Some Key Members of Palpatine's Inner Circle

Alright, so, the most difficult part of taking out Palpatine won't be the "Martial" victory or the "Intrigue" victory. Learning is giving us all sorts of toys for the former (not to mention the cornucopia of allies we have to call on including a break glass option in the Jedi Order), and Intrigue is our most natural talent even if Palpatine's also excellent at it. No, the hardest part will be the "Diplomacy" victory because we will be taking the fight to Palpatine in his home court. The guy's had over a decade as the Chancellor to manipulate and organize the Senate just how he wants it. It's his mechanism for acquiring powers and setting the stage for him to actually declare himself Emperor. Not to mention, we've not been paying much attention to Senate machinations. I mean, we've got intel out the ass, sure, but we've hardly attempted to carve our own slice of cake beyond a friendship with Padme. Stalling Palps out here could be a way to stall out his game, though the more successful we are at stymieing him the more he'll start bringing out the big guns and getting serious.

Of course, the other goal is to maintain political order. Especially if Dooku/The Separatists aren't finished off yet. So we need to have that in place.

So here are some key members of Palpatine's Council that we'll need to handle for the fallout/use in our pursuit. And by key members, I mean the members of the Office of the Supreme Chancellor at the time of Declaration according to Wookiepedia.

Mas Amedda: Vice Chair of the Senate and Palpatine's future Grand Vizier. I've mentioned before that replacing this guy can be a big help. There are spots of his history where he seems altruistic, but he's also ambitious af, a capable manipulator, and was aware for a long time that Palpatine was more than he seemed. He even found out that Palpatine was a Sith Lord and was okay with it. After Palpatine falls, he gains control. No thank you. Interesting facts: He's a connoisseur of rare art. Palpatine once considered wiping him off the board for being too ambitious, though he changed his mind. And, while none really stuck, there have been a lot of accusations of corruption. Including bribes and links to the Trade Federation. So there's a lever to pull if we need it. Then as to who we should replace him with, I figure we're looking at either Bail Organa or Padme. Organa has the gravitas, respect, and honor to be trusted with the position, meanwhile Padme is Padme. Her apparent trust of Palpatine may be enough that Palpatine would be more willing to let her take the position than a stalwart rival like Bail Organa.

Sim Aloo: Really not much too fancy about this guy. He's one of Palpatine's political advisors and has been with Sheev since early on. He's known for his wisdom and silence, was very trusted by Palpatine, and is slightly Force sensitive and has a little Dark Side training. Not super relevant, but he exists and cannot be allowed to slip through the cracks. He's smart enough to be a possible thorn in our side, though I'm not seeing any clear way to get rid of him.

Kinman Doriana: Alright. So, how do I introduce this guy? Later in the Empire, Admiral Voss Parck inferred that Kinman's untimely death left a gap that Palpatine tried to fill with Vader, Thrawn, and Mara Jade. Probably an exaggeration, but that's the level of significance we're looking at for an Administrative Aide. Parck also clamed that Kinman was one of the major backstage architects of Palpatine's rise (Fun Fact: In canon, Parck's the one who discovered Thrawn, though Kinman was the conduit through which Thrawn first met Sidious during the Outbound Flight conflict. Because Palpatine gave Kinman command of the forces meant to destroy the ship). Kinman's been with Palpatine since the beginning, and when I say beginning, I mean that he joined the cause before Palps was even a Senator. But here's the most hilarious part. At one point he began also serving Darth Sidious without a damn clue that he and Palpatine were the same guy. He went on to fear that Palpatine would find out.

Overall though, this is a guy to take out. His loyalty, significance, and capabilities are all too high. Intrigue to sabotage his efforts is a possible route. Continued failures may lead Palpatine to lose trust in him. He had an "untimely death", though no signs of what that was. Outright assassination isn't a great plan, because that'll get Palpatine's attention too hard. Perhaps a sting of some sort to ruin his career?

Janus Greejatus: Apparently, Palpatine murdered his own entire family. Like, the fuck. Anyhow, Greejactus has been friends with Palps since before that happened. Ever since the two were kids really, and is one of his close advisors. Janus is also a hardcore pro-human racist, and mildly Force-sensitive and so, like with Aloo, Palpatine gave him some dark side training (though I think he only started post-Declaration). Greejatus isn't a stanch loyalist though. At one point he unsuccessfully tried to convince Tarkin to supplant the Emperor. Greejatus was also Palpatine's initial successor as the Senator from the Chommell sector, but he was ousted by Naboo politicians later on. For a guy who's supposed to be a talented politician, he sure fails alot. Probably because of the whole racist thing. Anyhow, he attempted to subvert Palpatine several times beyond the Tarkin plot during the Empire era, and I'm really not sure why Palpatine kept him around for so long. Regardless, it wouldn't be hard to get rid of him, and we definitely don't want a racist like him anywhere near power when we get control, but there's no exceptional need to take action against him specifically. In a broader attack on Palpatine's inner circle and weakening them, Greejatus is an easy target.

Armand Isard: Director of the Senate Bureau of Intelligence. So that's an influential guy. He was used to plant incriminating evidence against Palps' rivals, so obviously this was a guy used extensively in his rise to power. He also made structural changes to the Bureau to give more power to Palpatine, thus setting the stage moreso for a smooth transition to an Empire, and was a big part of the various political and Jedi roundups/killings in the initial post-Declaration period. He was killed by his own daughter framing him for treason around the time of the Battle of Yavin and was treated to an Imperial execution. So yeah, dangerous dangerous guy. Especially because he's pretty damn good at his job. He will not be easily replaced or ousted, but he's too threatening to leave be. If we can't do anything before we strike, we need to assassinate him at about the same time we do Palpatine or something. Am open to ideas.

Ishin-Il-Raz: Director of the Commission of the Protection of the Republic. COMPOR was a political movement that Palpatine used as an arm to get more executive power. Basically, the demands kept seeming to come "from the people". Ishin is an absolute fanatic, to the point where he committed suicide after Palpatine's death in despair by crashing his Star Destroyer into the Denarii Nova. The guy also committed a series of massacres to somehow earn Palpatine's favor when he was (for purely political reasons) appointed a Grand Admiral. But ultimately, Ishin isn't a big threat. Nothing special about him besides his talent for public speaking. The real issue is killing off his movement, and that will be a stickier point. We have to trash that brand and sabotage it. And, to avoid Palpatine's suspicion, we should probably make it seem like COMPOR is getting too radical for its own good on its own. The fact that Ishin is, again, insanely fanatic, should actually be a nice tool towards that effect.

Jannie Ha'Nook: Senator of Glithnos, a planet that is otherwise irrelevant. By which I mean there is nothing on Wookiepedia about it beyond "it is a planet that was represented by Jannie Ha'Nook". Similarly, there's fuck all listed about her beyond her being a ranking member of the Senate Security and Intelligence Council, and the fact that she's primarily driven by self-interest. So we're gonna similarly call her less than relevant. Maybe work that self-interest to our advantage. Which is the only reason I'm including her.

Sly Moore: Palpatine's Senior Administrative Aide and dark side adept. May have been in a relationship with Palpatine and gave birth to what may have been his kid, but was perhaps self-impregnated instead because midi-chlorians. Loyalty from her is absurdly high, which makes sense given that he rescued her from an ancient tomb where she was mentally assaulted by the spirits of long dead Sith Lords. Which Darth Maul trapped her in, btw. She knows about the Grand Plan, and is as supportive as it gets. She even impersonated Darth Sidious to various pawns at Palps' request. Compared to others, she's not particularly dangerous, but she's a staunch loyalist who's more dangerous than she seems, and the Umbaran biology doesn't help either. If she doesn't die with Palpatine, she will seek revenge.

Sate Pestage: Chairman of the Senate Executive Agenda. Another key piece of Palpatine's machinations. Sate was Palps' right hand man for a long time, committed or ran a lot of his covert work, and was Grand Vizier at the time of the Empire's collapse. He knows that Palpatine (and Demask before him) are Sith Lords. He was pretty tight with Kinman Dorianna, and often acted as Palpatine's personal assistant and managed his schedule. Guy made a lot of enemies, and considered Bail Organa his arch-nemesis. Was, in one part of conflicting canon, Grand Vizier of the Empire, and briefly the Emperor after Palpatine's death, though he wasn't a very good one. He was also something of a racist. This guy is really good at what Palpatine wants him to do. Which makes him dangerous. If Palpatine orders a hit on us, guaranteed it's going through this guy. So he needs to be dealt with, even if there isn't a clear line of attack on him. Perhaps sabotaging one of his jobs so that he dies in his failure?

Tannon Praji: The super rich trillionaire First Minister of the Coruscant Ministry of Ingress. Ultimately not exactly a guy in Palpatine's pocket. During the war, his position required him to bend to the fear and paranoia of the Republic and did a lot of travel bans and deportations regarding Separatist worlds on Coruscant, which created a whole bunch of problems for people who aren't Ciaran. We should probably thank him for exacerbating the refugee crisis. In Praji's defense, he wasn't a racist and didn't enjoy the decisions he had to make, but knew he had to make them anyway. He was very unpopular, had a lot of mud slung at him, and was the victim of multiple (failed) assassination attempts. Didn't help that he decried Dooku's assault on art more than he did his assault on people. The actual Palpatine plant here is his bodyguard: Ottegru Grey, who siphoned funds into Palpatine's accounts. It'd be really easy to have an apparent assassination of Praji actually target and kill Grey. Or, more wisely, we could leave Grey be and use that financial fraud to our advantage when we pry those treasury records out of Kal Skirata's hands. Seriously guys, next turn if there is a Kal Skirata action we are taking it and we are piling on Personal Attention and demanding a crit. And we will keep demanding crits until we get enough that Snark has to hand that datapad over.

Crueya Vandron: Also became a liason of sorts to COMPOR. He provided it with funding and whatnot to make it more effective and a better propaganda machine. And a slaver, so there's a vulnerability to prod at. Vandron's home sector of Senex is very unpopular, because (again) of the whole slavery thing. They're honestly worse than the Hutts about it. Vandron himself is also an immoral jackass, and (of course) another racist. Other than that though, not much to go off of here. Obviously, though, this guy is probably key to hobbling COMPOR. Not in a "eliminate him and eliminate COMPOR's line to Palpatine" sense, because Palpatine clearly has a bunch of other people he can use to replace Vandron. Instead, I think the plan here would be to use Vandron to stain COMPOR's name, similarly to how we'd do it with Il-Raz, but with a different angle.

Dar Wac: Man. Even less relevant than Ha'Nook. Basically a chief secretary who was, at times, a liason to the Jedi. Only relevant thing about him is that he's Rodian, and while he wasn't found to be involved in Onaconda Farr's scheming... eh. Maybe we could do something with that for blackmail or just an in or I dunno.

Anakin Skywalker: Alright. Here's the tough one. We 100% cannot let Palpatine gain control of him like he did in canon. idk if our changes to the timeline have affected that (we've certainly got Ciaran at least partially in that role though), but this has to be dealt with. Anakin Skywalker can be either the greatest asset to take down Palpatine through force, or the guy who ruins the whole damn thing. We need to know where he stands, and if he's at all iffy, then we make sure he is halfway across the galaxy when we attack. Ideally among a bunch of clones so Palpatine won't want to issue Order 66.

Overall, there are some weak links here but it'll be tough to crack the whole lot without, well, complete exposure. I have a half-baked idea on that though. One of Palpatine's chief methods of manipulating Amedda was to let Amedda think he was manipulating Palpatine. A lot of planting ideas that Amedda thought were his own that he then suggested to Palpatine that Palpatine later enacted because they were Palpatine's ideas. Because that is the level of political manipulator we are dealing with. The idea is to make it seem like Mas Amedda is the mastermind, not Palpatine. Yeah, implicating Palps would be good for a takedown, but remember that we want people in place before we pull that trigger. Plus, if we implicate Palpatine and he feels like he's been made, then he makes his move possibly earlier than we can handle. There are some ties in the web we can begin to unravel, but it'll be a tough process. Taint those around Palpatine before gunning directly for him. Enough of it (and forcing Amedda to resign by making him a target) can make Palpatine push for a more well-liked, honorable, etc. Senator to become Vice Chair like the scrupulous Bail Organa or Padme Amidala. There are tools to work with here.

If Publicola wants to convert this into a PR-1 briefing for omake points, go for it.
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Can we have them participate in a way that ensures them that they are not the next on our list?
Breaking the ZSE would cause a vacuum and open up a whole new market. We can use that by assisting the Hutts in moving in and expanding their influence there at a grassroots level.

EDIT: The destruction of the ZSE would take away attention from stuff like the Clone Wars which is what gives Palpatine power. Palpatine's machinations will probably end up having him shift the public's attention back to it, snuffing the fires of anti-slavery sentiment and distracting him as he pulls the necessary levers. It's a problem that our enemy fixes for us.

EDIT2: Assuming we're in the year that the Clone Wars end in canon, the Jedi have found out - or will soon find out - that Ciaran is not the Dark Lord of the Sith. The reason for that is that at some point Yoda, while he's training to become immortal, gets a vision of Sidious in his hooded cloak and hears Sidious whisper his own name. That's how the Jedi find out about the existence of Darth Sidious and from that vision they also learn that he is an old human male. We are neither old nor human nor male so they will cease suspecting us.
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Lovely. How do you prevent the entire galaxy from simply fragmenting? Killing Palpatin solves exactly only ONE problem and that is possibility of the founding of the Empire. On the other hand meanwhile it leaves behind a political mess. His actions validate the grievances of the CIS about the Republics corruption but completely invalidates the CIS due to him being the reason it exists. The Republic will loose its trustworthiness even amongst its won pro-republic members with everyone suspecting each other since nobody can predict just how far reaching the whole mess is. AND we got Palpatines own allies who are also dangerous.

Oh, and there are also the Jedi. And Ciaran. AND the CNS.

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By the way, there are a couple of techs that, due to our connections is would be very easy to buy/get as a favor and will help quite a lot to strengthen the forces of the Abyss watchers...

1 Clone Commando Armor and Multi-Weapons, that would give a great boost to our Guardians and Seekers, and with the favours that Sikarta and his boys owe to us, this won´t be much of a problem to acquire

2 Droidekas, very effective in closed places like buildings and spaceships, plus the have those shield generators that we can repurpose, and given our relationship with the trade federation, we could get them easily

Thoughts? Any more useful tech that we can Buy/steal/get as a favour? Are these things feasible/practical @Dr. Snark ?

So that's why you yelled at my future omakes.

Though considering Republic Politics, the political collapse wouldn't be instantaneous. It would kind of be like the Watergate Investigations where a committee has to look into just what the hell happened. Truths would be dragged out, muck would be thrown and the Jedi Council would have to admit that they dropped the ball on this one.
Also, Tutuminis should totally be our next Force skill that we research/learn because it lets us absorb Force Lightning.
Lovely. How do you prevent the entire galaxy from simply fragmenting? Killing Palpatin solves exactly only ONE problem and that is possibility of the founding of the Empire. On the other hand meanwhile it leaves behind a political mess.
We already know this, though, don't we? I mean, no one's saying that killing Palpatine will solve all our problems forever and we're actively working towards making sure everything doesn't fall apart after he's defeated.

Would this really be such a bad thing? So long as the Sith are destroyed, I don't really see a problem. I mean, uncounted billions are doubtlessly going to die and it'll drive the entire galaxy into disorganised fractitious states until the Jedi get some momentum and refound the Republic, but still. Ciaran herself will - due to her popularity, connections, and resources - in all likelihood survive such a tumultuous state of affairs (she'll have much better odds than surviving the Empire at least) and would have plenty of opportunities for profit. The CNS in particular will be a relative island of peace thanks to our efforts (and Mandalore) and if we really wanted to we could assist the Jedi in fixing everything.

Best of all, since Palpatine would be dead at the Jedi's hands instead of ours, it wouldn't be our fault whatsoever as far as anyone knows!
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I think you answered your own question. Objectively speaking, those are very bad things.
For everyone else, sure, but for Ciaran herself? Not so much. At the very least it prevents a worst-case scenario by assuring that the Empire will not come into being. The galaxy will at least be able to recover.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not advocating for this to be our go-to solution. Ensuring that the galaxy survives Palpatine's death is something I am in support of. I'm just arguing that we should consider it as a last resort.
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Ciaran would find it much easier to own a unified galaxy than one smashed to smithereens. Would also prefer to not have billions die if possible.
Breaking the ZSE would cause a vacuum and open up a whole new market. We can use that by assisting the Hutts in moving in and expanding their influence there at a grassroots level.

EDIT: The destruction of the ZSE would take away attention from stuff like the Clone Wars which is what gives Palpatine power. Palpatine's machinations will probably end up having him shift the public's attention back to it, snuffing the fires of anti-slavery sentiment and distracting him as he pulls the necessary levers. It's a problem that our enemy fixes for us.

EDIT2: Assuming we're in the year that the Clone Wars end in canon, the Jedi have found out - or will soon find out - that Ciaran is not the Dark Lord of the Sith. The reason for that is that at some point Yoda, while he's training to become immortal, gets a vision of Sidious in his hooded cloak and hears Sidious whisper his own name. That's how the Jedi find out about the existence of Darth Sidious and from that vision they also learn that he is an old human male. We are neither old nor human nor male so they will cease suspecting us.
well he might have a force vision of us calling ourselves darth traya
Lovely. How do you prevent the entire galaxy from simply fragmenting? Killing Palpatin solves exactly only ONE problem and that is possibility of the founding of the Empire. On the other hand meanwhile it leaves behind a political mess. His actions validate the grievances of the CIS about the Republics corruption but completely invalidates the CIS due to him being the reason it exists. The Republic will loose its trustworthiness even amongst its won pro-republic members with everyone suspecting each other since nobody can predict just how far reaching the whole mess is. AND we got Palpatines own allies who are also dangerous.

Oh, and there are also the Jedi. And Ciaran. AND the CNS.

Hey, s'no problem for me! Just means there's a surety of the game going on after Peeved Sheev's death! More content is not a problem for me~
Thrawn would probably kill Ciaran if we were to knowingly splinter the Galaxy. The Yuuzon Vong are right on our galactic doorstep and he knows it.
There is only one solution if a complete political collapse is impossible to avoid.

We need to unify the galaxy under one ruler who can bring order and prosperity. Both the Republic and Confederacy have completely failed their principles and are so full of corruption that they need to be gutted out. Due to the severity of these crimes, a special order will be arranged where the only person who has any common sense will become the temporary leader of the entire galaxy until most of the politicians can get their heads straightened out. I even have the perfect speech.

The Speech of Magister Ciaran
The galaxy was in chaos. The great conspiracy of the Sith was exposed all throughout the galaxy and the revelation has caused even greater chaos than anything that occurred during the Clone Wars. Thousands of systems have decided to break apart from both the Republic and CIS for their own agendas. A new time of darkness has spread across the galaxy. Many politicians were no longer trusted in the Senate and were now considered incompetent morons at best, or complete monsters at worse. With the chair of Supreme Chancellor empty because there was no one that was trusted enough with its responsibilities after the all the atrocities of the previous Chancellor, it seemed like the Republic was destined to fall apart.

At least until one woman decided to take office. A woman that was not quite a politician, but was considered to be one of the people rather than most political figures who only looked out for themselves. It would have been considered an extremely controversial move in any other time, but these were controversial times in themselves and the traditional political structure of the galaxy has completely changed. So an unconventional solution for unconventional time was probably what the crumbling Republic needed.

All that remained of the Senate were there for Ciaran's coordination. For she was one of the most popular figures in the galaxy due to her humanitarian efforts and bringing peace across the galaxy. She did not wear any of the fancy clothes she normally wore, she instead settled for a simple cloak and hood that covered most of her body and face. A tragic sighting for many given the risks she took to save the galaxy from compete darkness after almost everyone shut there eyes to a truth that should have been obvious years ago.

And then she commenced with her speech that would change the galaxy forever.

"Citizens of the civilized galaxy, on this day we mark a transition. For a thousand years, the Republic stood as the crowning achievement of civilized beings. But there were those who would set us against one another, and we took up arms to defend our way of life against the Separatists. In so doing, we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within.

Former Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Count Dooku, and some within our own Senate, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Republic into ruin. But the hatred and secrecy in their cold, dark hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures and they were stopped.

Palpatine, or rather Darth Sidious that he will now be known as, started a completely pointless war that destroyed hundreds of planets and billions of lives. And it is likely that he would have done much worse if he was not stopped. But he is not the sole cause of our ignorance, rather he is a merely one of many factors that led us to fall into the Sith's ancient trap.

The truly greatest evil that the Sith of done to us was to make us think that they no longer existed. With the end of the Sith Empire, everyone thought that the threat of the Sith were now extinct. When in actuality, they laid low and planned there revenge for generations. Gathering power and wealth over several generations until they could take over once more when the galaxy began to forget the extent of their crimes. By the time Darth Sidious first stepped into this room, no one ever suspected a thing, nor did they suspect that he was gaining too much power for himself without anyone making sure he was trustworthy first and foremost. The Senate failed, the Jedi failed, and even I myself almost failed as well.

He may have been stopped, but the mechanisms of the Sith still exist. There are those who willingly followed him that have fled and become warlords in their own rights. There are also Dark Jedi who are trying to gain any remnants of the Sith for there own evil ends. Unlike the time of the Sith Empire, we now know that the remnants of Darth Sidious's plans will never be given the luxury of hiding until the passage of time make the Republic forget about there evils once again.

The remaining mechanisms of the Sith will be hunted down and defeated! Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over. Both Sith Conspiracies has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be temporarily reorganized into a Magistrate, for a safe and secure society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. A Magistrate that will continue to be temporarily ruled by this august body and a sovereign ruler chosen until the extent of the damages of the Sith are discovered and corrected. Only then, will the Republic return to what it once was and can be fully trusted by the galactic public again.

Under this New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms. We will give no ground to our enemies and will stand together against attacks from within or without. Let our enemies take heed: those who challenge our resolve will be crushed. And those who embrace our ideals to be welcomed with open arms.

We have taken on a task that will be difficult, but the people of the Galaxy are ready for the challenge. Because of our efforts, the galaxy has traded war for peace and anarchy for stability. Billions of beings now look forward to a secure future. The Republic will heal in time and become much stronger than it was before. It will never be destroyed, only become wiser to its threats.

Both the Republic and former CIS citizens must do their part. Join our grand star fleet. Become the eyes of the Magistrate by reporting suspicious activities. Travel to the corners of the galaxy to spread the principles of the New Order to the monsters that wished to destroy the Republic. Build monuments and technical wonders that will speak of our glory for generations to come.

The clone troopers, now proudly wearing the name of Magistrate stormtroopers, have tackled the dangerous work of fighting our enemies on the front lines. Many have died in their devotion to restoring the Republic and their sacrifices will not be wasted. Citizens would do well to remember their example and help them in their noble cause.

The Jedi will be temporarily reorganized into a peacekeeping force where they will be given funding and support to end the threat of the Sith and bring peace to the galaxy. Much like the Jedi of the Old Republic, they will be given the military training and assets that will enable any Jedi who volunteer as peacekeepers to have even better odds of being victorious against the Sith. The Jedi are great fighters and diplomats, but there is only so much they can do on their own. They helped us for thousands of years, so it is only fair that we return the favor for all their personal sacrifices.

The New Order of peace has triumphed over the shadowy secrecy of shameful tyrants. The direction of our course is clear. I will lead the Magistrate to glories beyond imagining.

We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the future citizens of a new Republic. We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today."

Even with several empty seats in the Senate, it was said that the applause that day was louder and longer than any other time in the history of the New Republic.
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We're trying to own the galaxy, not rule the galaxy. Let people like Padme handle administrative duties. :V
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