Planning suggestion: the players vote on a short, mid, and long term plan (examples: elect asuma kage, become shiokage, make the uchiha a branch family). The QMs then offer options at the end of each update of in-character things hazuo could do to advance various goals, with write ins being encouraged (maybe xp bonus? Could just be current brevity bonus).

If something happens that drastically interferes(kaiju attack!)with, or we complete the goals, we vote again; all combat being write in plans.

Thoughts? How about hugs for "I think this is a bad idea" and informative for "great idea, could use some work though". Meow for "meow".
[-] Defying Gravity, Redux, Redux

If Iwa did do the attack, then Leaf is fucked. If they didn't being able to casually call the bluff will be useful. Either way information is precious, and Hazou is amusingly probably the most experienced ninja on the planet with skywalkers.
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[X] Continue Previous Plan

What you do is take five oil-filled misterators and five charged tunneler's friends and wrap them around an explosive tag. If you can't make do with twelve kilotons of FAE you're compensating for something.
What does happen when a macerator is destroyed? Is the ammunition still chewed up? Does it eject at high velocity like in normal activation?
I'm considering it but I think it needs to be done even if Asuma refuses. Keiko has skywalkers stashed in the summon realm we can't get to right now but can use to replace what we take. Might be convinced to run it by Chouza.
If he says no he likely has good reasons we are not aware of. Please do not override the intelligent people in charge because you know less than they do.

Also, the idea here is to drop tons of rock on Iwa if Akatsuki didn't hit them.
This is dangerous and may turn a tense situation into certain war, which in our current condition we cannot win.
shadow clone ideas:

narutos disguise as leaf nin to project power
narutos duplicate:
money (for counterfeit)
bodies for dissection
naruto combat dummies
emergency equipment
chemical explosives
food (poison for enemies?)
animals? living people?
luxury items for rent (couches, books, etc.). can also use to project wealth to other villages

narutos get lotsa heavy stuff. collapses ground.
biggo energy. naruto go to top of ladder. lotsa shadow clones. all jump down
Dude probably has a good reason to do things as he did is not a good excuse to say nothing and do nothing. A good commander listen to and consider his subordinates' opinion, especially when Mari is our sounding board.
Because the seal ties them to their host's lifeforce. If they can break the seal then, obviously, they are no longer tied to it. I really don't understand the problem you are having. Never once was a tailed beast breaking free because their host was dying.
What do you mean by lifeforce and tying? I did suggest that some jinchurki seals may drain out the tailed beast of chakra when the user is dying but that isn't something an attacker can rely on.
What do you mean by lifeforce and tying? I did suggest that some jinchurki seals may drain out the tailed beast of chakra when the user is dying but that isn't something an attacker can rely on.
Uh, exactly what it sounds like: The Tailed Beast's life is reliant on the host continuing to live (and vice versa, but the opposite isn't really a problem). Sympathetic magic is pretty bog-standard, as magic systems go. You can think of it like the seal acts like the pokemon move destiny bond. One dies both do. It's just the tailed beast dying isn't exactly a concern.

As for why you would make the seals that way? It puts a gun to their head so they actually cooperate. Them getting along with their host cannot be relied upon, after all.
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I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't think we'll agree here. If more people want to run it by Asuma I'll bow to majority judgement, but I don't expect an "Ask Asuma" bullet point to let Hazou do the reasoning behind the plan justice. Neither do I want to have to write reasons into the plan. In this case, Asuma wouldn't say no for intelligent reasons, but because he's being presented a half baked plan.
If the smart people in the room tell you your plan is not workable, it is not workable. If your solution to this is to instead not run it past them first, I think I will have to avoid ever voting for one of your plans.

As for bombing Rock, if Akatsuki didn't hit us and Rock is fine, we have no control over whether they take the diplomatic approach or stomp us flat. It's a bad gamble to leave it up to them. And if Hazou does this right, there's nothing to trace the attack back to leaf, especially on such short notice. If the bombing works, even if they find out it's us, we'll be on even footing after we destroy all their clan compounds, with Cloud looming over both of us to discourage continued fighting.
Rock is not stupid. Why are you assuming Rock is stupid? If you plan requires the enemy to not be able to piece together 2 obvious facts it is a bad plan.
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't think we'll agree here. If more people want to run it by Asuma I'll bow to majority judgement, but I don't expect an "Ask Asuma" bullet point to let Hazou do the reasoning behind the plan justice. Neither do I want to have to write reasons into the plan. In this case, Asuma wouldn't say no for intelligent reasons, but because he's being presented a half baked plan.
I would recommend that we do talk to Asuma about it, but only after we talk to Mari (this way we don't pull another Naruto). Asuma is Jonin Commander and it's an emergency situation, we have to tell him where we're going.
[x] Action Plan: Forbidden Lore (especially Akatsuki summary)
[X] Continue Previous Plan
[X] Action Plan: A call for unity
[x] Action Plan: Attend clan meeting if there is one or have Mari go
[x] Action Plan: Basement loot
ask nobbie what basement loot does. copy/use what we can (and quickly) without angering oro. return the rest and hand jiraiya's package to oro (with a minder. or someone else from team uplift if they won't let hazou). It might make Oro help Leaf or us more. with mari/noburi permission