So, just looking over things, the Abyss Watchers are a very scary organisation. A strange and shadowy cabal with it's own military and fleet, connections across the galaxy and it's own secretive league of Force users. Even without knowing just how much of the Galaxy is under the influence of their master, of just how deep their conspiracy reaches there must be quite a few concerns about them.
They just wiped out the Black Suns and must have been seen to be doing mysterious things for mysterious purposes across the galaxy, I wonder what their reputation is in the greater Galaxy? Not to mention the deeply menacing crest and motto, seriously anyone doing investigations coming across that mark is going to be worried, it's straight up malevolent.
I've also got to note that Ciaran is scarily competent across the board, she's nearly a match for Grievous and the Silencer and in spitting distance of Asajj whilst being pretty darn amazing at everything else.
Fighting her would be a nightmare given her martial excellency, mastery of psychological manipulation and her breadth of Force knowledge, I really wonder if we'll see her pushed to get serious in that way?