There's a huge garden in the middle of the Temple, what if you just converted that into a Myrtr biome and stocked it with an ysalamiri colony?
Ysalamiri work by preventing anyone from influencing or manipulating the force in a bubble around the Ysalamiri, but notably not the other way around so the force can still effect the living.

This would be a lot like sealing a patient with a gangrenous wound in a sterile environment. Sure it's going to prevent anything outside from making it worse but the wound isn't going to stop festering from within and eventually kill the patient.
Could we use the Dagger of Mortis to destroy that Wound in the Force?
Easier said than done to attempt to "Shiki" A gaping Warp Force hole, with nothing but a knife, and no thread.

My hunch at a stretch, is it might be useful in shanking/shiving Palpatine, as a speculative continigency plan. But it'd likely rely on Ciaran being in the front line, where she can get UNLIMITED POWAH'd to death.


One other thought, is depending on context? I might argue we may not have a potential Nihilus bomb in the background, but a possible Mother of all fuck ups, if we're not careful with that force wound. Speculative worst though. That, or Ciaran could end up being changed/possessed by a Nihilus tier of horror hunger, if we're equally not careful with that Force Wound.
I think the best casualty is the Jedi Temple itself. Move the Jedi with the Building Commission or something (undermining its foundations enough they need to be resettled temporarily), loot the thing down to the bones, and then disintegrate it as a means of starting to purge the emotional memories of the place.

Get the 24 hour news cycle on something else (Chancellor Padme? Some kind of engineered scandal? I don't know) and start working on memories to make people forget. Maybe try to move the capitol building to Alsakan, or Taris, or Corellia.
I think the best casualty is the Jedi Temple itself. Move the Jedi with the Building Commission or something (undermining its foundations enough they need to be resettled temporarily), loot the thing down to the bones, and then disintegrate it as a means of starting to purge the emotional memories of the place.

Get the 24 hour news cycle on something else (Chancellor Padme? Some kind of engineered scandal? I don't know) and start working on memories to make people forget. Maybe try to move the capitol building to Alsakan, or Taris, or Corellia.
If we need an "official" justification for why we destroyed the Jedi Temple, I might have one...

"Nobody knows where exactly the gizka in question came from, or how they completely overran the Jedi Temple without anyone noticing until it was too late, but the one thing everyone agreed on was that orbital bombardment was the only way."
Do you want to have the Jedi headquartered right in our backyard? :V
Part of galactic reorganization and Jedi reorganization would be decoupling the Jedi from the Republic government and letting them go back to being Knight Errants traveling the galaxy as respected problem-solvers with clearance to access high level documents but whose remit is the people of the Republic, not the government of the Republic.

The "four corners" system from Abyss Gazes Back (Corellia, where the Jedi work with local law enforcement; Tython, where the Jedi engage in mysticism and arts and archaeology; Almas/Cularin, where the Jedi learn other useful skills; and Bespin where they deal with some "be good, do good, ask good questions") would work well also.
Turn 30 Rumor Mill
Galactic News:
Battle At Kalee: In a stunning act of warmongering a rogue group of Separatist ships lead by the feared Admiral Trench attempted to assault the Kaleesh homeworld of Kalee, failing only due to staunch resistance from Council forces. Despite repeated assurances from the Separatist leadership that Trench was acting on his own initiative, many in the galaxy are skeptical due to the large amount of materiel Trench had access to during the assault.

Scandals Rock Republic Intelligence Alongside Assassination of Its Director: Recent evidence of Covert Ops troopers firing upon clone troopers has rocked Republic Intelligence, with many calling for massive audits and vastly increased transparency within the organization. The branch has been sluggish to respond as it has also been dealing with the fallout of the sudden assassination of its director Armand Isard, with unconfirmed reports indicating a rogue Covert Ops trooper may have been responsible.

Silver Cross Begins Relief Efforts on Honoghr:
While the Separatists have continued to deny responsibility for the destruction on Honoghr, relief efforts have now been formally organized by the venerated Silver Cross organization. They have been leading a team of independent researchers and specialists to help combat the spread of the bioweapon, which has been seeing slow but steady success.

Underworld News:
The Hunt for Galen Erso Continues: While the bounties on Galen Erso are still standing, the fall of Republic Intelligence has forced the client in question to inadvertently reveal himself as Orson Krennic, as his clear inexperience with dealing with the underworld has left a noticeable trail back to him. While news of this has deterred some would-be hunters, others are still continuing their search for the man.

Mysterious Contracts Spreading Among Paramilitary Groups: Recently word has been spreading that various paramilitary groups have been more closely aligning themselves with the CNS, with the Lok Revenants notably participating in the Battle of Kalee. For now the reasons behind this remain quiet, however those who are more "in the know" suspect that the Abyss Watchers are attempting to marshal an army similar to Maul and Savage for some yet-unknown purpose.

Organization News:
The Jebble Box is Opened: While heavily classified, news that the legendary Jebble Box not only contained a powerful Sith artifact but a living, breathing woman from over 4000 years ago has made considerable waves. While the woman in question, Celeste Morne, is currently attempting to readjust to the new timeframe, the researchers aware of her existence have been frequently asking her questions and running tests with her permission, wanting to know more about this ancient warrior.

Mysterious Disappearances Tied to COMPOR Rallies: Abysswalker Olie has reported an alarming trend in recent missing persons reports on Coruscant; namely that many of these people were either last seen or recently seen at COMPOR rallies, and were noted to be fervent supporters of the organization's ideals. While normally this would not be be newsworthy in and of itself, the location of the disappearances and corroborations from other locations with a notable COMPOR presence indicate this may be a matter worth looking into.

The Return of Qymaen jai Sheelal: To the shock of many amongst the organization, especially those who have been familiar with the man since becoming aware of him during the Huk-Kaleesh War, the former Grievous has announced that his title no longer suits him and has respectfully requested that he be referred to by his actual name: Qymaen jai Sheelal, or Qymaen for short. Many Kaleesh members have openly suggested that "Grievous" has already ascended to the ranks of the Kaleesh pantheon, leaving behind Qymaen as his still-living body. The man himself has refused to comment on the matter.

The Hunt for Ancient Knowledge: While the reasons are heavily classified, archaeology teams across the galaxy have been ordered to focus their searches on lost information, especially on Force anomalies. An expedition to Ossus' archives is currently pending due to highly successful interactions with the local populace, while other teams have simply shifted their efforts accordingly.
ADDENDUM: Archaeology teams on Yavin IV have been exempt from this order due to [REDACTED]










AN: And we are just about back! You'll probably be seeing more changes to the front pages as I sweep out the cobwebs, but everything should be ready to go by the time we get properly back into the swing of things. For now, rejoice that it doesn't take you a full minute to scroll down it now that I've had the genius idea of using collapseables for it. (Past Me, why didn't you do that sooner!?)

But now is the time for the return of a thread tradition: for you all to flood me with potential actions and for me to nearly lose my mind as I try to parse all of them :V

If anything was suggested before/during the hiatus I would politely ask that they are either quoted at me or reposted so I don't have to go searching for them.
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The more important question, what's our omake reserves in terms of the bonuses we're able to add on the actions? :V
If anything was suggested before/during the hiatus I would politely ask that they are either quoted at me or reposted so I don't have to go searching for them.
I distinctly remember suggesting adding the Sith Acolytes in the Chancellor's aids as a target for the Have HK Assassinate Someone action, but I don't remember when.
And to make this even more amusing: because Ciaran combines being a shady Megacorp Owner (though more benevolent than many tend to be admittedly), Underworld Kingpin, Hidden Force Organisation, and Conspirator against the Galactic Ruling Power... Said termination is just as likely to be of the 'you are now dead' type as having your contract/employment revoked!
If anything was suggested before/during the hiatus I would politely ask that they are either quoted at me or reposted so I don't have to go searching for them.
Hiring Gendi Jedi Masters skilled in Archeology and sicking them onto whatever project seems too dangerous for our investments, but perfectly normal for a hulking armored dude?

You were supposed to be smart about this!!

I'mma be real, she already took a pretty deep swig before this. After all she did:
-Initiate a terrorist attack that killed dozens of people
-Kill the person she scapegoated for it
-Try to pin the blame for it on her (now justifiably former) best friend
-Try to get her killed indirectly
-Attempt to justify it by saying it was to "expose corruption" (which was admittedly present, but still)

She'd already gone in pretty deep, and Palpy being his usual "HEY KID YOU WANNA BE A SITH" self couldn't have asked for a better apprentice.

The more important question, what's our omake reserves in terms of the bonuses we're able to add on the actions? :V

The usual YES.

I distinctly remember suggesting adding the Sith Acolytes in the Chancellor's aids as a target for the Have HK Assassinate Someone action, but I don't remember when.

I'm aware the Sith Acolytes are a thing, but in this context that's a bit vague. You can't just say "I want to assassinate EVERYONE." (No matter what HK-47 says.)

And to make this even more amusing: because Ciaran combines being a shady Megacorp Owner (though more benevolent than many tend to be admittedly), Underworld Kingpin, Hidden Force Organisation, and Conspirator against the Galactic Ruling Power... Said termination is just as likely to be of the 'you are now dead' type as having your contract/employment revoked!

Whichever meaning you parse from it is probably accurate in some capacity. Ciaran will understand if it doesn't get to her immediately due to communication issues or needing to keep it quiet, hence the earlier "reasonably possible."

Those are the only mercies she's willing to show given how dangerous the woman in question is.
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The Return of Qymaen jai Sheelal: To the shock of many amongst the organization, especially those who have been familiar with the man since becoming aware of him during the Huk-Kaleesh War, the former Grievous has announced that his title no longer suits him and has respectfully requested that he be referred to by his actual name: Qymaen jai Sheelal, or Qymaen for short. Many Kaleesh members have openly suggested that "Greivous" has already ascended to the ranks of the Kaleesh pantheon, leaving behind Qymaen as his still-living body. The man himself has refused to comment on the matter.
Small spelling error.
She'd already gone in pretty deep, and Palpy being his usual "HEY KID YOU WANNA BE A SITH" self couldn't have asked for a better apprentice.
Except Anakin, but he decided not to drink the Kool Aid. :V

I'm aware the Sith Acolytes are a thing, but in this context that's a bit vague. You can't just say "I want to assassinate EVERYONE." (No matter what HK-47 says.)
She'd already gone in pretty deep, and Palpy being his usual "HEY KID YOU WANNA BE A SITH" self couldn't have asked for a better apprentice.

Easily manipulated into going Dark Side? Sure, but she's more likely to be a raving lunatic than a Darth Vader- though Darth Vader was still pretty chill with casual and unnecessary violence, but to me I sincerely doubt she'd even have the Pragmatic Evil mindset the Inquisitors tended to have.
Easily manipulated into going Dark Side? Sure, but she's more likely to be a raving lunatic than a Darth Vader- though Darth Vader was still pretty chill with casual and unnecessary violence, but to me I sincerely doubt she'd even have the Pragmatic Evil mindset the Inquisitors tended to have.
I'm willing to bet she's a temp hire. Good old Papa Palpatine teaches her some neat dark side tricks to bribe her loyalty and sends her on missions until she dies or he can trade up.