And as to all this talk about hooking Padme and Anakin up, I must disagree most strenously.

Cadme is love, Cadme is life, Cadme is best ship.

You have my sword.

Anywho, we should totally try and get some Interdictor-class Cruisers built or whatever.. Thrawn could use a decent flagship. And Grievous could.. and us.. Interdictor-class Cruisers for everybody!

I mean, they're super old, but they're as powerful as the future Victory-II Star Destroyer.
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I think recent events will really get Sidious and Dooku to sit up and take notice. They decided to try and assassinate us. That failed. They tried to get the Hutts involved through Rotta, and maybe put a black mark on the Jedi. We stopped that immediately, secured the Hutt Routes for our faction, and took out a powerful Hutt, replacing him with our own associate. We decided to deal with the Black Sun (albeit a weakened one) and in the span of a quarter we wiped them from the galaxy. They've been assuming that we're a big fish in a small pond, but not savvy enough to truly operate on the galactic scale like they've been doing. Suddenly, it becomes clear that we pretty much run the CNS, who are being quite competent in defending themselves and are building up their forces, have wiped out pretty much all competition in the underworld...except the Hutts who we are now the best of buds with, we're uncomfortably close with Jango Fett, and keep managing to talk the Jedi Council into seeing things our way.

I think they'll realize that they've underestimated Lady Ciaran, and that they don't know the answer to "How much did we underestimate her?"
Honestly I'd love to see some kind of terrible MS-Paint representation of where the CNS is if anyone's interested. It'd basically qualify for an omake bonus given the headache-inducing nature of trying to figure out where it is in relation to everything else in the galaxy.
So I've started working on this, though a lot of it is speculative. One thing I'm trying to do, is include the location of Abyss Watcher bases or properties, in addition to showing the extent of the CNS.

There are two difficult locations -- our private planet Lordran (somewhere in the Unknown Regions) and our new asteroid base. Per Turn 18 in the last thread, we found the asteroid base during Operation RESI somewhere in the Outer Rim.
Biohazard: We have reports from our men in our Humanitarian organisation about the status on some Outer-Rim world that are currently under siege. According to these reports the doctors have discovered countless people being affected by the same plague on several different planets that are involved in battle against the CIS with high death tolls being the result. Common oppinion amongst your doctors is that its definitely a synthetic plague.
[X] Operation 'RESI':
Required: 40 Rolled: 70+33+5+5=113
Your men likely didn't expect to get to use all the illegal weaponry they kept in their armories and neither did you expect to actually get the chance to kill something with your lightfoil. To summarise, your investigations did not procure anything interesting on the planets themselves, or at least nothing your doctors aren't allready investigating, but you did manage to gain some recordings of unmarked transports approaching and disappearing again from a planet which ended up with your men investigating everything that could possibly lie in the direction the ships jumped to. As insane as that may sound, someone decided to do several short-range jumps and encountered a abandoned asteroidbase in the middle of absolutely nowhere.
So there's that -- still speculative, but just find a 'hole' between multiple Outer-Rim systems on the Star Wars galaxy map and there's your asteroid.

Incidentally, I think the 'Reward' for that original Operation RESI action needs to be included in our 'default bonus' list on pg. 1 here:
Reward: +5 on dealing with any further mutants, damaged research data on the mutants
That means that the final roll for Operation RESI II (this turn) should be 66 (not 61):
[X] Operation RESI II: The synthetic plague is back and is now more dangerous than ever. You're going to need to get out there and find out as much about who is causing this as you can if you want to end this threat once and for all. Chance of Success: 40% Cost 100 Reward: New synthetic plague ended, information about plague creators gained
-[X] Silas Cata
-[X] The Silencer
-[X] Omake by Teron
Rolled: 15+36+10=61 (Bare Success)
Still a bare success, but less 'on the verge of failure' than we thought.
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You know, she is a teenager with attitude, brimming with overconfidence. We don't need to do anything, both of her authority figures said to stay away from us. She'll seek us out within the quarter, half-a-year tops.
Related to Ahsoka and our recruitment of her... has anyone forgotten that Ahsoka was framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple? She was expelled from the Jedi Order, prosecuted for treason, and came very close to being convicted and sentenced to death. As long as we've met her and made her a good impression beforehand, it should be pretty darn easy to sway her to leave the Jedi for good (which she did in canon anyway) and join our organization. Frankly, given Anakin's impression of the Council during these events, we have a pretty decent chance of swaying him to leave the Jedi Order as well.
I kind of want to take control of the known assassination plot and trigger it against someone in the CIS command chain. I mean, all we have on the plot is that the feelers and preparation is all vague and very not specific on who the target is, just that they're highly placed and important and thus well protected. How hard would it be for the Abyss Walkers to use a middle agent to trigger that set up prematurely against some one like, oh say, Nute Gunray? Make it seem like, to those outside, people upset with him escaping justice took it in hand instead. And to those inside, it was standard Sith/CIS backstabbery.
I think they'll realize that they've underestimated Lady Ciaran, and that they don't know the answer to "How much did we underestimate her?"
Thing is, Ciaran isn't (or at least wasn't) all that bit a deal. The Abyss Watchers are a tiny organization compared to the serious players in the galaxy at large (even compared to just Coruscant, we only have a handful of ships) and has always been lucky as hell, using our charisma to keep one step ahead of those that would kill us. Our real power comes from the people Ciaran knows and can influence, before it was a few random Senators, diplomats, and some ties to megacorps, but only now are we starting to look like a big player.
They haven't actually tried to assassinate us yet to my knowledge, we just found out that Dooku is putting out feelers for it. We're currently keeping track of who gets contacted to find out who takes the bait, so we can avert it when the time comes.

Ah right. Fair. Means we have maybe have another quarter before they get really serious about us, since if we stomp the assassination attempt before it gets going, that should really worry them.
is it wrong that i want to make our own jedi/sith organization? even just the basics.
the only reason why is because it's both fun. and because we could specialize our force users.
and call them something besides force users
Thing is, Ciaran isn't (or at least wasn't) all that bit a deal. The Abyss Watchers are a tiny organization compared to the serious players in the galaxy at large (even compared to just Coruscant, we only have a handful of ships) and has always been lucky as hell, using our charisma to keep one step ahead of those that would kill us. Our real power comes from the people Ciaran knows and can influence, before it was a few random Senators, diplomats, and some ties to megacorps, but only now are we starting to look like a big player.
also. we aren't small at all, compared to the hutts republic or cis in man power then yes
but we are strong in a lot of things. one of them being that we have people every and almost no one no's it besides the sith and even they don't know how much we know (the control chips and sidious)
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I think recent events will really get Sidious and Dooku to sit up and take notice. They decided to try and assassinate us. That failed. They tried to get the Hutts involved through Rotta, and maybe put a black mark on the Jedi. We stopped that immediately, secured the Hutt Routes for our faction, and took out a powerful Hutt, replacing him with our own associate. We decided to deal with the Black Sun (albeit a weakened one) and in the span of a quarter we wiped them from the galaxy. They've been assuming that we're a big fish in a small pond, but not savvy enough to truly operate on the galactic scale like they've been doing. Suddenly, it becomes clear that we pretty much run the CNS, who are being quite competent in defending themselves and are building up their forces, have wiped out pretty much all competition in the underworld...except the Hutts who we are now the best of buds with, we're uncomfortably close with Jango Fett, and keep managing to talk the Jedi Council into seeing things our way.

I think they'll realize that they've underestimated Lady Ciaran, and that they don't know the answer to "How much did we underestimate her?"

The next step for them will, I think, be trying to trigger that blackmail/smear job they threatened Ciaran with - I believe they're unaware that Ciaran's ready for it.

is it wrong that i want to make our own jedi/sith organization? even just the basics.
the only reason why is because it's both fun. and because we could specialize our force users.
and call them something besides force users

also. we aren't small at all, compared to the hutts republic or cis in man power then yes
but we are strong in a lot of things. one of them being that we have people every and almost no one no's it besides the sith and even they don't know how much we know (the control chips and sidious)

Really, the Abyss Watchers should probably be compared more to, say, the Jedi Order than alliances of systems. Relatively small in numbers, relatively high in training, outsized influence and ability to accomplish things.
Ahsoka should also be on rather friendly terms with Padme, so Its only a matter of time before Ashoka ask her about Ciaran
And Padmes disposition to Ciaran.. well:
Padme: Considers you her best friend, spends more time with you than anyone else... not that she has much of a choice

Probably the most natural way of Ciaran meeting Ashoka without other Jedi present is either trough Padme(running into the pair on Coruscant or traveling with her as a guard, to just about anywhere while Anakin/ Obi-Wan are of waring ) or Ventress (Ashoka sees Ventress out doing stuff for us and while following her "a wild Ciaran appears").
Really, the Abyss Watchers should probably be compared more to, say, the Jedi Order than alliances of systems. Relatively small in numbers, relatively high in training, outsized influence and ability to accomplish things.

I'm not sure we could be compared to the Jedi in numbers. There are about 10,000 Jedi and the Abyss Watchers is about large battalion sized, if they all gathered together. In terms of hard power, we're more like the 501st, what with our fleet of ships and military grade equipment. Our advantage is soft power, there's a lot of people who owe Ciaran favours or can be called on to do 'the right thing' of either logic or credits.
I'm not sure we could be compared to the Jedi in numbers. There are about 10,000 Jedi and the Abyss Watchers is about large battalion sized, if they all gathered together. In terms of hard power, we're more like the 501st, what with our fleet of ships and military grade equipment. Our advantage is soft power, there's a lot of people who owe Ciaran favours or can be called on to do 'the right thing' of either logic or credits.
man we need to expand
is it wrong that i want to make our own jedi/sith organization? even just the basics.

Not at all - I think most players are keen to make that happen. And Ciaran is well placed to do it, since we got a crit way back when in Teron's leg of the quest when she researched other force traditions.

So, just looking over things, the Abyss Watchers are a very scary organisation. A strange and shadowy cabal with it's own military and fleet, connections across the galaxy and it's own secretive league of Force users. Even without knowing just how much of the Galaxy is under the influence of their master, of just how deep their conspiracy reaches there must be quite a few concerns about them.

They just wiped out the Black Suns and must have been seen to be doing mysterious things for mysterious purposes across the galaxy, I wonder what their reputation is in the greater Galaxy? Not to mention the deeply menacing crest and motto, seriously anyone doing investigations coming across that mark is going to be worried, it's straight up malevolent.

I've also got to note that Ciaran is scarily competent across the board, she's nearly a match for Grievous and the Silencer and in spitting distance of Asajj whilst being pretty darn amazing at everything else.
Fighting her would be a nightmare given her martial excellency, mastery of psychological manipulation and her breadth of Force knowledge, I really wonder if we'll see her pushed to get serious in that way?

Hmm. It does seem like the Abyss Watchers are approaching the level of strength that the Black Sun had under Xizor. Which is pretty impressive for a non-Hutt criminal group. However, I doubt it's very scary at the level Dooku, the Jedi or Palps operate at yet.

The Abyss Watcher military consists of a handful of squads of men and machines and a couple of tanks, 4 groups of ex-pirates and the Oracle and her support fleet and fighters. Compared to what the Hutts, Republic and CIS can field, I reckon the Abyss Watchers are pretty weak in that regard.

It may help that we basically control the CNS military, but they don't come across as being too strong either.

Interestingly though:

Force Users:
5 Abyss Apprentices (Tier 1)
4 Abyss Agents (Tier 2)

Plus Ventriss, Tyro and Ciaran makes 12 force users - I think that's actually more force using manpower than Dooku has to hand... (We should probably see about recruiting more force sensitives - the ones we have were recruited a few years ago, we could probably do fresher students so the apprentices can learn by teaching...)

So I've started working on this, though a lot of it is speculative. One thing I'm trying to do, is include the location of Abyss Watcher bases or properties, in addition to showing the extent of the CNS.

There are two difficult locations -- our private planet Lordran (somewhere in the Unknown Regions) and our new asteroid base. Per Turn 18 in the last thread, we found the asteroid base during Operation RESI somewhere in the Outer Rim.

I imagined Lordran as being in the Northern parts of the Unknown Regions, near-ish to Kalee. The asteroid base might be fun to place in the area that will become the Corporate Sector during the Empire era.

I look forward to seeing your interpretation of the CNS. I had been thinking of doing my own map.

@Dr. Snark:

Could we place a base on Castell? (It was the planet we started investing in back in turn 7.)

Also, does anyone remember what happened to the cybernetics company Ciaran bought in turn 4? Did it get merged with Karanda?

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would it be possible to make our own jedi/sith order? like can that be a thing we can do?

Why would we? We already have a large conglomerate and not having any particular views helps us stay out of the Sith and Jedi's true bad sides.

EDIT: Besides isn't it awesome knowing that we 'own' or 'have connections' in so much of the galaxy that we are literally a power broker? Think about it this way.

Everyone has something good to say and some have a 'suspicion' about us. Well those few suspicious people STILL have something good to say about us and would still help us out since we are such a nice lady.

Basically we have NOTHING stopping us from being the #3 power in the universe. I mean hell we got the Hutts who like us now too. The CIS might dislike us a bit since Dooku says so but they're going to die. Who cares what dead people have to think?

Trade Federation likes us.

Mandalore likes us.

Droids do what we say.

Wookies appreciate us.

Kaele like us.

Seriously who even dislikes us? WHO?!
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Why would we? We already have a large conglomerate and not having any particular views helps us stay out of the Sith and Jedi's true bad sides.

EDIT: Besides isn't it awesome knowing that we 'own' or 'have connections' in so much of the galaxy that we are literally a power broker? Think about it this way.

Everyone has something good to say and some have a 'suspicion' about us. Well those few suspicious people STILL have something good to say about us and would still help us out since we are such a nice lady.

Basically we have NOTHING stopping us from being the #3 power in the universe. I mean hell we got the Hutts who like us now too. The CIS might dislike us a bit since Dooku says so but they're going to die. Who cares what dead people have to think?

Trade Federation likes us.

Mandalore likes us.

Droids do what we say.

Wookies appreciate us.

Kaele like us.

Seriously who even dislikes us? WHO?!
good point
lets assassinate dukku and have the cis be what it was supposed to be before the sit got there hands on it
Turn 22 Rumor Mill
Galactic News:
CIS Gearing Up For New Advances: The CIS seems to have recovered from their defeat at Kamino and are beginning to regain momentum, though to a lesser extent than at the beginning of the war.

Seti Ashgad Missing: After significantly criticizing the Supreme Chancellor's decision to have additional holocameras installed within the Senate building the Senator Seti Ashgad, a rising star and popular figure in the Senate, has vanished with no clues to his whereabouts. Palpatine and his supporters have stated that the timing is purely coincidental.

Bail Organa Stymies New Proposal: Bail Organa, a Senator from Alderaan has been making waves in the political community lately for consistently opposing the proposed Enhanced Security and Enforcement Act which would grant the Supreme Chancellor further powers should it be enacted.

Underground News:
Black Sun Annihilated: The destruction of the Black Sun has sent shockwaves throughout the underworld as many of the former organization's members have either joined other gangs or left crime altogether. It's clear to everyone that the Abyss Watchers are the newest big name around.

Hutts Extend Favoritism To Abyss Watchers: In addition, it's become clear to those in the know that the Hutt Council has declared that the Abyss Watchers are to be treated as favored associates, effectively declaring them to be the other major power of the underworld and allied with the Hutts.

Organization News:
Morale Skyrockets Across Abyss Watchers: The massive financial gains, destruction of the Black Sun, and favoritism from the Hutts all gained in the last quarter have caused morale to dramatically increase throughout the Abyss Watchers.

Partnership With Sienar Welcomed: The declaration of partnership between Sienar and Karada for "humanitarian purposes" has been very popular publicly, and the more savvy members of both groups expect to profit significantly from it.

Surveillance on Skywalker Family Increased: Due to reasons unknown to the lower groups, the surveillance on Shmi Skywalker and persons associated with her has increased significantly, with generous offers being made to Shmi to support the "humanitarian efforts" recently opened on Tatooine.
Seti Ashgad Missing: After significantly criticizing the Supreme Chancellor's decision to have additional holocameras installed within the Senate building the Senator Seti Ashgad, a rising star and popular figure in the Senate, has vanished with no clues to his whereabouts. Palpatine and his supporters have stated that the timing is purely coincidental.

welp, time to put on our concerned citizen hat and dig up a body. a dictatorship would be bad for business, and when political opponents start dying that's what's coming down the pipe.
I just wondered why we haven't gone looking for the droid army shutdown codes.
Because that seems like a smart thing to get.