@Dr. Snark question. Does the below still apply from the previous quest or not?
[X] Recruit Force Users: Since you now have a functional training plan for practicing the use of the Force and you yourself can sense Force Users by default it might be now worth the attempt to search for and recruit untrained Force Users for organisation. After all, the Force IS a useful tool. Chance of Success: 60% Cost: 40 Upkeep: 40 Reward: 1d4 Force Users per turn
Force Users:
5 Abyss Apprentices (Tier 1)
4 Abyss Agents (Tier 2)
There's the central hub for an interstellar portal system that provides instantaneous transport to most of the galaxy somewhere around there as well.
Fortunately (well, given its superweapon status), it looks like the temple and Infinity Gate were destroyed ten years ago, back in 31 BBY. Lucky us. And lucky Dr. Snark -- instantaneous transport would pretty much break the whole setting, so I'm glad that's not a possibility.

At any rate, having (slightly) calmed down from my earlier :o, I think there are a few possible ways of recovering the praxeum ship.
  1. "Recover the Chu'unthor (Sneaking Option)" would have us sneak onto the planet, sneak onto the ship, figure out its controls, activate the automation and ASAP fly it away, specifically to park it in orbit above our Kiln base.
  2. "Recover the Chu'unthor (Speaking Option)" would have us meet with one of the clan leaders (most likely 'Mother Rell' of the Singing Mountain Clan) to ask permission before claiming and flying away with the praxeum ship.
  3. "Recover the Chu'unthor (Shooting Option)" would have us send some/all of our assault troops onto the planet, activate the ship, and fly it away, dealing with any obstacles by shooting it in the face.
I'd prefer either the Sneaking or Speaking option, since I'd still like to reach out to the Dathomir clans to join the CNS, and shooting them in the face might get in the way of that.:D

Likewise, unless we score a crit on Intrigue and manage to cast someone else as the villain for stealing with ship, I suspect that sneaking in and taking the ship right before we show up to negotiate their entry into the CNS must give rise to some suspicion. So the "Speaking Option" would probably be safest.

Still: I consider this one an absolute must-have for either this turn or next. @Dr. Snark, can we add a write-in for this? Or could we add it as a reward for rolling a high/critical success on the current 'CNS Recruitment > Dathomir' Diplomacy action?

On an unrelated note, I had some thoughts about our 'New Bases' purchases. We get 1 free one, but we should consider purchasing two (or more) since they're so easy to convert into income.
Naboo: Surprisingly the one spot that was offered to you to build a mansion is still unoccupied with your men bluntly confirming that it was made sure that the area is kept free for at least a few more years just in case you decide to buy the place. Its not far from Theed and in a particularly beautiful area. Cost: 200 Reward: Mansion on Naboo
Naboo is... kinda blah. I suspect we could pretty easily turn this into another 'Luxus-Resort' as we did with the Dantooine mansion, and it might help us get closer to Padme, which is always fun. But still, it doesn't get me excited.

Nemodia: While you might be playing the role of a neutral faction in the war the Trade Federation is still grateful enough to you for your past aid to mark a nice mansion on Nemodia for you to buy to "foster better relations." Fact of the matter is that said mansion would be on a planet where the TF has many droid factories... Cost: 200 Reward: Base on Nemodia
Neimoidia looks like it'd give us access to the Trade Federation's droid factories. Again, kinda 'meh', especially given the low quality of the B-1 series and the fact that we're already producing a bunch on our own.

Castell: You've had some good dealings with the Commerce Guild in the past, and you've located a plot on Castell that you might be able to build up into a decent trading facility. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Castell
We've previously worked with Shu Mai, and Castell is a highly-populated system located in the inner 'Colonies' region, right smack dab in the middle of the Perlemian Trade Route (aka 'The Axis', aka one of the five biggest hyperspace lanes in the entire galaxy). If we're looking to increase our 'Trade' income, Castell probably has the single biggest growth potential of any base option currently listed. In addition, Castell will probably fall to Republic forces in the near future, forcing Shu Mai and most of the Commerce Guild to withdraw to Felucia -- which means there's going to be a bunch of loot up for grabs in the near future. Finally (!) it's also the site of Orbital Shipyard CC-24, that will become one of the biggest Sienar production facilities in the galaxy.

Scipio: Leveraging a few contacts within the IGBC has given you the chance to get some valuable property on Scipio itself, and it would be so very close to some very fat bank accounts... Cost: 200 Reward: Property on Scipio
Scipio is an inhospitable mountainous ice-planet. However, it's also the headquarters of the InterGalactic Banking Clans and the site of their many many bank vaults. In another year or so (in canon at least), Count Dooku would force the head of the IGBC to increase interest rates only on the Republic. The Republic treats this as the IGBC formally joining the Separatists, and launches an invasion. Once the Republic seizes the planet, Palpatine manipulates the Senate to give him direct control of all Banking Clan assets, which gave him tremendous economic power (and lots of cash for bribes...). If we purchase property on Scipio, our small-scale benefits would be minimal -- we might gain a toehold in the financial sector, perhaps start a bank specifically for Neutral systems and provide lines of credit to the CNS. However, the large-scale benefit would be immense. Having our own base on-site could give us the leverage and access we need to seize the Banking Clan assets before Palpatine could get his dirty hands on them.

Lianna: Raith has pointed out that if you want to truly give a sign of partnership with him you could always establish a Karada corporation branch on Lianna. He's even pointed out a good facility for you to move into. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Lianna
Lianna is the headquarters of the Sienar Fleet Systems. Establishing a Karada Corp branch in the system might be a nice show of good faith, but I'm not sure what we'd gain. (Perhaps some medical training for pilots?) Unless I see more, this one doesn't really excite me much.

Corulag: Alternatively, Raith is willing to set aside some property on Corulag if you're willing to help invest in the more clandestine Advanced Research Division branch of his company. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Corulag
Starship research. This sounds a lot more fun... but also a lot more expensive, and less likely to give us much if any 'return on investment'.

Kashyyyk: While it's been some time since you've last worked with the Wookies your contributions to them have still been remembered and they would be willing to offer you the chance to purchase property on the planet if you choose. Cost: 200 Reward: Facility on Kashyyyk
Yes. Just... yes. Kashyyk is the Wookie homeworld. We're talking 8-foot tall, ridiculously strong beings that are known for being hard workers (Wookie engineers designed & built the original Devastator tanks) and for being fearsome warriors (Chewie's bowcaster is actually a traditional Wookie weapon).

This could easily turn into another recruiting station for the Abyss Watchers to gain Wookie warrior squads to our roster of forces, as well as a production facility for military supplies for the rest of the CNS. Lots of possibilities here.

Also, speaking of Chewie, it looks like he recently turned 181 or so (a good age for a young Wookie). At some point (I can't figure out when), Chewie will be captured by Trandoshans and brought to the nearby moon of Wassakh to be hunted for sport -- Chewie would escape with the help of Padawan Ahsoka. Unfortunately, I can't figure out where in the timeline that series of events (end of 'Clone Wars' season 3, specifically the episode "Wookie Hunt") would take place. However, if we have a base in Kashyyyk, we should be able to learn when the slave raid(s) take place, intervene and hopefully recruit Chewie for our organization. He did serve as a Wookie general alongside Yoda (!) during the Battle of Kashyyyk, so we know he's capable, and we also know that with The Silencer and Grievous and Thrawn, he'll probably learn a lot more about warfare than he'd ever learn on his own. Plus we could always figure out how to miniaturize and mass-produce bowcasters for our own forces....

So, for base purchases this turn, my vote would be for Castell and Kashyyyk. The Republic's invasion of Scipio won't occur until the very end of the war (19 BBY in canon, possibly even later in this timeline since Palpatine won't pull the trigger on Order 66 until he's arranged everything to his satisfaction), so it's not quite as urgent. We get one free base purchase, so buying both Castell and Kashyyyk would only cost 200 credits this turn.

As for the 'free Base upgrade'... the most cost-effective option would be to use it for the Kiln fortified mansion/personal retreat, given that it's the most expensive single option listed.
[] Build personal Retreat: Build a personal Retreat/Fortified Mansion on the planet to have a place to escape to in case of trouble in the known parts of the Galaxy. Cost: 200 (Takes 2 turns)
To be fair, we do kinda need a 'bug-out' place in case everything falls apart. More than that, I also kinda suspect that there's a whole 'upgrade tree' that we've missed by leaving that upgrade 'unbought' for so long.
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Just been wiki trawling and looked up Durge because why not, and I wonder how he's doing in this canon. Given that Jango Fett's alive I presume he might come up in that quest chain eventually given his hate-boner for Mandalorians.
It's Nar Shaddaa. No one gives a damn about appearances there. The only real difference is that the casino pretends to be classy, and the nightclub doesn't.
Okay. I was mostly asking if this would be a one-and-done upgrade (like our current properties on Dantooine or Neimoidia) or if there would be other upgrades possible in the future (for instance, installing wiretaps to gain 'Information' income on various clients). Or would that happen automatically when we build the casino or nightclub in the first place?

Also, @Dr. Snark: one last location for a base purchase that I forgot to list before (though I did quote a Teron post from the last thread that included it):
[] Muunilist, Mansion: A mansion on Muunilist, generously put up for sale to you by your colleagues in the IGBC. Cost: 100 Reward: Mansion on Muunilist

Per Wookiepedia, it looks like the Battle of Muunilinst has already taken place (in 22 BBY), though it's possible the battle was less devastating for the native populations. Still, there was still some damage, so building a base there might give us access to their recovering economy for both our benefits.

In fact, given our Humanitarian organization and mission, this is almost certainly one of the planets that we've been actively helping, so we might already have infrastructure and human resources on-site.

On the other hand... now that I've read more, it really feels like Muunilist is like Corellia: another system we should have contacted long ago about joining the CNS. Even though it was a homeworld of the IGBC (who actively conspired with the Separatists), most of the native Muun did not want to break with the Republic, and invited the GAR to invade and secure the planet against the IGBC. The Republic did so, but the siege and battle (at least in canon) was devastating for the local economy and almost led to a galaxy-wide recession as a result (!)

Given the appalling results of Republic intervention (though they're currently a Republic-aligned system), given our personal popularity (as the galactic humanitarian who single-handedly saved the planet, natch), and given their ongoing 'tightrope walking' act of backing the currencies for both the Republic and the Separatist factions... huh. Is it just me, or is Muunilist 'Neutral' in all but name?

So, three options:
  1. Base Purchase/Upgrade: Muunilist -- develop economic ties to planet/system
  2. Diplomacy Action: Recruit Muunilist to join the CNS
  3. Stewardship Action: Invest heavily in Muunilist economic recovery, gain significant number of assets on a resource-rich world with a population that specializes in finance & banking.

EDIT: I don't think @Dr. Snark responded to this Stewardship write-in idea?
Or, given our galactic-scale organization, could we arrange for the distribution & sale of non-military starships between Republic and Separatist space?
This would be with Sienar or one of the other starship companies we might contact. Does that seem feasible, or not really?

Also, would it reduce the 'cost' of a particular design if we put a lot of effort into drawing up the specs for our custom vessel(s)? Or would it just get on Sienar's nerve, to have us 'backseat driving' his engineering process?
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Doesn't Star Wars stealth run off some extremely rare kind of phlebotinum.
It does, three distinct types of phlebotiom, in fact.

1. The most common option, Stygium crystal based, mined from Aeten II. The dwindling supply of these crystals, coupled with Republic control over their distribution, are the main reasons stealth generators are much more expensive and rare than they were during the old republic era, and they were never cheap to begin with.

Interestingly, Kiln is not that far from Aeten II (I-5 and J-6, respectively).

2. Hybridium-based. Frankly, they suck balls. The suck balls so hard they were not used for stealth generators up until stygium ran dry, and even than the Galactic Empire didn't manage to make them particularly useful. Fuck those.

3. Adegan-based, or, more precicely, Ilum-crystal based. The most advanced of the three (as long as you believe the claims of Reconstituted Sith Empire scientists), but there is a very good chance that this particular technology is lost to ages.
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More ideas for Coruscant base:

Security Company: Protection money has always been an important source of income for the Undercity gangs, but for a modest fee, the Abyss Watchers could be made into a bona fide private security firm, letting them charge protection money legally! (Cost 50 credits, reduced vulnerability to hostile intrigues on Coruscant, 5 credits/turn income, unlocks "security school".)

Security School: Now that the Abyss Watchers are a legal private security firm, no-one would be suspicious if we started recruiting more Guardians. (Increase recruitment rate of Guardians.)

Underworld Takeover: While the Abyss Watchers are a galaxy-spanning organization, their presence on their own homeworld is weak clearing out more of the smaller gangs and consolidating new districts under Abyss Watcher control could have great opportunities. (Increase recruitment rate of Guardians and Seekers, unlocks new options, can be taken more than once. Cost ???.)

The unlockable options would be things like: "Undercity Charities", "Extended Wiretaps", "Expand Security Company", "Regional Strongholds" and "Rolling Takeovers".

Undercity Charities: Cost 200, Lady Ciaran more popular on Coruscant, improved local economy, increased health and skill of undercity citizens.

Extended Wiretaps: Cost 100, improved chance of finding out about any hostile intrigue on Coruscant, and EITHER 25 cr/turn OR "clean up the planet" (reduce corruption, ???) - this cannot be changed after the upgrade is chosen.

Expand Security Company: Cost 100 credits, 5 credits/turn income, +1 Guardian Team recruited per turn and raise Watcher team cap by +1 for each time "Underworld Takeover" has been taken.

Regional Strongholds: Build a fortified base in for each area taken by "Underworld Takeover". Cost ???, effect gain boltholes, Abyss Watchers more resistant to attack.

Rolling Takeovers: Put the task of increasing Abyss Watcher control of the Coruscant undercity in the hands of your underlings each turn gain 1d3 "Underworld Takeover" upgrades per turn. Upkeep is 150% the cost of "Underworld Takeover".


And how did Ciaran even find out about the Ysalamiri? They are... An unbelievably rare creature in a very, very big galaxy. It feels a bit cheap to have this just appear on the options list one day for no particular reason.

And how did Ciaran even find out about the Ysalamiri? They are... An unbelievably rare creature in a very, very big galaxy. It feels a bit cheap to have this just appear on the options list one day for no particular reason.
I gotta admit, I agree. As nice as it'd be to have access to the galaxy's biggest "That Was Easy" button ("Need to deal with a Sith Lord? No problem!"), it does feel kinda cheap for it to just show up. It'd make more sense if it showed up after we integrate Alpheridies and its neighbors into the CNS, since Myrkr is right next door and we'd be exploring our 'new' regions anyway.

Or, if you want to make it a bigger challenge, you could require us to have that custom-made scout vessel so we can explore our new Neutral space and learn what's out there.

Or, if you don't want it to be quite that much of a challenge, you could just wait until we recover the Chu'unthor. That full & undisturbed Jedi library should include information of the major dueling forms... including Form II, Makashi... which is also known as 'The Way of the Ysalamiri'. I kid you not. So all we need to do, to learn about the Force-negative tree-inhabiting lizard things living in a world right on our doorstep, is to recover and read through the Jedi library on that abandoned praxeum ship... right on our doorstep.

Guys? I think the Force might actually be real in this quest. Besides the Teron dice... the galaxy seems to be going out of its way to make life easy for us.
I gotta admit, I agree. As nice as it'd be to have access to the galaxy's biggest "That Was Easy" button ("Need to deal with a Sith Lord? No problem!"), it does feel kinda cheap for it to just show up. It'd make more sense if it showed up after we integrate Alpheridies and its neighbors into the CNS, since Myrkr is right next door and we'd be exploring our 'new' regions anyway.

Or, if you want to make it a bigger challenge, you could require us to have that custom-made scout vessel so we can explore our new Neutral space and learn what's out there.

Or, if you don't want it to be quite that much of a challenge, you could just wait until we recover the Chu'unthor. That full & undisturbed Jedi library should include information of the major dueling forms... including Form II, Makashi... which is also known as 'The Way of the Ysalamiri'. I kid you not. So all we need to do, to learn about the Force-negative tree-inhabiting lizard things living in a world right on our doorstep, is to recover and read through the Jedi library on that abandoned praxeum ship... right on our doorstep.

Guys? I think the Force might actually be real in this quest. Besides the Teron dice... the galaxy seems to be going out of its way to make life easy for us.
You do remember that we were trained in Makashi style by Dooku, right?

What are the chances he never mentioned it's full name?

I mean, it could be the case, but not a particularly probable one.
Let's see if we can free & recruit him

Didn't he go evil and try and conquer the galaxy and kidnapped Leia.. and also released something called the Death Seed plague.. which only one "known" person ever got cured of, and that was Leia.. and she got cured because she was a hostage and got cured by Dzym, who was a sentient genetically altered humanoid Droch, the species that spread the plague.
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I am interested in the Luka Sene teachings because it gets us started on the force visions. Sure combat application of it are nice but I am intrigued by the more serious force vision techniques that may be gated behind it.
I'm surprise no one has put any ideas to increase our diplomatic status of the Techno Union or geonosis to help with droid production.
I'm surprise no one has put any ideas to increase our diplomatic status of the Techno Union or geonosis to help with droid production.

We and the TU don't get along, ever since we snatched a factory away from them. Honestly we'd be better off going to Gunray. We bailed him out on multiple occasions and can rely on him to focus on pure profit.
Looking up what the Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act does... I think smothering the oncoming CIS offensive in its crib is a prudent course of action given it seems like the only plausible manner to prevent the Darth Sidious from having a pawn that can conduct legal searches, and seizures without due process. This would be terrible for the Abyss Watcher as we're the new big name in town for the underworld, and even should it pass we'd have a backup plan should the Jedi Order get the axe, seeing as Palpatine forcing the bill through without a clear danger would serve as a catalyst for the formation of a opposition faction.

After all I'd expect they'd would be more than willing to pay for quality security especially if we can point to the fate Seti Ashgad. Also by making the war so it stalemates with nobody having a decisive advantage we lower the price of peace, and as a result increase the odds of systems being willing to join the CNS, which makes it more difficult for our opponent Darth Sidious to use them to his advantage in the game we're playing with him.
I'm surprise no one has put any ideas to increase our diplomatic status of the Techno Union or geonosis to help with droid production.
A failure in one of the earlier actions means the Techno Union, and Abyss Watchers have a mutual dislike/hate for each other.
O_O Okay, so a lot of things happened while I was asleep. Let me try and deal with them bit by bit.

  • Diplomatic Barge/Consular Ship: specialized for diplomatic missions, but with a subtext that most diplomatic missions are taking place in hostile or potentially hostile areas. So: luxury cruiser with strong shields, decent array of weapons, good acceleration & hyperdrive. Ideally, also equipped with a HIMS-like capability to bypass Interdiction fields and/or shroud to negate tractor beams. (Could we recruit diplomatic staff to send out, or give one to Satine to let her act independently to rally more systems to the CNS?)
  • Scout Vessel: specialized for research & exploration, so the biggest design element is the sensor suite. Good for finding new hyperspace lanes, new habitable or resource-rich planets or moons, or useful flora and fauna. Ideally, also equipped with Force-sensitive instruments that can detect Force users, artifacts, or nexuses. (Perhaps we could design/invest such instruments once we acquire some ysalamiri?)
  • Courier Ships: highly personalized one-person vessels designed for each high-level member of the Abyss Watchers (so: Thrawn's might be a floating mini-museum, while The Silencer's would be a floating porcupine). Typical design emphasis is on speed -- these craft are built to convey their pilot as quickly to their destination as possible. (This could be especially useful as a 'graduation present' for each of our Abyss Agents and other Force users once they're strong enough to be sent on missions).

Those all seem legit; I'll work out the costs and get them edited in.


There's an abandoned Jedi 'praxeum'-class capital ship -- almost fully automated, with full Jedi library, plus data archives from multiple research organizations and universities -- that's unused and just sitting there in our own backyard? :o


Well first you're going to have to get Dathomir in the CNS, then you're going to have to learn that the thing exists, then you're going to have to convince the locals that they don't need it. So uh...it's going to take a lot of work.

@Dr. Snark question. Does the below still apply from the previous quest or not?

...Dammit. Hopefully that's the last thing I forgot from the last quest. When was that activated so I can do catch-up?

Also, @Dr. Snark: one last location for a base purchase that I forgot to list before (though I did quote a Teron post from the last thread that included it):
[] Muunilist, Mansion: A mansion on Muunilist, generously put up for sale to you by your colleagues in the IGBC. Cost: 100 Reward: Mansion on Muunilist


Security Company: Protection money has always been an important source of income for the Undercity gangs, but for a modest fee, the Abyss Watchers could be made into a bona fide private security firm, letting them charge protection money legally! (Cost 50 credits, reduced vulnerability to hostile intrigues on Coruscant, 5 credits/turn income, unlocks "security school".)

Security School: Now that the Abyss Watchers are a legal private security firm, no-one would be suspicious if we started recruiting more Guardians. (Increase recruitment rate of Guardians.)

Underworld Takeover: While the Abyss Watchers are a galaxy-spanning organization, their presence on their own homeworld is weak clearing out more of the smaller gangs and consolidating new districts under Abyss Watcher control could have great opportunities. (Increase recruitment rate of Guardians and Seekers, unlocks new options, can be taken more than once. Cost ???.)

The unlockable options would be things like: "Undercity Charities", "Extended Wiretaps", "Expand Security Company", "Regional Strongholds" and "Rolling Takeovers".

Undercity Charities: Cost 200, Lady Ciaran more popular on Coruscant, improved local economy, increased health and skill of undercity citizens.

Extended Wiretaps: Cost 100, improved chance of finding out about any hostile intrigue on Coruscant, and EITHER 25 cr/turn OR "clean up the planet" (reduce corruption, ???) - this cannot be changed after the upgrade is chosen.

Expand Security Company: Cost 100 credits, 5 credits/turn income, +1 Guardian Team recruited per turn and raise Watcher team cap by +1 for each time "Underworld Takeover" has been taken.

Regional Strongholds: Build a fortified base in for each area taken by "Underworld Takeover". Cost ???, effect gain boltholes, Abyss Watchers more resistant to attack.

Rolling Takeovers: Put the task of increasing Abyss Watcher control of the Coruscant undercity in the hands of your underlings each turn gain 1d3 "Underworld Takeover" upgrades per turn. Upkeep is 150% the cost of "Underworld Takeover".

Ooooh, that's interesting. Give me a bit to work out the details and I'll get those edited in.

And how did Ciaran even find out about the Ysalamiri? They are... An unbelievably rare creature in a very, very big galaxy. It feels a bit cheap to have this just appear on the options list one day for no particular reason.

Hmm...well okay I'll level with you on that one. It would make logical sense for Ciaran to have learned about the things given her interest in obscure Jedi lore but it would also make sense that she doesn't really know the key details like their location or abilities.

So, compromise: she knows that these things exist after learning about Makashi's full name and a bit of light digging on them but she's not 100% sure on where they are to begin with. Sound fair?

Edit: I feel like I should point out that in general if an option "suddenly appears out of nowhere" odds are it's because I just realized that it was a viable and interesting option that could be taken at some point, not because you suddenly stumble across some book or something.
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I cant help but wonder if we did get that base on Naboo could we potentially get accesses to gungan shield tek? Because that would be really useful in general. I mean imagine if we could produce a magnaguard with the infantry shield and body made out of beskar. Pricey as all hell but you wont better bodyguards.
Is Ciaran still an employee of Hego Damask's estate? And thus by extension the IGBC?

Because that could be key to looting the banks.
An estate like Damask's doesn't just disappear, the bankers might be receptive to a way out courtesy of an old associate of the esteemed Magister Damask.
@Dr. Snark Idea for Ship:

A "sturdy-bruiser" functioning as escorts. With the possibility to ram and penetrate the hull of bigger ships for infiltration purposes.
Due to impact only forceusers and droids can use its ramming ability.
Since turn 12. I have no idea from what turn our current roster is from or how the progress to Tier 2 and above goes.

I've operated under the assumption that for recruitment it stopped during the turnover to me, so the rolls are for the last few turns. So that's why you've got more. As for tiering up...yeah I think I've got something in mind to cover that since it's never been made explicit, and I don't like it when that happens because it gives everyone a headache, me included.

A "sturdy-bruiser" functioning as escorts. With the possibility to ram and penetrate the hull of bigger ships for infiltration purposes.
Due to impact only forceusers and droids can use its ramming ability.

Hmm...I like the idea but I'll need a bit more clarification for it:
-Are we talking fighter-sized, or Scimitar-sized?
-When you say "sturdy bruiser," are you referring to the fact that it is heavily armored/shielded, but relatively slow?

Well, what would make it special? There's certainly plenty of ships in the galaxy that have lasers and wings. If you want to get the design through, there's gotta be a proper pitch for it.
@Dr. Snark Just did the numbers. We should have, at minimum, 11(?) Abyss Forces Users. We have 9.

E: Just saw your post. Nevermind me.
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