I did that. It was [X] action plan (part): UPS & Western Union. Frankly, I really like Power Not Too Overwhelming, but would really like to get the truck scroll rolling even if it happens off screen.

I will be available to edit until 2-3pm EST.

-Vecht's plan with some of Roombas conversational edits thrown in
-Ami Training => Changed wording
-Keeping in line with the "Please only 3 scenes per plan" I have shelved the training stuff in to the "Can do offscreen" portion.

Word Count: Sorry BirdDuke, but there's some serious fish to fry.

[X] Action Plan: By Your Powers Combined
  • Wait until an opportune time and discuss Pangolins with Keiko, when she is ready to do so.
    • This is important; Hazou does not back down or allow the conversation to end without resolution.
      • Goal: Offer emotional support and help Keiko decide on a way forward that she can morally accept.
      • Tone: Serious, but gentle. In spite of everything, Hazou retains some hope for the future.
      • Ultimately: Hazou will respect whatever Keiko wants to do.
        • The following is just our advice on the topic in our capacity as teammate, friend, and family.
        • She of course has the final say on all things Pangolin
    • Affirm:
      • She is right to be concerned with the Pangolins' expansionism and is entirely correct that it is at odds with our philosophy.
      • We have dug ourselves in a hole, and have not tried hard enough to get out of it.
    • Deny:
      • She is wrong that we are not responsible for this. Even if their war was inevitable, the trade for Skytowers was our (Hazou's) idea. We gave them far more power than they would otherwise have and made it far worse as a consequence.
      • She is perhaps too harsh on Leaf, which Hazou still thinks can be a force for good in the world.
    • Assuage:
      • We might not be able to reverse or fix this, but we can at least mitigate against future actions by the Pangolin clan.
      • We have far more leverage over them than they're willing to admit, with their dependence on us for Skytower seals.
        • Also through Jiraiya and Toads.
    • Suggest:
      • We can use our leverage to negotiate a cessation to their conquests. Keiko maintains her current Tessera, but no more seals if they invade another clan.
      • If necessary, we can work with the Pangolins to ensure their needs are met through means other than conquest and slavery.
      • If necessary, we can get money from another source.
        • Seals are worth quite a bit, after all. Hazou will help to make up the deficit if that's what it takes.
      • Will get more input and suggestions from Jiraiya.
    • Offer emotional support:
      • If she gets angry or lashes out at Hazou, allow her to vent without pressing and without judgement.
      • If she withdraws, sit with her in silence and acknowledge her pain.
      • Hazou is to blame for this, as well. Two years of living as missing-nin, hoarding every scrap of power in a desperate struggle to survive, left him with a mindset he has trouble shaking off.
    • Sincerely thank Keiko for bringing this to our attention.
    • We're going to start delivering on our Uplift promises as soon as we assess the situation in Leaf.
      • With our position in Leaf nearly solidified, Hazou has a lot of plans to make things better, and he's not willing to put them off any further
      • He hopes he can count on Keiko's help in making them a reality.
  • Catch up with Mari and Kagome
    • See what's been going on in Leaf
    • Use Kagome's tutoring activity as basis for a "Tutoring At Risk Kids program."
      • Possibly subsidized by selling explosive seals?
      • D-rank mission pays and/or pay-it-forward scheme.
  • Catch up with Hana when she arrives
    • About Mari and how we've come to view her as family. We understand Hana's frustration, and don't ask that she also forgive Mari, just to give her a chance.
    • About what Akane said and how he feels about it

  • Can be done offscreen:
    • While waiting for Jiraiya proactively start focusing on training
      • Look into if we can get Gai or Kakashi to commit to training with us
      • Look for chunnin who we can spar with
      • Perhaps we can somehow turn everyday tasks into Training from Hell
    • Check status on our license to sell seals
    • Start researching casino seals (w/Kagome's help)
    • Give Jiraiya a list of all the seals we have seen with any details we know
    • Talk to Jiraiya about Shadow Clones. OBSERVE OPSEC.
      • From what they were told, a single clone being genjutsued knocked out Naruto. This implies some sort of knowledge or experience transfer.
        • Possibility seems to exist for training with them.
        • Elaborate on idea for Chakra Beast Containment Facility for Noburi to drain. If this seems unsafe, suggest doing training in high-chakra density locations (Forest/Swamp of Death...)
Last edited:

I did that. It was [X] action plan (part): UPS & Western Union. Frankly, I really like Power Not Too Overwhelming, but would really like to get the truck scroll rolling even if it happens off screen.
I am amicable towards starting this somehow if we can lay some groundwork in a bullet point or two.
Start making a few dozen storage scrolls or something?
Talk to J about mercantilism?
If we can arrive at a consensus to put this off until we've actually done something of positive impact, I'd be all for it, though.

I'm going to again point out that we have. Our decisions stopped the war between Leaf and Mist. How many civilian lives were saved because the entire thing was wrapped up in one battle?
[] Action Plan: Power Overwhelming

EDIT: I spent too long writing this post!

[X] Action Plan: Power Not Too Overwhelming

Good stuff. Other than what @Roomba said, I only have four suggestions:

  • In the "Suggest" section, bring up that it is possible that not all factions of pangolin society are equally genocidal. We might be able to find some people who are against it, and give them more power.
    • For example, hand them a ridiculously large stack of skytowers, and cut the government off.
  • In the "Focus on training" section, see if we can train in the swamp of death.
  • In the discussion with Keiko section, ask who all she wants brought in on the planning. The Nara might have useful ideas.
Also, I have had this idea bouncing in my head for a while, on how to use storage seals.

Booster Boxes. A simple metal box, 4 inches to a side and open on the bottom. On the inside of the left face, there is a PMYF filled with 3 inch diameter lead spheres. The PMYF is glued to a LBF, which can be activated by pulling one of the tags out.

The PMYF emits a lead sphere at 30 mph. The lead sphere hits the right wall of the Booster Box, imparting a great deal of momentum. The sphere falls out of the box in time for the next sphere to spit out, at 30 mph relative to box.

Soon the booster box will be moving very quickly, albeit in a slightly to very random direction.

Now tape a seal with a long delay to the top of the top face. And let 20 of them loose at once. This can be used to blanket a wide area with the desired effect.

It could also be used to spin a wheel, by affixing the booster boxes radially.

Or use two of them to drag a piece of razor wire around.

Or throw a pair connected by ninja wire, and have them act like weird bolas.

Related, the Booster Bobsled. Essentially a massive Booster Box, except it has dozens of PMYF seals delivering 100kg logs to the other side of the wall. A ninja holds on for dear life, and tilts the box to aim.

This should give brief bursts of very high speeds. I can try to work out the math later.

EDIT: I did a first draft of the math. Essentially, emitting one 100kg weight every half second for a minute, we should achieve a top speed of 200 mph, and go a little over 3 miles. Can't upload a proper google doc yet, but I've pasted the excel contents here.
Last edited:

2 bullets.
1. Spend 1 day with Kagome making storage seals on one scroll (~200 storage seals).
2. Pitch "Truck Scroll Commerce" to Jiraiya as a way to strengthen Leaf, the clan and build alliances and propose debuting the day of the tournament (with appropriate prep work).

Sound reasonable?
I'm sorry but all those missions got done? Us doing a specific one in no way helped or hurt anyone.
No, but it does hurt our credibility when we say "we're all about the civilians/lessers". That's my problem with it; we talk a big game, but our specific actions seem to indicate that we're just cynically aiming for more power as efficiently as possible.
I don't perceive this as a "harder stance" towards the uplift matter. You are quite right about the Pangolins, but all this other stuff?

This (and I do not mean to antagonize by saying this) is just lip service and band aids.

Running around throwing walls up around a few dozen run down hamlets that will just crumble in a decade or so is lip service and band aids.

Healing the occasional broken bone or infected wound is lip service and band aids.

Clearing out chakra beasts in the forest around Village-in-Squalor #24601 is lip service and band aids.

All of these are just temporary solutions that really only require a marginal time investment on Hazou's part: Time is cheap. A lot of this is a trivial time investment anyway with the real cost being travel time and opp cost.

How about instead of running around pasting up temporary fixes everywhere we start cooking with some real oil:

  • Push for policy changes at an institutional level
    • Leaf University
      • In general better education
    • Tutoring for Clanless kids
    • "Uplift" C ranks to nearby villages in fire
    • More sensible and affordable housing for citizens
      • Seriously Nakano's housing situation is bullshit
  • Implement SCIENCE
    • Civilian usable sealtech
      • We have prototypes of this that work with LBF's
    • Better forges and ironworking
    • Motherfucking crossbows and ballistae
    • Medical improvements
  • Sealing research
    • Earth Wall Seal
      • Instead of MEW-ing up a bunch of walls, how about we just make a seal that does this (permanently) and crank out a few thousand of them?
      • Random Genin Squad N (of clanless ninja, even) can take D ranks to go support
      • Kagome had some stupid reason this wouldn't work ("Oh, how do you parametrize a wall ? Use a dome instead.")
        • This is bullshit: a dome is so much harder to describe than a straight line its not even funny.
    • Heavy Storage Seal: 200-1000kg, larger dimensions
      • For your all purpose resource delivery needs.
    • General all purpose stupidly OP seal stuff (Necromancy, Becomus Godus, etc) go here
  • General Force Multipliers
    • Focus efforts to get more people in on this
      • Team Clanless
      • Nakano et al
      • Possibly Naruto
        • Adding an actual S rank to the effort would be obviously beneficial
        • If he's anything like canon he'll be idealistic enough to go for it.
    • Obtain a huge fucking pile of money to fund this shit
      • Selling ice (?)
      • Corner explosive seals market
      • UPS inter-country trade
    • Get existing political allies on our side on this front, or acquire more to add for this purpose.
      • ISC?
      • Merchant Council?
      • Hyuga?
  • Bargain with or otherwise convince Powerful Entities to join or assist us
    • Tsunade is a no brainer
      • Likewise, Kabuto and Leaf Hospital on the medical side.
    • Sufficiently Utilitarian Orochimaru would likely aid us in our efforts
    • "I am actually a Leaf double agent and a pacifist" Itachi
      • IMO snowballs chance in hell of this being the case but eh.
    • Ren Kurosawa
      • Would require serious politics
    • Coalition of various minor villages
      • Would require serious politics
    • Unnamed Bijuu or Jinchuuriki
      • I mean, its not like we actually know who they all are and what their goals are
  • Like, literally a thousand things I'm probably not remembering off the top of my head

Sure, go ahead with the walls and the healing of random people and whatnot, because these accomplish some good and no one else in this shithole is going to do it. These should by no means be a priority, its charity work. Why would we spend 40-60 hours a week working in the metaphorical soup kitchen when we can spend that amount of time every week for a few months and have the ability to build 10 soup kitchens and hire workers and supplies for all of them?
I quite agree with you here; all of the things I have mentioned are band-aids. The point is, it's just a little bit more than lip-service. Even if I accept your conclusion that such actions are by and large completely marginal, the mere fact that we've done them lends us credibility when we say "we could use more help to make things better for everyone".

Because that's what this last update really highlights; We talk huge game. But as of right now, our credibility is best described in terms of fractions.

Otherwise, I totally agree with your list and my plan actually begins to act on a few of them, if preferring not to make contact with the movers and shakers until we have a solid record.

As per the battle /XP stuff:

Literally the main flaw in all of this Uplift stuff is that it dies with Hazou et all. We have no Slytherin's Basilisk setup to continue on our ideas, and we have no way of leaving a legacy behind. Its Hazou, our immediate family (at the moment) the Hivemind and (maybeee) Akane. We need to rope way more people into this.

Fortunately/Unfortunately, I do not ever think that

[JK]Action Plan: Literally sit safely inside Leaf and do this stuff and train until we have enough XP for S rank socials and Sealing 100

Is ever going to be a viable option. The fortunate/unfortunate reality is that we are going to have to put XP into combat abilities, because we are going to be in combat situations. And we need to survive these combat situations, else shit gets derailed horribly.

If we do not make sufficient progress before Hazou et al become deader than doornails, this all gets undone by bickering medieval sociopolitical nonsense and ingrained cultural norms a la A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court a decade or so afterwards.

Thats pretty much how I see it.

And you know what's a way to ensure that the idea never spreads?

If the very person who introduced it is widely regarded as having used the ideology for cynical power-grabbing and empty promises.

Most of the reason of why I say "slow down on the power grabs, start actually doing this Uplift stuff" is precisely that; I want other people in power to buy in, not just support a rising politician who says lots of nice things and the populace loves him for it.

My problem isn't getting more power.

My problem is that we aren't using it for what we say is one of our core beliefs.

And if that's true, can we believe anything this guy says at all?

That all said, I will vote for

[X] Action Plan: Power Not Too Overwhelming

because there is a concrete action, even if there are fewer than I'd like.
I'm going to again point out that we have. Our decisions stopped the war between Leaf and Mist. How many civilian lives were saved because the entire thing was wrapped up in one battle?

That's true, but I don't think it helps that much in this instance. The decision to join Leaf and gift them Skywalkers had a very complex rationale, and "Maybe we'll make the inevitable war less destructive" was only a part of it.

I don't think Keiko is upset about the initial decision to sell Skytowers to the Pangolins. We really had no way of knowing it would give them an advantage large enough to completely destroy the Condors. It's more that, after finding out what happened to the latter, we basically went "Whoops. Oh well." and proceeded as if nothing happened.

2 bullets.
1. Spend 1 day with Kagome making storage seals on one scroll (~200 storage seals).
2. Pitch "Truck Scroll Commerce" to Jiraiya as a way to strengthen Leaf, the clan and build alliances and propose debuting the day of the tournament (with appropriate prep work).

Sound reasonable?
The problem I see here is that phrasing it this way requires a scene with Jiraiya where we actually probe him on this for feedback, or otherwise need to have the QMs devote significant mental energy on this.

I am okay with a bullet to the effect of "Hazou uses spare time to make storage seals and explosive tags for commercial use" so that this accomplishes:

1) Ground work for your idea
2) Ground work for our idea to corner the explosive tag market

We can quite literally pitch a mini 1-2 scene update/plan on Monday to Velorien (this saves him some spoons too) to get all of this Uplifty Idea groundwork stuff started. You can quote me on this, I will support doing this in literally two days.

No, but it does hurt our credibility when we say "we're all about the civilians/lessers". That's my problem with it; we talk a big game, but our specific actions seem to indicate that we're just cynically aiming for more power as efficiently as possible.

I quite agree with you here; all of the things I have mentioned are band-aids. The point is, it's just a little bit more than lip-service. Even if I accept your conclusion that such actions are by and large completely marginal, the mere fact that we've done them lends us credibility when we say "we could use more help to make things better for everyone".

Because that's what this last update really highlights; We talk huge game. But as of right now, our credibility is best described in terms of fractions.

Otherwise, I totally agree with your list and my plan actually begins to act on a few of them, if preferring not to make contact with the movers and shakers until we have a solid record.


And you know what's a way to ensure that the idea never spreads?

If the very person who introduced it is widely regarded as having used the ideology for cynical power-grabbing and empty promises.

Most of the reason of why I say "slow down on the power grabs, start actually doing this Uplift stuff" is precisely that; I want other people in power to buy in, not just support a rising politician who says lots of nice things and the populace loves him for it.

My problem isn't getting more power.

My problem is that we aren't using it for what we say is one of our core beliefs.

And if that's true, can we believe anything this guy says at all?

That all said, I will vote for

[X] Action Plan: Power Not Too Overwhelming

because there is a concrete action, even if there are fewer than I'd like.

I mean, you are right on all accounts, but I disagree that:
1) Spending the literal next day or two on this is going to be a good idea
2) This action plan is the only one that serves this purpose (Its literally Vechts but with fancier conversational details, and I've tried to put all the main points in my own anyway)
No, but it does hurt our credibility when we say "we're all about the civilians/lessers". That's my problem with it; we talk a big game, but our specific actions seem to indicate that we're just cynically aiming for more power as efficiently as possible.

I quite agree with you here; all of the things I have mentioned are band-aids. The point is, it's just a little bit more than lip-service. Even if I accept your conclusion that such actions are by and large completely marginal, the mere fact that we've done them lends us credibility when we say "we could use more help to make things better for everyone".

Because that's what this last update really highlights; We talk huge game. But as of right now, our credibility is best described in terms of fractions.

Otherwise, I totally agree with your list and my plan actually begins to act on a few of them, if preferring not to make contact with the movers and shakers until we have a solid record.

You want to do concrete things? OK. What I will not support is doing inefficient actions to make a point rather than actually helping people out at scale.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Oneiros on Sep 8, 2018 at 11:24 AM, finished with 266 posts and 22 votes.
[X] Action Plan: Power Not Too Overwhelming
You want to do concrete things? OK. What I will not support is doing inefficient actions to make a point rather than actually helping people out at scale.

Half the problem is that people are suspicious and untrusting. Individually, the greatest good that we could do right now is stop armsdealing with Nazis, but after that, if you want to make large-scale changes, we're going to need to convince people.

I think we are more convincing if we have done things to make a point that we are in fact serious about this whole Uplift thing. Moreso than if we spent a similar amount of time, say, selling seals to the Pangolins and dining with clan heirs.
I will vote for any of the current plans if they add the line:

(Offscreen) Hazou makes a Truck Scroll with Kagome.
This line isnt viable.

One would have to mechanically explain what that means (this takes far more than a line), what we need to do to get it done, etc.

The QMs dont have an ability to be omniscient wrt Hivemind or always aware of all thread conversation.


Half the problem is that people are suspicious and untrusting. Individually, the greatest good that we could do right now is stop armsdealing with Nazis, but after that, if you want to make large-scale changes, we're going to need to convince people.

I think we are more convincing if we have done things to make a point that we are in fact serious about this whole Uplift thing. Moreso than if we spent a similar amount of time, say, selling seals to the Pangolins and dining with clan heirs.

If you want to spend some time each week doing some metaphorical charity work with the intent that this will serve as a good PR move to lay the stage for long term goals, I think most of us are totally fine with that, as long as it doesnt become a huge time sink to the exclusion of said long term goals.

Half the problem is that people are suspicious and untrusting. Individually, the greatest good that we could do right now is stop armsdealing with Nazis, but after that, if you want to make large-scale changes, we're going to need to convince people.

  • Comparing the pangolins to Nazi seems unfair, since the Condor would have done the same to the Pangolin if they switched places.
  • We can start making the world a better place by working on that tutoring project.

@Vecht, @Roomba, @MMKII: Would you mind clarifying that we aren't tutoring ourselves (at least for now), please? Financing other tutors doesn't fully imply we don't volunteer, and we definitely don't have time pre-tournament.
This isn't a binding commitment regardless, though. We're just talking about plans, we can update the ideas later.
Anyone else getting Coriolanus vibes here?

The victorious general of Rome who leads his army to glory, gets a parade, and is then exiled for going against the high-ups. And then gathers an army of Rome's enemies and marches on the city with overwhelming force, only persuaded to back down by his mother's pleas.

I don't think Kei's mother is going to speak on Pantsā's behalf.