Um. He did roll sealing for that, I'll note.
This implies it was not purely a Lock Seal, but a seal and a mechanical lock together in some fashion.

Unless we can reverse engineer that and the way to open it (that doesn't require a sealmaster), we cannot use that one explicitly to lock any storage scrolls with secret info.
She examined the pedestal carefully before hanging her lantern on the convenient hook and picking up the scroll. Like the one in the shrine, it was held closed with a ribbon and there was a seal on the ribbon. Unlike the one up above there were seals on the outside of the scroll and the end caps. Nothing happened when she touched it and a careful examination showed nothing unexpected, so she untied the ribbon and opened the scroll.
The lock is the seal.

The lock is the seal.

Ah, I forgot that seals sometimes make magical arcane noises for no reason (our Macerators actually sound like they chew things when we load them for example).

Quite right, this might just be what the seal sounds like.
I think a lockbox seal is obvious enough that it has probably been researched before.

Something along the lines of:
Storage seal drawn with 4 companion elements. The storage seal must be in contact with one companion element to perform its seal-unseal functions. Attempts to perform the function without a companion seal ruins the storage element, ejecting the stored material in the usual broken state. The destruction of one element has no effect on the state of other elements.

If these seals exist, I suspect the following to be true in the world:
Privileged communication is transferred in these seals, sandwiched between ink-bladders.

If this is not observed, the seal probably does not yet exist, and we should update on the seal being harder to research than we first think.
I think a lockbox seal is obvious enough that it has probably been researched before.

Something along the lines of:
Storage seal drawn with 4 companion elements. The storage seal must be in contact with one companion element to perform its seal-unseal functions. Attempts to perform the function without a companion seal ruins the storage element, ejecting the stored material in the usual broken state. The destruction of one element has no effect on the state of other elements.

If these seals exist, I suspect the following to be true in the world:
Privileged communication is transferred in these seals, sandwiched between ink-bladders.

If this is not observed, the seal probably does not yet exist, and we should update on the seal being harder to research than we first think.

Though, to be fair, if locking seals and storage seals are both things, a box kept shut by a locking seal with a storage seal inside (along with said ink bladders or similar) gives you most of that functionality.

E: Huh. Just had the thought - how do lock seals work? I.e. how (other than "have a sealmaster hack it open) would someone open it? Password, chakra pattern, designated blood, paired seal?
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We should get Genjutsu 80 and grab Shisui's right eye so we can start Manchurian Candidating people of interest.

Our left eye can be one of Nagato's Rinnegan.

I can dream...
Though, to be fair, if locking seals and storage seals are both things, a box kept shut by a locking seal with a storage seal inside (along with said ink bladders or similar) gives you most of that functionality.

E: Huh. Just had the thought - how do lock seals work? I.e. how (other than "have a sealmaster hack it open) would someone open it? Password, chakra pattern, designated blood, paired seal?
The difference, as far as Id be concerned, is that the lock-seal can be cracked a-la-Kagome. The relationship between simultaneously drawn seal-elements is unique among those elements, and cannot be reproduced as far as we are aware.

Probably a paired key-element in the general form. In Keiko's case, there was probably a key somewhere in the labyrinth that she could have found, had she not obviated the need via Kagome.

Edit: maybe sealmasters install back-doors, which Kagome knows to exploit?
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Yes, that's essentially what I'm saying.

Many are saying something to the effect of "Well, if we get the same amount of XP regardless..."

But I don't think this is necessarily the case. Or if it is, perhaps this particular oddity as not been brought up?
It hasn't been relevant until now. Given that this month is going to be all about training, we'll probably figure something out. Simplest solution would be to lock earned XP to the primary thing you did in the update what it was earned. I'll need to talk to the others, though.

I think in the past we'd gotten more per day than an average genin, because surviving as missing nin is harder than living in a village? Are our xp gains still indexed to that idea of surviving in a hostile death world and trying not to get hunted down?
We've been keeping you at the same level regardless.

It doesn't matter. Our talent is worth 3 XP a day barring circumstances.
Pedantry: A bit mor and simple enough that 2e than that.

Otherwise: Agreed. As with most things related to XP, it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing and simple enough that the QMs don't get miserable trying to manage it.

Do macerators crush/grind shit in the storing phase, while sitting in the interdimensional, or during the unstoring phase?

In general, what difference would there be that you are you looking to exploit?

Well how about a two-item storage seal that unseals an active Dust Bomb if the right key isn't used?
A Dust Bomb is a seal. You can't (safely) put it in another seal.
Are seals that do two different things possible?

Can two different seals be placed on the same piece of paper? Same side? Different side?

(If possible to inscribe seals on walls) Can two seals be put on the same wall?

A Dust Bomb is a seal. You can't (safely) put it in another seal.
My mistake, a dust bomb setup, not a dust bomb seal. I'm basically thinking a dust bomb and a regular storage seal mixed into one so that if you don't have the key it releases the sawdust and fire instead, consuming the rest of the seal and the foolish ninja in the resulting explosion.
My mistake, a dust bomb setup, not a dust bomb seal. I'm basically thinking a dust bomb and a regular storage seal mixed into one so that if you don't have the key it releases the sawdust and fire instead, consuming the rest of the seal and the foolish ninja in the resulting explosion.
At that point just make a 2-in-1 Storage/Explosive seal
It hasn't been relevant until now. Given that this month is going to be all about training, we'll probably figure something out. Simplest solution would be to lock earned XP to the primary thing you did in the update what it was earned. I'll need to talk to the others, though.
Thanks for clarifying.

You seem to always quote posts that I have an annoying typo in. I should probably be more diligent in pre-post proofreading.

Are seals that do two different things possible?

Can two different seals be placed on the same piece of paper? Same side? Different side?

(If possible to inscribe seals on walls) Can two seals be put on the same wall?

Are you tryna turn the universe into spaghetti :V
I wonder if we could make a storage seal shield? That is to say a shield that stores anything that hits it.

Edit: Not sure why I am bothering this thread has been going on long enough now that you guys have likely come up with all the ideas already.
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Are seals that do two different things possible?

Well obviously! Storage Seals can put stuff into a dimension outside reality, and they can take things out of it! That's two things! Oh, and they prevent stress on the object during the transitions, so that's three things! Three!

Oh, and Macerators do that without the stress limit, but also add velocity to the stored material upon release. Again, three things!
How can their be a difference? I thought that stuff in a storage seal is frozen out of time.

Two important differences:
  • If the damage happens late, it should be possible to store a living being with a normal seal, and then retrieve them at later date using a different seal, one that applies no stresses, preserving the life of the creature.
  • Storage seals do store them somewhere. It might be possible to get to that somewhere by other means. In which case, is the object damaged, or not?
Two important differences:
  • If the damage happens late, it should be possible to store a living being with a normal seal, and then retrieve them at later date using a different seal, one that applies no stresses, preserving the life of the creature.
  • Storage seals do store them somewhere. It might be possible to get to that somewhere by other means. In which case, is the object damaged, or not?
So like your friend is dieing you stick him in a storage seal then come up with another seal later to get him out without stressing him?
Are seals that do two different things possible?

Can two different seals be placed on the same piece of paper? Same side? Different side?

(If possible to inscribe seals on walls) Can two seals be put on the same wall?

Yes. Jiraiya did it with Tunneler's Friend, and Kagome commented on it.
Yes. Jiraiya did it with Tunneler's Friend, and Kagome commented on it.
You might be thinking of Banshee Slayers? In that chapter, Kagome starts calling bullshit because they lack a "Tertiary nexus." and Jiraiya proclaims that yes, it still works, and allows you to set the intensity at the time of creation.

I don't think he mentions the Tunneler's Friends IIRC.
You might be thinking of Banshee Slayers? In that chapter, Kagome starts calling bullshit because they lack a "Tertiary nexus." and Jiraiya proclaims that yes, it still works, and allows you to set the intensity at the time of creation.

I don't think he mentions the Tunneler's Friends IIRC.