Hivemind and Character Improvement Initiative: A list of proposals for implementing anti-frustration features and better performance by both hivemind and MC according to a naked mole rat.
* Greater autonomy. Hazo will be able to develop and do things on his own without needing the hivemind help. This benefit us by smoothing over "bumpy" parts of social and political interaction, while the hivemind focus on strategic direction. This required changes to gameplay that may never be implemented.
* Better politician: He should be able to react and understand the political environment better. Solution: Accompany Mari on business.
* Character analysis incentive: Good analysis let us place into the context of target characters we may need to interact with. To make the hivemind do this consistently, 1 XP is a good idea.
* Character analysis: We need to do them.
* Short, usable, constantly updated checklists. We need to start using them more.
* Early planning: Getting more plans out and early let us focus on improving them instead of panicking.
* More plans: Diversity prevents us from pigeonholing into one plan.
* Veto vote: Use in case of emergency. A veto vote have extra weighted consideration. Can only be used every five updates or so.
Clarify some thoughts. Added ideas, such as veto vote, which would be helplful in that almost-kill-ourselves debacle, but only to be used rarely.