On the plus side, that means that we quite possibly have additional reason to adopt Lee

If Lee has chakra-itis in this one, a strong case for making Akane the Turtle summoner in his stead can be made.

That being said, we should go check up on how Lee's doing. Maybe go for a spar at dawn or somesuch.
I'm not. Dog and Turtle should go to whomever Kakashi and Gai left them to. Call me a sap but I think they should be the ones to decide that.

On the plus side, that means that we quite possibly have additional reason to adopt Lee.
I don't suspect Kakashi will have left it to anyone. If this is like canon he has no family. Plus he doesn't have a team. If it's in play do you have a problem going after it?
The turtle scroll is probably going to lee so I'd just push adopting him ASAP
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Mari was and is monstrous.

She is a deep-cover agent who uses intimacy and compassion as her weapons. She's not wrong that she's done monstrous things, and doing them has fundamentally damaged her. I model the human psyche as being vulnerable to moral injury or perpetrator trauma, and from that perspective Mari's taken many, many blows to her heart and mind in the name of loyalty and duty.

She doesn't know how to stop being a weapon, because her heart is the knife she drives into others' backs.

She doesn't know how to let anyone else in, because she learned that intimacy is vulnerability is death.

She knows all too well that another's good opinion of her doesn't make her heart any less black or her hands any less stained. She's killed people who've told her they love her. She's killed people who've told her they forgive her.

Part of her loved it. Part of her was satisfied with it, thrilled by it, reveled in it. She was a good, strong tool and served her purpose well. She was challenged by it. She was pushed to her limits by it. She was given the control she needed so badly after being abused, and all she had to give up for it was a love no-one had ever offered her and that she didn't believe really existed.

Her work gave her pride and power and vengeance and made it clear to the world she was no-one's plaything. Her lizard-brain status-games drive, starved for so long, grew fat and happy on her bloody spoils.

I built a mechanical system for socially modelling people for Her Mantle Is Love. At its core, it's based around a set of 15 deep and fundamental human drives. Here's the table I built:

Primal Drives Satiation Drives Self-Image Drives Resource Drives Empathic Drives
Survival Sex Companionship Wealth Retribution
Safety Fun Belonging Power Duty
Freedom Relaxation Respect Knowledge Compassion
(Groupings are arbitrary.)

Of these 15 drives, Mari's work would have satisfied twelve. She made a rational trade, sacrificing the minority of her desires for the majority of them.

However, spending twenty years unable to satisfy your needs to genuinely care for someone, belong to someone, or even just relax... That leaves scars.

And that's why Mari is having her breakdown now. It's because after twenty years as the Heartbreaker, she's finally been offered something to care about and belong to, somewhere where she could actually almost relax for a moment.

And then she was told that she was hurting the ones who gave her that by her mere association with them. That she was the source of all their grief and heartbreak, that she is a monster.

That blow landed, and landed hard, because Mari believes that Compassion and Belonging are diametrically opposed to Power and Safety. She's been taught that caring about people makes you exploitable.

Therefore the fact that we care about her is incontrovertible evidence that she's harming and weakening us, just as it was evidence of that for every single one of her past targets.

Therefore her caring about us is a flaw that she ought to be ashamed of.

Therefore when we order her to act on our behalf as clan leader, she goes, answering her Duty - but not when we beg and plead with her personally, using Belonging and Respect.

(In fact, I would model the result of Hana's intervention as the Trauma "I'm not worthy of Respect", making that Drive a negative modifier in any situation where it applied.)

In fact, I'm going to go on to the next step of how I would model Mari using the system I built for Mantle.

The first layer of the system is determining the relative strengths of drives, on a scale from 1-10. This models that different people have different degrees of need for different things. Introverts have lower Companionship drives than extroverts. Reckless people have lower Safety drives than prudent people. And so on.

This first layer is entirely emotional, lizard-brain reactions to things. It describes how people's internal utility functions weight these common goals relative to each other.

The second layer is where the conscious mind starts to get involved. It has no direct access to these drives - it can't fiddle the numbers up or down, at least not easily - but what it does do is construct more elaborate desires than "I'm bored", "I'm scared", "I'm tired", "I'm angry", "I'm lonely", etc.

The most basic way it does this is by associating Drives into Motives. For example, the Motive "Laziness" is the belief that Relaxation Is Fun - and, conversely, that Fun Is Relaxation. By making the association, it ties those Drives together so that whenever one is involved, the other isn't far from reach.

It is very important that every one of these associations is bi-directional. Often this is the power of the system from a mind-modelling perspective; one direction is obvious ("Power is Fun"), the other psychologically insightful. ("Fun is Power")

Each character in my system gets five Motives. Let's take a look at Hazou's to start with; he makes a good example since we know his belief system best.

Hazou believes that...
Knowledge is Fun.
Knowledge is Power.
Compassion is Power.
Belonging is Compassion.
Belonging is Duty.

This belief structure, where each of Hazou's motives links into the next one in a single long chain, means that he's a deeply passionate person and probably an idealist. He has a Big Idea that binds together every deep motive he has, and whenever any one of those six motives is involved he can pull the chain of inferences to get any of the other motives involved that he wants - assuming he's willing to go through the intermediate steps, at least.

Let's examine each of his Motives individually.

Knowledge is Fun...
Hazou beleives that learning things is cool and entertaining! He spends his free time studying and investigating the world, teasing at weird ideas just to see what happens. He's curious!

... and Fun is Knowledge.
Hazou believes that the best way to learn about something is to play with it! He toys with ideas; batting them around, proposing crazy hypotheticals, and just trying a lot of things to see what works. He's experimental!

Knowledge is Power...

Hazou believes that knowledge is a form of power. The more you know, the stronger you become. Understand in order to predict in order to control - that is the surest way to achieve your goals. He's studious.

... and Power is Knowledge.
Hazou believes that power is a form of knowledge. This ties together a number of related ideas, since it doesn't imply causality; what it does mean is that Hazou expects to be able to learn something from anyone who has power. He believes in authority, and is frustrated when the people in charge seem "dumb."

Compassion is Power...

Hazou believes that caring about people is itself a form of strength. He subscribes to the shounen virtue of "having something to protect" - and believes that through helping others, we ultimately help ourselves. He's heroic.

... and Power is Compassion.
Hazou believes that holding power is itself a form of compassion. Making hard decisions that involve the fates of thousands is difficult and stressful, so merely holding that responsibility is beneficial to others. He's paternalistic.

Belonging is Compassion...

Hazou believes that belonging to someone or something means you care about it. Relationships and memberships ought to be founded on the honest desire to look out for everyone else in them. In short, he believes in community.

... and Compassion is Belonging.

Hazou believes that caring about someone makes you part of their tribe. Found families are in some ways more honest than blood relations. Caring about something is a connection to it, in and of itself. In short, he believes in friendship.

Belonging is Duty...

Hazou believes that belonging to something means you have a duty to it. He won't hesitate or falter when protecting what he cares about and identifies with. In short, he's loyal.

... and Duty is Belonging.

Hazou believes that having a duty to something is a way of belonging to it. Our obligations draw us together, even when we chafe against them; society is built on contracts and laws. In short, he's honorable.

Isn't it interesting how almost all of Hazou's faults result from backwards readings of his virtues? He ignores others' opinions because he believes that his own desire to change things is enough to make his argument. He folds easily to anyone who "knows better" for the same reasons that he's eager to learn from them. He's over-attached to his mother for the same reasons he's worth trusting in.

... continuation later. Scrolls.
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Yes and yes. Elemental clones can use jutsu of their own element and non-elemental jutsu.

The Aburame are able to create bug clones1​ and the Kotsuzui clan are able to produce blood clones. There might be others as well, but those are the ones I can think of offhand.

And were able to do so well before a certain irrational fiction entirely driven by a Hate Plague became popular.

They do have clothes and gear, yes. Seals and other chakra-enabled equipment are non-functional and not perfect copies.

Thanks for the answer, man!

Based on the answers not given, I think it is highly probable, that shifts are not in fact remove something from the world, but actively remove memory about it.

Henge has not vanished. It is used in every clone jutsu to properly make clothes and what-else. Its still here, its still usable. You just have to remember it exists to use it.

Which we don't. If the theory is correct, than Kagome is not immune, though. He remembers that something existed, but he thinks it is not usable now.

Though, it may be too far-fetched.

Wow, that's a first unanimous vote I've seen.
...Could we buy a vote by letting a clan make their own deals with the Toads? Sure, they won't be able to summon it in battle, but they will be able to get secret jutsu, trade for goods, get advisors, engineers, and store objects in the 7th path.
...Could we buy a vote by letting a clan make their own deals with the Toads? Sure, they won't be able to summon it in battle, but they will be able to get secret jutsu, trade for goods, get advisors, engineers, and store objects in the 7th path.
Is there a way to get back and forth without a summoner, or would we have to keep the Toad summoner available for them?

That aside, I'm not sure if the Toads would be interested in dealing or not. We don't know them very well.
Konoha is actually busted. We have way more summons than anyone else and two of the best bloodlines. The Battle of the Gods was just Sage and Dummy nerfing Konoha before it conquered every other village.
7th path map. Player-created, non-canonical
This update is actually not to handle the impact of the Dragonwar, but rather it implements the changes I was made aware of some time ago but was too lazy to fit in until now. Most notably, Dog is larger and the eastern clans are smaller, as per an EJ wog in discord a while back. I also had to fiddle around with everything on the east side of the map to make it all fit, so the shapes look a little different now, but hopefully that's not much of an issue. I also do not know how to do good inlets (another wog from EJ, Dog has a lot of inlets) so the best I could do is these big winding rivers cutting into Dog. I also caught that mention of Wallaroo Island, I don't know what its deal is but I figure putting it near Kangaroo can't be wrong.

Consider this the most up-to-date map of the days just before the Ravening of Dragons. When the dust settles and we know what happens to Capybara and the Condors I will update the map again with the state of the post-Dragon Seventh Path.
Fourteenth Draft: After some chatting at the Conclave, Skunk is placed on the map and the southeast coastline is radically restructured. Turtle completely surrounding Slug is, apparently, 100% intentional. Some more new sky colours, too!

I'm honestly considering shortening Pangolin and the other clans in the northeast. It's getting frankly ridiculous how much space Pangolin has just to keep up this many land borders, and clan density is low enough up there that I can bring them more into alignment with the size and shape of the southeast while also reining Pangolin's size in a little. A job for another day, though.
Thirteenth Draft: With the generous help of various people, we have a bunch of sky colours to add to the map! This isn't just random colour-coding, from all indications this is genuinely the colours you'd see if you looked up at the sky in each territory. Naturally, any clan still in pure white has no known sky colour. The closest we have to pure-white skies is the eggshell white of Snake.

The Mara have stripes over them because all we know is that, if you're facing East from Rat, the coastal clans have skies of various shades of blue. This naturally includes Monkey but doesn't include Toad. Capybara may or may not have blue skies, but Mara is most likely some shade of blue. So it's penciled in, so to speak, until such time as we can pester Grandmaster F for deets.

In other news, a generous WoG says that Squirrel is horizontal rather than vertical, so here we are. We're also told that Cat's borders somehow look nice and not at all horrific on the original map, which means I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over the inevitable accumulated errors of such imprecise mapping converging on Cat to make it look dumb.
Twelfth Draft: Crow and Raptor are officially connected to stuff now, and Cat continues to be the absolute rudest Clan I've ever seen. The stated placement of Crow being in the southwest heavily clashes with its relative positioning smack dab in the middle of the continent, so I figured maybe the whole Arachnid chunk was way up in the northwest instead. Now if you squint Crow's kinda sorta in the southwest.
Eleventh Draft: so apparently Cat is really tall. Like, 'spans the entire height of the continent' tall. Rude cats. But at least we have a lot clearer picture of the western half of the continent now!
Tenth Draft: The Archaeopteryx island is now shown, a couple new clans listed up top, and we're now tracking how many Dragons are left!
Ninth draft: Dragons! Also, Arachnid-Cat connection.
Eighth draft: Hares are on a northern peninsula, Bears have northern coast, Cats west of Bear. Possible upwards curve of Bear coast (heading straight west is apparently faster than following coastline). Expedition path being tracked.
edit: Seventh draft, after new information on the Dog coastline and existence of a great lake:
edit: Sixth draft, after EJ generously gave out some information on Porcupine/Hyena/Pangolin borders in discord.
edit: Fifth draft, including some tidbits EJ generously gave on discord and the location of the Squirrels that I scrounged up from the Enma chapter.
edit: fourth draft:
edit 2: third draft, now including a location for the Dogs and clip arts of the various clans.
(There weren't any Mara icons anywhere I could find, so I had to take a photo of one and trace it. Still turned out pretty okay)

edit: updated with a second draft after recent loredump.
Original text:
Alright, got a sketch done. Still not sure which side of the Otters the Condors are supposed to be, but with other statements about the Capybara and so it'd be very awkward if the Condors touched the Pangolins and Toads and were south of the Otters.
Still a good deal of guesswork on the details, but this is roughly how things fit together.

Also, the Pangolins border a heckton of other clans.
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Adjacent to the Pangolins on their west. Dunno much; they're a long way from the Toads, and there's a mountain range or two in the way.


Split off from the Cats a while back, moved well east. Pangolins are adjacent to the west east and Hyenas to the north.
"That would depend on your definition. While I am privy to only a fraction of the clan's classified information, it has been implied that the pangolins have commenced negotiations with the leopards, whose lands are on the far side of the hyenas'. If successful, the leopards will commence a simultaneous invasion from their side, resulting in a swift and decisive victory. In return for their cooperation, they demand a return of certain ancestral lands unlawfully occupied by the Hyena Clan for generations. The pangolins are even now negotiating over the proposed borders of these lands. They have a new idea, you see, one inspired by my account of the political developments in Hot Springs."
Well that's weird, how are both Hyena and Leopard territory adjacent to Pangolin territory if the Leopards are on the "far side of the Hyenas'"? Are they, like, a bowl beneath the Hyenas xor something?
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The spreadsheet is out for review.

In other news, remind me what the latest figures were on your mortgage? We changed it and I don't remember where it ended up.
the system I built for Mantle.
Ooh. What's Mantle?
Hazou believes that...
Knowledge is Fun.
Knowledge is Power.
Compassion is Power.
Belonging is Compassion.
Belonging is Duty.
Do these connect further, like math would?
If yes, what do the following imply for Hazou:
  • Fun is Power
  • Power is Fun
  • Knowledge is Compassion
  • Compassion is Knowledge
  • Fun is Compassion
  • Compassion is Fun
  • Knowledge is Belonging
  • Belonging is Knowledge
  • Fun is Belonging
  • Belonging is Fun
  • Knowledge is Duty
  • Duty is Knowledge
  • Fun is Duty
  • Duty is Fun
  • Power is Duty
  • Duty is Power
  • Compassion is Duty
  • Duty is Compassion
Some of them seem clear. But especially the Fun/Duty pairs both seem weird to me.
I guess the more links a pair of words has between them, the less on the forefront of importance it is?
Alright, got a sketch done.
Where would the Holy Library be located?
Ooh. What's Mantle?

Do these connect further, like math would?
If yes, what do the following imply for Hazou:
  • Fun is Power
  • Power is Fun
  • Knowledge is Compassion
  • Compassion is Knowledge
  • Fun is Compassion
  • Compassion is Fun
  • Knowledge is Belonging
  • Belonging is Knowledge
  • Fun is Belonging
  • Belonging is Fun
  • Knowledge is Duty
  • Duty is Knowledge
  • Fun is Duty
  • Duty is Fun
  • Power is Duty
  • Duty is Power
  • Compassion is Duty
  • Duty is Compassion
Some of them seem clear. But especially the Fun/Duty pairs both seem weird to me.
I guess the more links a pair of words has between them, the less on the forefront of importance it is?

Where would the Holy Library be located?
Mantle is "her mantle is love" a quest by Evenstar, which can be found here: Her Mantle Is Love - Original - Fantasy - Romance - Mature