Anti-Palpatine Report (Revised) VII
Excerpt from Reports #150281: Palpatine Counter-Action Report VII (Submitted by Central Command, Compiled by Thrawn):

ALERT: Major revisions have been made since previous report.

Lady Ciaran,

I will be blunt: Dooku's recent news has been of the gravest possible import. While it is pleasing to see that he has in fact followed through on his promise to align himself with us, it would seem that at least part of the benefits that would have come with it are now null and void. Based on the conversation he reported to us I have good reason to suspect that if Palpatine is not aware of his betrayal already, he is already taking steps to remove him from the equation. Such an action would inherently mean cutting him off from the various intelligence sources he could have provided to us.

I do not place Dooku himself at fault for this, mind; this is a unfortunate consequence of other actions that we have already undertaken - and more importantly, the actions we were forced to take. We may have been able to have the Battle of Kalee written off as Trench going rogue, but I trust you understand what exactly that action represents from Palpatine.

That aside, what concerns me the most about what Dooku told us is the admittedly vague "means" Palpatine referred to for beginning to end the Clone Wars. The ramifications of the various alliances made as part of the Council of Neutral Space potentially ending is worrying enough as it is, but of even greater concern is the implication that Palpatine is about to - or already has - organize units within the Republic military that will report directly to himself. Even if we were to succeed in eliminating Palpatine quietly, said units will either have been given contingency orders or simply be loyal enough to attempt to avenge his death. I have no doubt that these forces will also be extremely skilled both in terms of unit and commander quality as well, so we cannot ignore this threat.

In this light, I have decided that the previous format of the Counter-Action Reports is outdated, and will now be sectioning them into three relevant categories: Military, Stabilization, and Assassination. I am aware of the grim news of the Force Wound at Coruscant, but I will be the first to admit that I am far from an expert in esoteric matters such as that. To that end, Master Vectivus will be authoring a fourth section detailing relevant information on the Wound.

As concerning as all this recent news has been, I believe the news of Palpatine moving against the Separatists - while understandable given circumstances - may prove to benefit us in the long run. There are sayings among many cultures about cornered prey turning on predators when they are unable to flee. There is a distinct possibility that we may be able to use that sentiment to our advantage even if a decent amount of the Separatist leadership does not realize it.

Note: Assets detailed below are not necessarily solely dedicated to their relevant categories, but are sorted in terms of where they are expected to be most useful.

Military Challenges and Relevant Assets:

As of right now we have little information to go on for any probabilities of success or failure in regards to the forces Palpatine is currently organizing, and as such none will be printed in this present report. This is not a sign of victory, however; it is a sign that we require more information to act on in this regard. In general though, the more assets we have in this category, the easier it will be to achieve our aims in terms of stabilization as well. It will be far easier to handle negotiations when there is a Venator in orbit of the relevant planet, for example. If nothing else, these forces will ensure our survival until we are ready to act.

Of immediate concern are the supercapital ships Malevolence and Pride of the Core. Both assets are closely affiliated with Palpatine and are expected to act on his behalf in any circumstances. I have already been considering plans for dealing with both but have only been able to get so far with the other areas I have been needed in.

Relevant Assets:

-Abyss Watchers-affiliated:
--Oracle Fleet: Between Sienar's modifications to the Oracle itself and the now military-grade fleet supporting it, the Oracle Fleet is a powerful asset for any endeavors we undertake in space.
--Invisible Hand: Now that it is capable of leading a fleet on its own, the Invisible Hand is a powerful vessel in its own right. Though it is merely a single ship, even if Sienar's refit has made it far more dangerous than any others of its class.
--Arkanian Legacy: If push comes to shove we will likely be able to encourage the Arkanians to provide the ship's services for whatever ends.
--Chu'unthor: As a warship its value is rather limited. I doubt it would be useful in a battle, but given its sheer size and past history it may be able to serve as a potential evacuation vessel for the Jedi if things become truly desperate.
--Decimators: Prototype heavy tanks, viable as heavy support for a full-on assault on a location if necessary.
--Grievous Qymaen: Now that we have ysalamiri, Greivous Qymaen's leadership capabilities and prowess as a warrior will be a valuable asset. He is by far most suited for direct combat as should be patently obvious. (My apologies for the corrections and no offense meant to Qymaen. Having referred to him as Grievous for such a considerable amount of time has caused some slips of the tongue.)
--Jango Fett: Having the Mand'alor present gives us quite a bit of pull with the Mandalorian Guardians, to say nothing about his connections to other Mandalorian mercenaries/recluses/what have you or the capabilities of his partner Zam Wessel. Of course he will have ysalamiri support should he be needed for any assassination actions.
--Thrawn: To be blunt, this is where I am by far the most useful.
--The Foundry: Our weapon of last resort. If all else fails, we can use the production capabilities of the station to simply drown Palpatine in an unending droid army. As always though I must remind you that this will cause considerable instability in the galaxy if used.

--CNS Military: Now that the local military has proper support, funding, and command structure, they can assist in not only stabilizing Council space in the event of a collapse of the Republic government, but if push comes to shove we may be able to use them as support against Palpatine. Possibly.
--Bothan Spynet: The Bothans are certainly considered to be the best spies and intel gatherers in the galaxy for a reason; simply look at our own Master Terrek for proof. While relaying Palpatine's true identity to them is far too risky, they certainly have enough intelligence and the willingness to share it with us (for a price) to consider their contributions worthwhile.

-Republic "Loyalist"-affiliated (named as such due to being loyal to the governing body over its leader. However I have been hearing curious reports from them in that regard - nothing potentially compromising, but it will be investigated further):
--Kal Skirata: Skirata's deserter network is still going strong, and our nano-droids have ensured that any troopers that have joined him do not have the biochips implanted within them. To say nothing of our sabotage on Kamino. Between them, the Null ARCs, and the potential assistance of Miss Tur-Mukan they are a strong asset in our favor. I am somewhat uncertain as to Ovolot's usefulness in the long term, but I cannot deny that her ability to produce an antigen to FG36 is well worth it.
--501st Legion: One of the most prominent groups in the Republic military and that has been at the front of many key battles during the war. Having them on our side is not only excellent for having more numbers but the propaganda value cannot be denied either.
--212th Airborne: While not quite as prominent as the 501st, ensuring the unit under direct control of General Kenobi is fully subverted is a considerable boon to their efforts.
--Wullf Yularen: While his skills as an admiral are impressive, the real coup with him is the amount of access he has to Republic intelligence networks as well as a long list of private contacts. To say nothing of him taking the initiative with his own subversion operations.
--Ahsoka Tano: I would hope her insight - or more specifically, how said insight led her and the Resolute's forces to Kalee - will make placing her on this report justified.
--Obi-Wan Kenobi: I cannot stress how much of a boon his presence will be to our efforts. Whatever potential threats he may bring with increased knowledge of our operations are thoroughly outweighed by both his skills as a general and charisma as a negotiator. Quite frankly he could be placed in any category on this report without issue, but he will be placed here for conveniences' sake.
--Tholme: I will freely admit that with the relatively limited reports on him I cannot be quite as confident here as with anyone else, but according to the reports from Yularen he has been of great assistance with their subversion efforts. I must caution you though in that regard; he has a keen enough mind to find ways to peer behind the curtains as it were without raising suspicion. Remain vigilant, lest we have a repeat of the issues with Miss Thel-Tanis.

--Dooku: With him in play we now have the maximal amount of intelligence into Separatist movements. While at this point direct control of their military is not possible, the intelligence benefits alone are invaluable.

Probability of the survival of the Abyss Watchers for the next year: 90-100%
Other probabilities not added due to insufficient information

Stabilization Challenges and Relevant Assets:

This is something of a esoteric matter, if you'll forgive me saying so. It is impossible to fully predict how the populace of the galaxy will react once the news of Palpatine's true identity and the sheer breadth of his actions becomes publicly known, but it is safe to say that massive unrest - especially among planets that were the most devastated in the war - is functionally guaranteed.

In that regard I cannot say for certain that the Republic in its present form will be able to survive such an event. While such sentiments have been voiced previously I am of the mind that we must now consider the continuation of the current government to be a secondary objective, rather than a primary one.

Relevant Assets:

--Anti-Palpatine Coalition: Consisting of Senators such as Mon Mothma, Padme Amidala, Bail Organa, and so on, with our aid they are now a significant force within the Senate. While Palpatine still has considerable influence within it, the coalition is now far more capable of stalling any of his measures and providing potential political stability in the aftermath of our mission. Should continuation of the current government not be viable, many of them are popular enough leaders that could help reestablish some form of order in the aftermath.

--CNS "Government": With the completion of the assembly hall on Taris and the fact that many prominent CNS leaders have begun meeting there to discuss mutual defense pacts and the like, it is now clear that should the Republic collapse in its entirety we will be able to build up a legitimate government in that situation. Given that the collapse scenario is now more likely, I will also note that the Northern Rim would be the least affected due to these efforts thanks to the heavy economic ties between planets in the region.
--IRIS Network: Palpatine's greatest weapon by far has been his propaganda. With the Pantorans helping us coordinate our own efforts to counter it, I am of the mind that this is now a battlefield we can start fighting on in earnest.

--Seti Ashgad: He is now acting as a shadow leader for the Anti-Palpatine Coalition and is doing what he can to support them. He is also helping direct Incom's movement of materiel from Fresia to Taris. Given his past popularity, he may make for a decent rallying point in the event of a Republic collapse.

Currently the Separatist leadership is headed by various corporations who would happily sell out their supporters in exchange for their lives (barring the Commerce Guild). While there is a Parliament that could provide stability, they are currently an impotent force in comparison. Supporting them would ensure stability in the Separatist bloc - so long as it is extant when the time comes. Given the legitimate grievances many Separatist systems have against the Republic, it may be worthwhile to keep them in play for as long as possible for stability purposes.

Probability of continuation of the Republic Government in its current form: 10-20%
Probability of ensuring galactic stability in the event of a Republic collapse: 30-40%

Assassination Challenges and Relevant Assets:

Simply put, this section is largely unchanged from previous iterations. No matter what, eliminating Palpatine is the single highest priority in our operations.

With Anakin Skywalker formally on our side and the reports of his combat aptitude, I believe we have a significant chance of success in direct combat, but there is only so much I can extrapolate on without direct reports on Palpatine's combat abilities. Not to mention that we have been ignoring a critical issue of coordination among the assassination team. While its individual members are skilled in their own rights, we must assume the worst: namely that Palpatine will be able to separate its members and handle them individually or have support capable of countering some of them.

Furthermore, with his increased focus on our actions, the element of surprise is now less of a factor, if not one that has been removed entirely. When we attempt to end his life, he will almost certainly be ready for us at this point.

Relevant Assets:

-Abyss Watchers-Affiliated:
--Agent Teams: Force-trained commando units. While skilled against conventional targets, Palpatine himself is likely far out of their reach. Still, with several Walkers on hand, Sair's new devices, and their clear talent in asymmetrical warfare they are a valuable asset nonetheless.
--Abysswalkers: At this point we have enough Walkers skilled in a large enough variety of fields for me to actively consider them an asset in their own right. While their abilities may be varied each could potentially play a key role in the battle to come.
--SSS: We have an in at the Senate with them and with the additional training they've been given they should be able to hold the line until potential reinforcements arrive. Placed here due to being more relevant in the context of an assassination operation.
--Tyro: Skilled in the Blazing Chains enough that he might be a viable asset, but I question how effective he'll be against Palpatine himself or potential acolytes. Still, I've heard that he is still striving to improve himself even now, so he has hardly lost his skill.
--The Silencer: A skilled warrior to be sure, and with ysalamiri support he would be deadly to any Force-using opponents. Now that he is formally registered as a clone trooper he would be a much more effective infiltrator. Equally as viable in a military context if necessary.
--Asajj: One of the two people we can reliably trust to possibly confront Palpatine himself if necessary; given her continued increase in abilities she stands a far better chance against Palpatine.
--Ciaran: My previous comments on your abilities stand.
--HK-47: Between his refurbished frame and Miss Sair's upgrades, HK-47 is now a quite useful weapon in our arsenal. I am uncertain as to whether he could kill Palpatine on his own, but if his record against Force users in his prime is any indication he is quite a valuable asset.
--Anakin: I am uncertain as to the context of some of the reports I have heard on him, but from my understanding he is by far the strongest combatant we have available. I would like to say more but recent events seem to suggest I require further context. The only reason he is placed here instead of under Republic "Loyalist" assets is due to previous comments from you. Even then though, I greatly recommend caution in your interactions with him. Even my brief observations of him have been somewhat...unnerving.
--Celeste Morne (Pending asset): By far the most unusual asset we have, and that is truly saying something. I cannot speak to her combat abilities as of yet, but if she is as skilled an operative as she claims we may have found the ultimate "ghost" operative. Records on her are nonexistent in any system we have access to, and no one in the galaxy will recognize her facial features by extension. I must caution that said benefits will by definition degrade with each mission she is sent on as data is gathered on her, so once she is active I encourage using her as effectively as possible in that timeframe.
--Other Assets: The codebreaker continues to provide us with valuable information, and our research into the taozin and ysalamiri continue to provide dividends for countering Force users.

-Republic "Loyalist"-affiliated:
--Quinlan Vos: His skills as an operative and combatant are certainly impressive...though the former worries me considerably. I have no doubt that every time he is used in a mission, he will be gathering information on us just as much as he would on our enemies. Ensure that he knows only what he needs to.
--Jedi Sentinels: Given their actions in Operation Excision, we can confirm that they will act against the wishes of the Council if they deem it necessary. That pragmatism makes them both useful and far easier to manipulate. Of course, we need to be sure that they do not learn too much, but if they deal with a loose end for us then that would hardly be an issue.

Probability of successfully assassinating Sheev Palpatine: Unable to fully determine, currently estimated to be at 40-60%

Lady Ciaran,

Quite frankly there is only so much I can tell you about how to handle this Force Wound on Coruscant. While it is hardly the first as you would certainly know, there is little to no information on how to mend one in a short timeframe - as in, shorter than several hundred years. More often than not, the solution to their existence has been to simply condemn the system in question, but obviously that is somewhat less viable when the system in question is the current capital of the Republic.

Despite - or perhaps because - of how long people have lived on the planet, it still holds many secrets despite the sheer number of beings that live on it. Leaving the Wound as-is could have terrible repercussions that neither of us can even begin to comprehend, to say nothing of the fact that it has formed in the heart of the Coruscant Order.

Personally, I am of the mind that the survival of the Coruscant Order is irrelevant in the current state of affairs, though I will freely admit that my words should be taken with the consideration that they are coming from a Sith Lord, if an undead one. But it is my honest belief that the galaxy will be better off if the Jedi become fully disentangled from Coruscant and galactic politics by extension, even if it causes instability in the short term. The Jedi inherently attract conflict and rivalry from the Sith, and even if we are victorious at the end of the day I do not expect that to change. What can be done is ensuring that the rest of galaxy isn't caught up in the next inevitable conflict - after all, what spurred them to be so destructive was the fact that destroying the Jedi has been synonymous with destroying the Republic up to this point.

However, I admit I am getting off-topic. Right now we simply do not have enough information to even begin considering a plan for dealing with the Wound. The best lead we have that I am currently aware is the Jedi Archives at Ossus. With the news that we have unrestricted access to the area, there is no reason not to search through its archives and see if there is any information in old texts that could aid us. I am certain that at least some information has been lost to the ages, and it is as good a place to start as any. If there is not information on a ritual there, there are almost certainly going to be records that could point us in different directions. I have also seen various reports on the oddities of the Cularin system, which seems to be a Force anomaly in its own right. I am aware of how mad this sounds, but it may, and I must stress may, be possible to somehow replicate its disappearance and simply displace the Wound until a future point where it can be more easily contained (preferably contained to the Jedi Temple itself). For that to work though we would need to understand how that displacement happened to begin with. Or perhaps there is something else within the system that could aid us.

As a final note: I am certain it has already crossed your mind, but if Palpatine gets truly, truly desperate and becomes aware of the Wound, I am certain he would attempt to merge with it much like Nihilus did millennia ago. One final curse for the galaxy as a whole. That cannot be allowed to happen.


Probability of mending the Force Wound not added due to insufficient information

Current Probability Of Successfully Achieving All Relevant Directives: 8%

AN: Changed the format based on the new things that popped up in the last turn and also based on @Publicola's version of this in Abyss Gazes Back with his blessing (and because it makes it easier to parse information honestly).

Some comments: First, while the military aspect has a noted lack of information, do not forget that the whole Darth Veritus thing is not something anyone aside from Palpy himself is aware of yet. In reality that assassination success chance is now lower because of it.

Second: As Vectivus said, take his...well, take on what the fate of the Coruscant Jedi should be with a fair bit of a grain of salt, as well as his opinion of the future of Force-users in general. Normally I wouldn't say that twice, but I'm 100% aware of how much of a flame-baiting topic that always is.

Third: Yes, the overall success chance has gone down since last turn. Just to be clear, the news of the Wound kinda sorta tossed a wrench into the gears. Just a touch.

That should be all for now unless you guys have more questions/recommended changes (since this is the first major compilation of information since the hiatus, I fully expect that I may have missed a detail or two somewhere). Rumor Mill should be up tomorrow or Monday-ish, since a lot of what's normally folded under that has been handled during these past 3 updates.

Also, as much of a meme as it may be...

We're in the endgame now.
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We dont know about the formation of the Army of the Light, do we? Because that should give Obi a lot of legitimacy, nowhere near enough to prevent the collapse of the Republic as we know it but enough to maybe boost our chances for a stable Galaxy.

I'm not happy with Palpi's assassination being basically a coin toss, but Anakin hasnt been properly factored in so I trust that our real chances are higher than that.

All things considered, I think we're in a very good position to trigger this if we dont care too much about the survival of the Republic.
I like seeing the different operation chances broken up into their own sections, helps to get a clearer picture on it all. I'm glad about the ability for the Abyss Watchers to survive (was a bit surprised at first till I realized we're an expansive force using criminal enterprise, so even if the empire became a thing, we'd be extremely difficult to root out)
All things considered, I think we're in a very good position to trigger this if we dont care too much about the survival of the Republic.
I don't know, I think the new Sith Palpatine just recruited is going to make things difficult, and a chance of killing him that's somewhere between 40 and 60 percent is already too low for my liking. It's Palpatine, if the chances of killing him aren't a trillion percent he'll find a way to survive and come back later.
We may have been able to have the Battle of Kalee written off as Trench going rogue

Oh god I had not considered that possibility. Yeah that would be... bad.
That's one of those things that, like the Army of Light, our concerns or lack thereof is entirely revolving around limited information.

Sideous already understands as much, if not more, about how Darth Nihilus made his immortality work than we do. He considers it a fail state. A wretched, parasitic existence incapable of feeling and living beyond hunger to maintain a constantly decaying spirit. Essence Transfer is a far more successful and proven process, as IIRC Palpatine was already body-hopping in his Clone Wars days according to the EU.

I'm more worried about two things we have zero knowledge about… unless I missed a QM post or two: Shadow Hand Command and Trench's final words.

The true capital of the Galactic Empire, Byss and the Deep Core are where Palpatine's been pulling his own version of our asset shenanigans and building all sorts of nasty stuff. Now, it wasn't properly finished until the Clone Wars ended nor are the Dark Empire poster children remotely ready but given the progress of time and the quest status, I'm a bit more inclined to think that the metaphorical battle station is quite operational.

The other thing that's bugging me is…
Any last words before I end your pathetic life?" Sk'ar said to him.

"Ha...ha...I may die today...but in death I become eter-"
"In Death I Become Eternal."

My gut instinct is that Sideous has created a new inner circle of conspirators through the promise and penalty of eternal life. Bevil Lamilisk (sic), essentially. The rewards for serving Palpatine successfully is that you get to live forever in high status and power. That's something Trench would value, as his species has an evolutionary Babirusa where their exoskeletons grow too heavy for their own weight after so many years. Trench was already noted as being abnormally old for his species, he'd jump at the opportunity to be reborn. Even if he gets tortured to death and resurrected a few times, he's still going to be kicking and that's a bargain he'd take.

So I'm fearing if any individual person we knock off, save Armand because Ysanne's narrative is more potent, can potentially hop right back in the game once they're done serving time in the Penalty Box.

Or worse, if we're looking at a Sith Eternal deal.
Probability of continuation of the Republic Government in its current form: 10-20%
Probability of ensuring galactic stability in the event of a Republic collapse: 30-40%

Probability of successfully assassinating Sheev Palpatine: Unable to fully determine, currently estimated to be at 40-60%

Probability of mending the Force Wound not added due to insufficient information

Current Probability Of Successfully Achieving All Relevant Directives: 8%
...wait, uhm. Changed my mind.

I expect we could improve a number of these odds with the next round (especially if the "Drill as a Team" mini-turn Martial option is still available; crit-fishing with Skywalker on that could be fun) but I think given the weight of the Force Wound (and the honestly nightmarish idea of Palpatine becoming Nihilus 2.0, thanks for that, @Dr. Snark) that's definitely going to warrant center-stage focus, both OOC strategy-wise and IC as a part-Miralukan.
As Vectivus said, take his...well, take on what the fate of the Coruscant Jedi should be with a fair bit of a grain of salt, as well as his opinion of the future of Force-users in general.
I'm in agreement with you 100%, particularly about the flamebait-y-ness of the topic (so hopefully I don't start anything too obnoxious or rehashed) but I'm actually kind of intrigued by his observations and perspectives. Namely, that his take appears to not be "fuck those guys and everything they stand for, eXtErMiNaTe" so much as it is "conflict is basically inevitable and interminable, better to limit the collateral damage done to the rest of the galaxy". I do wonder if the Jedi Order, at least as the Coruscant Order sees and comports itself, is capable of acting as a separate, explicitly non-governmental institution - kind of like the IGBC (in a non-Clone-Wars setting) where it's an institution people can turn to, but isn't afforded particular privileges, duties or responsibilities by the government, save remaining answerable to the law (and, in an OOC way, if that's what Vectivus thinks would be preferable to the current established order).
The other thing that's bugging me is…

"In Death I Become Eternal."

My gut instinct is that Sideous has created a new inner circle of conspirators through the promise and penalty of eternal life. Bevil Lamilisk (sic), essentially. The rewards for serving Palpatine successfully is that you get to live forever in high status and power. That's something Trench would value, as his species has an evolutionary Babirusa where their exoskeletons grow too heavy for their own weight after so many years. Trench was already noted as being abnormally old for his species, he'd jump at the opportunity to be reborn. Even if he gets tortured to death and resurrected a few times, he's still going to be kicking and that's a bargain he'd take.

So I'm fearing if any individual person we knock off, save Armand because Ysanne's narrative is more potent, can potentially hop right back in the game once they're done serving time in the Penalty Box.

Or worse, if we're looking at a Sith Eternal deal.
I took Trench's last words as his gloating about how he'll become legendary. People will write songs and tell stories of the battle of Kalee and the last stand of Admiral Trench greatest commander of the CIS.
hmm. Well, when it comes to military stuff, we could always try making more ship designs. We already have a nice VicStar model. It'd probably be easier, in capital ship terms, to hit up Rendili than Kuat anyway.

And, of course, Walex Blissex is already someone who will stand against 'ole Sheevy boy, given the chance.
I don't know, I think the new Sith Palpatine just recruited is going to make things difficult, and a chance of killing him that's somewhere between 40 and 60 percent is already too low for my liking. It's Palpatine, if the chances of killing him aren't a trillion percent he'll find a way to survive and come back later.
Well, with the fact that we've already raided one of his private cloning operations, have ysalamiri, and the Mortis dagger to use against him, I think those odds do reflect our current 50% chance of permanently killing him. Still, combined with everything else, a bit too low, but we can work on that.
We're in the endgame now.

So Palpy will get a bunch of McGuffins that will destroy half the galactic population... joy. Oh, wait... wrong series. :oops:

Regardless, we need to figure out how to deal with the Force Wound, prevent the galaxy from falling into complete chaos, and try to figure out how to play around our Sith Lord's manipulations. The real question is what kind of trainwreck will be caused by the aftermath and how many problems we can prevent or mitigate.

I say priority one should be the Force Wound, because that stuff was absolutely terrifying. :o
I will come out from behind the curtain and say that the 50-ish percent chance on killing Spicy Sheev is less due to general combat ability and more due to the many ??? steps involved (where's the assassination going to take place if he's gonna see it coming for example) before getting to "Ciaran stabs him with the Dagger of Mortis."

Just as a general FYI.
For the [Don't I Know You From Somewhere?: Bring in a character from another franchise] Meta achievement, does anyone know which character it's referring to?