This... this is great to see! At long last, we've found the hook, gotten a true grasp of what we need to reach our goal. No longer are we wandering in the dark!

It's also good to know that more Earthshaping will actually factually allow us to make infusable material. It would suck if the only way to make 3D Seals was to use something special like Honey cave crystals.

...that said, it is now more important that we go back there and find out whatever we can about the crystal cave. If we can find a way to replicate the crystal, or some process to grow the size of a sample, we're in business. As it stands we're going to run out of material before we can truly do anything with the discipline.

But that's a future thing. Suck it, Orochimaru! We got there first! Goketsu Hazou is the inventor of 3D Sealing!
Uh oh. What's happening to reality. Why is this here agaaaaain
EDIT: False alarm. Just EJ missclicking.
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Uh oh. What's happening to reality. Why is this here agaaaaain
EDIT: False alarm. Just EJ missclicking.
The two files were identical, and they were both threadmarked, which can only mean that every 3D seal involves a forking of the canon worldline by a Grue and-

oh wait, nevermind

Now that it's here, the temptation is obviously to hoard 3D sealing as a potential S-tier gimmick. But... what if Snuncle was working alongside Hazo to lay the foundations of the theory? How much faster could we move?
Hazō WhatTheFuckWorld
That's fair.
facing and ignoring one another.
I suppose that's fair, too.
Every so often one of them would twitch slightly. Not for any useful purpose, not with any requirement. Purely so that the other two could practice maintaining focus in the face of distraction.
Oh so when THEY do it it's fine. But when I--
Hazō WhatTheFuckWorld had already tried pressing chakra into granite using basic chakra repulsion to see if it would stick. It did not. It poofed away like a fart bubbling out of the bath.
That's still interesting data. Could we turn baths into a sealing substrate with a good enough Water element jutsu?
He picked up the block that WhatTheFuckWorld had been working with and cast Earthshaping, tracing his chakra into it in hopes that he would find traces of HWTFW's. He did not.
The clones disappearing and not even leaving a trace, just an imperfect memory transfer, is always so sad.
some of the most basic sealing exercises, the ones he had used so very long ago while Kagome-sensei was first initiating him into the art of cracking the world open like an egg and frying its tasty tasty innards on the griddle of your will.
Lesson one: explosives, duh.
Reality refused to crack open. At all.
That's just as disappointing as it is reassuring.
With a sigh, Hazō SureWhyNotTryThisToo tossed the brick aside and picked up the next one and the next chunk of marble. He pressed them together and recast the Earthshaping jutsu. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, his mana spread into the material, saturating every particle of both. This time he pulled a single particle out of the marble and moved it into position at the start of what would have been the brush stroke had he been working in his normal oeuvre. He pulled a second particle and fused it to the front of the first, then fused in a third and a fourth. The process became familiar and he started going faster, a steady line of marble ants marching through the corundum only to throw their bodies onto the steadily growing brush-stroke-imitating line. He reached the bit at the end where the brush would be lifted, resulting in slight feathering at the end of the stroke. Without pause he split the line of marble, sending it down the path of every tiny line produced by each individual hair of the brush that he normally used.
Very relaxing to picture. I love how you went about this description, especially the ant metaphor
There was no way of knowing what would happen if he failed while infusing his first-ever three-dimensional seal, but the odds were against it involving rainbows, puppies, or fresh bottled honey.
Hmm. If that's a generalised observation, it may lend credence to Shikamaru's claim that there aren't good-aligned paranormal identities left.
He could twist his chakra and be the first person in a thousand years to create a seal in three dimensions.


He broke the blank in half with his mind, then slowly drew his chakra out and shut the jutsu down. He wasn't going to leave an uninfused blank lying around. He was going to take this slowly. He would write down every detail of the experience. The precise nature of the weather, every astrological influence and how they had changed across the course of the experiment, the time of day, everything. He would figure out the math that defined it all, he would discuss it all with Kagome-sensei and have his teacher check the math. He would make certain that everything was correct before he actually took that final step.
Oh I'm so excited for science done responsibly
Vote time! What to do now?
Well this is a huge relief. It'll take us ages to actually reach it, but it's still nice to see that we know the goal. And it doesn't even seem to require Calligraphy !

By the way, how does this interact with our Sealing-related XP gain penalty ? Can we remove it by innovating in the field of Primordial Seals ?
Plan idea: make a single seal for demonstration purposes. Tell Orochimaru we need more Honey rock to make progress. Ask him to fetch us a bunch.
We should probably phrase it as "I will give you this intel if you give me 5% of your upcoming stock". Seems crazy risky though.

Or we could just ask Asuma to send missions to loot the place as part of the promises of help he keeps offering us.
Plan idea: make a single seal for demonstration purposes. Tell Orochimaru we need more Honey rock to make progress. Ask him to fetch us a bunch.
We should probably phrase it as "I will give you this intel if you give me 5% of your upcoming stock". Seems crazy risky though.

Or we could just ask Asuma to send missions to loot the place as part of the promises of help he keeps offering us.
3D Sealing qualifies as 'Great Seal + Dragon' business, for which Asuma has offered a (nearly) blank check of support. Arranging a proper extraction mission should be well within the limits of that offer... so long as Asuma does not become concerned about Hazo using the occasion as an excuse to maximize Goketsu power.

For my part, I wish that we'd been able to talk to the Chakra Golem. Dude seemed like a bro.
Extracting more crystals from the cave ultimately isn't what we need. We'd get enough material to make a few more 3D Seals and then run out. What we need is a renewable supply, which requires a much more specialized touch.

Maybe the crystal regrew what we took from it and we can go back and harvest from it every X months. Maybe we can take a sample of crystal and grow it ourselves in the right environmental conditions. We need to take Noburi out there and do some good proper research before we draw any conclusions.

If we try all that and still fail, then I guess sure we can tell Orochimaru and see if he has any more success with it. But we kinda have to go ourselves for the first attempt, imo, instead of having the Tower hire someone to go smash the crystal to bits and sacrifice unknown future potential for a very small temporary gain.
Extracting more crystals from the cave ultimately isn't what we need. We'd get enough material to make a few more 3D Seals and then run out. What we need is a renewable supply, which requires a much more specialized touch.

Maybe the crystal regrew what we took from it and we can go back and harvest from it every X months. Maybe we can take a sample of crystal and grow it ourselves in the right environmental conditions. We need to take Noburi out there and do some good proper research before we draw any conclusions.

If we try all that and still fail, then I guess sure we can tell Orochimaru and see if he has any more success with it. But we kinda have to go ourselves for the first attempt, imo, instead of having the Tower hire someone to go smash the crystal to bits and sacrifice unknown future potential for a very small temporary gain.
(We're obscuring the exact level of Earthshaping required as it is information Hazō does not have access to; nonetheless, he is confident he can imbue stone with the requisite quality for making 3D seals given greater skill in Earthshaping.)
I might be reading this wrong, but it seems to me that if we level Earthshaping more we can make 3D seals with generic stone/granite materials.
I might be reading this wrong, but it seems to me that if we level Earthshaping more we can make 3D seals with generic stone/granite materials.
Yeah, which neatly circumvents the problem once we get there... eventually. But sourcing renewable crystals would let us get started on it a lot sooner, as opposed to the world where we have a small and finite number of them and quickly run out before we get much accomplished in the field.
Just ask snuncle to make a renewable source, he can probably make them grow out of someone's spine or something!
Yeah, it's an option I suppose.
Was unlocking the secrets of the Sage himself a 2XP/day plan?
We'll see when we unlock the secrets of the Sage himself, but all lore points to the Sage not being a sealmaster :p
No longer are we wandering in the dark!
You might also say that we are lighting up the d- shit, wrong thread again
It would suck if the only way to make 3D Seals was to use something special like Honey cave crystals.
Oh no, if only someone had written a plan back then that would have resulted in a much higher quantity of available Honey cave crystal (jk)
Suck it, Orochimaru! We got there first!
Technically, we don't know that
But... what if Snuncle was working alongside Hazo to lay the foundations of the theory? How much faster could we move?
"What it we gave Hidan WMDs? How much faster could we achieve Uplift?" :D
What could we buy by selling this to him? /s
Maybe the crystal regrew what we took from it and we can go back and harvest from it every X months
All in favour of not trying to farm a gigantic mass of chakra with weird murderous automated defence mechanisms and responsible for an underground Swamp of Death situation?
Can't we re-use the crystal materials? As in, only practice infusions on seals that get "spent", or that (tend to) fail gracefully if their structure is disrupted.

I suppose it's possible that an infused-then-spent seal would damage the crystal's metaphysical structure, such that it'd no longer be useful as "ink"...
(We're obscuring the exact level of Earthshaping required as it is information Hazō does not have access to; nonetheless, he is confident he can imbue stone with the requisite quality for making 3D seals given greater skill in Earthshaping.)
Effect: Grants the double-cost skill 'Primordial Sealing' at level 0. This skill allows the creation of three-dimensional seals. HazÅ is confident that there is sufficient overlap with regular sealing that some of his existing knowledge will be useful with three-dimensional seals. (In mechanical terms, part of the Sealing skill will be applied as a bonus to Primordial Sealing.)
Oh lord. This is going to eat so much XP...
All in favour of not trying to farm a gigantic mass of chakra with weird murderous automated defence mechanisms and responsible for an underground Swamp of Death situation?
Previous times we've talked about the cave entity I've advocated for going to learn more about it, try and find out how it thinks and behaves and whatever else we can learn from it. All that is still true, we now just have tangible specific gain on the table if we can figure out a sustainable (and ethical, if the cave turns out to have some form of sentience) way to get more crystals.
Can't we re-use the crystal materials? As in, only practice infusions on seals that get "spent", or that (tend to) fail gracefully if their structure is disrupted.

I suppose it's possible that an infused-then-spent seal would damage the crystal's metaphysical structure, such that it'd no longer be useful as "ink"...
To my understanding, each time you Earthshape a material it gets harder to Earthshape it in the future. I imagine you could get some degree of reuse going, but it's probably not going to be an indefinite recycling of assets.