So are we assuming that the ancient Kurosawa (the first generation of sealmasters) did things entirely on their own, instead of leeching of of other sealmasters who weren't Kurosawa?

Err...No, that's not what I was saying. Let me say the same thing with more words and see if it helps.

What I meant wast that the first Kurosawa reached a practice of doing X that took advantage of their ridiculous bloodline. (For example they copied everyone else's sealing style...but what the practice was is not really relevant.)

They passed this practice on to the next sealmaster as the tried and true, a.k.a. best method to abuse Kurosawa bloodline for sealcraft. The new sealmasters took that as granted, since sealing research is dangerous anyway, and never really tried to push the envelope and see if they could figure out something else. Or maybe a few did but they reached some other solutions than modularity. This keeps going on until this day.

Enter Hazou, a Kurosawa that leaves the village but manages to find a sealcraft teacher anyway. He doesn't know what is the "right" way to use the bloodline in sealcraft and has no preconceptions of sealing imposed on him by the clan. He was also born and raised outside the clan, meaning he only shared in the clan culture through his mother, so the indirect influence from the clan that the previous sealmasters received is also diminished.

Hazou is an irreverent munchkin and his cognition can be described as atypical even for a Kurosawa (poor guy, he has a SV thread running through his subconscious). He knows there must be a way to use his bloodline to cheat in sealing so he keeps learning stuff from Kagome as he tries to figure out his own style.

Maybe Hazou gets inspired by this weird secret Mori technique that Keiko calls "Logic". If that doesn't make sense, maybe they just had a little workshop about the optimal ways to map out a conversation and Hazou stumbled on the idea of having these idealized "gate" thingies. You can put stuff in them and the gate uses rules to put out something different. He could even use simple symbols to differentiate different sorts of gates so you would know at a glance what happens in that part of the discussion flowchart, maybe he could even make small pieces of paper with the right symbols and then you could switch them around in the fly...

...and that's how he ends up with the idea of Modular Sealing.
Err...No, that's not what I was saying. Let me say the same thing with more words and see if it helps.

What I meant wast that the first Kurosawa reached a practice of doing X that took advantage of their ridiculous bloodline. (For example they copied everyone else's sealing style...but what the practice was is not really relevant.)

They passed this practice on to the next sealmaster as the tried and true, a.k.a. best method to abuse Kurosawa bloodline for sealcraft. The new sealmasters took that as granted, since sealing research is dangerous anyway, and never really tried to push the envelope and see if they could figure out something else. Or maybe a few did but they reached some other solutions than modularity. This keeps going on until this day.

Enter Hazou, a Kurosawa that leaves the village but manages to find a sealcraft teacher anyway. He doesn't know what is the "right" way to use the bloodline in sealcraft and has no preconceptions of sealing imposed on him by the clan. He was also born and raised outside the clan, meaning he only shared in the clan culture through his mother, so the indirect influence from the clan that the previous sealmasters received is also diminished.

Hazou is an irreverent munchkin and his cognition can be described as atypical even for a Kurosawa (poor guy, he has a SV thread running through his subconscious). He knows there must be a way to use his bloodline to cheat in sealing so he keeps learning stuff from Kagome as he tries to figure out his own style.

Maybe Hazou gets inspired by this weird secret Mori technique that Keiko calls "Logic". If that doesn't make sense, maybe they just had a little workshop about the optimal ways to map out a conversation and Hazou stumbled on the idea of having these idealized "gate" thingies. You can put stuff in them and the gate uses rules to put out something different. He could even use simple symbols to differentiate different sorts of gates so you would know at a glance what happens in that part of the discussion flowchart, maybe he could even make small pieces of paper with the right symbols and then you could switch them around in the fly...

...and that's how he ends up with the idea of Modular Sealing.

If social flowcharts end up as an integral component in the process of inventing computer seals then I'm fairly confident that the thread will be decimated from people dying of laughter.
I certainly have whiplash following this thread but the comments are usually insightful. The players on this quest seem very intelligent. The etiquette for voting seems a bit complex but I could always just read the post regarding how to vote on this quest. Usually I just lurk but there is such delightful conversation here. Carry on evil overlords:D
I certainly have whiplash following this thread but the comments are usually insightful. The players on this quest seem very intelligent. The etiquette for voting seems a bit complex but I could always just read the post regarding how to vote on this quest. Usually I just lurk but there is such delightful conversation here. Carry on evil overlords:D

Glad you like it. :>

The voting stuff is more straightforward than it might seem. It falls into two categories, mechanical and social:

  • Vote for as many things as you want, you'll be counted for all of them.
  • Your vote must start with one of the following: [x] [X] [+]
  • If you change your mind, post the same vote again but with [-] and that will remove the vote
  • You need to vote for a plan by name. Voting for a person does not work.
  • If you write a plan, please format it as either: "[x] Action Plan ...whatever..." or "[x] Training Plan Hazou ...whatever..." (The point being that the first word should be either 'Action' or 'Training' and training plans should include someone's name.) This makes the QM's life easier when he's trying to figure out what plans won for each category.
  • Action plans apply to the entire group, and lay out what you want to do.
  • Training plans apply to one person and cover how they should spend their XP.
  • Try not to vote for the first day after an update drops; it seems like better results happen when people discuss things for a while before committing to a course of action.
  • The players only control Hazou. Other characters are free to ignore his suggestions for actions and/or training. In practice this doesn't happen often, but it has happened.
@Twofold's post has more detail, but the above should cover the most important parts.
Introducing.... The Reverse Rocket!

Make an airtight MEW chamber and stick a RR seal on the top.

Activate it.

The seal seals air in a cone above it, pulling the chamber upwards by force of air-pressure.

Because air is a gas it can be compressed, which means that it will be a loong time before we run out space to seal more. But just in case, we should have multiple RR seals to ensure we reach orbit.
Introducing.... The Reverse Rocket!

Make an airtight MEW chamber and stick a RR seal on the top.

Activate it.

The seal seals air in a cone above it, pulling the chamber upwards by force of air-pressure.

Because air is a gas it can be compressed, which means that it will be a loong time before we run out space to seal more. But just in case, we should have multiple RR seals to ensure we reach orbit.

and what happens when some random piece of debris damages the seal?

I certainly have whiplash following this thread but the comments are usually insightful. The players on this quest seem very intelligent. The etiquette for voting seems a bit complex but I could always just read the post regarding how to vote on this quest. Usually I just lurk but there is such delightful conversation here. Carry on evil overlords:D
We'd be happy to have you more involved in discussions, even if you didn't wish to vote. Minds for the hivemind and all that!
Generally both are true until they suddenly are not.
Hilarity ensues.
Introducing.... The Reverse Rocket!

Make an airtight MEW chamber and stick a RR seal on the top.

Activate it.

The seal seals air in a cone above it, pulling the chamber upwards by force of air-pressure.

Because air is a gas it can be compressed, which means that it will be a loong time before we run out space to seal more. But just in case, we should have multiple RR seals to ensure we reach orbit.
Hm. I wonder which this is.
Introducing.... The Reverse Rocket!

Make an airtight MEW chamber and stick a RR seal on the top.

Activate it.

The seal seals air in a cone above it, pulling the chamber upwards by force of air-pressure.

Because air is a gas it can be compressed, which means that it will be a loong time before we run out space to seal more. But just in case, we should have multiple RR seals to ensure we reach orbit.
Interesting. So as you run out of atmosphere the whole thing gets slower and less stable until it finally flips over and starts accelerating towards the ground?
and what happens when some random piece of debris damages the seal?


Debris... in the atmosphere?

Sure, I'll roll with it.

You could have multiple layers of plates of metal attached on top of each other in such a way as to be detachable from inside and shielding the lower plates. When one gets damaged you detach it and activate the seal on the one below it.

Interesting. So as you run out of atmosphere the whole thing gets slower and less stable until it finally flips over and starts accelerating towards the ground?

You could put an RR seal on each corner of the cube and they'd stabilise each other.

You could put seals on all the faces of the cube, and activate whichever was facing upwards at the time, and have whichever was facing downwards expel its air as a conventional rocket.

There are fixes here.