@Dr. Snark, I'm not sure if you saw my question posted shortly before the latest Turn Results.
Specifically, at the very beginning of this quest, we spent our first-ever Learning Actions on equipping our forces with body & helmet cameras. This was supposed to enable more comprehensive after-action reports, and provide a +5 bonus on all Martial actions.
...And when
that failed, we tried again the following turn:
However, when that second roll finally did succeed... that +5 Martial wasn't added to the front page, wasn't applied to our Martial Actions for Turn 3, and wasn't mentioned by anyone in the thread after that point. By all appearances, it looks like people just plain forgot about it.
So... do we get to keep it?
Alternately, would you be willing to treat this like you did with the 'training facilities': give us a cheap base upgrade that lets us regain the original bonus, but in a way more suited to the current size & scale of our operations?
Specifically, I'm imagining something like the X-Men's battle room -- holographic tech does exist, and we apparently have recording of pretty much every fight our troops have been involved in over the past fifteen years. We could use the room for dry-fire combat simulations (for training), or more detailed after-action reports (extrapolating from individual body cams to give a complete view of the battlefield), or 3D space-battle simulations to train our navy. Heck, we could even have Thrawn develop some of the scenarios, like Spock designing the
Kobayashi Maru in Star Trek.
I imagine we could build the upgrade on Taris, to start making that planet our military center, just as it's already becoming our economic center. Alternately, attach it to our Kalee facility, so the local CNS Academy would get some use out of it.