...I'm listening, tell us more?
I have two economic and societal upgrade paths that I want to follow:
1) Take over Coruscant undercity (massive manpower which can be used to build more economy and more guardians, seekers and watchers, allows us to control the ground Palps stands on) - Coruscant has a population of at least 1 trillion - that's probably more people than inhabit the entire CNS.
2) Develop CNS into a distinct power (whether fully independent or simply autonomous under the Republic/CIS/Empire). The refugees are a big lever for that, since they aren't simply going to be people who'd rather the galaxy left them alone - no, they'll be people who have a grudge against the Republic, CIS or both and who owe alot to Lady Ciaran. Also, refugees tend to be the most skilled, healthy or wealthy people from a warzone (the really desperate people in any warzone
can't run) - as such, these are the sorts of people we want to recruit into the CNS navy, employ in the CNS shipyards and help to build smaller businesses in order to expand the CNS tax base. Also, the refugee influx allows us to build up local industries supplying things to the CNS that they used to get from outside the region - making the CNS more independent economically from the rest of the galaxy. Also, when war ends, about half of these people will want to go home (this is true of any migration on Earth, forced or otherwise - about half always go home if/when they can) - if we build a strong local economy in the refugee cities Ciaran builds, those people who go home will often do business with the CNS - giving Lady Ciaran Enterprises more ways of pulling in the old battle grounds of the Clone Wars into her orbit.
[X] Plan balanced growth
[X] Organa Protection Detail: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 50 Reward: Protection detail for Bail Organa quietly established
-[X] 5 Watcher Teams
[X] Let's Vary Piracy, With A Little Burglary: Instead of just randomly attacking assets in CIS space to slow them down, why not focus your efforts on selected systems and see if you can use those efforts to potentially persuade them to join the CNS? Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 75 Reward: Loot, selected area destabilized and potential recruit for the CNS
-[X] Skako: Separatist exclave and the headquarters of the Techno Union. Lots of people, lots of trade, lots of money to be made...
-[X] The Silencer
Free action:
[X] Mercenary Work: Jabba's offered to hire on some of your mercenaries for work within Hutt Space should you ever require additional credits to make ends meet. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: 100 Credits
[X] Peacemaker: Use your position to convince reasonable people on either side that the war is a terrible idea and economically as well as for the galactic society a complete disaster. Considering the details behind the war you are quite sure that its not going to do anything useful, BUT it's likely to bog down minor conflicts here and there and improve your reputation once again. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: ???
-[X] Silas Cata
-[X] Thrawn (1 of 2)
[X] Hey, Trade Federation! Do what you do best!: Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Trade/Investment Income penalty reduced by 10% from its current amount (Takes 2 turns)
-[X] PR-1
[X] War-Ravaged Recovery: Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 100 Upkeep: 20 Reward: Income penalty reduced by 5%
-[X] 5 Watcher Teams
[X] The Hunt For A Madman: Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 100 Reward: Wesker located
-[X] Grievous
[X] The Golden Tempter: Chance of Success: 40% Cost: 100 Reward: Fate of Seti Ashgad determined
-[X] Personal Attention
[X] Homecoming Trip: Vectivus' holocron mentioned that his journey into Sith teachings began when he discovered that one of his asteroid holdings was suffused with the Dark Side, and that he later came back and converted it into a personal mansion to continue his research. Given how much your and Ventress' Force studies have benefited from his knowledge it might be worth trying to locate it and see if there is anything still there. Chance of Success: 60% Cost 50 Reward: ???
-[X] Asajj Ventress
-[X] Omake by Teron
[X] Research Inhibitor Chips: Chance of Success: 50% Cost: 150 Reward: Learn details about inhibitor chips (2 Turns Remaining, 1 Turn Lock Remaining)
[X] Under The Knife: The Arkanians are now able and very willing to begin genemodding on new volunteers at your facilities should they ask for it. Chance of Success: 70% Cost: 100 Reward: Selected Hero Unit genemodded
--[X] Silas: Is actually eager to be modded given that it would set back his age at least a little bit.
--[X] Pau'an: Natives of Utapau, they can see well in darkness but their most notable trait is their extremely long lifespans. The Arkanians have noted that this genemod will extend a recipient's life span considerably more than a normal mod, though the exact numbers are currently unknown. (Intrigue, enhanced lifespan)
[X] Force Training: Chance of Success: 70%
-[X] Luka Sene (Enhanced Combat Perception): Reward: Lore Increase, Enhanced Combat Perception Learned
[X] Personal attention/Increased Focus: Chance of Success: 100%. Reward: Your stats + Force Sight bonus added to a action of your choice
-[X] The Golden Tempter
[X] Cheriss Sair: A New Body: (Uses Learning Bonuses, Cheriss Sair must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 50 Reward: Cheriss gains a new body, ???
-[X] Cheriss Sair
[X] Thrawn: Return of the Mand'alor: (Uses Diplomacy Bonuses, Thrawn must be assigned to this action if chosen) Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Thrawn speaks with Jango about his status as Mandalore, ???
-[X] Omake by Teron
-[X] Thrawn (2 of 2)
[X] Asajj Ventress: Learn the 'Buried Presence' Trick (Free Action)
[X] Munnilist: The IGBC has generously put aside a mansion for you on Munnilist, and the fact that they have suffered from some damage from the war is completely irrelevant to the fact that the price has noticeably decreased... Cost: 100 Reward: Mansion on Munnilist
Base Upgrades: With how many credits you own it might be an idea to upgrade your bases a bit. (1 Free Upgrade Available)
Coruscant Base:
[X] CNS Embassy: While it's true that the CNS is certainly in contact with the Republic there isn't anything official that represents that quite yet. Establishing a proper embassy would not only improve credibility but the new staff would make diplomatic efforts far easier. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Additional diplomacy action (CNS-related actions only)
[X] Security Company: It's certainly been some time since you've left the Coruscant Underworld but it pays to return to your roots at time. Like say, creating a security company to legitimize protection fees! Shouldn't be too hard for you to get that running. Cost: 25 Reward: 5 Income (Protection Money)
Kaleesh Outpost:
[X] Kalee Development Program: Thanks to your stellar relationship with the Kaleesh and the fact that you have Grievous himself in your organization, you have the opportunity to solidify your alliance with the Kaleesh people by setting aside some funds for everything they could ever want from weapons to supplies to prefab buildings. Not only will this generally improve the quality of life on Kalee, but it will allow their people to send even more warriors to you, permanently solidifying your alliance with them. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 75 Reward: Cap on Kaleesh warriors removed, Kalee begins improving economically, continued hatred of the Huk (like you care)
Oracle (Lucrehulk):
Mandalorian Mansion:
[X] Hidden Defenses: The usual protections, better safe than sorry and all. Cost: 50 Reward: Mansion defended against possible attacks
Lordran, Kiln:
[X] Build personal Retreat: Build a personal Retreat/Fortified Mansion on the planet to have a place to escape to in case of trouble in the known parts of the Galaxy. Cost: WAS 200 NOW FREE (Takes 2 turns)
[X] System Defenses: Whether it might be some random scout or an entire battlefleet, but it would be reassuring to know that the system has some way to protect itself from intruders. Cost: 150 Upkeep: 50 (1 turn remaining) Reward: Kiln protected against intrusion
La'Sombra (Asteroid Base):
[X] Defense Grid: The new base might be hard to find but it pays to be sure that it's guarded. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: Defenses for base established
Nar Shaddaa Property:
[X] Defense Grid: Nar Shaddaa is practically lawless, and if you want to make absolutely sure that your property stays safe you're going to need to protect it by force. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 25 Reward: Defenses for property established
[X] Casino: If there's one thing about Nar Shaddaa it's that you can find many different ways to lose all of your credits there. Why not get in on that action with your own casino? Cost: 100 Reward: +50 Casino Income
This plan is less aggressively expansionist than Publicola's plan, but it has more in common than it has differences. I have tried to balance actions to drag back the CIS (with piracy against the techno union) with actions to impede the core of Palps' plan (the peace conference), I picked only one base - the Muunilist base (we are struggling to develop the bases we already have - I think getting two new bases in one turn is over-reach), for base upgrades I added the Kalee development program (this both strengthens the CNS AND gives us more Kaleesh warriors - which we'll need when we start ramming starships to board them) and critically, includes a fortified mansion on Lordran (the free upgrade is used here), defenses for the Mandalorian mansion and a Defense Grid on Nar Shaddaa (this one seems particularly important to me, and I would encourage
@Publicola to add the Nar Shaddaa defenses to his plan as well). Also, I use both of Thrawn's actions.
Also, while I agree we want to go to Dathomir soon, I don't think we should go THIS turn.
Total cost for the turn's actions is: 1350 cr.
EDIT: Forgot the free action - I'm going to toss in some merc. work with Jabba since credits are so tight - alternatively, we could try a second pirate raid on the CNS or I could be convinced to use the free action on Dathomir (I'd like to use Ciaran on Dathomir though, just 'cuz that would be awesome, and Ciaran is needed for intrigue this turn).