To be frank: Im skeptical this Pangolin Pepper thing is feasible/ironclad enough to convince the QMs to give them more mental consequences than a Mild "Groggy" because they were up all night sharpening and peeling paint off their weapons.

But if thats the case, same thing would happen with vanilla paint and blunting (no pepper).

If you can convince me otherwise or add some other component that really pisses them off that isnt reliant on sufficient pepper particles being thrown into the air from sharpening and removing an unknown paint mix from their weapons, im all for it.
Collaborate with Keiko and Shikamaru to give everyone small letters, tailor-made to unsettle, needle, or depress them personally. "Team Downfall? more like Team Fallflat ", "Who is the slacker now, Kiri?", [insert Intimidation 40 note from Keiko to Anna], "You've gravely disappointed your Kage, Hazama", etc.
I really do not think paint is necessary at all. We have their half words that we can ransom to them, and if they don't come in the first five minutes, they get burned.
[X] Action Plan: Retroactive Partying

This looks good, although I do feel like Hana is being underutilized as a possible resource. (And I'd like to read more of her.)
I really do not think paint is necessary at all. We have their half words that we can ransom to them, and if they don't come in the first five minutes, they get burned.
The point is to keep them up all night cleaning and prepping gear so that they get Alertness penalizing consequences from not sleeping fully the last two days or so

Edit: And or annoy them sufficiently they get similar mental consequences that impede judgement next Round
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[X] Action Plan: Retroactive Partying

This looks good, although I do feel like Hana is being underutilized as a possible resource.
If we're gonna resolve Hazou's problem with treating people as tools, we have to start somewhere.
The point is to keep them up all night cleaning and prepping gear so that they get Alertness penalizing consequences from not sleeping fully the last two days or so
Um... you realize that they will only wake up from chakra exhaustion about a couple hours before round two, right?
I would be significantly more okay with blunting their weapons, for reference.

Or using some sort of alcohol-soluble paint so they can clean it off well.
I'm opposed to messing with enemy equipment on principle, as it's really easy to damage our reputation by overdoing it. Note how whoever got Hazou during the fourth event didn't touch his gear in a situation with much better deniability. Plus, it's possible to unknowingly cause a diplomatic incident by running afoul of clan secrets. It strikes me as an attempt to be clever for the sake of being clever, rather than any real gain.
@Cariyaga has informed me that if all goes well they should all wake up from unconsciousness a few hours before the event.

So they likely wont have time to undue paint.



@Jello_Raptor How about the following alternative to Pepper:

For each individuals kunai/shuriken/ninja wire

2)Drench in tree sap to make absurdly sticky
3)Tie all (blunted and sticky) kunai and shuriken up in an unholy Gordion knot of ninja wire.

Either they fix the above in time after they wake up and get annoyed , or they dont in which case they have blunted and sticky weapons.

Either way, likely some aspect bonus for us? Bonus: No paint!

Alright, so I removed the thing.
Taking most of this stuff from MMKII's plan. Ping me.

Word count: 253

[X] Action Plan: Retroactive Partying
  • Run plan through Keiko/Noburi, and later with ISC (as applicable).
    • Maintain OPSEC (handsigns/Air Dome).
  • Don't jeopardize Round 2.
  • Stick together.
  • To enemies:
    • Guesstimate combat styles (physique, weapons...).
      • VD check elemental affinities.
    • Put stolen word-halves in Seventh Path.
    • Perfumerate them + equipment.
  • Pangolins:
    • Maybe unsummoning some (Pandojuru, Pangaya), reducing chakra drain.
    • Summon Paneru: Casing/defense consultation.
      • Possibly requisition materials for R2. Pay with 5SB/gold.
  • Deliver prisoners to ISC.
    • We're "honoring our deal".
    • Confirm details to keep story straight.
    • Help make anti-Gōketsu alliance:
      • Should we act super-confident or 'try' to undermine alliance?
      • Threaten to burn word halves (?).
    • Get ISC to precommit to strategies:
      • Limit attack vectors: 'Safe' Underground + single aboveground path (we turn into a deathtrap).
  • R2 prep:
    • Brainstorm plausible attacks/defenses.
    • Case locations with Pangolins for: tunneling defenses, Pangolin counterattack/ambush vectors, effective defensive artillery fire....
    • Make thin MEW sheets for 5SB.
      • Enough to defend outer walls/key rooms from inside.
      • Tie together (wire) & put in storage seals.
    • Make seals as time permits.
    • Test implosion seal anti-underground effectiveness/nonlethality (use clones).
    • Re-drain prisoners to refresh unconsciousness.
      • High-priority targets: Wakahisa, social specs, intelligence bloodlines, Team Kurenai.
  • Socialize!
    • Jiraiya calls the shots.
    • Teammates:
      • Want to stay in touch.
      • Worked really well as a team.
      • (Subtly) Mention value of working relationship with Hokage's children.
    • Comment on growing legend, subtly discuss how to leverage (build/maintain reputation).
    • Ask if he wants us to remove Team Kurenai from tournament (goad Kiba?).
  • If Hana comes, maybe tell a story (OPSEC-sanitized).
  • After afterparty, rest fully until morning.
Honestly, I think we're focusing a little too much on this particular part of the plan.

What we really need to consider is what our plan will be for the next event.

For instance: Make seals for next event is really unspecific. What we need now is specifically seals that Hazou can't infuse on his own, so basically LBF and 5SB.
Honestly, I think we're focusing a little too much on this particular part of the plan.

What we really need to consider is what our plan will be for the next event.

For instance: Make seals for next event is really unspecific. What we need now is specifically seals that Hazou can't infuse on his own, so basically LBF and 5SB.
Hazou would be better positioned to determine which seals he should be making more of, based on him knowing the state of his loadout and the strategies being discussed with the group.
So yeah, I removed that part of the plan on the grounds that Hazou would know better than us what's going on. Thoughts?
Also, are we really going to just have the plan cover until the next morning? That's not even covering the break day. I was working under the assumption this plan would cover the entire break, leaving Saturday's update/plan for eaglejarl to write some more punching.
A note:

I am glad we didn't have to do six or five further updates to resolve the rampage. OTOH, we didn't really max out potential XP gains, since we don't gain XP for every teams we battle.

So I have some mixed feelings about this.

You seem to be under the delusion (as evidenced by your repeatedly bringing this up) that passive-aggressively whining about your displeasure at pacing is going to accomplish anything except annoying the QMs. Further, no one wishes to confront you on this because it would be awkward, thus leaving QMs to potentially wonder if this is a widespread sentiment. (Hint: it's not)

This reply will hopefully dispel you of said delusions.
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Also, are we really going to just have the plan cover until the next morning? That's not even covering the break day. I was working under the assumption this plan would cover the entire break, leaving Saturday's update/plan for eaglejarl to write some more punching.
My thoughts on the next couple of updates are for Velorien to cover this update, eaglejarl to cover the rest of the break + info on teammates, Velorien to cover the 2 hours of prep, and for eaglejarl to do the punching.
Why do we have a whole bullet point specifying that we were honoring the deal? And why is it in scare quotes?
To fool the proctor into thinking that there was a deal made.
So yeah, I removed that part of the plan on the grounds that Hazou would know better than us what's going on. Thoughts?
I don't trust him to, honestly.
My thoughts on the next couple of updates are for Velorien to cover this update, eaglejarl to cover the rest of the break + info on teammates, Velorien to cover the 2 hours of prep, and for eaglejarl to do the punching.

To fool the proctor into thinking that there was a deal made.
I really don't want to make this single event take another two weeks.
Okay blunting and whatnot is jounced.

@Jello_Raptor sorry, tried my best to keep that one in there since i liked most of it.


@Velorien @eaglejarl @OliWhail
Would it be okay to spend 1 FP to declare that Kagome has given us an equally large pile of LBFs for traps?
Everyone realizes that nobody heard Jiraiya's warning about chakra drain, by the way? By the time toads got to us, we already knocked everyone out. If we're now refreshing their unconsciousness and they will wake up only a few hours before R2, would anyone remember to mention it to them? I sure hope so.

By the way, are we refreshing everyone's unconsciousness? a) Is it possible, b) is it safe for our prisoners, c) is it viable?

@faflec, @MMKII, to expand on the latest one, ISC will need some time to work to assemble STR. If everyone wakes up two hours before the time is up or something, the plan may be compromised. My initial suggestion was to refresh unconsciousness on key force multipliers only (the Wakahisa, primarily, and maybe the cognition-bloodlines; though we shouldn't put every planmaker out of commission, otherwise no team will feel safe committing to some weird foreigner plan when their leaders are unconscious).
Run plan through Keiko/Noburi, and later with ISC (as applicable).
Unclear in which cases it is applicable. Mark these sections somehow (different color? italics?).
Limit attack vectors: 'Safe' Underground + single aboveground path (we turn into a deathtrap).
Strategy unclear. We're putting traps everywhere except on "safe" underground and aboveground paths, then turning these paths into deathtraps once the assault starts, yes? I think this needs to be made more explicit.
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