It's a light-bending black hole, drain Force from people and objects, no-Force bubble, Force Immunity, Lightsaber Immunity, teleportation (restricted by Eye of the Sun)...possesses people, dominate creatures, create sithspawn and sith zombie-dark-side-users (say what now), corrupt wounds, impair concentration, insanity, making Sith Battle-Lords, cloak-of-shadows, cannot be disarmed, may restrict Force-Use by a trained user...
interaction with dark side energy leads to warping spacetime including Multiverse duplicates; hyperspace wormhole generation allowing for warping a user across time and space, environment alteration including self-reconstruction...and technology distortion.
"shoot, that's pretty much a D&D staff of instant evil archwizard, which, considering WotC had the Star Wars license at the time..."
Its only weakness is that it does not understand compassion, altruism, or self-sacrifice.
oh, right, yes, did I mention it's sentient?
Darth Rivan notably wanted to try to destroy the Darkstaff, because it was a bridge too far.
he also notably avoided looking for it because he wanted it contained to Cularin.
naturally, it eventually found him, robbed him of his army, and then dropped him hundreds of years later, Forceless, in front of a bunch of Jedi who gleefully slew him.
The Eye of the Sun exists solely to negate the Darkstaff as much as possible.
"the dark side of Force still wanted to destroy the staff; in an attempt to obliterate the artifact, it fired a burst of dark side energy out of Darth Rivan's fortress on Almas, generating a kilometers-long bolt of Force lightning that emerged from the fortress and struck the Darkstaff.[10] The bolt cracked the Darkstaff, weakening the Sith artifact,[13] and the interaction between the staff and the dark side energy created a time vortex that engulfed the entire Cularin system. "
... the dark side hates that thing
and the Dark Side's attempt to destroy it is what led to the Cularin system getting launched 10 years hence
um. Remember my mention of the Jedi recently getting kidnapped and ending up dead? That was someone trying to use the Darkstaff and the Darkstaff deciding "y'know what, y'all look tasty, I'ma just munch on all of you, but I can't do it directly so I'm going to imprison you in this pyramid and then gradually eat you out of the rock"
Its only weakness being compassion, altrusim, and self-sacrifice includes someone voluntarily sacrificing themselves to depower it.
The feedback loop / bad-food-energy is what causes the problem.
that is how it gets destroyed. Someone full of the light side leaps at the thing and feeds themselves to it.
literally everyone bands together to get rid of the thing, Nirama included.
like, if you're even getting criminal fringers on-side to destroy it?
...pretty sure if Riphath got wind of the whole history of it? "Do not use the Darkstaff" would be right up there with "Do Not Engage Anzati"
"Or, hell, give the Darkstaff to an Anzati and throw the galaxy to ruin. See if I care."
So, no, attempting to use the Darkstaff as a means of throwing Coruscant into the future to get it forgotten and make it stop being a Wound in the Force...not replicable, really lousy, the best thing you could do with it is cover a droid in taozin and have it holding the Eye of the Sun, have it plot some kind of shuttle on an autopilot into the closest star, and just destroy everything there.