I've changed Kagome to work on impulse seals instead of the hot-air balloon.
We can work on GUNWAND GUSIs with Akane, just make sure to clear it with Kagome (I assume Jiraiya knows LBF, but no reason to assume)

e: Well, at least, the design we can work on with her. I don't think she's good at carving like Kagome is, but once we've got the design sorted out we can ask him to carve it.
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I think that the MC can work without it being civilians as a group having an edge over ninja as a group... Instead I think the MC makes most sense as a civilian group that is explicitly supported by ninja: all the leaf clans support the MC because
a) it provides them their individual monopolies
b) it keeps their competitors in check
c) it's more or less neutral since it's run by civilians
The problem with saying that the MC is just a figurehead for the clans is that it doesn't satisfy the original problem that MC exists to solve.
The setting we're working with is supposed to be medieval tech, but we've got punch wizards running around who can (e.g.) conjure walls out of nowhere. The playerbase has, with trivial effort, come up with a long list of ways to make a ton of money using ninja magic. This is a rational setting; other people are allowed to be smart too and there need to be justifications for why things look the way they do.[1] If it took you negligible effort to come up with those ideas then it's safe to assume that someone else thought of them first in the century that Leaf has existed.[2]

We have a few options for why Leaf is not a post-scarcity society. The easiest would be 'magic cannot do that' but we'd prefer not to go that route. A better reason is 'politics' -- people won't let you do that. It's a good reason because it's plausible (people do stupid things all the time, even when those things are against their interests) and because it's something that the players can grapple with. If we were to say "well, jutsu don't work when used outside of combat because the gods don't like that" then there would be nothing you could do. If the reason is 'politics' then you can work to change people's minds or find ways around the obstacle.
Either canon jutsu doesn't lead to post-scarcity and the MC wasn't needed as an explanation in the first place or there is something else preventing people from using canon jutsu to create post-scarcity.
The problem with saying that the MC is just a figurehead for the clans is that it doesn't satisfy the original problem that MC exists to solve.

Either canon jutsu doesn't lead to post-scarcity and the MC wasn't needed as an explanation in the first place or there is something else preventing people from using canon jutsu to create post-scarcity.

A post-scarcity society robs the major clans of much of their relative power and status. The clans are comfortable.
How so? They get a ridiculous amount of economic power and control.

Their power grows yes, but so does that of the clanless, and in the end the gap between the clans and the clanless would be smaller than it started.
They're not thinking in terms of sacrificing a bit of relative status in exchange for a post-scarcity society.
They're sacrificing some potential gains now in order to prevent the clanless from gaining too much power.
Their power grows yes, but so does that of the clanless, and in the end the gap between the clans and the clanless would be smaller than it started.
They're not thinking in terms of sacrificing a bit of relative status in exchange for a post-scarcity society.
They're sacrificing some potential gains now in order to prevent the clanless from gaining too much power.
Not if they prevent the clan less from competing with them using the Merchant Council. Then they get to be the sole providers of jutsu-made goods and services. Konoha still gets a near limitless supply of rock and chopped wood.
@faflec , Any reason not to include the Kagome talk?

The Kagome reveal should definitly be part of the winning Plan. Also his backstory, because Kagome is now known around the world and his old village might connect the dots:

-) Kagome
-) Sealmaster
-) Weird paranoid Guy
= Guy who vanished 15 years ago and didn't die at the DOOM Fortress.
We should try to figure out who might be able to recognize him.

Here the thing from the last Plan:
Spoiler: The Big Reveal [The Big Reveal]
  • Discuss (with Mari-sensei) telling Jiraiya about Kagome's knowledge.
    • Avoid OPSEC breaches.
      • Make sure all of this is done privately (anti-spying seals).
      • Don't tell Mari-sensei too much about the mission-related details.
    • Specifically, discuss Akatsuki-related information and the locations of jinchuriki.
    • Only do it with Mari-sensei's approval.
    • Akatsuki
      • What we know:
        • Akatuski originated in the Land of Rain. (this is the important part)
        • They wrote a book of some sort.
        • They were scattered in some fight where Hanzo of the Salamander got killed.
      • Why it's important now.
        • You (Jiraiya) mentioned that Akatsuki might have some sort of weather-control ability.
        • When we first entered the Land of Rain (post-Liberator) Noburi noticed chakra in the rain, which came as if out of nowhere.
        • The Land of Rain is where (Kagome thinks) Akatsuki originated.
      • Conclusion: Is it possible that your paranoia is correct, and that Akatsuki has been tracking our team using this chakra-rain ability?
        • Note: Noburi says he didn't sense chakra in the rain, but it's possible the Akatsuki have some version that dodges this, since we're near Mist, home of the Wakahisa clan.
    • Jinchuriki
      • Nine-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
      • Eight-Tails: Cloud
      • Seven-Tails: ???
      • Six-Tails: ???
      • Five-Tails: Bear
      • Four-Tails: ???
      • Three-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
      • Two-Tails: Demon (?)
      • One-Tails: Sand
...holy shit. If chakra beasts are attracted to chakra use, the villages that had ninja help them but didnt stick around long term would rapidly be razed to the ground by chakra beasts, and the overall effect would look to Kagome like scorch squads, because those prosperous villages would rapidly be cut down.
It's not restricted by, coincidences, rather than by a lack of them. What I'm trying to say is that the village system is young, obviously flowed, and really, really unstable. Unstable enough that no one had a chance to overhaul the economy, even if ideas to do things more efficiently are mostly simple.You have to be a bit lucky to survive change.
Yeah, but that really doesn't jive with the idea that ninja are involved in commerce, and civilian activity is important enough to have continental ramifications.

@MrCogmor I'm not convinced your idea solves the fundamental problems. It presumes a lot of stuff that seems hard to justify.

You claim a "quality assurance law" come into play over a fairly short timespan when the ninja are busy playing with each other. This begs the question of why such a thing would exist: it certainly doesn't seem that people would naturally regulate to this extent when society is so decentralised, nor does it seem enforceable. It presumes ninja are less reliant on civilians during war, but surely this is the other way around: during war ninja will be doubling down on debt, buying what they can and Getting Rich Quick (so they can get back to pew-pewing each other). If civilians start restricting trade at this point in time, they'll get shut down with a bloodied fist faster than they can blink.

You suggest at the end of war ninja suddenly find they can't get licences lest the issuers be outcompeted, but this is the same issue that we had originally, just phrased differently. I doubt this would work any better in practice. If those giving the licenses were those doing the regulation, the issue would be endemic (and not ninja-specific), and there would be even less hope for a Merchant Council to spontaneously appear. If it's not endemic, then what would their motive be in denying nearly all ninja trade, and where would their power come from?

There is a significant power issue here, where civilians simply can't enforce this without being willing to take (potentially severe) losses. This doesn't make sense if the Council is just some somewhat out-of-control bureaucracy. Your defences about why ninja wouldn't break it assume that ninja communities would be supportive of it: ninja are psychotic village-loving freaks, and if their village portrays the Council as unfair extortion, which is basically true with what you're proposing, they're not going to be siding with the merchants. On top of that you assume civilians won't want ninja labour, which is weird: there will be a black market, and civilian ignorance of jutsū boils down to "pretty sure they can do anything".
If we are naming the device, something like an acronym for HAZOU would give us a lot more rep across the world
Also merchant council doesn't limit all trade just new trade. So clans should have rammed through everything they want through and be crazy rich. Which in terms make civilians richer. So doesn't explain why the economy looks like it does
...holy shit. If chakra beasts are attracted to chakra use, the villages that had ninja help them but didnt stick around long term would rapidly be razed to the ground by chakra beasts, and the overall effect would look to Kagome like scorch squads, because those prosperous villages would rapidly be cut down.
Then we should go back to Iron Country and take a look at that village Kagome oversaw for the past 15-odd years. If your hypothesis is correct we'd see a nonexistent village, since the place would have to be saturated with chakra and without Kagome to protect them be quickly overrun.
Not if they prevent the clan less from competing with them using the Merchant Council. Then they get to be the sole providers of jutsu-made goods and services. Konoha still gets a near limitless supply of rock and chopped wood.

That's the result of a mix of shortsightedness and longsightedness.
The MC must at least appear on the surface to be fair, in order to keep up the sense of legitimacy.
If excessively obvious money making schemes were available to the great clans but denied to clanless it would generate resentment of the clans as well as the MC. As such, the clans backing the MC forgo certain revenue streams in order to maintain control of the city.
In my model, the Nara were one of the first clans to get involved, with one of the justifications being their desire to prevent civilians from becoming totally irrelevant (with an eye towards preventing their abuse at ninja hands).

I'd like to point out that I still like the "things made with chakra attract chakra beasts" explanation as a possible alternate route.
It does raise the question of why that same sense doesn't lead them to Ninja. Maybe Chakra doesn't like being forced into non-living matter for too long (it is, after all, meant to link people), and so tries to eliminate places where it is tied down.

Then we should go back to Iron Country and take a look at that village Kagome oversaw for the past 15-odd years. If your hypothesis is correct we'd see a nonexistent village, since the place would have to be saturated with chakra and without Kagome to protect them be quickly overrun.

Proximity to ninja wouldn't be enough. The ninja would have to be investing stuff with chakra to create problems. Kagome took his invested chakra (seals) with him.
We made them walls with MEW right? Those structures might have attracted statistically significant attention.
Same with our sealing labs.
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Proximity to ninja wouldn't be enough. The ninja would have to be investing stuff with chakra to create problems. Kagome took his invested chakra (seals) with him.
We made them walls with MEW right? Those structures might have attracted statistically significant attention.
Same with our sealing labs.
Except the 15 years of living in the area would have brought monsters to the place and surrounding areas, and with Kagome gone the place would quickly implode (the chakra monsters are still there, just not there there).
@faflec, I think we should try asking Kagome about his home again (did we ever try this?). He is now practically worldwide known as Goketsu Kagome...boy poor Yu, even lost his first name. So people could begin to recognize him in his home village.

[X] Action Plan: Baseline

Also, do we have some training Plans?
The problem with saying that the MC is just a figurehead for the clans is that it doesn't satisfy the original problem that MC exists to solve.

Either canon jutsu doesn't lead to post-scarcity and the MC wasn't needed as an explanation in the first place or there is something else preventing people from using canon jutsu to create post-scarcity.
That's true, but I'm not suggesting the MC is just a figurehead for the clans. I'm suggesting that the clans gave the MC the mandate to regulate ninja access to the market because it protected their interests and the MC used that power to make it extremely difficult for ninja to enter the market in general (which protects the civilians' interests). This hurts some ninja, but many of the big clans are relatively fine since they have licenses for their areas of monopoly and the system prevents other ninja from muscling in on that. It also encourages ninja to continue to earn revenue through the Village which is critically important from the Village's point of view. every military wants to have some measure of control over its WMD's :)
Gets us all the low hanging fruit for Hazō

[X] training Hazō: face punching

Roki 10 (10)
Roki 11 (21)
Roki 12 (33)
Strength 9 (51)
Dex 12 (75)
Stamina 9 (93)
Taijutsu 30 (123)
Save 3 exp
Gets us all the low hanging fruit for Hazō

[X] training Hazō: face punching

Roki 10 (10)
Roki 11 (21)
Roki 12 (33)
Strength 9 (51)
Dex 12 (75)
Stamina 9 (93)
Taijutsu 30 (123)
Save 3 exp
There's no point leveling Taijutsu. it would only provide benefit if Hazou wasn't wearing his claws.