Plus, they bring discipline and training.

Also depending on the circumstances, a lot of gear.

Clone Trooper: "I mean...I could but come on guys! I can totally know how to use this hoe! I can be the best Hoe-user on this planet! PLEASE LET ME DO THIS!!"


Seriously can we have more Asajji being a merciful person who helps those she see's as abandoned? Like an ex-gangster trying to walk away from crime and start a new life?
You know...its strange. This is a management quest and yet we get moments of character development like this. Honestly its one of the best parts of this quest.
Next thing we know, Ciaran sees Asaji holding an umbrella as she crouches in front of a box, containing a kitten, stuck there because she doesn't know if it would be better for the cat to die on the street compared to her taking it in....
Next thing we know, Ciaran sees Asaji holding an umbrella as she crouches in front of a box, containing a kitten, stuck there because she doesn't know if it would be better for the cat to die on the street compared to her taking it in....

(Some time later)

Thrawn: "...Is there a cat in your lap?"
Ciaran: "Asaji let me borrow her."
So uh, that peace conference thing, that happening soon?
No longer is Ventress a weapon, a simple blade that knows only how to kill, she has learned the greatest freedom, to choose mercy.

I'll be interested to see her interact with others she knew before she came under our wing, to see her newfound control and calm. I find it interesting that she literally chose to use the exact opposite approach she would have taken in the CIS, no violence, only the Force.
i realy want anikan and obi wan to meet her and be just so confused.
I wonder what will Obi-Wan and Anakin think of the changes in Asajj when they heard about this.

Wait, do whatever between them, like Rattatak, even happen in this quest?
Alright, now that the thing has been done some things I've missed:

Screwing with Obi-Wan never gets old. Canon, +10.

The Song of My People

As amazing as the mental image is I can't declare that canon, but still have a +10 for yodeling Thrawn.

@Dr. Snark, can I suggest a change to one of HK-47's stats?

Hmmm...the thing is though is that he's not much of a researcher. Sure, he's very good at building weapons in the field, but as much as he likes getting new guns he'd much prefer getting them from the corpses of his enemies than spending three months in a lab building a new one. If that makes sense.

@Dr. Snark, do you keep this part of the front page updated each turn? I'd be interested to see our status with some other groups -- like SoroSuub, or Nightsisters, or specific systems like Taris, Pantora, Qiilura, etc.

Well the problem with those ones for individual planets you bring up is that the relations with each individual one are honestly kind of irrelevant in the grand scheme of things; the fact that you have a base present on said planets or are running blockades or whatever is often enough information in and of itself. The fact that the Kalee, Huk, and Wookiees have them are more due to the unique circumstances of meeting said species.

As for updating them in general, I do admit those tend slip my mind; after all due to Ciaran's popularity with the galaxy more often than not the answer to "Does X group like Ciaran" is Yes, and also because there's an increasing focus on gaining favor with individuals (like Clan Skirata) who can in turn give you greater influence. If that makes sense. Though I feel like that's probably dodging the question.

Anyway, I'll see about updating current ones where needed and adding on things for some of the corporations though.
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like palpatine.
darth vader stayed on a only dark side diet for over like 18/19 year's and was able to get out.

I'm confused what are we discussing?

Also wasn't he always evil to the end? I mean he wanted to kill his boss (rule of two) and take his son as his apprentice and take over the Empire. That's kind of evil right? Right?

Ahh who am I to say though. I'm just a clone trooper with red ting :)

((That last part is not snark btw i'm just screwing around))
like palpatine.
darth vader stayed on a only dark side diet for over like 18/19 year's and was able to get out.

I think it mostly depends on the internal motivations. The darkside fucks with your head, someone who fell for something noble, or out of desperation can be brought out of it if they snapped back to full lucidity and given an alternative, unless they are super far gone. Now someone like palpy who didn't bother paving the road with good intentions is not going to be savable. If he woke up tomorrow with a clear mind at most he'd go about his war crimes in a more methodical manner.

I'm confused what are we discussing?

recovering from the dark side, and how it makes redemption arks easier in Starwars.
is it really redemption when your working for CIARAN? Shadow ruler of the Galaxy? I mean relative to before maybe... but in absolute terms.