I have mixed feelings on starting WW4 now.

On one hand we are now a part of a noble-(ish) clan in Leaf and therefore our fates are almost completely tied to theirs. Not to mention that best girl lives in Leaf and her dying would be sad.

On the other hand we get to start WW4.

Truly a conundrum for the ages.
Speaking of, we should steal the rest of the bijuus. Who says Akatsuki are the only ones allowed to play this game?

And instead of edgy black cloaks with red clouds, we can have upbeat blue cloaks with white clouds! With sunshine, sparkles, and rainbows galore!

We're the good guys! So let us forcibly extract relieve you of that awful demon burden you have to carry all of the time! We're helping!
And instead of edgy black cloaks with red clouds, we can have upbeat blue cloaks with white clouds! With sunshine, sparkles, and rainbows galore!

We're the good guys! So let us forcibly extract relieve you of that awful demon burden you have to carry all of the time! We're helping!
something something sunshine regiment something something screaming in troll
I actually have a reasonable question that won't cause headaches, for a change. @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail how much is widely known about the Big Fight? Obviously Hiruzen is dead and Yagura is presumed dead, but are any of the circumstances public? What about the more in-the-know people, do the Leaf clan heirs know what happened to Naruto? I know that some of this will be HDK, but I'd also expect Jiraiya to have briefed the kids on what they're allowed to discuss with their peers.
We just need to get Jiraiya to do it

Hazou: Hey Dad, hypothetically speaking, if I were to find a spare, unclaimed by other nations bijuu, could you seal it inside of me?

Jiraiya: Since that is never going to happen, sure why not? Knock yourself out kid. *Pats Hazou condescendingly on the head*

Hazou: Noburi, I know what we're going to do today.

Hazou: Hey Dad, hypothetically speaking, if I were to find a spare, unclaimed by other nations bijuu, could you seal it inside of me?

Jiraiya: Since that is never going to happen, sure why not? Knock yourself out kid. *Pats Hazou condescendingly on the head*

Hazou: Noburi, I know what we're going to do today.

Who put a lupchanz in Hazou? He'd never call Jiraiya dad.
Updated Tech Tree

Oh. Also, let's start a new sealing tech tree because the last one was a complete mess.

  • Air Dome Seals [DONE]
  • Skywalker Seal

  • Banshee Slayer Seal [DONE]
  • Silence Mine Seal [DONE]

  • Casino Seal: Sonic
  • Casino Seal: Light
  • Skywalker Seal
  • Chakra-use Trigger Seal

  • Cooling Seal
  • Cryogrenade Seal
  • Directional Cryogrenade Seal

  • Earth Dome Seals [DONE]

  • Air Freshener Seal [DONE]
  • Explosion Seal [DONE]
  • Shaped Charge Seal

  • Force Wall Seals

  • Goo Bomb Seal
  • Directional Goo Bomb Seal

  • Heating Seal
  • Thermogrenade Seal
  • Directional Thermogrenade Seal

  • 5 Seal Barrier Seals

  • Party Trick Seal [DONE]
  • Casino Seal: Light
  • Dazzle Seal
  • Flashbang Seal

  • Lesser Barrier Formation Seals
  • Activation Relay Seals
  • Seal Inhibitor Seal
  • Pressure Trigger Seal
  • Proximity Trigger Seal
  • Sonic Trigger Seal
  • Chakra-use Trigger Seal
  • Relay Destruction Seal

  • Chime Seal Variants [DONE]
  • Alarm Seal [DONE]
  • Banshee Seal [DONE]
  • Banshee Fucker Seal
  • Casino Seal: Sonic
  • Flashbang Seal

  • Storage Seal [DONE]
  • PMYF Seal v1 [DONE]
  • Macerator Seal v1 [DONE]
  • Macerator Seal v2 [DONE]
  • Purifier Seal [DONE]
  • Tunneler's Friend Seal [DONE]
  • Implosion Seal
  • Increased Capacity Storage Seal

I do keep it updated with things we might be able to research, so remember to check it out every so often.
Gah, I really wanna mess around with Force Walls to try to make an absolute defense technique. That can wait, though.
Gōketsu Hazō
Born 68 VE
Died 83 VE

"I really wanna mess around with Force Walls to try to make an absolute defense technique. That can wait, though."​

That said, it can only wait because I'm not sure Hazou's good enough to fuck around with them, and I'm not sure Jiraiya's capable of judging that -- Kagome could, but J-man hasn't known Hazou's sealing style for long enough.