I think that there are areas where Hazo sucks at being a clan head (e.g., treating people beyond Noburi, Mari, Kei, Kagome, Akane like they're full people with agency)
Have we actually seen Hazou doing this to them? They don't show up onscreen super often sure, but we only have so much screenspace to dedicate and people typically prefer plot stuff or other chars like Ino. I don't think that means Hazou's necessarily acting like they don't have agency. For example we know he goes around the estate every day and talks to the civilians to see what they need even though it doesn't show up onscreen

If they feel ignored despite these offscreen proceedings... have they made any effort to come and talk to Hazou? Shinji did (technically wasn't even adopted yet I think) and Hazou made the time for him. I'd maybe apologize for not seeming approachable, given that they don't feel comfortable coming to Hazou with their qualms, since like, why is he hearing about this thirdhand from Noburi or Mari and not the clanmates themselves?
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Out of personal curiosity, is there a ref. for how many shadow Hazōs are running about on a typical day?
You can find SC hours from this formula:
(Resolve) - 11 + 3 (If you have SC 40) + 3 (If you have Resolve 40) + 3 (If you have SC 50, only really applies for Kei.)
So for Hazou, that's 62 - 11 + 3 + 3 = 57 SC hours

Typically clones last 9 hours to maximize training time, so 6 clones for full 9 hours and a short 7th clone would be my approximation
You can find SC hours from this formula:
(Resolve) - 11 + 3 (If you have SC 40) + 3 (If you have Resolve 40) + 3 (If you have SC 50, only really applies for Kei.)
So for Hazou, that's 62 - 11 + 3 + 3 = 57 SC hours

Typically clones last 9 hours to maximize training time, so 6 clones for full 9 hours and a short 7th clone would be my approximation
That's honestly kind of terrifying.

Imagine all the Content(tm) you could consume
Man, this plan is fine practically, but it's unbearably self-flagellating. Can we have something more upbeat instead? Here...
This is my primary issue with it. No comment on your alternate suggestion
[] Action Plan: Respect
  • Discuss with Mari, Ino, Noburi, Kei, and Snowflake (MINKS).
  • Meet with aggrieved Goketsu, either individually or in a group as MINKS recommend.
    • Goals, in order. Follow the general structure
      • Understand their issues and the drivers (logical and emotional) for these issues.
      • Understand their desired outcomes and the reasons (logical and emotional) they want these things.
      • Work collaboratively towards a mutually-acceptable solution.
    • Meta-goal: demonstrate that you respect them and want to work with them, not just boss them around.
  • Tone/approach:
    • Hazo Classic: open, honest, earnest.
    • Let them lead. Be consultative. Listen. Focus on understanding problems and root causes before proposing solutions.
    • If Hazo gets frustrated, ask for a minute before reacting/responding.
    • There are systemic issues here (clan vs. clanless vs. KEI) that are related but beyond your scope to entirely fix. If things drift, acknowledge the problems and re-focus on the issue at hand.
  • Open with:
    • Demanding that they hand over their jutsu without talking to them first was a bad move.
    • You're new at being a clan head. You make mistakes; that was one of them.
    • You're sorry.
  • You want to have a positive relationship with all the Goketsu - not just the ones you lived in the woods with. To that end, you want to navigate this with them.
    • Explain, in broad terms, what Goketsu tricks/techniques they do/don't have access to, and why.
      • You need to re-assess sharing MARS (explain what it is) because it might have leaked with Akane's death. But beyond that? What they have is what everyone has.
      • You're leaving a few things out that you can't share because of national security/Asuma's orders.
    • Tiered access is normal for clans, but you don't want Goketsu to be normal - you want to do better than that.
      • You think clan secrets are a little stupid. The Contest proved it - clans hoard knowledge. Why?
      • What do they want? What issues do they see? Do they have ideas? You need policy for this.
        • This is an opportunity for them to have a pretty big impact - other clans listen to Goketsu, and if they can come up with something that works, it'll likely set precedent for other clans.
  • Hazo's suggestions:
    • Donate Goketsu jutsu/seals to the KEI one-for-one.
    • They set fixed prerequisites for teaching their techniques to other Goketsu (e.g., intermediate proficiency with the element, focus on hand-to-hand).

Have we actually seen Hazou doing this to them? They don't show up onscreen super often sure, but we only have so much screenspace to dedicate and people typically prefer plot stuff or other chars like Ino. I don't think that means Hazou's necessarily acting like they don't have agency. For example we know he goes around the estate every day and talks to the civilians to see what they need even though it doesn't show up onscreen
I'm referring to Hazo's general tendencies. We have a pretty clear two-tier system within the clan, and we've not (AFAIK) spent any time in plans trying to improve relationships with these people.
If they feel ignored despite these offscreen proceedings... have they made any effort to come and talk to Hazou? Shinji did (technically wasn't even adopted yet I think) and Hazou made the time for him. I'd maybe apologize for not seeming approachable, given that they don't feel comfortable coming to Hazou with their qualms, since like, why is he hearing about this thirdhand from Noburi or Mari and not the clanmates themselves?
Eeeeh, I disagree with this approach. The thing to focus on is what was within our control. I agree that we can and should discuss why they haven't come to us so we can address it, but framing this as 'why haven't you talked to us about this' pushes a lot of this back on them instead of taking responsibility for our end (and rejecting blame if they try to heap all of it on us).

These are people who are not firing on all cylinders (they have weird issues which are rooted in emotional stuff) and they need some level of handling.
Since everyone is posting potential action plans I'll drop mine. Our main questline problems are super complicated. I don't think we can afford to spend more plans where we are not mostly focused on them

[] Action Plan: Irons in the fire
  • Meet with Mari, Kei, Snowflake, Noburi under full OPSEC procedures
    • We are rapidly approaching a potential showdown Akatsuki over the rift and we need to start prepping for it
      • Mari you're our primary heavy hitter how do you feel you stack up to them
        • What seals would help your combat style?
      • Noburi you're our secondary heavy hitter
        • We want you to go all in on developing new summoning contracts. Spend all the money you need to secure new contracts
        • Do everything you can to get the sages and Gamabunta to see you favorably.
          • Maybe play up avenging Jiraiya
        • If their are any techniques you think you can get let us know
      • We're going to be heading out again to get the Squirrel Scroll and more of that weird crystal soon
        • Noburi, Kei and Snowflake you need to go on some combat missions to make sure your ready for the trip
        • Hazou isn't sure on team composition because he might be stuck doing seal research but he wants everyone to be ready.
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So I've been looking into the other sealsmiths in the clan and checking to see what they're like. Not entirely sure what they're capable of beyond what's in the Goketsu roster. Shinji and Kazushi might have their hands full because of the Akane seal bank, I think. Not sure if we could pay them to reduce Hazou's backlog at this point.
Nakano bowed out because he didn't feel up to it, but the rest are still studying. Kagome-sensei's students in order of acquisition are:
  1. Hazō (sealing, general life advice that mostly relates to explosives)
  2. Honoka (math, other academics, cheating, general life advice that mostly relates to explosives)
  3. Genda, Sugiyama, and Jinno (sealing, general life advice that mostly relates to explosives)
  4. Fuyuki (sealing, general life advice that mostly relates to explosives)

If you ask Kagome, he says that Kazushi is ready to learn skywalkers, but Shinji could use some more preparatory reading of Jiraiya's sealing textbook.

You can tax their seal profits as much as you want. At present, they are fulfilling Hazou and Kagome's monthly seal-tithe to the Tower and also supplying the clan's generous storage/explosive usage. They keep the full sale value of any additional seals they print.
Man, this plan is fine practically, but it's unbearably self-flagellating. Can we have something more upbeat instead? Here...

[⚔️] Action Plan: MOM, I'M BUSY
  • Find Mari
  • Tell her to appoint someone as head of Fixing This Shit
  • Make sure she tells them he's busy saving the world AGAIN
  • They have whatever powers they want as long as they always ask him for approval
  • He'll either reject, approve, or delegate the decision
  • Then go do other stuff that's more fun

I'm sorry, isn't that like 70% of how and why our Chancellor already worked?
Since everyone is posting potential action plans I'll drop mine. Our main questline problems are super complicated. I don't think we can afford to spend more plans where we are not mostly focused on them

[] Action Plan: Irons in the fire
  • Meet with Mari, Kei, Snowflake, Noburi under full OPSEC procedures
    • We are rapidly approaching a potential showdown Akatsuki over the rift and we need to start prepping for it
      • Mari you're our primary heavy hitter how do you feel you stack up to them
        • What seals would help your combat style?
      • Noburi you're our secondary heavy hitter
        • We want you to go all in on developing new summoning contracts. Spend all the money you need to secure new contracts
        • Do everything you can to get the sages and Gamabunta to see you favorably.
          • Maybe play up avenging Jiraiya
        • If their are any techniques you think you can get let us know
      • We're going to be heading out again to get the Squirrel Scroll and more of that weird crystal soon
        • Noburi, Kei and Snowflake you need to go on some combat missions to make sure your ready for the trip
        • Hazou isn't sure on team composition because he might be stuck doing seal research but he wants everyone to be ready.

I super agree with and support the sentiment. I do not think the squirrel scroll currently aligns with them, and I think including Kagome in a rift action plan discussion is the least we can do, given recent conversations with him.
I super agree with and support the sentiment. I do not think the squirrel scroll currently aligns with them, and I think including Kagome in a rift action plan discussion is the least we can do, given recent conversations with him.

In regards to the Squirrel Scroll the primary reason why it's included is to have a narrative reason why Noburi & Kei would take combat missions. Getting them out of stagnancy is my number one priority. As long as they do that it doesn't matter if we send any team to the eastern continent. I personally do want to go on that adventure but, more for the crystal in Honey then the scroll. We will need more material to get Primeval sealing up and running and that's the surest way to get it fast. The Scroll hunt is a distant third. Only going after it because it is a major power up and we would already be close to it.
Discuss with Mari, Ino, Noburi, Kei, and Snowflake (MINKS).

I don't think Ino should participate. The only advantage she brings is traditional Leaf Clan Head experience and social/cultural expertise. Valuable, but less valuable because we are not and don't want to be a traditional Clan and our ninja know and even appreciate that, and Mari, Kei and Noburi have absorbed enough Leaf culture for our purposes in aggregate.
The drawback of including Ino is that we will be unable to talk about individual Clan secrets in a discussion about Clan secrets. That hampers free discussion and even prevents us from sharing the existence and extent of certain Clan secrets with certain Gokētsu ninja that we deem trustworthy enough.

You need to re-assess sharing MARS (explain what it is) because it might have leaked with Akane's death. But beyond that? What they have is what everyone has.
That's not quite true though. FOOM is a thing. That said, we can tell them that we have something for those that legally acquire SC, if Mari thinks it safe to mention.

Donate Goketsu jutsu/seals to the KEI one-for-one.
I don't think I like this one. Sharing with the KEI is too broad. If they insist and their jutsu are worth it we could think about it, but there's no reason to suggest it.
If we start making black paper MARS, I have no problem sharing them with the rest of the clan so long as they are aware that they cannot leave any survivors if they use them.
That's not quite true though. FOOM is a thing. That said, we can tell them that we have something for those that legally acquire SC, if Mari thinks it safe to mention.
The cost in chakra of including more people in FOOM is so exorbitant that I just don't think this is feasible at all. Fairly possible that adding one or two more people is the maximum chakra we can expect to extract from Leaf
It's a real shame we can't turn sealing stats into personal combat power in a way that would let us keep up with combat specs.

I know it can't be allowed because anything that benefits Hazō can benefit others, but the Great Seal has essentially forced us to become a stay at home sealmaster or else the world ends.

What would work is the PoV of a different character specced for combat if we ever want to return to exciting missions outside the village. Akane would've been perfect for that...
Hazou has kept the Goketsu as a major Clan of Leaf instead of being relegated to minor status largely by being good at his job. We lost our founder after less than a year and have kept ourselves in the game. That's not bad work for a rank amateur.

Hazou has his failings yeah, but it's not like Noburi would have done a better job.
I think that Noburi would have probably done a comparable job. Clan success is a vector quantity, not scalar. Noburi would have pointed us in different directions, but we'd have a similar magnitude.
Require that everyone scribe scrolls of their ninjutsu to keep in the clan's vault
The best part of this is that it's everyone. I'm now picturing Honoka and Sasha at a table with scrunched up faces trying to write instructions for the Academy Two.
This is wholesome af. An onake for the omake pile
@eaglejarl can you think of literally any reason this couldn't have happened canonically? If not, could I beseech you to use your mighty God powers to declare it so?
[] Action Plan: Respect
  • Discuss with Mari, Ino, Noburi, Kei, and Snowflake (MINKS).
  • Meet with aggrieved Goketsu, either individually or in a group as MINKS recommend.
    • Goals, in order. Follow the general structure
      • Understand their issues and the drivers (logical and emotional) for these issues.
      • Understand their desired outcomes and the reasons (logical and emotional) they want these things.
      • Work collaboratively towards a mutually-acceptable solution.
    • Meta-goal: demonstrate that you respect them and want to work with them, not just boss them around.
  • Tone/approach:
    • Hazo Classic: open, honest, earnest.
    • Let them lead. Be consultative. Listen. Focus on understanding problems and root causes before proposing solutions.
    • If Hazo gets frustrated, ask for a minute before reacting/responding.
    • There are systemic issues here (clan vs. clanless vs. KEI) that are related but beyond your scope to entirely fix. If things drift, acknowledge the problems and re-focus on the issue at hand.
  • Open with:
    • Demanding that they hand over their jutsu without talking to them first was a bad move.
    • You're new at being a clan head. You make mistakes; that was one of them.
    • You're sorry.
  • You want to have a positive relationship with all the Goketsu - not just the ones you lived in the woods with. To that end, you want to navigate this with them.
    • Explain, in broad terms, what Goketsu tricks/techniques they do/don't have access to, and why.
      • You need to re-assess sharing MARS (explain what it is) because it might have leaked with Akane's death. But beyond that? What they have is what everyone has.
      • You're leaving a few things out that you can't share because of national security/Asuma's orders.
    • Tiered access is normal for clans, but you don't want Goketsu to be normal - you want to do better than that.
      • You think clan secrets are a little stupid. The Contest proved it - clans hoard knowledge. Why?
      • What do they want? What issues do they see? Do they have ideas? You need policy for this.
        • This is an opportunity for them to have a pretty big impact - other clans listen to Goketsu, and if they can come up with something that works, it'll likely set precedent for other clans.
  • Hazo's suggestions:
    • Donate Goketsu jutsu/seals to the KEI one-for-one.
    • They set fixed prerequisites for teaching their techniques to other Goketsu (e.g., intermediate proficiency with the element, focus on hand-to-hand).

The general vibe of this makes me inarticulably uneasy. Clans are a blend of family and military organization, and I think this leans too far into family territory. A military leader needs to project confidence. That shouldn't mean projecting false confidence, or arrogance, or any other bad "I can never be wrong" sort of thing, but I feel it's important that the people for whose lives we are responsible believe we have reasons for our decisions. Even/especially if they can't see them.

I guess the vibe I'm getting from this is "chummy coworker admits they done goofed and promises to do better" whereas I'm more inclined towards "confident/decisive leader seeks more input and encourages subordinate to provide it".

I think that Noburi would have probably done a comparable job. Clan success is a vector quantity, not scalar. Noburi would have pointed us in different directions, but we'd have a similar magnitude.

I actually think Noburi might have done a better job, simply because he could leverage most of the benefits of hivemind/Hazou's creativity without the accidental(?) treason.
I'm pretty sure we actually have seen Noburi's opinion on how he would've done as Clan Head and he thought he would mostly keep the boat steady and stable, but the Clan would not have become anything particularly significant compared to what it currently is, despite the ups and downs

And I pretty much agree with that analysis. I think he would've done fine, just not exceptional.