@Dr. Snark, a few more write-ins while we wait:
[] Materials Research
-[] Hiridiu -- which can be used to boost communication signals, and create nigh-untappable networks
-[] Hibridium -- a quasi-stealth material that relies on 'dimensional displacement'
Also, both of the above (and most/all of the ones already listed, including Phrik, Cortosis, Agrocite, Ionite, and Beskar) should have industrial as well as military applications. However, the 'Materials Research' action only lists a reward as 'Selected material analyzed for usage in weapons/armor'. Should industrial research be a separate action, or does it need to be a follow-up action, or can it be incorporated into the same 'Materials Research' actions?
I'm not sure if this should be an Intrigue action, or merely part of the Hero action I proposed earlier. It works either way -- sabotaging the Corporate Alliance and stealing one of their biggest assets, the CIS Shadowfeed, basically a Holonet for Separatist planets in the Outer Rim. On the other hand, we may need a few base upgrades as prerequisite -- the Shadowfeed has a number of control stations that we'd need to replicate in our base(s) before we can transfer control and eliminate the Corporate Alliance's access points. Alternately, a physical raid on Murkhana (CA headquarters, where those Shadowfeed stations are found) might be enough to seize control of the network.
- Use Fry's code-breaker (and his grudge against the Corporate Alliance) to take over their Shadowfeed control centers and/or bank accounts
We have a number of Learning actions related to this omake, but I notice that a few are missing. Can I propose:SUBJECT: Overview of Anomalous Materials and their Applications
[] Materials Research
-[] Hiridiu -- which can be used to boost communication signals, and create nigh-untappable networks
-[] Hibridium -- a quasi-stealth material that relies on 'dimensional displacement'
Also, both of the above (and most/all of the ones already listed, including Phrik, Cortosis, Agrocite, Ionite, and Beskar) should have industrial as well as military applications. However, the 'Materials Research' action only lists a reward as 'Selected material analyzed for usage in weapons/armor'. Should industrial research be a separate action, or does it need to be a follow-up action, or can it be incorporated into the same 'Materials Research' actions?