Honestly...he probably does. Hell at this point he would have offered to rebuild it even if he didn't know better.

Why yes, he is that desperate now.
Speaking of Fry's code breaker, are there any details on how it actually works? Because it reminds me a lot of discussions on what quantum computing will do to the field of encryption.
The Omake featuring Grievous negotiating with the Gungan Boss will be finished soon, I just wanted to finish with this Omake:

Right, finally saw this - I must have overlooked it cause it was in a folder. But yeah, I do like how this plays out. Canon, +10.

I will forewarn you that the Nass/Grievous scene must have a minimum amount of hamminess for it to be canon. Just a heads-up~
Right, finally saw this - I must have overlooked it cause it was in a folder. But yeah, I do like how this plays out. Canon, +10.

I will forewarn you that the Nass/Grievous scene must have a minimum amount of hamminess for it to be canon. Just a heads-up~

... Can I include old man grandpa Binks?

Also, can we later try to find out more about A'Sharad Hett?

Also... Been wondering this a long time but...:

[X] Sienar Custom Vessel: Now that you've partnered with Sienar you can request customized ships from them for a price. You can either send them a plan of your own, or give their engineers a base concept and let them work out the details. Chance of Success: 90%
-[X] Personalized Courier Ships: Unlike the rest of the designs you've suggested these are fairly straightforward: extremely fast ships that can be personalized before their completion by their prospective owner. They'd certainly be nice gifts to your high-ranking members. Cost: 150 Reward: Personalized Courier ships designed/selectively produced

Rolled: 54 + 10 (Bonuses) + 20 (Omakes) = 84 (Success)

Raith was more than happy to get to work on this project and the results spoke for themselves.

You still wish that Grievous didn't order such a large vessel though...

Reward: Custom Star Couriers produced, +1 Hero Action

What exactly do you mean by "+1 Hero Action"?
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Next Week, Today​

"And in other news today, Admiral of the Republic Fleet and living CGI project Wilfhuff Tarkin, was reportedly very disappointed that he was unable to convict that "Alien rat" for the Jedi Temple Bombing. He perked up when he learned that a different nonhuman was responsible." The Bothan John Sei'lar says to good natured laughs and applause as a horrible CGI caricature of Tarkin appeared behind him.

"Now, cracks about Admiral Tarkin's blatant speciesism aside, the Jedi bombing is a very serious matter. Now I could act like some news organizations and try to deal with this tragic event by fearmongering, declaring that all is lost and demanding that yet more power be given to Chancellor Palpatine, but I think you all know me better than that by now." He pauses as the studio audience breaks some into applause. "No, we're going to indulge in a staple of this program and the Corusca Intelligencer more generally, hard hitting, insightful reporting. So tonight, I'd like to welcome you all to the first part of our many part segment on the Force. First stop the Coruscant or Temple Jedi Sect."

A series of graphics show up behind John Sei'lar, showing the Jedi Temple and the Sigil of the Jedi order.

"Now some of you are probably confused, and are asking yourself questions like "Temple Jedi?" What's that? I thought there was only the one Jedi Order? And "what the hell's a Sith." I certainly thought so when I started researching this segment, and it turns out that I couldn't have been more wrong. Not only are there multiple Jedi Sects, and there are many organizations of non Jedi force users as well." A variety of sigils appears behind him, each representing a force order. "There's a rich history behind each of them and relations and grudges going back thousands of years. Frankly, I have no idea what the hell's going on. Here to tell me what the hell's going on is our special guest, and the leader of the second largest force organization in the Galaxy. Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Jedi Lord Cerulian!"

The Crowd jumps to their feet in applause as a pleasant looking, gray haired, man in a green robe enters the building.

He waves cheerfully at the crowd "Hello, hello everyone. Its wonderful to be here."

John gets up and shakes the Jedi's hand vigorously "Good to have you hear Lord Cerulian. We're grateful that you accepted our invitation."

Iroh smiles easily as he sits across the table from John. "I'm just here for the tea really."

The audience erupts into laughter as the Jedi grins cheekily before taking a sip of the tea that the bothan offers him. "Very nice. Zsajhira berries tea, I think?"

John nods "Yes. I'm a bit of a tea fan myself you see." He pauses, then asks his guest "So Lord Cerulian, what the hell is going on?"

"Well John, that's a bit of a complex question. To start off, we have to go back 1000 years."

The audience visibly groans at that, and Cerulian makes a shushing notion "Oh hush you. Most of this stuff goes back thousands of years, I'm simplifying it enormously."

John manages a grin "Well, I imagine my viewers thank you enormously for that."

The Jedi nods, taking a sip of his tea "Yes. Well, this whole thing started with the new Sith Wars. The Sith were, or are, a dark mirror of the Jedi. Passion instead of peace. Strength, instead of knowledge. Power, instead of serenity. Seeking victory, not harmony." He takes another sip. For around a thousand years there was a constant wave of Sith rising up, forming an Empire, and fragmenting." He shakes his head sadly "By all accounts it was a terrible time. Worlds were bombed, species driven to near extinction, the entire galactic civilization nearly collapsed."

He waves his arms for emphasis as he continues. "Eventually, the Jedi gained more and more power over the Republic, reverting to an almost feudal structure in an attempt to keep Galactic Civilization from collapsing under the strain of unrelenting war. Eventually, during the Seventh Battle of Ruusan the Sith were completely wiped out at the cost of near total casualties among the Jedi, including by far the bulk of the non Corscuant based Jedi."

John leanes in "So what happened next?"

"The Coruscant Jedi decided to that with the Sith seemingly eliminated it was time for internal reform. To prevent another group of Jedi splitting off and starting the whole mess all over again the conservatives in charge of the main Jedi Temple on Coruscant decided to centralize. Most Jedi assets outside the core ones they controlled would be nationalized, and all training academies outside the one on Coruscant would be closed. All future Jedi would be trained under their supervision under a program that emphasized conformity and avoiding even a hint of the dark side." At this Cerulian pauses and grins wryly "Needless to say, their more progressive opponents at the other Jedi outposts were... less than thrilled with the suggestion, but they had taken too many casualties and lacked the means to oppose the measure." At this he tugged his bear awkwardly "With one rather notable exception in Corellia."

"And that's the foundation of your order?" John asks.

"The modern form certainly." At this the Jedi barks a laugh "Although a more wild Corellia has been clashing with conservative, upper crust Coruscant since the dawn of recorded history. You don't need to be a Jedi to know that."

Laughter sweeps the audience chambers before John waves them down.

"So you think the temple Jedi were wrong?"

The Jedi lord shrugs diffidently "While I certainly disagree with some of their philosophy, their idea of reducing the temporal power of the Jedi Order certainly had merit. Consecutive Jedi Supreme Chancellors is a worrying trend." Then he smiles "But I'm sure your audience isn't interested in musty old spats like this, are they?"

Some of the audience laughs.

"No, the important thing is that the main Jedi Order's current form is a reaction to those tumultuous times one thousand years ago. They limited their power deliberately to prevent them from dominating the Republic. They limited their capability to make war, limited their intelligence agency the Sentinels and attempted to enforce ideological conformity in order to prevent the reemergence of the Sith. While it was largely successful for the last 1000 years I fear that the current form of the main Jedi order is nearly unsustainable."

Muttering breaks out in the crowd as John Sei'lar asks "How so?"

"Well, they're currently in an existential war, even if one nowhere near as bad as the old sith lords. Their structure simply isn't built to handle that. Furthermore, the current conformist structure has caused a spectacular backlash recently as dischanted jedi search for answers. And some of whom sadly find them in exactly the wrong places. Something clearly must change. Or I fear the Jedi Order will not survive much longer."

A hushed silence descends. After a long moment John asked quietly. "So, what would you do?"

The Jedi Lord pauses thoughtfully "It is important to draw wisdom from different places. If you take it from only one place it become rigid and stale. The Jedi have drawn their wisdom for the past 1000 years from the Telosian strain of Jedi Philosophy first espoused by Jedi master Atris. It has become stale. It's time to seek out new wisdom, not forgetting the past, but learning from others." After a moment, he shrugs "Or at least that's what this old man thinks."

A/N: So, I've been looking at the Corellian/Green Jedi and while they do have substantially more information available about them than a lot of force orders. Unfortunately, the only canon Green Jedi from this time is Nejaa Halcyon. And while he's an interesting guy with a pretty solid number of actual appearances, if one with a somewhat schizophrenic backstory, he's dead at this point. Specifically, he died in 19.5 BBY, or turn 25-27.
Or possibly 22 BBY, because legends can't into consistency

And while I do like the man personally, he has a fairly massive overlap with Djiin Altis and Ciaran from a story telling perspective. His main appearance in Jedi Trial serves as a more relaxed foil to orthodox Jedi and a trusted confidant to Anaken for his Padme issues. So I've come up with a new face to the Green Jedi, and I'm not sorry.

Iroh in Star Wars, you my friend are officially my favorite omake author on this quest cause this is awesome and i request more of Iroh showing wisdom and stuff to SW-verse
... Can I include old man grandpa Binks?

Also, can we later try to find out more about A'Sharad Hett?

First: I'm certainly not going to stop you.

Second: Sadly he might fall under the "who cares?" category of people. He's (from Ciaran's perspective at least) a rando Jedi who hangs out with borderline savages and has basically no influence outside of the Tuskens. At least Ferus has GAR troops under his command that could be subverted - it's the main reason his name is brought up as an example in the beginning-of-turn reports.
First: I'm certainly not going to stop you.

The ham shall be great! So great!

Second: Sadly he might fall under the "who cares?" category of people. He's (from Ciaran's perspective at least) a rando Jedi who hangs out with borderline savages and has basically no influence outside of the Tuskens. At least Ferus has GAR troops under his command that could be subverted - it's the main reason his name is brought up as an example in the beginning-of-turn reports.

Alright then, hope we can eventually recruit him. Also, reading up on the Tuskens and, turns out in Legends they're actual species name is the "
Ghorfas". And, they also share a common ancestor with the... Jawas. And, thanks to finding this out, it has caused me to have another omake idea
(Omake) Those Who Can Do, Teach (Canon)
Those Who Can Do...Teach.

I knew we were going back to the Foundry. A job half done is either moving towards completion or disappointment, and from what I knew of Ciaran and the rest of the organization? It was going to get finished. The way those extermination droids were fighting? Last round was lucky. I'm not a betting man, unless it's a sport I'm practicing Battle Meditation with. I believe in hedging against bad outcomes, and part of that is doing what I can to make sure wounds don't mean deaths.

I saw the medics on the previous run. They didn't really see significant wounds, but they were also pretty much vestigial. It might be worth sticking them in Equus speeders to allow them to participate in combats without being in significant danger and to be closer to the action if injuries did happen. That was plan A, at least in my head. Plan B is making our combatants better at medicine, by making sure there's at least one field-medicine qualified fighter in every unit.

That was why I was in a classroom with a transpariplast bag filled with water and some writing implements.

"I know in our energy-weapon-happy age, wounds from material weapons are somewhat rare. Wounds from shrapnel, though? Common. Grenades, overloaded reactors, ignited fuel cells, other ordnance? Explosions happen. I have here a common transpariplast bag and some ordinary writing implements sharpened sufficiently to pierce the bag. I thought about putting red food coloring in the bag, but that seemed a bit too on the nose. You were smart enough to get recommended for my field medicine program, I think you can put together what this illustration represents."

I held the bag, waved it around for everybody to see. "So, doing nothing can be better than doing something. You leave the object in the wound...they don't start bleeding immediately. If you take it out because you're in the tunnel-vision of combat and need to do something for your combat buddy? Don't stick it back in."

I set the bag down. "The people in your squad should all know their bacta allergy status, and if they have a bacta allergy it should be something a potential rescuer can notice on initial inspection. We should see about having some kolto on hand, seeing as it works by a different mechanism. Those who don't know their bacta allergy status can see about being tested...dammit, I sound like HR at an orientation."

I pulled my fire blade and stabbed the bag. "Okay. First person to tell me the Aurek Besh Cresh of assessing a casualty gets to leave."

One raised their hand. Another spoke: "Airway, Breathing, Circulation."

I pointed at the one who spoke. "You get to go. One of the rules of care under fire is you don't wait for permission. You're keeping people alive." I pointed to the one who raised their hand. "Your casualty is bleeding and you're under fire. What do you do? Answer right and you can go. Answer wrong?" I lifted the bag and squeezed, water starting to come out onto the floor. "Your buddy dies."

They answered. "If it's a big bleed, tie it off. If it's a small one, kill the enemy."

I nodded. "Good, you can go."

I continued educating my candidates for another half hour, reaching out with the Force and noticing the presence of someone in an unlit corner. Once they'd all left, I smiled and turned to face that corner. "All right, Gulan. You can come out now."

Gulan Terrik walked out from one of the shadowy corners of my classroom. "You Force-users all cheat. You never saw me."

"I didn't. You're right," I said. "If you're not cheating, though, you're not trying, and sometimes cheating is the only way you can win."

Gulan scanned the room for anybody else. "What I'm about to say is classified and comes to us by way of sources you don't need to know about. I've received word Darra Thel-Tanis has recovered from prosthesis surgery and she's starting rehab soon. You should probably head back to Tython, lover boy," he informed me. "Otherwise it might blow the impromptu cover you developed with the Jedi Healer, and it would be wise to have at least one asset on Tython in the near future. There are rumblings among the Council that we might try to make an appeal for the Tython Jedi to meet with other Force organizations and it would be good for them to have positive associations with the Matukai."

A/N: Riphath wanted to do more doctoring. Post-"Grievous Omission", about a month after "A Hand or Twenty", he got a chance. Those Who Can Do And Want Others To Do So They're Not Doing It All By Themselves, Teach is admittedly a cumbersome title. In the vein of "The Idler Wheel...", have a shorter one.
(Omake) Grievous and Boss Nass "Negotiate" (Canon)
Grievous and Boss Nassa "Negotiate"

Jar Jar Binks was not a happy Gungan. Oh, no, he was not. Being dragged by a Kaleesh he honestly believed was completely insane who wanted to hunt opee fish, colo fish and probably even more dangerous creatures that lived in the depths of Naboo. The one time Gungan general hesitantly led the Kaleesh and his entourage towards the bongo shipyard. He just knew that today would be horri-

"Aww! If it isn't messa's grandkiddie! Jar Jar! How long has it been?" An old Gungan asked him, appearing out of nowhere.

"G-Grandpa Stran?" He asked his grandfather, quite confused.

"Ah, messa came to find yousa to give you yousa's birthday gift!" The elderly Gungan announced.

"... But messa's birthday was months ago... And yousa already gave messa a gift..." Jar Jar sighed.

"Oh, sorry! But, yousa know messa forgets this from time to time. Anywho-" The elderly Gungan began to say, only for his grandson to interrup him.

"Grandpa Stran, messa is helping these Kaleesh go talk to Boss Nass." Jar Jar explained quickly, before trying to walk past the old Gungan.

"Oh, yousa going to meet Boss Nass? Can messa come?" The old Gungan asked him.

"And that is how messa killed a opee fish with only messa's spear!" The old Gungan finished happily.

Jar Jar could only stare at his grandfather as he told another fake story from "from messa's glory days!" While he could see some of the Kaleesh accompanying him looking at the old Gungan skeptically, their leader simply laughed happily, putting an hand on the old Gungan's shoulder.

"It sounds like you were a fine warrior during your youth. Perhaps your grandson is as talented as you?" The Kaleesh general asked.

"Oh, Jar Jar is even better than messa during messa's youth! Hessa was the bombad general of the Grand Gungan Army during the battle of Naboo!" The old Gungan announced happily.

"Ah, I remember hearing about that." Grievous said, looking at Jar Jar in a slightly different than before.

"If it wasn't for yousa, Jar Jar, wesa probably all be dead! Yousa a hero!" The old Gungan bragged.

Before anyone could say anything else, a spear wielding Gungan walked toward them, shouting, "Boss Nass will see yousa all, now."

"And, so, that is why I want to take your help in tracking down a few opee fhish, colo fish, and, possibly, an Aqua Monster." Grievous finished, turning back to the Gungan Boss.

Boss Nass tilted his head slightly. "Hmm... Messa's citizens certainly would like it if a few more of the big sea monsters to be dead, messa doesn't know why messa should trust you? What has yousa done for the Gungans?" He asked the Kaleesh general.

"Hm, do you doubt my honor? Or do you doubt my skill? Well, whichever reason it is, you have my word as General Grievous, Scourge of the Underworld, destroyer of the Black Sun, slayer of multiple Exogoths, and the one who helped reclaim the Arkanian Legacy!" Grievous announced to the whole room, earning a cheer from each of the other Kaleesh.

"Hmm... Perhaps we can..." Boss Nass' face slowly gained a large smile as he turned to look at Jar Jar. "Ambassador Binks, yousa is goin' to accompany Grievous to make sure hesa doesn't die."

Jar Jar's eyes widened in fear as his mouth slowly open so he could protest-

"Ah, it will be an honor to fight alongside one who saved his people's home from invaders." Grievous said, a small smile on his face.

There was only one thought in Jar Jar's mind after that:

Messa is going to die... Painfully...


A/N: Deleted my last post, which was me asking if anyone had a name for Jar Jar's grandfather, so I didn't double post. Anywho, I might not be happy with the name I choose, but, well, Jar Jar's father was name George. I'm not kidding.
So, fun fact, neither set of Jar Jar's grandparents are named... But his parents are... And his dad's name is George... Anywho, there is something sort of interesting that we may learn about thanks to Grievous hanging around Jar Jar. The Bink family used to run a whaling company called "Bink and Son's", and it's last owner was George R. Binks(Jar Jar's father), who got stranded on a island he later named Binks's Woe(and he tried to commit suicide while shipwrecked there, thanks to Jar Jar), did not let Jar Jar gain control of the company. So, either George still owns it, or its closed down. We could always reopen it, if we wanted to.

Also, @Dr. Snark, here's the Omake! Does it need anything else? Need me to change anything? Not enough ham?

And, what about the rest of you? Thoughts?
Um - yes? Honestly, I try to mostly forget the Gungans, because I cannot take them seriously, even applying the SW standards for seriousness.

Eh, maybe that's why the comic with Jar Jar's parents seems so... Cynical... And depressing. To try and make the Gungans be taken more seriously... But, obviously, that's failed. And in the new canon, Jar Jar eventually becomes a homeless clown on Naboo after the Clone Wars...
Eh, maybe that's why the comic with Jar Jar's parents seems so... Cynical... And depressing. To try and make the Gungans be taken more seriously... But, obviously, that's failed. And in the new canon, Jar Jar eventually becomes a homeless clown on Naboo after the Clone Wars...
I've just seen the Gungans in the 3 new(er) episodes, and where the first 3 kind of took the genre somewhat serious, the fight on Naboo - sorry. Not derailing further, but I'm positive there are few megabytes of flaming around already about that and related topics.
But, how would he have died during it? And, plus, I was aiming for it to be canon. Or, at least, mostly canon.

Also... Thoughts on Jar Jar's dad and the... Incident on Bink's Woe?
The story of George R showed up in Star Wars Tales, which the wiki says isn't canonical for the old EU or Disney due to being intentionally ridiculous much of the time (one example being Skippy the Jedi Droid), so I think you can safely ignore George R's existence if you want to.
Star Wars Tales, which the wiki says isn't canonical for the old EU or Disney due to being intentionally ridiculous much of the time (one example being Skippy the Jedi Droid)
On the other hand, 'Skippy' was almost ret-conned to be an Iron Knight -- a living-crystal Shard inhabiting a droid chassis -- so you can't pre-emptively rule out everything related to Star Wars Tales. The disclaimer of the top of this page states:
Lucasfilm considered all Tales 1–20 content that was not "completely outrageous or intentionally comic" to have some level of canonicity within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Editor discretion is advised.
While I haven't read the story of George Binks, it doesn't strike me as either outrageous or comic. The most objectionable part, in terms of world-building, is the fact that Jar Jar's father was a whaler on an old-time sailing vessel -- given what we saw of Gungan engineering in The Phantom Menace, it seems far more likely that any ship would be a high-tech submersible. Or that the story of 'George Binks' isn't from Jar Jar's childhood, but was based on the life of a distant ancestor that Jar Jar fantasized about (like young boys day-dreaming about being a pirate captain).

All that to say: Jar Jar is annoying, but if there's anything the 'Darth Jar Jar' fan theory has taught us, it's that anything can be turned into a compelling story.

On a different topic entirely... what's the over/under for when @Dr. Snark post the new turn? It's midwinter break for my classes, so I'm really hoping to see the update soon! :D
On a different topic entirely... what's the over/under for when @Dr. Snark post the new turn? It's midwinter break for my classes, so I'm really hoping to see the update soon! :D
About three to six months ahead of the new turn for Gray Paladin ;) . Probably after another two or three omakes of mine at least. Given I tend to about 1/week...I'd go with "end of March" for the over/under.
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About three to six months ahead of the new turn for Gray Paladin ;) .
:facepalm: Yeah, that stings a little.

One of my problems is, I have a lot of homework that I need to grade. It's one thing to read and participate in others' threads, but anytime I sit down to write my own, I always start feeling guilty I haven't caught up on that backlog. :mad: I've had the Gray Paladin update outlined and half-written for a few months, so hopefully I'll be able to scratch that off my to-do list soon.
On the other hand, 'Skippy' was almost ret-conned to be an Iron Knight -- a living-crystal Shard inhabiting a droid chassis -- so you can't pre-emptively rule out everything related to Star Wars Tales. The disclaimer of the top of this page states:

While I haven't read the story of George Binks, it doesn't strike me as either outrageous or comic. The most objectionable part, in terms of world-building, is the fact that Jar Jar's father was a whaler on an old-time sailing vessel -- given what we saw of Gungan engineering in The Phantom Menace, it seems far more likely that any ship would be a high-tech submersible. Or that the story of 'George Binks' isn't from Jar Jar's childhood, but was based on the life of a distant ancestor that Jar Jar fantasized about (like young boys day-dreaming about being a pirate captain).

All that to say: Jar Jar is annoying, but if there's anything the 'Darth Jar Jar' fan theory has taught us, it's that anything can be turned into a compelling story.

You are correct about that! Also, @Publicola, can I ask you something?