There is only one solution if a complete political collapse is impossible to avoid.
We need to unify the galaxy under one ruler who can bring
order and
prosperity. Both the Republic and Confederacy have completely
failed their principles and are so full of corruption that they need to be gutted out. Due to the severity of these crimes, a special order will be arranged where the only person who has any common sense will become the temporary leader of the entire galaxy until most of the politicians can get their heads straightened out. I even have the perfect speech.
The Speech of Magister Ciaran
The galaxy was in chaos. The great conspiracy of the Sith was exposed all throughout the galaxy and the revelation has caused even greater chaos than anything that occurred during the Clone Wars. Thousands of systems have decided to break apart from both the Republic and CIS for their own agendas. A new time of darkness has spread across the galaxy. Many politicians were no longer trusted in the Senate and were now considered incompetent morons at best, or complete monsters at worse. With the chair of Supreme Chancellor empty because there was no one that was trusted enough with its responsibilities after the all the atrocities of the previous Chancellor, it seemed like the Republic was destined to fall apart.
At least until one woman decided to take office. A woman that was not quite a politician, but was considered to be one of the people rather than most political figures who only looked out for themselves. It would have been considered an extremely controversial move in any other time, but these were controversial times in themselves and the traditional political structure of the galaxy has completely changed. So an unconventional solution for unconventional time was probably what the crumbling Republic needed.
All that remained of the Senate were there for Ciaran's coordination. For she was one of the most popular figures in the galaxy due to her humanitarian efforts and bringing peace across the galaxy. She did not wear any of the fancy clothes she normally wore, she instead settled for a simple cloak and hood that covered most of her body and face. A tragic sighting for many given the risks she took to save the galaxy from compete darkness after almost everyone shut there eyes to a truth that should have been obvious years ago.
And then she commenced with her speech that would change the galaxy forever.
"Citizens of the civilized galaxy, on this day we mark a transition. For a thousand years, the Republic stood as the crowning achievement of civilized beings. But there were those who would set us against one another, and we took up arms to defend our way of life against the Separatists. In so doing, we never suspected that the greatest threat came from within.
Former Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, Count Dooku, and some within our own Senate, had conspired to create the shadow of Separatism using one of their own as the enemy's leader. They had hoped to grind the Republic into ruin. But the hatred and secrecy in their cold, dark hearts could not be hidden forever. At last, there came a day when our enemies showed their true natures and they were stopped.
Palpatine, or rather Darth Sidious that he will now be known as, started a completely pointless war that destroyed hundreds of planets and billions of lives. And it is likely that he would have done much worse if he was not stopped. But he is not the sole cause of our ignorance, rather he is a merely one of many factors that led us to fall into the Sith's ancient trap.
The truly greatest evil that the Sith of done to us was to make us think that they no longer existed. With the end of the Sith Empire, everyone thought that the threat of the Sith were now extinct. When in actuality, they laid low and planned there revenge for generations. Gathering power and wealth over several generations until they could take over once more when the galaxy began to forget the extent of their crimes. By the time Darth Sidious first stepped into this room, no one ever suspected a thing, nor did they suspect that he was gaining too much power for himself without anyone making sure he was trustworthy first and foremost. The Senate failed, the Jedi failed, and even I myself almost failed as well.
He may have been stopped, but the mechanisms of the Sith still exist. There are those who willingly followed him that have fled and become warlords in their own rights. There are also Dark Jedi who are trying to gain any remnants of the Sith for there own evil ends. Unlike the time of the Sith Empire, we now know that the remnants of Darth Sidious's plans will never be given the luxury of hiding until the passage of time make the Republic forget about there evils once again.
The remaining mechanisms of the Sith will be hunted down and defeated! Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over. Both Sith Conspiracies has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be temporarily reorganized into a Magistrate, for a safe and secure society, which I assure you will last for ten thousand years. A Magistrate that will continue to be temporarily ruled by this august body and a sovereign ruler chosen until the extent of the damages of the Sith are discovered and corrected. Only then, will the Republic return to what it once was and can be fully trusted by the galactic public again.
Under this New Order, our most cherished beliefs will be safeguarded. We will defend our ideals by force of arms. We will give no ground to our enemies and will stand together against attacks from within or without. Let our enemies take heed: those who challenge our resolve will be crushed. And those who embrace our ideals to be welcomed with open arms.
We have taken on a task that will be difficult, but the people of the Galaxy are ready for the challenge. Because of our efforts, the galaxy has traded war for peace and anarchy for stability. Billions of beings now look forward to a secure future. The Republic will heal in time and become much stronger than it was before. It will never be destroyed, only become wiser to its threats.
Both the Republic and former CIS citizens must do their part. Join our grand star fleet. Become the eyes of the Magistrate by reporting suspicious activities. Travel to the corners of the galaxy to spread the principles of the New Order to the monsters that wished to destroy the Republic. Build monuments and technical wonders that will speak of our glory for generations to come.
The clone troopers, now proudly wearing the name of Magistrate stormtroopers, have tackled the dangerous work of fighting our enemies on the front lines. Many have died in their devotion to restoring the Republic and their sacrifices will not be wasted. Citizens would do well to remember their example and help them in their noble cause.
The Jedi will be temporarily reorganized into a peacekeeping force where they will be given funding and support to end the threat of the Sith and bring peace to the galaxy. Much like the Jedi of the Old Republic, they will be given the military training and assets that will enable any Jedi who volunteer as peacekeepers to have even better odds of being victorious against the Sith. The Jedi are great fighters and diplomats, but there is only so much they can do on their own. They helped us for thousands of years, so it is only fair that we return the favor for all their personal sacrifices.
The New Order of peace has triumphed over the shadowy secrecy of shameful tyrants. The direction of our course is clear. I will lead the Magistrate to glories beyond imagining.
We have been tested, but we have emerged stronger. We move forward as one people: the future citizens of a new Republic. We will prevail. Ten thousand years of peace begins today."
Even with several empty seats in the Senate, it was said that the applause that day was louder and longer than any other time in the history of the New Republic.