I would like to write the gaming night update, or at least part of the gaming night update. That is not incompatible with an interlude set in Leaf and/or the present day, and also means that if you vote only for an interlude, you sacrifice any control over how the gaming night goes.

There's not much to control TBH.
Feel free to ping me about this...
tomorrow afternoon / evening edt. I'll start putting together another Insufficientvelocity Omake, it's been a while since I did one of those and I'm in the mood to hate myself + BBcode.
It's now said afternoon. If anyone wants to have an alternative version of them included, let me know (+Desired Alt!name if you don't want me to make one up, and a link to your avatar).
[X] Lore Update: Shikaku's opinion on Team Goketsu in the Chunnin exams. Also screaming in Shiori.

I think it's fine not to invite Akane this time? It's definitely important to show her she's still a part of Team Uplift, but it seems totally reasonable to give Hazou like a week to process first.
E: ninjad and counter-ninjad
[X] Lore Update: Shikaku's opinion on Team Goketsu in the Chunnin exams. Also screaming in Shiori.

I think it's fine not to invite Akane this time? It's definitely important to show her she's still a part of Team Uplift, but it seems totally reasonable to give Hazou like a week to process first.
E: ninjad and counter-ninjad
Remember, from Akane's perspective Hazou took the breakup incredibly well and didn't even bat an eye at it, agreeing to continue being friends without a second thought.

If she find out we deliberately excluded her from game night, she's going to feel hurt because she's not up to date on the breakup situation and is unknowingly operating under false assumptions.
Remember, from Akane's perspective Hazou took the breakup incredibly well and didn't even bat an eye at it, agreeing to continue being friends without a second thought.

If she find out we deliberately excluded her from game night, she's going to feel hurt because she's not up to date on the breakup situation and is unknowingly operating under false assumptions.

Have Mari/Kei/whoever deliver Akane's invitation, but have them advise her not to go this time because Hazou's "secretly not doing as well as he's projecting" and it would be better if they left things to stabilise for a week or two.
[X] Action Plan: Game Night
  • Spend some more time with Hana and invite her to game night.
  • Ask Mari to deliver an invitation to Akane with a note explaining Hazō's recent miscommunication.
  • Game night:
    • Divide into four or five groups, each playing a different game.
    • Let people chose which group to join, and randomly assign them if they can't decide.
      • Recommend changing groups and trying a different game once you're done your current one.
  • Continue research on Casino Seals.
  • Make some more Skywalkers, both to start replenishing your own stockpiles and in case Jiraiya needs more in a hurry. Remember OPSEC.


Ask Mari to deliver an invitation.
It's now said afternoon. If anyone wants to have an alternative version of them included, let me know (+Desired Alt!name if you don't want me to make one up, and a link to your avatar).
I'm interested in being included. I don't have a good Alt!name ready (and am interested in what you'd come up with), and here's a link to my avatar as sized and formatted by SV.
It's now said afternoon. If anyone wants to have an alternative version of them included, let me know (+Desired Alt!name if you don't want me to make one up, and a link to your avatar).
Sadly, my name doesn't invert easily. I mean, I could come up with some sort of obscure Arcanum reference, but I don't think it would be very satisfying. You could go with Valerian, like in CfG, or whatever clever wordplay comes to you.

My normal avatar is fine if you can copy it. If not, the original's here. Maybe you could invert the colours for variety.