They captured Nute Motherfucking Gunray. Our foremost contact in the Trade Federation. And Padme, our best friend, was the one who did it. I'm pretty sure our galaxy-wide secret espionage organization or ourselves in person would have heard of it, if it had happened.
Like Ciaran's drunken ramblings, the information wasn't considered important enough or it got lost in the briefings considering he was broken out within hours of capture. All the Jedi got from him is that he's terrified that he'd loose his wealth.
I'm considering writing an omake based on 'Galactic Warlords' portrayal of Nute Gunray.
Like Ciaran's drunken ramblings, the information wasn't considered important enough or it got lost in the briefings considering he was broken out within hours of capture. All the Jedi got from him is that he's terrified that he'd loose his wealth.
The leader of one Separatists is captured by one of our friend (who we keep under protective surveillance from years) after trying to imprison her and neither our spies, the man himself or our best friend mention it, even if this is exactly the kind of thing our services were made to discover and Padme would have probably liked to vent after the man who invaded her planet escaped justice again. Sure.
It would be interesting seeing some omake for interactions between HK-47 and PR-1. Despite or perhaps because of their different functions and specialties, they can help one another improve and grow. HK-47 could teach PR-1 more about Intrigue, Lore, and Martial, and PR-1 could help him improve Diplomacy and Stewardship. It would be amusing if some of HK-47's personality rubbed off on PR-1.
For that matter, it would be rather intriguing to see some omake for HK-47 interacting with Thrawn and Grievous. Grievous would probably come to appreciate and acknowledge HK-47's talents, and Thrawn would find HK-47 intriguing, given his age and all his experiences.
As for the omake with Thrawn playing games, while the ones with Ahsoka are always amusing, it would be exciting to see one featuring Thrawn and Grievous playing a game of chess or better yet wei qi/go, the two military geniuses of the Abyss Watchers pitting their wits against one another.
Indeed. I would suggest we increase HK-47's Martial and Intrigue scores as quickly as possible. Lore will be important as well, if for no other reason than being familiar with the best ways to kill Force-users with minimum risk. I suppose increasing his Learning would not hurt, since he can create ever more deadly weapons out of common materials.
So who else wants to give HK some upgrades, such as some software that allows him to hack into Seperatist Droids assume direct control and some Cortosis plating?
Cortosis armor would leave him vulnerable to kinetic attacks, and brings him too close combat, where he shouldn't be. He should probably be better suited with some sort of ranged Cortosis weapon.
I would like to point out some of Ciaran's recent development was confronting the fact that she herself doesn't know how much of her benevolence is a cover. Ciaran herself doesn't really know what she is underneath her many masks, that's likely going to make her hard to get a read on.
The leader of one Separatists is captured by one of our friend (who we keep under protective surveillance from years) after trying to imprison her and neither our spies, the man himself or our best friend mention it, even if this is exactly the kind of thing our services were made to discover and Padme would have probably liked to vent after the man who invaded her planet escaped justice again. Sure.
I just thought of something. Didn't Sidious tell Dooku to pull the trigger with the blackmail? Are we going to see that happen this turn? Because I've really been looking forward to seeing their reactions when they look like idiots
I'm pretty sure that Ciaran knows just about everything Padme's done either through their friendship or her absurdly large spy network, even if it wasn't mentioned in any post so far. PR-1 knows to prioritize any of those reports, particularly ones which involve Anakin.
Say, did we ever have Asajj drill our Agents? She could probably squeeze some improvement out of them given her own formal training.
Although I suppose it might take getting a hold of the ship on Dathomir before we can properly reform our training methods into something more effective.
At the age of nineteen she was elected to represent the Bormea sector in the Galactic Senate, becoming the youngest senator ever to serve[4]—a record later broken by Leia Organa, future apprentice and colleague of Mothma.
The old human who emerged walked forward confidently, barely slowing as two Riilebs made to lead him to Yorvi. If the Hutt had been paying attention, he'd have noticed the Riilebs' ability to sense emotions guiding them to give the visitor a wide berth. It would have also helped to be aware of this ability the natives possessed.
Ronet Coorr - Senator from Iseno (Mid Rim tradehub on Corellian Trade Spine), skeptical of Vyn Narcassan's investigation (Palpatine comm-link to Separatists...), member of Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense, bribed by Onaconda Farr to reinforce Rodia and leave Duro vulnerable, forced to resign after Operation Durge's Lance [NB: played by Peter Dinklage!]
Since I was working on the omake, I didn't get a chance to do my 'reaction' post to the new Results! <sighs>
From the initial Results, it looks like the CNS has gained two new sectors (@Dr. Snark -- I'm assuming you'll do the auto-rolls at the end of the turn?)
...I really need to finish that survey of the Inner Rim. The Star Wars atlas makers haven't drawn up sector lines for anything core-ward of the Expansion Regions, so the Inner Rim are all lumped together on the Wookiepedia list, and the searchable galaxy map isn't much help either. That's going to be a slog.
As far as I can tell, there are a few systems south of Onderon -- but those tend to be Separatist, so might have to wait a bit. There's also the Hapes Consortium to the NW, but that'd take a separate auto-roll given how insular & how many named systems are part of it. My best bet is probably to stretch the Onderon borders north, out to the Expansion Region that I've already mapped...
Excellent. One question for @Dr. Snark: Qiilura is basically right next to Ord Mantell -- technically they're different sectors, but the map has them about as close as they could be otherwise. Should this Reward also add Ord Mantell to the CNS, or would that require a separate roll?
Likewise, Qiilura's neighbors to the north includes Obredaan -- the homeworld of the Jin'ha race that specializes in producing cortosis weapons (and luckily, cortosis happens to be plentiful on the planet...) Would that be brought into the CNS?
Considering the 'emptiness' of the Mid Rim, the region immediately around Qiilura is surprisingly dense in important systems...
Excellent -- though considering this was actually a critical success, I'm surprised we didn't get more. Though perhaps 'SoroSuub favoritism' is basically like 'Incom favoritism' in that it will give us a lot of income in the near future.... At any rate, that's still solid progress in flipping Commerce Guild into the CNS, and in ensuring Ciaran takes personal control of one of the largest mega-corporations in the galaxy.
Excellent -- that's +75 Income, on top of what we'd planned for with the Balance Sheet. Would this income be classified as additional Information & Smuggling income (like the original 'diverted funds') or as Investment income (since this time we were seizing assets directly)? Also, were we even able to touch the Af'El system, or were we solely focused on Ord Mantell?
I get the sense that most people didn't notice this line in the last update. Seriously, Grievous's investigation into Rush Clovis didn't just tell us why and how he is corrupt -- it also pointed us to where a massive hoard of buried treasure called 'Damask Holdings'. Sweet...
...If it wasn't buried halfway in the ground and guarded by a tribe of Dathomirians called the Singing Mountain Clan that rivaled the Nightsisters and fiercely protected the vessel. It's definitely a fixer-upper if you can even get to it to begin with...but the prize...
So, sounds like that would be two actions: one (Diplomacy?) to recover it successfully from the Singing Mountain Clan ("Hi Rell! Want to tell me about the time you flirted with Yoda?"); the other to repair it sufficiently to make it our base. Or perhaps a single critical success on the first would be enough to make it work. Or perhaps it'd become a base as soon as we recover it, and we'd just need to spend a bunch of credits as a base upgrade to get it ready to serve as a praxeum ship again?
It does raise interesting ideas on how to deal with the chips in clones quickly and quietly, though the expensiveness of the droids would still limit how much you could do with them.
Rewards: Medical nano-droids developed, potential for chip sabotage discovered
...I hadn't even considered this as a option. Brilliant! No complicated brain surgery needed -- just a (albeit expensive) injection of nano-droids, and voila. And guess who is funneling a massive number of credits out of the GAR and Republic Treasury using that 'salami slice' bank virus? Because with how expensive the treatment would be, and with those credits at his disposal, I doubt Kal Skirata would object to paying through the nose to solve the inhibitor chips...
Salvage Roll (Coruscant): 97 - +100 Credits from salvage and Unique Event
Apparently your teams manged to stumble across some Rakatan ruins buried deep below the planet's "surface" that contained a number of very valuable artifacts. In fact, some of them still contained noticeable Force energy even after all of these millennia to the surprise of your teams. It's quite intriguing...and has led you to wonder if there's more about them that you're currently unaware of. You do know where their homeworld of Lehon is as it's public knowledge; perhaps a more thorough investigation of it is in order?
(Archaeological mission to Lehon/Rakata Prime now available)
Salvage Roll (Nar Shaddaa): 93 - +100 Credits from salvage
On the one hand, I'm really glad we rolled such amazing salvage rolls, especially with the hint to visit Rakata Prime. On the other... come on, those rolls would have been awesome for some of our Actions, especially with omakes and default bonuses floating around to turn things into a super-crit.
Some actions related to HK-47 would could get next turn :
-In-depth study : My understanding is that HK-47 is the metaphorical progenitor of just about every last contemporary Assassin Droids in the galaxy. Be it specific body architecture or fragments of his Assassination Protocols, the more of him they have within themselves, the more deadly they are. Since we do have some droid forces to act as fodder, this could be useful.
-Complete overhaul : Poor guy's been stuck at the mercy of the elements on a freaking volcanic world for the last couple century and it still took shooting him with a starship grade ion cannon to take him down. Bring him back up to specks and I expect his Martil to jump into the low-to-mic 30s.
-Anti-Force users training : Self evident. HK-47 has probably killed with his own hands more Force users then anyone else in the galaxy by now. He's literally made for it.
-Info on Revan ? : Probably the closest thing to an actual Holocron of Revan we'll ever get and the most unbiased source of information pertaining to him.
If it's the planet I'm thinking of, the Starforge was stationed near it. It also house a massive Sith Temple complex and it's where Darth Bane found Darth Revan's Holocron, which inspired him to create the Rule Of Two.
So, sounds like that would be two actions: one (Diplomacy?) to recover it successfully from the Singing Mountain Clan ("Hi Rell! Want to tell me about the time you flirted with Yoda?"); the other to repair it sufficiently to make it our base. Or perhaps a single critical success on the first would be enough to make it work. Or perhaps it'd become a base as soon as we recover it, and we'd just need to spend a bunch of credits as a base upgrade to get it ready to serve as a praxeum ship again?
so, the page quote for Augwynne Djo is "Never concede to evil. That is our oldest and most sacred law. When we concede to evil, even in a small way, we feed it, and it grows stronger." I don't think she's someone we can deal with. Well we can "deal with" her but I don't' think it's going to be with a diplomacy check.
so, the page quote for Augwynne Djo is "Never concede to evil. That is our oldest and most sacred law. When we concede to evil, even in a small way, we feed it, and it grows stronger." I don't think she's someone we can deal with. Well we can "deal with" her but I don't' think it's going to be with a diplomacy check.
That depends on how "evil" she would view Ciaran. On one hand she is a noted humanitarian figure and while in possession of a secret shadow empire she holds ultimately benevolent-ish intentions. On the other hand she is in bed sigh the Nightsisters, who I'm pretty sure have a sort of Hatfields and McCoys reenactment going on with the Singing Mountain Clan.
as a general rule, someone who has a moral code that specifically says not to make even the slights concession to evil is going to view the world in black and white and most people who do that tend to view grey as black trying to trick them. We are very much grey, and furthermore we very much are a deceiver. She's likely not going to trust us.
• Singing Mountain Clan = a 'Light Side Users' who practice slavery ala Nightsister style..... Yeah, one more example that "Jedi way" is incorrect.
I mean c'mon! how dense should you be to NOT notice this pattern in thousands of years • *exale*eeehhhhhh, ok rant aside, Padme. Now I won't deny that she's a bit Idealistic, but she is observant and FAR from stupid, which somehow this thread overinflated. At least now Ciaran has a reason to meet this *shudders* mysterious Jedi {... the Jar-Jar is coming}
• Kal you wanted some advantage over Ciaran, now you can use it in a useful ~way~
‹•› STAR FORGE IS SEMI–SENTIENT!!! It's a "Dark Side" powered factory that uses the Force and a Star to build enormous fleets, BUT, but infects, corrupts and destroys it's users. Just a friendly warning heehee
«+» Oh and I doubt that Shatterforce would kill Mnggal-Mnggal. Don't get me wrong, it will frighten him, even hurt, especially if you can get to it's "centre" [Mugg Fallow], but it won't do much. Even IF it has a Shatterpoint unlike other organic or shard like lifeforms IT is liquid, so it's 'points' always change, or consists of so many Ciaran would go blind looking at it.
It consists of probably quadrillions of "back-ups" in countless places and even being close to IT will be p-a-i-n-f-u-l
STAR FORGE IS SEMI–SENTIENT!!! It's a "Dark Side" powered factory that uses the Force and a Star to build enormous fleets, BUT, but infects, corrupts and destroys it's users. Just a friendly warning heehee
If you're sufficiently powerful, you can not be corrupted or "infected" or destroyed, and instead bend the Forge to your will.
Revan did it.
Anyway, the Star Forge is dead, so we don't have to worry about it really.. What's left there is just untouched scraps(and I mean, untouched.. the wiki iirc literally says nobody every touched the Star Forge scraps floating around, and thus they've been left alone to kind of fuse back together or whatever).. The important part of the Forge I mentioned earlier in the thread. A fragment of it was given to ex-slaves of the Sith that became followers of Revan, and it grew from a fingernail sized sliver to apparently a large city sized construct, and it basically could create things out of energy.. and dependent on what the player character of the storyline did, either the Sith Empire got only a tiny part of it, or they got everything..
So, potentially, we could actually make our own Star Forge if we could find the Infinite Engine..
It was the capital world of the Infinite Empire and the location of one of Revan's Sith Academies.
Speaking of hidden academies: Telos. We really need to dig up Telos. Atris's holocron collection is still there, and people have been adding to it over the millennia. Including a goddamn index holocron containing the downloaded contents of a dozen different Sith Lord's personal holocrons. Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Darth Bane, even Revan's holocron has been copied into that thing. It's basically The Complete Idiot's Guide to Mastering the Dark Side.
Obroa-Skai should still be the next archeological digsite. The Celebratus Archive is basically a complete Galactic Encyclopedia. There's massive value to be had there.
It was the capital world of the Infinite Empire and the location of one of Revan's Sith Academies.
Speaking of hidden academies: Telos. We really need to dig up Telos. Atris's holocron collection is still there, and people have been adding to it over the millennia. Including a goddamn index holocron containing the downloaded contents of a dozen different Sith Lord's personal holocrons. Ajunta Pall, Naga Sadow, Darth Bane, even Revan's holocron has been copied into that thing. It's basically The Complete Idiot's Guide to Mastering the Dark Side.
That depends on how "evil" she would view Ciaran. On one hand she is a noted humanitarian figure and while in possession of a secret shadow empire she holds ultimately benevolent-ish intentions. On the other hand she is in bed sigh the Nightsisters, who I'm pretty sure have a sort of Hatfields and McCoys reenactment going on with the Singing Mountain Clan.
She probably wouldn't hand it over to us, because it turns out that Yoda told them that a 'Jedi Knight and his apprentice will come for the archives some day in the future'.
Turns out it was Luke Skywalker and Tenal Ka's dad...only that she wasn't born at that time and her mother is a member of the tribe that protects it.
She probably wouldn't hand it over to us, because it turns out that Yoda told them that a 'Jedi Knight and his apprentice will come for the archives some day in the future'.
Turns out it was Luke Skywalker and Tenal Ka's dad...only that she wasn't born at that time and her mother is a member of the tribe that protects it.
There was also something about defeating the nightsisters, so no unless we kill either the nightsister or Singing mountains is not possible to obtain that ship.
Also there is a second one floating around the Wiki says it existed during the clone wars but nothing more.