Padawans (Canon)
The Omake Dragon
- Location
- New York
- Pronouns
- He/Him
Kygeetu san Torrgh was in awe as she walked through the halls of the Abyss Watcher's base on Coruscant. She had dreamed of being a member of Lady Ciaran's organization for years now, and while she had been training for some time, it had never felt as real as it did this moment. Master Tyro didn't allow his trainees off of The Oracle until they were proficient enough with Buried Presence to avoid detection, and she hadn't been at that level the last time the ship had docked at Coruscant. But she had brushed up on the technique when she heard The Oracle was homeward bound.
Nothing out of the ordinary was particularly happening in the base, but just being what it was made it the most appealing place on Coruscant to Kygeetu. As far as she was concerned, this was practically a holy site. Which is why Kygeetu became incensed when she saw a Jedi walking through the halls. Master Tyro had drilled it into their heads that while Jedi weren't enemies per se, they often snooped around too much, and should be avoided or deterred. It was why he made them master the Buried Presence, so that no Jedi would be able to sense their training in the Force.
"Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing here?" asked Kygeetu as she stormed up to the Togruta. She was a Padawan judging by the bead thing on her head that was meant to emulate a braid of hair for species that didn't grow any. Kygeetu was thankful the Abyss Watchers didn't have any crazy policy like that.
"Oh, I was just heading to meet with Thrawn." said the Padawan, blinking owlishly and answering instinctively. Kygeetu's sudden approach and questioning had obviously caught her off guard. "I didn't know Lady Ciaran was close with any other Jedi though. I'm surprised we haven't run into each other before."
"What?" Now it was Kygeetu's turn to be stunned. "What makes you think I'm a Jedi?"
"You've obviously been trained with the Force. I can sense it. And you're pretty clearly not a Sith." joked Ahsoka. "But Lady Ciaran doesn't really like Jedi hanging around. Even I'm only allowed in the spaces between the entrance and the rec room."
Fuck. Kygeetu had been so taken in with the experience of being in Abyss Watcher's HQ that she hadn't even noticed that she wasn't suppressing her connection to the Force. And justifying it in retrospect, she hadn't thought there would be any Jedi just wandering around. Kygeetu realized that the girl was staring at her oddly, and she hurried to come up with any excuse that wouldn't out the entire organization. "Oh, uh, well, Lady Ciaran is very close with Master Tyro."
The internal screaming abated somewhat as the Jedi seemed to accept her response. "Huh, I've never heard of Master Tyro. I don't think Master Skywalker's ever mentioned him either."
"He doesn't come back to Coruscant often. And he's very old. We've been training in solitude for… years now." said Kygeetu, gesturing vaguely as she tried to guess an appropriate timeframe.
"Well I'm Ahsoka Tano, Master Skywalker's Padawan. It's nice to meet you." said Ahsoka, extending her hand.
Kygeetu shook it, feeling like her façade would crack at any second. "Kygeetu san Torrgh. It's a pleasure."
"I gotta say, I'm glad Master Skywalker doesn't do any crazy training like that. Just the thought of training in seclusion like that…" shuddered Ahsoka. "Though he seems to think experience is the best teacher, so we spend a lot of time away from the temple anyways on the front lines. It's important work, but you start to miss home, you know?"
"It's been so long since I've even been on Coruscant. I don't even really think of the temple as home." said Kygeetu, her admittedly limited diplomatic training pushing her into asserting something that wasn't technically a lie.
"I can't even imagine a home other than the Jedi Temple. I can't even imagine the kind of training you'd have to do for that long." said Ahsoka sympathetically. "What were you training that whole time?"
"Just some Force techniques is all. Advanced application of basic principles. Like using the Force to move blaster bolts around and stuff. Simple in theory, difficult in practice." said Kygeetu. There was no way she'd be able to make up something that would have convincingly taken such a long time to learn, so she settled for exaggerating the difficulty of the Blazing Chains.
"That does sound pretty tough. I've never even considered the possibility. Doesn't really seem worth the time when you can just knock stuff away with a lightsaber." said Ahsoka, tapping her own lightsaber for emphasis.
"A lightsaber can only be in one place at a time. The Force is everywhere at once." Said Kygeetu, defending the style taught to her by the Abyss Watchers with the same rhetoric Master Tyro used when some idiot had made a similar objection early on in their class.
"I suppose that's true." said Ahsoka, thinking about Kygeetu's words more deeply than the Kaleesh had intended her to. "I guess that's sort of what Master Yoda was talking about when he brought up the Force. 'Skill with a lightsaber make not a Jedi, but knowledge of the Force' and all that." said Ahsoka, imitating what Kygeetu could only assume was Master Yoda's voice.
Knowing absolutely nothing about Jedi teachers, Kygeetu decided to just butter him up. "He certainly is wise." The statement was either true enough, vague enough, or both for Ahsoka to have nothing left to really say about it.
"Yeah, he really is. Well it was nice meeting you Kygeetu, but I'll be running late for my meeting with Thrawn if I don't get a move on. I've never really been late before, but something tells me he values punctuality." said Ahsoka, moving past and waving.
"Same." Kygeetu breathed a sigh of relief as soon as Ahsoka had turned the corner. Somehow she had managed to not blow the secret of an entire organization of Force users. Beating herself up for letting her guard down in the first place, Kygeetu suppressed her connection to the Force until she would have appeared to not even have the potential to be trained in it and slinked back to The Oracle in shame. As long as she never saw Ahsoka Tano again, nothing would come of this fiasco.
AN: Originally this was Kygeetu's disbelief upon seeing Ciaran suck at Blazing Chains and deciding that Ciaran's flaws only make her more perfect. Then I realized there wasn't much actually there.