Ciaran- 42
Qymaen jai Sheelal-39

Ciaran- 34
Qymaen jai Sheelal-14

Ciaran- 24
Qymaen jai Sheelal-17

Ciaran- 39
Qymaen jai Sheelal-22

Ciaran- 48
Qymaen jai Sheelal-10

Ciaran- 23
Qymaen jai Sheelal-15

Link to Base ROI here
Status: Updated

For ease of reference putting this here. Probably going to hold off on the new Hero stats until spoiler is removed. Also oh boy are those some stats
Ciaran- 42
Qymaen jai Sheelal-39

Ciaran- 34
Qymaen jai Sheelal-14

Ciaran- 24
Qymaen jai Sheelal-17

Ciaran- 39
Qymaen jai Sheelal-22

Ciaran- 48
Qymaen jai Sheelal-10

Ciaran- 23
Qymaen jai Sheelal-15

Link to Base ROI here
Status: Updated

For ease of reference putting this here. Probably going to hold off on the new Hero stats until spoiler is removed. Also oh boy are those some stats
Spoiler is probably never going to be removed because there will always be new readers who Dr Snark doesn't want to spoil.
E: Not that I'm complaining but why did this get funnies?
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Heeeeeey, just a heads up, but Ani's been properly statted up in case anyone wants to check. As I have said previously: OP. Do be sure to look closely to make sure you don't miss anything.

Narratively it makes sense, but also consider it to be a "welcome back" present as it were~
Now~ you're making me tempted to do a review over his *MAJOR SPOILERS* sheet. Whilst listening to some musical remix of a certain Bleach theme.

For context. "Red" is Sith Invisitext. Blue is hyperlink. Green is my bias injected within the quotes.
Fitting IMG: For shame Not!Darth's shadow, isn't Darth Vader having Anakin as a shadow here.

Name: Anakin Skywalker "Formerly Darth Vader? If in a certain point of view?"
Species: Human
Age: 22
Occupation: Jedi Knight (Former)
Sith Lord ("Former")
"I know who I am. And I know what I have to do."
Appropiate 'panting' scene is linked on the "Former" Jedi Knight. Just to show how bad it could have rolled, if 'canon'.
Martial: 35+6+4+10=55 (Anakin is an incredibly skilled warrior and talented general. A lack of life experience is the only thing holding him back from becoming one of the galaxy's best warriors and commander.) In another life, he was the single most feared combatant in the galaxy and an army in his own right. In this one he is able to draw on those abilities to a frightening degree.
I think this youtube scene fits the 'ideal' scenario best. Or, to turn it around Palpatine.

"When I left you, I was but the learner. Now I am the Master..."
Diplomacy: 12+4+10=26 (While he is kind and able to make headway with his Jedi status alone, Anakin will freely admit that he can be outplayed by a skilled negotiator.) Though in certain circumstances, his words become far smoother and sometimes far more threatening.
So on a coin toss; "Competent", but not 'as' much an Ace as Ciaran. At least, until he goes full "Sith" in exceptional circumstances, or Jedi enough to pull a diplomatic Jedi Mind Trick.

If nothing else. Either as a Knight Errand, or Darth Lord. He's at least had to talk.
Stewardship: 14+10=24 (Finances have never been a big concern for Anakin, but a general needs a decent grasp of logistics.) Though his knowledge of overseeing a growing Empire has many applications as well, even in an age without it.
As 'average' as Ciaran. Though with that hindsight "blunt +10", probably a bigger boost than otherwise, NG+ lite? Then again, NG+ lite, he 'might' have... an idea, on how to 'maybe' build something, post-Palpatine, as a big solid 'maybe'...
Intrigue: 16+4+10=30 (While Anakin is the type of person who would rather act than sit and plot, being a general has given him a necessary understanding of deceptive tactics such as ambushes and the like.) Even so, he has a nigh-supernatural ability to vanish into deep enough shadows and move within them near-silently.
Good. Goood... Or, "could still be the Learner" in Intrigue, with Ciaran in hand. But not to the lifestyle of a 'snake'. At least, until he needs to go on a Persona hiding vacation, that is mutually respected by Ciaran here...
Lore: 40+10+10=60 (Anakin is one of the strongest Force users of his age. His own personal hangups have been one of the few things holding him back from realizing his true potential...until recently that is.) As Vader, he drew on and relied on the Dark. Accepting this has only empowered him even further still.
As a certain Star Wars quote would go; "Now I am the Master". And if given a chance to go Mace Windu, or 'Balance/Grey' over going full Dark Side (this time) with the Abyss Watchers?

... Going by Martial+Lore alone. I'd make a joke and saying 'maybe', he'd be our best chance of assassinating Palpatine. Caveat of course, being the case of "got to arrange the board to minimise casualties." and failsafes, before we could 'reliably' press that big button. Or get too cocky/reckless. Especially when he could still be prone to other, emotional hangups.
Learning: 20+4+10=34 (Anakin may be better known as a powerful Force-user and talented general, but there is no denying his ingenuity when he puts his mind to it.) And now he not only has knowledge of what is, but what could be.
And now, we go from "Bullshit Asohka" 2.0, Skywalker touch. To him going full Shatterpoint'd "Time Jump". I'm sure~, he's going to be bullshit on the R&D department as a side gig, on top of being a good enough Dragon to work with, rather than have him work for us.

The Chosen One: Destined to bring balance to the Force. Whether or not one believes that the Force actively chose Anakin to fulfill a great destiny, there is no denying the sheer power he wields. (+10 Lore)
Added a fitting music link here, "Cosmic Balance" wise. But still, it'd be in some cases, the 'Force' juice needed to 'maybe', have a wrecking ball/bat against Palpatine, if we needed a suit to Royally Flush him out of the Star Sector.

Dealing with the invasion contingencies, on the other hand. And ensuring no 'all eggs in one basket' is a fallacy/thing, is another matter. Especially when it'd likely be a case of "can we rely on Anakin to kill Palpatine/Darth Sidious, when the time comes?"
Visions of a Dark Future: On Mortis, Anakin received terrifying visions of a future where he became the feared Sith Lord Darth Vader. While they tormented him for some time since he has now acknowledged and accepted them as a part of who he is, come what may. While this has brought him considerable comfort, it has also allowed him to draw on those visions in ways no one could have anticipated. (+10 to all stats)
Obi-Wan? I'll make an ironic joke.

"I was tempted by the Dark Side. But instead, I offered redemption. Thus, I killed a Darth... From a certain point of view."

Or, the irony if any fears on Anakin 'falling' to the Dark Side. Is instead, the Dark Side 'falling' to Anakin instead.

That said. He'd probably be horrified if Anakin's managed to go "past" the Dark Side temptations. And into "Force Stealth" like no tomorrow...
The Hero With No Fear: Anakin is one of the most celebrated generals in the Grand Army of the Republic, and while his tactics may frustrate his peers (such as Obi-Wan and Yularen), his successes are undeniable, as how popular he is with the people of the Republic. (+6 Martial, +4 Diplomacy, +4 Intrigue)

Ace of Aces: The best starfighter pilot in the galaxy bar none. (+4 Martial)

Gifted Engineer: Droids, podracers, starfighters, the list goes on, but there is no denying Anakin's incredible skill with machinery in general. (+4 Learning)
And lastly; the "Ace-Protagonist" traits that make him a beast on Land-and-Stars. I can almost make a Gundam Pilot joke on him, if not a Char comparison. If nothing else, at least he doesn't need to wear a life support helmet this time.


So, there you have it. *SPOILER*. Or "Darth SPOILER". Still can't help if he nudges the odds to 'even'? He'd be a good visual ballmark on how powerful the rest of our Hero units have to be, to 'maybe' be on par with Palpatine, in a certain statistical lens. Before bullshit exceptions serve as again; a wrecking ball (for, and against us.)

Case in point for Ciaran. She'd need "10+" points in Martial to be on par with Protagonist-Kun, Followed by... "10+" Force Lore, which honestly; is a better/fairer comparison, than honestly, almost everyone else. And the biggest joke being, Obi-Wan might still be able to fight/kill Anakin, if fate still was 'set' in stone, Timeline divergence wise.

This is of course, covering the statistical side. Before we cover such things as; "what would Anakin do for Luke & Leia" (and Padme). Alongside such things as "hey, all those friendly trolling banters with Padme? It's gotten us Social Link juice with a future Darth." So there's that.

Now, in a certain point of view. To jokingly hope we don't have any 'leaked' conversations/joining meeting, to be encountered with Obi-Wan. Assuming, things don't derail to the point of having a 'far better' pitch in neutral Force Research, the Jedi Order would surely, love to meddle/regulate in at best.
If nothing else. I'm glad *SPOILERS* isn't Darth Jar Jar Binks.

EDIT: Going to do one more addition thanks to Void Stalker, in relation to *SPOILERS*. On that Base Hero Stats.

*SPOILER*-kun is;
  • Martial: #1 (by at least 10 points, 13 atm)
  • Diplomacy: #4 (Tied with Jango & PR-1)
  • Stewardship: #4 (Tied with Ciaran, in competence. "Fair".)
  • Intrigue: #4 (Just a shy below Jango. And likely bias towards hiding like an Obi-Wan. Still, groovy.)
  • Lore: #1 (As bullshit as Martial in leaderboards. Also with appropiate Star Wars INTRO)
  • Learning: #2 (Ironically, a Dragon to the guy who canonically built the Death Star.)
Or to a "Jack of Trades" degree, hella broken, to a 'one size fits all' army lightsaber.
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That is some super-impressive invisitext tech.
Also, if making X-Wings ahead of their time is "giving causality a migraine", our newest recruit has left causality dead in a ditch.
Indeed it's impressive. I'm going to make a joke that honestly, Anakin-why. Is likely enough to make the 'by turn' "Anti-Palpatine Report" extra special~.

As in; "Recalculating"; or two ratings; the "Pre-Anakin" (if it's incremented/decremented), and "Post-Anakin" update (on a baseball scale). The biggest lens/hope being, intrigue wars wise. It'd likely remain high, as long as it's a complete curveball/surprise against Palpatine.

Which hindsight, I'll probably say at a generous stretch, "as long" as it takes, for Palpatine to not get the 'idea' Anakin's went... sideballs, with bending to Ciaran instead of him. Before he might press his own, panic button. So yeah, that's one hell of an intrigue game to worry about. Which, joke wise I can probably make an ironic joke if Palpatine had an 'easy' counter plan if it get's discovered soon.

Obi-Wan: "... It can't be... It can't be..." *See's Anakin, bow before Ciaran.*

Yoda: "Destroy the Sith, they will. Has he fallen? ... Uncertain."

That is of course, a best case scenario. Worser case if we're not careful or counter-intrigued? "Palpatine could frame us as a Darth, if/when he knows/suspects" sort of canary. Better hope in 'some' plausible deniability in catch up, he doesn't supsect we know he knows, sort of rigged bias game.

As for if things go more positive to a (corrupt) Jedi POV? Joke wise... It'd be even more 'beige alert' in concern (again, at best). But hey, "probably" better to tolerate a 'shifty Crimelord with maybe an invisible goal' in mind, over Palpatine, who might be discovered (too late)? Assuming, he doesn't frame the lens/narrative as another "Darth", point of view twist wise.
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We also need to make sure we avoid this possible future. Because that one seems even scarier; wipe out Palpatine and his 'polite' hand on the galaxy behind the curtain only to end up with Anakin going full Vader's Fist on the whole galaxy.
IIRC we have reliably received a "anti-slaver" Martial action; I'd say siccing him on that action would be a safe use of his talents, and a good way to critfish with his 50+ Martial holy shit
"Hey New Guy. Wanna go bust up some slavers and see if we can find evidence linking them back to Palpatine to be able to break his chokehold on the galaxy?"
"You had me at bust up some slavers."
IIRC we have reliably received a "anti-slaver" Martial action; I'd say siccing him on that action would be a safe use of his talents, and a good way to critfish with his 50+ Martial holy shit
"Hey New Guy. Wanna go bust up some slavers and see if we can find evidence linking them back to Palpatine to be able to break his chokehold on the galaxy?"
"You had me at bust up some slavers."
Definitely. In Abyss Gazes Back, I'm pretty sure we picked up an anti-COMPNOR action that first turn precisely because we were waiting until Anakin's return before using our 'fists of fury' against slavers. Now, though? He's back, he's one of us, and a strike on Senex-Juvex sounds like just what the doctor ordered (Hutts and Zyggerians are bigger slave empires, but Senex-Juvex has direct ties back to Palpy, which sounds like precisely the sort of thing we need.)

On the other hand...

Anakin doesn't just have an ungodly Martial stat. He also has a ridiculous Lore stat as well. And quite frankly, given where Abyss Gazes Back was about to go next (with the 'Secrets of the Corellian Jedi'), I really really want to have Anakin join the fun of learning about Corellian Jedi, Jedi Lords, and rediscovering the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan.

Also because, you know, Obi-Wan just became a new Jedi Lord, so that action takes on even greater and more immediate relevance..
Turn 30 Prologue Pt. 2
Serenno, Dooku's Mansion

"Tyrannus. I would hope you have a proper explanation for what occurred at Kalee. While resistance to the attack was certainly anticipated, there is no denying that the former Admiral Trench's plans were somehow compromised. Such a failure at this stage is unacceptable - while we may be able to recover from it we have lost valuable resources and shown far more of our hand than initially anticipated. Bear that in mind before you provide me your answer."

"There is only so much I can say in this regard, my lord, since you took direct control of Trench's forces. I do however, have reason to believe that someone within the upper command of the Separatists in some capacity is not as loyal as they claim to be-" Dooku's words were cut off as he started to feel the Force gather around his neck.

"If you are telling the truth, then you are a fool. It is because I took direct command that this breach in security is so dangerous! Do not tell me your forces are so easily swayed away from what they believe they are fighting for. I demand an answer, Tyrannus."

Ciaran had provided a scapegoat for him to use since the two of them had fully expected this conversation to happen, but now it was time to see just how well the lie would hold. "I believe using Trench himself in this operation may have been the cause of this. I trust you are familiar with the Hyper-Communications Cartel, and more importantly where they are based?" The pressure around his throat began to fade slightly, though Dooku knew that the lie was not yet strong enough. "Trench is no hero to the peoples of Ando. All it would take is for one singular person to intercept the wrong communication, and they would have ample reasons for both intervention and vengeance. The reason we did not notice this sooner is because whoever this informant is did not have reason to act until Trench was ordered to attack Kalee."

Everything went silent save for the static of the hologram, but Dooku could still feel the pressure around his neck...until it slowly started to fade away, though the aura of dread emanating from Sidious' hologram did not let up.

"This informant found a cause to betray us for once. Given how dangerous the information in question was, there is no reason to assume they will not do so again, especially since they have succeeded."

"I assure you, they will be found within the month at most."

"See to it immediately. Though at this point it is but a symptom of a far more vexing problem, and one that will no longer be tolerated." There was a pointed pause before Sidious spoke again. "Our initial methods of dealing with Ciaran and her interference have proven to be insufficient. No doubt she wishes to be seen as a more serious player in the galaxy, and so she will be treated as such. However, we must be cautious - it is now clear that she is far more capable - or at least well-informed - than either of us gave her credit for in the past."

"Speaking as someone who personally trained her, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment my lord." This was not a pleasant line of conversation, but it was one that both he and Ciaran had anticipated would come up given recent circumstances. Republic Intelligence's fall was - for all intents and purposes - a declaration of war, and the Battle of Kalee proved that it was one that she could continue to fight. "She has been ambitious, to be sure, but has enough talent and mettle to continue honing herself. And I have no doubt she has been hiding the extent of her growth given how much she values secrecy and subterfuge." A careful balancing act. At this point denying the obvious would be a dead giveaway, but equally as important was masking the nature of her ability to fight back, at least to some extent.

"In that light, it would seem that the usefulness of the Separatists is waning."

Dooku raised an eyebrow at that, genuinely confused at this turn in the conversation. "Surely the war continuing is still furthering our goals, my lord?"

"While that may be so, the risks it is bringing are beginning to outweigh what gains we can take from it. The Separatists are still important parts of our plans for the immediate future, but the massacre at the Jedi Temple has already achieved much of what we wish to accomplish. The Jedi are scattered, distrustful of both each other and their precious Republic, and have lost much of their ability to interfere. Turning the Republic against them is only a matter of time, and with them fearful of such powerful enemies, the people will need a savior. A...protector. One we will be happy to provide to them."

"Your point is well-founded my lord, but I cannot simply walk up to those under my command and order them to stop fighting. Many of them have access to the same commands that would shut down - or in this case reactivate - the droid army. They are still convinced this is a fight they can win."

"I am well aware of such an issue, Tyrannus, and that this course of action cannot be accomplished in but a day. I assure you, though, I have already begun to set events in motion that should persuade them to act in our best interests."

"...I certainly trust in your judgement, my lord. Though I would certainly hope that I would have some means of escaping such an unfortunate end." There was no other way to describe it - this was bad. This was very bad, and unfortunately Dooku had no logical counter to Sidious' plan. Not to mention that he had something, almost assuredly multiple somethings, in mind to accelerate things, and Dooku knew full well he was not about to be let in on the details.

"Do not worry, my apprentice. You will be properly rewarded for your considerable efforts when the time comes."

Before Dooku would have been oblivious to the veiled meaning of those words. Now he only had confirmation that Ciaran was right when she told him how disposable he was. "I thank you my lord. I am glad that everything we have been working for is coming so close to fruition."

"True as that may be, do not let yourself become complacent. There is still much to be done." With that the hologram finally went dead...

And Dooku was left alone with his thoughts in the deep silence of his manor.

"Greetings, young one. You do not need to speak, I trust you know exactly who I am. Or at least now you truly understand.

Oh yes, I can see it in your eyes. The distrust, the anger, the hatred. I will not deny that I have dabbled in forces that some may call 'evil,' but I trust you know that such labels are used by those who are either too self-righteous to notice their own evils, or too afraid to understand that which contradicts what they hold dear...even as it corrupts them from within.

That is why I am here. I could not help but be moved by your cunning, your tenacity, your nobility. Your willingness to stand up and proclaim to those who call themselves your betters that their path is the wrong one. And yet, they would deny your words. Label you a as 'murderer' and 'traitor' to protect themselves from the truths that they do not want to face.

I wish to help you in this righteous struggle, young one. You have already taken the first steps that will lead you to powers that will force them to understand, to make the truths you so nobly fight for undeniable. But this road is all the more difficult if you do not have the proper guidance.

Ah. I can see it once again in your eyes. You would blame me for this course of events as well. And yes, perhaps I do bear a small part of the responsibility for them. But I know that you understand, that when faced against such enemies, especially those that have so deeply entrenched themselves...

...there is only so much that can be done before one is forced to resort to far more uncivilized means.

Is that not enough for you?


Good. I can tell that it is not. You know better than that, and I expected nothing less. I assure you, if nothing else, that I was speaking the absolute truth about my guidance. I am admittedly an old man, and one day I will perish and fade away. It would be a tragedy if all I knew went to waste, especially with such a bright pupil sitting before me. I can see that the hatred in your eyes is still there, and that is good. It has already given you great conviction. And it is plainly obvious that it still does, even now. But you have yet to truly learn just how powerful it can make you.

And one day, should you strike me down with that hatred...

I would welcome it.

For it would only serve to prove that I had taught such a marvelous student.

You do not need to speak. Actions are far more important as you are certainly aware. All you have to do is bow your head. Just this once. And I assure you that you will become strong enough that you will never need to do so for anyone ever again.


Then, it would be an honor to have you as my pupil...

Darth Veritus."

AN: It's funny, really. Such a skilled and potent Force user, one that would have made for a perfect Sith, or at least Inquisitor...

...and yet she just faded away after the dust settled before she even had the chance to grow. Tragic, isn't it?

The Anti-Palpatine Report will be coming later. It's going to need a few revisions.
I don't recall her ever being called a murderer or traitor in this quest, so I don't think so?
Considering my considerable efforts at character rehabilitation and reconciliation, all of which approved and canonized? Only in Riphath's worst passed-out-from-losing-a-drinking-contest-nightmares does she go Darth.

Barriss makes a lot of sense though, and she'd need a new name considering the character was left to rot, it makes sense that Veritus would need to be made here. "Dark Truth" sounds like exactly what she was trying to bring to light.

Honestly, this is a pretty great move both by Palpatine and Snark.
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An original title for this story. A play on "veritas," Latin for "truth."

Ah, okay... then shouldn't Barriss, being "truth", realize Ole Pap is scamming her? Also how exactly does this affect other stuff? It isn't like she got immediately killed off, she only died because of Order 66. How will this affect Zonder?