Well first you're going to have to get Dathomir in the CNS, then you're going to have to learn that the thing exists, then you're going to have to convince the locals that they don't need it. So uh...it's going to take a lot of work.
Works for me. 3 Actions over 3 turns -- let's do this!
EDIT: on the other hand...
then you're going to have to learn that the thing exists
Does this mean we'd need to design/produce that 'Scout Ship' so we can send it to explore our new CNS holdings next turn? What specific action would we need to take to figure out that the Chu'unthor exists?
Did you have any thoughts about the rest of my Muunilist post -- about the fact that they're prime targets for CNS Recruitment, or the fact that we've probably had a presence on the planet for several turns at this point (via our Humanitarian org)? More possibilities below:
I have a few more detailed write-ins for
@Dr. Snark:
Martial write-ins:
[] Senatorial Protection: provide official security for multiple anti-Palpatine politicians -- not just Bail Organa, but also Onaconda Farr, Padme Amidala, Mon Mothma, Garm Ben Iblis, etc. Two possibilities: a) charge a small amount, just enough to cover costs of (seen) bodyguards and (unseen) surveillance teams -- so no upkeep and no income; or b) offer security free of charge, justifying the discount as free advertising/word-of-mouth for our new Security Company --small upfront cost but +5 or +10 (Protection) income for base upgrade.
[] Extended CNS Patrols: offer protection for Maridun system (home to pacifist refugees from Mygeeto and site of major battle between Republic & Separatist forces) and Lucasez (homeworld of pacifist Force faction). Extended patrols to defend those planets leads to
de facto extension of 'Neutral Space' to cover the Nuiri and Rollion sectors.
(EDIT: or this action might focus solely on the Maridun system and the Rollion sector, and leave Lucazec/Nuiri for future patrols)
[] Let's Vary Piracy, With A Little Burglary: targeted Black Oops to destabilize shipping in Separatist systems near Neutral Space, to increase dissatisfaction with the CIS and make them more amenable to CNS Recruitment in future turns.
-[] Serenno: the neighboring D'Astan sector not only includes Count Dooku's homeworld of Serenno, but also the bustling (and hyper-corrupt) ecumenopolis of Axxila, and the trade world of Celano along a major hyperlane Spur.
(Yep, that's a
Pirates of Penzance reference)
Diplomacy write-ins:
[] Between the Light and Dark: (Force User recruitment)
-[] Fallanassi: a pacifist Light-side Force faction that
specializes in illusions and 'Force immersion' (basically 'Buried Presence' but even better) locatedon the Lucazec sector (basically next-door to CNS borders)
[] CNS Recruitment:
-[] Lucazec: the homeworld of the Force-wielding Fallanassi, who favor Light-Sided techniques and would be displeased to learn the Separatists are led by a Sith Lord. The same can be said for nearby systems like Maridun, making the whole region ripe for 'Neutral' recruitment.
[] CNS Recruitment:
-[] Muunilist: a former headquarters of the IGBC, most of the native population did not want to break with the Republic, and invited the GAR to secure the planet against Separatist influences. The siege and battle was
devastating, and resulted in a planetary recession that might have lasted another another decade. Ciarian's humanitarian organization got started immediately, and with her help, the planet is already improving and looks to make a full recovery in a few years. In addition, while the planet is officially in Republic space, the IGBC remnant on the planet has walked a tightrope by backing the currency for both the Republic and CIS, making Muunilist 'Neutral' in everything but name.
Stewardship write-ins:
[] Invest in Muunilist Recovery: thanks to Ciaran's Humanitarian organization, we already have a presence on this planet and a positive reputation for helping the system recover from the earlier siege and battle. Now it's time to double-down and help Muunilist get back to work -- reopening mines, rebuilding infrastructure, restoring various businesses, adjudicating insurance claims, all that. And if, at the end of the day, the Abyss Watchers end up with partial or full ownership of a bunch of Muunilist assets, who would complain?
[] Starship Distribution Contract: thanks to the war, it's pretty difficult for any Republic-aligned manufacturing company to sell its wares to the general public in the Separatist systems. Fortunately, Ciaran is officially Neutral, and the Abyss Watchers have a presence in Republic and Separatist systems across the galaxy. Make a deal to sell (civilian-only) starships on the manufacturer's behalf to people on the other side of the warzone.
-[] Sienar: you have a good relationship with Raith Sienar, so work with him to make a deal.
(Making a deal to distribute on Incom's or Kuat's behalf would require making contact with them first).
Lord Write-in:
[] Research Alternative Force Schools:
-[] Fallanassi: A group of pacifist Force users that specialize in '
Force immersion', which makes them effectively undetectable even to physical sight.