In hindsight, the first bullet point in our plan should've really been "Dispel".

At a minimum, I am fairly certain the person talking to us is actually Noburi. He can recognize and use an air dome. An impersonator wouldn't have given us back chakra and collapsed the tunnel.

On second thought, maybe not. Those things can be faked. We might be royally screwed.

...This could be an OPSEC disaster, the likes of which we haven't seen since we blabbed bloodline secrets to Minami.
We have been given QM confirmation earlier that we can assume we have *already* verified each other's identities...

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@MadScientist A seal for the Seal Project list:

Relay Destruction Seal: This seal, when activated, activates the seal it is facing, and then destroys both.
Praise Lord Jashin! Praise the Grue! The players have offered up a snackrifice! A whole technique for you to devour! Reality shall be lessened! (also greatly simplified)

Hear our prayers! We wish to successfully flip yonder table, with sweat, tears, and alcohol!
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Praise Lord Jashin! Praise the Grue! The players have offered up a snackrifice! A whole technique for you to devour! Reality shall be lessened! (also greatly simplified)

Hear our prayers! We wish to successfully flip yonder table, with sweat, tears, and alcohol!
I think that Henge is a worthy sacrifice to Jashin, don't you, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail?



Now I'm even more confused.


It's an OPSEC seal, so that enemy sealmasters don't get access to your sealtech.

(Incidentally, I am amused thinking back on Crazy Bioseal Lady about how both sides came together to look for each other's seals. It's just good sense as a sealmaster, but it's also kind of hilarious.)
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I think that Henge is a worthy sacrifice to Jashin, don't you, @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail?


It's an OPSEC seal, so that enemy sealmasters don't get access to your sealtech.

(Incidentally, I am amused thinking back on Crazy Bioseal Lady about how both sides came together to look for each other's seals. It's just good sense as a sealmaster, but it's also kind of hilarious.)

So, basically, I'm picturing an ARS that physically destroys the paired seal once the effect of the paired seal has been used up, in order to prevent people from examining it and studying it? That what you meant?
Sorry, I think I'm having trouble parsing this. Why would you want it to activate the seal? Why not just destroy it?
You want a remote way of activating and then destroying the seal afterwards for opsec purposes I would assume.

But I can't really think of anything in particular we have now that this is useful for but maybe something in the future
So, basically, I'm picturing an ARS that physically destroys the paired seal once the effect of the paired seal has been used up, in order to prevent people from examining it and studying it? That what you meant?
Basically, it's just a seal that you put against another seal. Once it's activated, the other seal activates as well, and then both disintegrate.