We don't have as good numbers if we switch some droids for Agents but it does give us a chance to get some of them promoted from this which could be very useful in and of itself.

How many decks do we have to clear anyway?
[X] Plan Killing Field

Welp, we need as much initial fire power as possible, if we are going to survive this encounter. Hit them hard, and hit them fast, then when they are disoriented, take everything and leave nothing behind.
Alright this is looking ahead but for next turn:
Agrocite- used by wookies in bowcasters- may provide an attack boost to some units
Ionite- looks to be used in some Ion weapons which should be useful vs droids, possible attack boost in foundry
Beskar- better understanding may raise armor of units further possible counter boost
Analyze Commando Gear- may provide better gear for organic units like the Kaleesh so possible attack/counter boost
Jensaarai- ballistakinesis sounds like an attack booster for our abysswalkers
Tyia Adepts- healing spec sounds like improve survival rolls (Ripath would like this I imagine)

We don't have as good numbers if we switch some droids for Agents but it does give us a chance to get some of them promoted from this which could be very useful in and of itself.

How many decks do we have to clear anyway?
The issue is that swapping out the droidekas and BX commandos for agents is about one less hit a deck which makes it more likely for us to take a counterattack which is going to hurt and cause damage. By doing so we will be able to clear fewer decks in this attempt. Also the droidekas and commandos are kind of our cannon fodder for the raid, they are what we want to take hits instead of our abysswalkers (which is odd that droidekas are cannon fodder but we can get more each turn)
[X] Plan (New) Blood for the Blood God!
Grievous (Hero, Does Not Count Against Cap)
HK-47 (Hero, Does Not Count Against Cap)
Piebald (Abysswalker)
Koliya Karrosi (Abysswalker)
Dani Plenar (Abysswalker)
Riphath Althean (Abysswalker)
Kygeetu San Torgh (Abysswalker)
1 Dwarf Spider Droid "Hive" group (Tier 3)
17 Kaleesh Warrior groups (Tier 2)
4 basic Guardian squads (Tier 1)
3 basic Seeker Squads (Tier 1)

We want to give some of our rookies a chance to get more experience. We'll likely need more experienced troops when it comes time to take down Palpatine.
[X] Plan Killing Field

Imma go with this for now, but I am seriously amused by the idea of only sending in Grievous and HK-47 with no backup, if only because they can't die and I would absolutely not be surprised if they still managed to clear the entire remaining four decks with just the two of them.
Current Floor: DC 55
7 Droids +30: 5.25, 4.9, 4.55
17 Kaleesh and 3 Abysswalkers (21 attacks) +35: 16.8, 15.75, 14.7
Piebald +35 (additional roll on success capped at 4): 2.36 (it is late and I might be doing this wrong, .8+.64+.512+.4096), 2.05 (rounded), 1.77
Grevious +39: .84, .79, .74
HK-47 and Dwarf Spider +40: 1.7, 1.6, 1.5
Koliya +45: .9, .85, .8

Expected hits for floors 8, 9 and 10.
Floor 8: 27.85 (need 22)
Floor 9: 25.94 (need 23)
Floor 10: 24.06 (need 24)

Piebald is a big swing factor as he can be 0 to 4 hits in the first round. Dani is account for by counting 21 attacks at +35
Analyze Commando Gear- may provide better gear for organic units like the Kaleesh so possible attack/counter boost
Jensaarai- ballistakinesis sounds like an attack booster for our abysswalkers
Tyia Adepts- healing spec sounds like improve survival rolls (Ripath would like this I imagine)
Commando Gear: Phase two armor? Looks good.
Jensaarai- Better TK is good, but tends to not be world-shattering.
Tyia- I've looked at them. I'm not sure Riphath's sanity could take it. The sanctity of life thing he'd be down with. The fact that the practitioners are mobile plant people who consume soil nutrients? Pretty sure that's a brand new level of "The Star Wars Galaxy Is Nuts".

Floor 10: 24.06 (need 24)
So...odds are we pick up three floors (fairly) easily and then see where we are after floor 11?
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Commando Gear: Phase two armor? Looks good.
Jensaarai- Better TK is good, but tends to not be world-shattering.
Tyia- I've looked at them. I'm not sure Riphath's sanity could take it. The sanctity of life thing he'd be down with. The fact that the practitioners are mobile plant people who consume soil nutrients?

So...odds are we pick up three floors (fairly) easily and then see where we are after floor 11?
Well those are average hits, not sure what the standard deviation is and that would involve me looking up stats formulas as I can't remember how to do that right now. But then again slightly below average on hits we still have the shutdown roll if we don't get to autopass level. But on average we should be able to clear floors 8 through 10. And I doubt it is a perfect bell curve, more likely weighted to the left , we should be good on floor 8 and 9 (assuming the 1st deviation is not too big), floor 10 is going to be tougher. Floor 11 is only if we get through the previous 3 with no casualties and if we want to press our luck because on average we will need to roll for a shutdown and I would guess about 22.X hits, call it 22 so DC 15 shutdown roll for average rolls. Below average and that DC can jump quite a bit

I imagine first deviation is about 4 to 5 hits, assume 5, then getting 17 hits on floor 11 is quite possible resulting in a DC 40 shutdown roll, and if we fail that the counter attack will rip into our units as most of them have higher attack bonuses then counter attack bonuses.

Edit- More I think on it the more concerned I am for floor 10. We are looking at a probability curve with endpoints at 0 and 36, floor 10 has the high point at 24.06 and we need 24 for auto shutdown, so it is basically a coin flip whether we get the auto shut down or not, and having a DC 20/25 roll seems within the first deviation so a solid chance at that. Floor 11 is worse as the average is now below the auto shutdown of 25 and I would estimate the average is 22.21 so the autoshutdown may just be in the range of one standard deviation or it may be outside of it (which would be bad). Floor 11 would most likely require a shutdown roll on average DC 15 but up to 40 should be considered likely
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I may or may not do something special for Deck 12.
So at first I thought it might be Revan, since I distinctly recall seeing some post-death Force Ghost bullshit on his wiki page. Turns out that was still well over three thousand years ago, so probably not.

On the other hand, I was surprised by two things.
One: Revan has a family. Like, full line of descendants going on for generations.

Two: I am in awe of the restraint shown by EU writers. I was sure that someone would use Revan's family as some kind of plot point in the Galactic Civil War or Clone War era, even if just some reference in a last name or something. But nope. Last known one was still in the Old Republic.
To be fair, it's more Bastila's family :V

But yeah. Full line and everything, though we don't see them past TOR.
Bleh, all my average hits are too low as I was using greater then instead of greater then or equal to (so with a +30 bonus our droids have a 76% chance to hit, not 75% I used in the calculations).

Anyway playing around with anydice and I got all the ones in except for Piebalds extra attacks (it times out if I try to add those in), even still 99.98% chance to hit 22 kills.

output [count {5..20} in 6d20]+[count {5..20} in 1d20]+[count {2..10} in 6d10]+[count {2..10} in 6d10]+[count {2..10} in 6d10]+[count {2..10} in 2d10]+[count {2..10} in 2d10]+[count {3..20} in 2d20]+[count {1..10} in 1d10]+[count {16..100} in 1d100]
So first two are the droids (7d20 causes time out so had to split it), next 5 are the kaleesh and abysswalkers except Koliya( (piebalds first attack is in here), then comes spider and hk, then koliya then grevious.

For floor 10, 83.08% chance, once again not including the potential 3 extra attacks from Piebald. Looks pretty good for auto shutdown. Floor 11 I can't get without timing out.
Actually, although there is no obligation to marry, Buddhism does include an injunction against adultery. I also very much disagree with your implicit assumption that morality must come from religion.

But can we stop arguing about religion?

Let me put this way:

Modern young Japanese men tend to pay for sex rather than get married which one of the reasons why their birthrates are declining.

Wanna know why?

It's because the concept of 'marriage' and 'child rearing' are purely reduced to a business transaction.

Japanese women do -not- get married out of love, but rather their husbands wallet.
Tabron. The subject was requested to be dropped and no one wants to continue it. Drop it now.