't really alive. They lacked empathy, they lacked compassion. It's not that they suppressed it, they simply didn't have any understanding or capacity for it. They might not have even understood what they were actually doing when they infected others or what had happened to them. Do you know when I came to that first realisation about the mutants?

It was amongst the compassionless acts by sapients, amid scientific tests carried out on living captives. It forced me to ask whom was worse, the mutants who kill for no capacity for empathy or sapient beings who have that capacity, but choose to ignore it to do terrible acts. There's this one moment where a Rodian, one of the guards whose only crime is pissing off the wrong person, is sealed in a test chamber. He pleads with the scientists, he tells them he signed on for this to help his daughter, that they promised they'd help his daughter. Meanwhile said scientists are just reading over him, checking the diagnostics for their test. Then they begin, by dropping a Mutant into his chamber and watch as the creature devours him. It is not quick or painless. I can hear the bone chilling screams and the only point to this test was to see if the mutant would react differently to a sick subject rather than a healthy one.

It seems so arbitrary, an experiment carried out just because they could, like a child poking an animal with a stick just to see what will happen. And that whole experiment was ordered by someone, who proved to be worse than the soulless, mindless monster in that chamber. Because unlike that monster, they had the capacity for empathy and chose to ignore it. The one most willing to expend the lives of others, was so certain in the belief that the ends justifies the means.

Ultimately what I ask of you is to look at yourself and those around you and really see the darkness in everyone. See a darkness, darker than the inky blackness between the stars, darker than those living shadows of sapients that once walked the halls of La'Sombra. If you can, than then and only then, will you possess the perspective to make this choice.

You can condemn Dooku, knowing that sapient life often casts aside the compassion we've been endowed with to achieve our goals. Or you can spare him, declaring that as long as we have the capacity for compassion within us, we have a chance of redemption.

Therein lies the crux of the matter. Anyone can say they're doing the right thing, but get a person to see themselves in the truest possible light and it forces them to examine their beliefs.

I wonder do hate him because he betrayed because his master ordered him to? Because he has unleashed too much evil in the Galaxy? Because he valued his life more than yours? Or do you hate him simply because you were once like that and you need to believe that he can't change... because otherwise you can't deny the chance that was given to you?

Whatever you choose, I know it will be what you decide that matters. After all free will is the cornerstone of sapience and if someone forces you to make a choice, then it's not really a choice at all.

Your Subordinate,
Koliya Karrosi
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Foundry Assault Team 2 Setup
Alright folks, I've been thinking it over and I've realized that doing the Foundry Raid Night first would be the best idea so that I know exactly what was committed for the other interludes (read: Devastation/Maul) As such, it's time for Foundry Raid Night II: Electric Boogaloo.

Foundry Assault Team Setup

Available Units (30 Max)

4 basic Guardian squads (Tier 1)
-Rookies: This squad gets +5 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-At The Front: Guardian squads gain +5 to their attack rolls.

4 Cyborg Guardian squads (Tier 2)
-Regulars: This squad gets +10 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-At The Front: Guardian squads gain +5 to their attack rolls.
-Already Part Machine: Cyborg Squads' Survival Rolls' difficulty is decreased by 10.

15 experienced Guardian squads (Tier 2)
-Regulars: This squad gets +10 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-At The Front: Guardian squads gain +5 to their attack rolls.

26 veteran Guardian squads (Tier 3)
-Veterans: This squad gets +15 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar gives the squad +10 to their counterattack roll.
-At The Front: Guardian squads gain +5 to their attack rolls.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Kyber Blasters: Due to semi-limited supplies of "Kyber Blasters," the squad gets +5 to their attack rolls.

3 basic Seeker Squads (Tier 1)
-Rookies: This squad gets +5 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-In the Shadows: Seeker squads gain +5 to their counterattack rolls.

1 Cyborg Seeker Squads (Tier 2)
-Regulars: This squad gets +10 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-In the Shadows: Seeker squads gain +5 to their counterattack rolls.
-Already Part Machine: Cyborg Squads' Survival Rolls' difficulty is decreased by 10.

15 experienced Seeker Squads (Tier 2)
-Regulars: This squad gets +10 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-In the Shadows: Seeker squads gain +5 to their counterattack rolls.

30 veteran Seeker Squads (Tier 3)
-Veterans: This squad gets +15 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar gives the squad +10 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Kyber Blasters: Due to semi-limited supplies of "Kyber Blasters," the squad gets +5 to their attack rolls.
-In the Shadows: Seeker squads gain +5 to their counterattack rolls.

10 B1 Battle Droid squads (Tier 2)
-Cannon Fodder: This squad gets -5 to their attack and counterattack rolls. (Negated by Sair Frame).
-Sair Frame: Cheriss' enhancements to droid units give them +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.

7 B2 Super Battle Droid groups (Tier 3)
-Built To Endure: B2 Droid units have +5 to attack rolls and +15 to counterattack rolls.
-Sair Frame: Cheriss' enhancements to droid units give them +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.

2 CB-3 Droid groups (Tier 3)
-Designed For The Front Lines: CB-3 Droid units have +10 to attack rolls and +20 to counterattack rolls.
-Sair Frame: Cheriss' enhancements to droid units give them +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.

2 BX Commando Droid groups (Tier 3)
-Programmed For Subterfuge: BX Commando Droid units have +20 to attack rolls and +10 to counterattack rolls.
-Sair Frame: Cheriss' enhancements to droid units give them +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.

5 Droideka groups (Tier 3)
-Rolling Death: Droideka units have +10 to attack rolls and +10 to counterattack rolls. Droideka units can have another +10 to either their attack or counterattack rolls as determined at the start of a deck.
-Sair Frame: Cheriss' enhancements to droid units give them +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.

1 Dwarf Spider Droid "Hive" group (Tier 3)
-Gun On Legs: Dwarf Spider Droid units have +25 to attack rolls and +5 to counterattack rolls.
-Sair Frame: Cheriss' enhancements to droid units give them +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.
-Hive Mind: A unified network gives the Spider Droid Hive +5 to attack and +10 to counterattack rolls. Their self-preservation instincts also allow them to make Survival Rolls with a decrease of 20 in difficulty.

17 Kaleesh Warrior groups (Tier 2)
-Regulars: This squad gets +10 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor gives the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Kalee's Finest: Due to a history of warfare and innate skill Kaleesh warrior groups get +15 to attack rolls and +5 to counterattack rolls.

8 Wookiee Warrior groups (Tier 2)
-Regulars: This squad gets +10 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-High-Grade KashyCorp Weapons: High-quality weapons from KashyCorp give Wookiee squads +5 to attack rolls.
-Let The Wookiees Win: Due to their high resilience and strength Wookiee warrior groups get +5 to attack rolls, +15 to counterattack rolls, and their Survival Check difficulty is decreased by 10.

13 Abyss Apprentices (Tier 1)
-Force Apprentice: The squad gets +5 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: The squad gets +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Force Training: Training in the Blazing Chains and Matukai gives the squad +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 10.

19 Abyss Agents (Tier 2)
-Force Adept: The squad gets +15 to their attack and counterattack rolls.
-Phase 1 Armor: The squad gets +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: Personal shields give the squad +5 to their counterattack roll.
-Force Training: Training in the Blazing Chains and Matukai gives the squad +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 10.

Kygeetu San Torgh (Abysswalker)
-Abysswalker - In Ciaran's Name: Kygeetu gets +25 to her attack and counterattack rolls. She is not subject to Grievous' "Scion of Kalee" buff, instead getting a +10 to her rolls when Ciaran is on the field. If a counterattack would incapacitate Kygeetu she can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid.
-Phirk/Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar and phirk gives Kygeetu +15 to her counterattack roll.
-Personal Shield: A personal shield gives Kygeetu +5 to her counterattack roll.
-Blaster Bit Prototypes: Using prototypes of Cheriss' Blaster Bits gives Kygeetu a +5 to attack rolls.
-Force Mastery: Training in the Blazing Chains and Matukai gives Kygeetu +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 20.

Dani Plenar (Abysswalker)
-Abysswalker - You're Trapped In Here With Me: Dani gets +25 to her attack and counterattack rolls. Once per deck she can have two attack rolls instead of one. If a counterattack would incapacitate Dani she can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid.
-Phirk/Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar and phirk gives Dani +15 to her counterattack roll.
-Personal Shield: A personal shield gives Dani +5 to her counterattack roll.
-Blaster Bit Prototypes: Using prototypes of Cheriss' Blaster Bits gives Dani a +5 to attack rolls.
-Force Mastery: Training in the Blazing Chains and Matukai gives Dani +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 20.

Riphath Althean (Abysswalker)
-Abysswalker - Don't Fear the Reaper: Riphath gets +25 to his attack and counterattack rolls. If he survives to the end of the raid, Riphath's medical skills decrease the difficulty all organic units' Survival Checks by 10, and Kaleesh units by an extra 5. If a counterattack would incapacitate Riphath he can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid.
-Phirk/Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar and phirk gives Riphath +15 to his counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: A personal shield gives Riphath +5 to his counterattack roll.
-Blaster Bit Prototypes: Using prototypes of Cheriss' Blaster Bits gives Riphath a +5 to attack rolls.
-Force Mastery: Training in the Blazing Chains, Matukai, and various other techniques gives Riphath +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 20.

Koliya Karrosi (Abysswalker)
-Abysswalker - Release the Beast: Koliya gets +25 to his attack and counterattack rolls. At any time Koliya can choose to boost an attack roll by +10 at the cost of decreasing the corresponding counterattack roll by -10. If a counterattack would incapacitate Koliya he can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid.
-Phirk/Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar and phirk gives Koliya +15 to his counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: A personal shield gives Koliya +5 to his counterattack roll.
-Blaster Bit Prototypes: Using prototypes of Cheriss' Blaster Bits gives Koliya a +5 to attack rolls.
-Force Mastery: Training in the Blazing Chains and Matukai gives Koliya +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 20.

Piebald (Abysswalker)
-Abysswalker - Humanoid Typhoon: Piebald gets +25 to his attack and counterattack rolls. Due to his penchant for explosions and destruction, once per deck if Piebald succeeds at an attack roll, he can keep rolling until he fails up to a maximum of 3 extra rolls. If a counterattack would incapacitate Piebald he can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid.
-Phirk/Beskar-Enhanced Phase 1 Armor: Phase 1 Armor enhanced with beskar and phirk gives Piebald +15 to his counterattack roll.
-Personal Shields: A personal shield gives Piebald +5 to his counterattack roll.
-Blaster Bit Prototypes: Using prototypes of Cheriss' Blaster Bits gives Piebald a +5 to attack rolls.
-Force Mastery: Training in the Blazing Chains and Matukai gives Piebald +5 to attack and counterattack rolls, and decreases the difficulty of a Survival Check by 20.

Grievous (Hero, Does Not Count Against Cap)
-Hero Unit: Grievous gains +39 to attack and counterattack rolls (from Martial stat). If a counterattack would incapacitate Grievous he can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid. Grievous cannot die.
-Scion of Kalee: While Grievous is active, all Kaleesh Warrior Squads gain +10 to attack and counterattack rolls.

HK-47 (Hero, Does Not Count Against Cap)
-Hero Unit: HK-47 gains +40 to attack and counterattack rolls (from Martial stat). If a counterattack would incapacitate HK-47 he can force a reroll of the attack one time during the entirety of the raid. HK-47 cannot die.
-Master of the Foundry: While HK-47 is active, the Control Center Capture DC decreases by 10.

[] Create a team for the raid.

So this is happening. Put together a team, and if the rolls go well they'll be home by Life Day!

(yes its at the end of the year but the joke stands)
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@Dr. Snark was the survival roll to see if they live at the end of the raid or after each time they are hit? That is does a succesful survival roll allow them to keep fighting or is it just that we do not lose them?

Also what is the current DC for the incoming deck for hit, counter and shutdown
Veteran Guardian (Tier 3, 26 squads)
+25 attack
+30 counter

Veteran Seeker (Tier 3, 30 squads)
+20 attack
+35 counter

CB-3 (Tier 3, 2 squads)
+20 attack
+30 counter

BX Commando (Tier 3, 2 squads)
+30 attack
+20 counter

Droideka (Tier 3, 5 squads)
+20 attack
+20 counter
+10 to counter or attack decided each deck

Dwarf Spider Droid Hive (Tier 3, 1 squad)
+40 attack
+25 counter
-20 survival DC

Kaleesh Warrior (Tier 2, 17 groups)
+25(+35) attack
+25(35) counter

Wookie Warrior (Tier 2,8 groups)
+20 attack
+30 counter
-10 survival DC

Abyss Agents (Tier 2, 19)
+20 attack
+35 counter
-10 survival DC

Kygeetu San Torgh (Abysswalker)
+35 attack
+50 counter
-20 survival DC

Dani Plenar (Abysswalker)
+35 attack (2 attacks first round each deck)
+50 counter
-20 survival DC

Riphath Althean (Abysswalker)
+35 attack
+50 counter
-20 survival DC
-10 survival DC to other units, additional -5 to Kalee (@Dr. Snark does the extra 5 apply to Kygeetu San Torgh?)

Koliya Karrosi (Abysswalker)
+35 attack (can increase by 10 in exchange for reducing counter by 10)
+50 counter
-20 survival DC

Piebald (Abysswalker)
+35 attack (can continue rolling on successful hits up to 3 extra times for a max of 4 rolls)
+50 counter
-20 survival DC

Grievous (Hero, Does Not Count Against Cap)
+39 attack
+39 counter

HK-47 (Hero, Does Not Count Against Cap)
+40 attack
+40 counter
-10 Capture DC

Edit- added in shields (+5 counter to all non droid units and abysswalkers)
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@Dr. Snark, when the votes are tallied can you please give us a 6-12 hour warning for the actual raid in the Rolz room?

But of course.

@Dr. Snark was the survival roll to see if they live at the end of the raid or after each time they are hit? That is does a succesful survival roll allow them to keep fighting or is it just that we do not lose them?

Also what is the current DC for the incoming deck for hit, counter and shutdown

Survival rolls are at the end of the raid.

Currently the exterminator droids are at a 55 DC to be hit/return fire.

Shutdown is 60 (70-10 due to HKs presence), with a minus 5 per each exterminator droid unit destroyed after 10 kills.

(@Dr. Snark does the extra 5 apply to Kygeetu San Torgh?)

So. We gotta bring the house.

30 units.

Not technically in the form of a plan yet, but an initial roster for discussion:

1 HK-47 (free)
1 Grievous (free)

1 Piebald (is his Typhoon trait once per round, once per deck, or once per raid?) (1)

1 Koliya (Always in Beast Mode) (2)

1 Dani (Double Attacking) (3)

1 Kygeetu not subject to Grievous' buff but benefits from Riphath's Survival Check bonus I think as she's still got Kaleesh physiology confirmed by Dr. Snark ; still badass) (4)

1 Riphath (Strategic reasons for us to play cautious with him. Rule 1: make sure the medic survives) (5)

17 Kaleesh Warrior Groups (Grievous buffs make them the best standard troops. Stack that with Riphath's survival check bonus and they fight like discount WALKERS) (22)
1 Dwarf Spider Droid Hive (Best Droid troops) (23)
5 Droidekas (maximize guns.) (28)
2 BX Commando Droids ( Yes please.) (30)
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[X] Plan Killing Field
-[X] HK-47
-[X] Grievous
-[X] Piebald
-[X] Koliya Karrosi
-[X] Riphath Althean
-[X] Dani Plenar
-[X] Kygeetu San Torgh
-[X] 1 Dwarf Spider Droid Hive
-[X] 17 Kaleesh Warrior
-[X] 5 Droideka
-[X] 2 BX Commando

Brining the units with the highest attack values. Also Dani can shoot twice and Piebald can hit for up to 4 times. Riphath keeps them alive. But overall the focus is on the attack stat, lowest is +30 for the droidekas and BX commandos. Abysswalkers and Kaleesh are at +35, while dwarf spiders are at +40. Then +40 and +39 from our two heroes. So first round is 33 to 36 attacks all at +30 (75% for current deck) or higher needing to kill 22 to auto shut down deck.

We need to do an action next turn to boost our attack rolls, or maybe bring different commanders (Ciaran personal attention would be very good with her high martial (39) a +10 boost to rolls for Kygeetu, and possible boost from force skills).
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So I got Solo'd by @Void Stalker, but here are the Attack and Counterattack stats for each type of unit we can send:

Type Attack Counterattack
Basic Guardian 10 15
Cyborg Guardian 15 20
Experienced Guardian 15 20
Veteran Guardian 25 30
Basic Seekers 5 20
Cyborg Seekers 10 25
Experienced Seekers 10 25
Veteran Seekers 20 35
B1 battle droids 10 10
B2 battle droids 15 25
CB-3 battle droids 20 30
BX commando droids 30 20
Droidekas 30/20 20/30
Dwarf Spider droids 40 25
Kaleesh Warriors 25+10 25+10
Wookie Warriors 20 30
Abyss Apprentices 10 20
Abyss Agents 20 30
Kygeetu san Torgh 35 50
Dani Plenar 35 50
Riphath Althean 35 50
Koliya Karrosi 35 50
Piebald 35 50
Grievous 39 39
HK-47 40 40
Given that a single Kaleesh Warrior has the equivalent Attack rank as any of our Abysswalkers, I'm inclined to bring as many of them + our Dwarf Spider 'hive' + Droidekas/BX Commando droids. On the other hand, some of our Abysswalkers have really good special abilities that we might want to bring along...
B Gaurdian(4)
Attk +10
Cttk +15

C Gaurdian(4)

Experienced Gaudian(15)

Vet Gaurdian(20)
B seeker(3)

C Seeker(1)

Experienced Seeker(15)

Vet Seeker(30)
B1 Battle droid(10)

B2 Battle driod(7)

CB-3 Driod(2)

BX Commando(2)

*+10 Attk/ Cttk determined at floor

Spider dwarf hive(1)
Kaleesh Warrior (17)

Abyss Apprentice(13)

Abyss Agents(19)
One reroll vs incapacitation

*make an extra a atack once per floor
One reroll vs incapacitation

Srv+20 (30?)
*+ 10 to all orgainc units Srv, +15 for Keelish
One reroll vs incapacitation

*Boost attck roll at avy time by decreasing Cttk by 10
One reroll vs incapacitation

*One reroll vs incapacitation
If attk roll sucseeds keep rollong until fails up to three bonus rolls
*One reroll vs incapacitation
Cannot die
+10 to Attk and Cttk for Kaleesh

*One reroll vs incapacitation
Cannot die
Control Center DC reduced by 10
Kaleesh Warrior (17)

I think that is the basic list with consolidated bonuses.
Attk+ = Attack bonus
Cttk+ = Counter attack bonus
Srv+ = DC reduction for survival ( I put it as a bonus because you could say it is a bonus to the survival roll if i understand correctly.)

EDIT: Ninja'd
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[X] Plan Killing Field

Now I just have to write Riphath back off Tython, preferably without Darra kicking his ass.

Okay, more than she already does when they spar.
Given that a single Kaleesh Warrior has the equivalent Attack rank as any of our Abysswalkers, I'm inclined to bring as many of them + our Dwarf Spider 'hive' + Droidekas/BX Commando droids. On the other hand, some of our Abysswalkers have really good special abilities that we might want to bring along...
Two of them have extra attack rolls (Dani who gets two first time each deck, and Piebald who keeps on attacking first time each deck up to 4 times) Otherwise abysswalkers are the best we have after the dwarf spiders and tied with the Kaleesh. Plus the medic, Ripath, can keep our guys alive. Koliya can go to +45 for attack, our highest by 5 over HK and the dwarf spiders. And the last one still is +35 with good chance at suriving (-35 to survival DC with Ripath).