Borvo has gotten very rich working for Ciaran, he's also seen a lot of powerful people get very dead for crossing her.

Borvo is not a stupid Hutt.

Borvo: Me, betray Ciaran? Ohhohohoho....Wait, you are serious?....OHHOHOHOHOHO. Listen, take my advice my....friend, there have been those that thought that Ciaran is soft hearted....but know this, none that have betrayed her are still alive...and if they are, they still have the Hutt to deal with.
Borvo has gotten very rich working for Ciaran, he's also seen a lot of powerful people get very dead for crossing her.

Borvo is not a stupid Hutt.

Jango opened his mail for the day and squinted through his visor at the ugly stick illustration of a hutt.

"What the..."

Jango's mail said:
This is Borvo.

Borvo is a hero unit for Lady Ciaran.

Borvo is smart.

Be like Borvo.

"Alright." Jango muttered to himself. "That little punk just trolled me for the last time." He pulled his blaster and marched out the door like a man with a mission.

Far away, in a palatial office on Coruscant, a man named Sheev laughed to himself as he drew another ugly stick figure and put the letter in the envelope. His plan was going exactly as foreseen.

Found something while trawling the last thread for inspiration. This took place back in Turn 12 (26 BBY):
[X] Sponsor Team Coruscant: The Galactic Games are to be held this year and Ciaran intended to sponsor a bunch of Coruscanti athletes for her own amusement and to get her name on everyone's lips again. Not that she isn't right now, but if you spin it like she already arranged for it before the assassination it would just boost her popularity again. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 50 Reward: ?

Required: 20 Rolled: 91

Well, this went hilariously well. With the assassination on Ciaran still being fresh on everyone's mind and still nobody sure if she is just in critical condition or simply dead the announcement that she had ensured to sponsor several athletes and sports teams for the Galactic Games abruptly put her name on everyone's lips again and boosted her popularity once again.

Not to mention that despite the fact that Coruscant has actually some of the least capable athletes and sports teams some of your contacts ensured that the spent money gets used to get them good trainers with the result being... decent results. FAR better ones than expected too. The most hilarious example being when the team chosen for a heavily violence-reduced but still quite brutal variant of Huttball turned out to be a bunch of wimps dragged from somewhere just below Coruscant's topside but still above its Undercity and their trainer ended up being some fat Spacer who actually only wanted a new engine for his ship. Lets just say that in the end he got annoyed enough to personally stomp the enemy team into the ground.

Reward: +1 Republic diplomatic status, +10 on Diplomacy rolls for two actions
Per Wookiepedia:
Galactic Games said:
The Galactic Games was a galaxy-wide sporting event that occurred on a different planet every seven years; planets all over the galaxy competed for the honor and distinction of hosting the Games.
Seven years... means that the next Galactic Games will begin in 19 BBY. So: who wants to sponsor a team? Either Coruscant (go underdogs!) or Mandalore (Vode An!) or both (sponsor Mandalore under CNS banner, sponsor Coruscant under Lady Ciaran's?)

Because it's easy to underestimate how much people care about their sports, and it'd would be excellent PR as things start to heat up...
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Ciaran (Serious Mode/Darth Traya): Bullets, Archive
Sorry if my statements may be a bit tardy. Looking at this, I can't say it is the most suitable because when it comes to the music that plays in the background, we need something that both is accentuates what is occurring, yet doesn't distract from the scene, which is part of the reason why instrumental music is so popular for use with the silver screen. Also, when Ciaran is forced to take a situation seriously, I expect that the music in the background would take a turn towards something … darker. Therefore, I humbly offer my alternative to what was already provided.
Seven years... means that the next Galactic Games will begin in 19 BBY. So: who wants to sponsor a team? Either Coruscant (go underdogs!) or Mandalore (Vode An!) or both (sponsor Mandalore under CNS banner, sponsor Coruscant under Lady Ciaran's?)

Certainly I think she should back the Coruscant team.

Hmm. Maybe Ciaran could fund an ongoing sports development program on the planet?

I'll throw my hat into the ring for the support of a Taris team. The planet wasn't even entered in the last Games because it was a devastated, abandoned world. We wouldn't even need to win for the team to have use as a symbol of Taris' rebirth.
Well the games should be hosted on Taris anyways. After all, with the galaxy divided, the message of unity and friendly competition at the heart of the games is more important than ever. But with the political reality, hosting the games in neutral space is the only sensible option.

On a different note, what type of games would even show up in the Star Wars Olympics?
Well the games should be hosted on Taris anyways. After all, with the galaxy divided, the message of unity and friendly competition at the heart of the games is more important than ever. But with the political reality, hosting the games in neutral space is the only sensible option.

On a different note, what type of games would even show up in the Star Wars Olympics?
Pretty sure podracing is limited to the uncivilized worlds (cough Hutt Space) due to the fatality rate. I'm pretty sure 'swoop-bike racing' is the more generally accepted racing sport. Still, it'd be terribly amusing if we made sure that Anakin Skywalker had to compete in the event for some reason.

Looking at the list of sporting events on the wiki, it's mostly racing or some form of gladiatorial combat.
So, who wants to invent the galactic sport of curling? :p

EDIT: of course, having written that, I'm now imagining a sport involving asteroids and tractor beams. Which sounds awesome.
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An omake that got overshadowed by the whole kidnapping Jedi debate.
Two omakes, actually.
The Song of My People
I have another omake in the pipeline myself. (Can't wait for that interlude, though...!)

EDIT: also, can't forget the two proposed changes to the first page.
@Dr. Snark, can I suggest a change to one of HK-47's stats?
@Dr. Snark, do you keep this part of the front page updated each turn?

As well as a question for @Muer'ci that I hope he responds to...
@Muer'ci -- I kept my eye out for the follow-up, but I don't think I ever saw you post the link. Were you able to find it?
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Interlude - The Exiles

On the war-torn world of JanFathal, a pair of clone troopers in dark armor were overlooking the devastated cityscape of Althar, scanning the area for their quarry. According to reports from the clone forces fighting in the area, a small group of clones had gone AWOL and were presumed to be deserting from the army; something that could not and would not be allowed by Republic Intelligence.

After patiently waiting, the pair spotted a quartet of troopers cautiously moving through the city, constantly looking around for traps or ambushes. However, they remained unaware of the Covert Ops troopers preparing to gun them down. At the same time though, the two CO troopers didn't notice a figure covered in a dark robe quietly move up behind them.
"I am not here."
The duo glanced around in confusion for a moment as they thought they heard something. Deciding that it was nothing they set their sights on the clones in the back and tightened their fingers on their triggers, waiting for the perfect chance to strike.
"You do not want to kill those soldiers."
Suddenly the duo glanced at each other confused. Why exactly was it that they needed to kill those deserters again? It didn't seem like they posed that great of a security risk and they were fellow clones.
"You want to let them go."
The first CO trooper looked to his partner and shook his head, the two of them quickly holstering their rifles and moving away from their vantage point.
"You will tell your superiors that those men are dead."
It wasn't like it'd be that much of an issue. The two of them could easily report that those deserters had died without issue, and odds are those men would never be found anyway.

The figure watched the two troopers leave, then left the area as quickly and quietly as she had come in.


Meanwhile the Null ARC Jaing cursed under his breath as he quickly moved through the ruined city as well. He had been sent on an assignment with the Sith assassin that his buir and Ordo had worked with-one Asajj Ventress apparently-before to help set up a network that would aid deserting clones. While the initial setups for various bases and caches had gone well, she had broken off from him when she noticed that a pair of Covert Ops troopers were in the area and decided to follow them. He would have caught up with her but the woman had moved with surprising speed and agility, effortlessly leaping over piles of debris and across buildings.

Mentally imagining how he would chew her out to make himself feel better, the Null climbed to the top of a debris pile to search for the Sith, only to hear a voice behind him.

"The soldiers are gone, though there are four deserters that way if you are interested."

Whipping around to see Asajj, Jaing couldn't contain his frustration. "Are you finished with your side trip then?" he said sarcastically. "You could have blown our cover."

"I didn't though," she calmly pointed out, "and those deserters would have certainly died without my intervention."

Jaing slightly calmed down at that, though he was still frustrated as the two of them went back on the move. "So those CO troopers are dead?"


The Null was grateful for his helmet as he opened and closed his mouth trying to form a coherent response before giving up. "The Force?"


Jaing shook his head. "That's besides the point. I've heard from Ordo how skilled you are but you could have jeopardized the mission when you broke off like that."

Despite the hood currently covering her face, Asajj's eyes were still visible as she looked straight at Jaing. "You wanted to do the same, didn't you?" The Null stayed silent at that. "I was capable of protecting those deserters without jeopardizing the mission, so I protected them. It's that simple."

Jaing tilted his head at that. "That...huh."

"You weren't expecting a Sith to actually show compassion, were you?"

"Admittedly, no."

"I'm not surprised. A year ago your assumption would have been right."

The Null ARC was silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Why did you really save those deserters?"

Asajj looked directly forward, obscuring her face to Jiang. "...They have been abandoned like I was."

"Those men chose to desert."

"And Republic Intelligence chose to have other clones assassinate them," Asajj snapped back. "The moment they decided that they didn't want to fight they became exiles, abandoned by the Republic."

"Like you?"

Asajj hesitated for a moment, then simply nodded. The Null simply nodded in response, and the two of them continued to silently walk through the remains of Althar, heading for the safehouse that they had established.

Reward: Network established to protect clone deserters. Clan Skirata forces strengthened.

AN: I realize I probably could have either gotten this done sooner or folded this into the update since it's so short, but whatever. I just wanted to have a little capstone to Asajj's unexpectedly rapid character development.

Also for future reference any clone forces are going to be folded under Kal if only because he's focusing specifically on getting them out of warzones. Clan Skirata's going to be more of a long-term investment if you will, focusing on getting troops together and negating Order 66 as much as possible for the Palpatine battle.

Anyway, I'll try to get one more interlude up tomorrow; we'll see how that pans out in practice.
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On the war-torn world of JanFathal, a pair of clone troopers in dark armor were overlooking one of the devastated cityscapes of JanFathal.

I think it would sound better with that removed. It feels a bit redundant as is.

Edit: It would be like saying "On Earth, a person was looking at a ruined city on Earth.

You don't need the extra part unless the continent or region is also called that.
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I think it would sound better with that removed. It feels a bit redundant as is.
Minor change, but perhaps replace it with:
On the war-torn world of JanFathal, a pair of clone troopers in dark armor were overlooking the devastated cityscape of Althar, one of the devastated cityscapes of JanFathal, scanning the area for their quarry.
Althar is the capital city and was the epicenter of the recent battle.

I'm so happy we got a new Interlude!
No longer is Ventress a weapon, a simple blade that knows only how to kill, she has learned the greatest freedom, to choose mercy.

I'll be interested to see her interact with others she knew before she came under our wing, to see her newfound control and calm. I find it interesting that she literally chose to use the exact opposite approach she would have taken in the CIS, no violence, only the Force.