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Can we have the prep day be on Iron Earth Dome instead of Iron Earth? I think it might make it significantly easier to have the effect only apply to a spherical shell rather than the whole sphere, and even if it's harder it means we could do our own digging projects inside (which might be critical if we want to e.g. bury runes as a trap for Akatsuki). Also, thinking about it, it feels like there might be a risk that Iron Earth would apply to runic substrate and thereby prevent us from making rune blanks, which would be extremely bad.

Re. the three remaining prep days, can I suggest Dragon Roar and PLTR125 for two of them? (Both on your list.) Dragon's Roar I think might be useful because it targets a secondary stat and doesn't destroy terrain; PLTR125 I obviously have personal reasons to argue for, but I do think it's potentially a very useful mass buff rune against Akatsuki (and I think with our current PS we can jump straight to PLTR125, if we can do it at all we should be able to do it at that strength without further veterency).

As an additional rune (series) idea, which is a bit out there in terms of viability but might work:

Life Illuminator Rune

Creates a halo of light around living things with chakra in the (large) AoE. Should hopefully be easy, but should research it separately to make sure.

Target Painter Rune

This rune creates a halo of light around living things with chakra in the (large) AoE, except those whose chakra signatures have been input into the rune (ideally at any time after creation, but during creation is fine if that's what makes it doable).

If this works, it would then lead into making a Target Painter Rune with some highly damaging effect (if possible), which we could make our own fighters untargeted by. Might not work, of course, but possibly worth investigation.
Iron Earth Domes make are really smart if the hardened earth is as tough per density as air domes.(ie, nearly unbreakable). I'm worried that we'll end up with a "mere" durability 12 or whatever, which Essies can use one of their big attacks to punch a hole in, but probably can't afford to cast dozens of times to dig through dozens of meters of earth.

Based on stratigic nessecity, I'd put forward:
  1. Anti-explosion rune
    1. Stratigicly transformitive enough that Leaf can fight the Akatsuki. We want it done at the same time as Force Dome and Iron Earth, so we should start it at the same time also.
  2. "Activate all seals" or "destroy all paper" or "shred all chakra constructs" runes
    1. Seal destruction declaws Konan and Sasori(same with shredding chakra constructs). Paper destruction declaws Sasori and kills Konan outright.
  3. Orochimaru's rift-moving seals
    1. We have an outline from Orochimaru of what runes to make, now we just need to make them. We need to invent these if we actually want to win, and there are 3 runes in the chain, so we'll have difficulty rushing it out on short notice. Best to start now.
Together (alongside Force Dome and Iron Earth), they give us a possible way to win if we need to stop stalling and suddenly pull the trigger. And if we have more time, they'll seriously help us implement our other endgame plans.

I'd really *like* to make variable-length force claws that can extend out to 4m when Hazou attacks, ultra-wide slight-delay force blades for Kei/Tenten's kunai, force sphere/hemisphere personal shields, ect. But that's just the desire to be badass talking.they aren't a stratigic priority and don't fit well alongside rune research.
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Iron Earth Domes make are really smart if the hardened earth is as tough per density as air domes.(ie, nearly unbreakable). I'm worried that we'll end up with a "mere" durability 12 or whatever, which Essies can use one of their big attacks to punch a hole in, but probably can't afford to cast dozens of times to dig through dozens of meters of earth.

If they work like air domes, we can nest them, which mitigates this a bit.

"Activate all seals" or "destroy all paper" or "shred all chakra constructs" runes
  1. Seal destruction declaws Konan and Sasori(same with shredding chakra constructs). Paper destruction declaws Sasori and kills Konan outright.

I bet if we make a "destroy all paper" effect it won't work on Konan's chakra-infused paper. Shredding chakra constructs seems more promising. (Though it would moderately screw over Naruto if he's present, which is a downside)
fired its lava straight into Hazō's face. His face, where the armor was thinnest. Where eyes were protected only by thick ridges around the sockets instead of a nice heavy layer of stone. Where, basically, his eyes were set at the bottom of two funnels that would guide the lava right in.
[X] make Corudum goggles.

If they work like air domes, we can nest them, which mitigates this a bit.
Good point.

I bet if we make a "destroy all paper" effect it won't work on Konan's chakra-infused paper.
Good point.

Shredding chakra constructs seems more promising. (Though it would moderately screw over Naruto if he's present, which is a downside)
Thought of this, it's just the price we gotta pay.
The good news is we probably only need to turn the shredder on for a quick pulse to kill Konan, which can be done either right before we attack the rift, or once the Akatsuki show up and knock on Leaf's force dome, so coordinating that with Naruto should be pretty easy.
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Also we're in a really bad position for that to be a thing we do unless we wanna send Kei + Tenten + Mari on a capture mission half the continent away.
Given that Mari just gave us all her chakra, I don't want to send her off to do something else and so not be able to use her chakra.

Yes, precisely. I think this is evidence that he does like it and so all is well.
I'm pretty sure he doesn't like it. Hasn't he talked to Hazō before about problems with Yuno and being scared she'll murder someone? I'm pretty sure it was right before he summoned the Toad Sages for a counseling session.
Iron Earth Domes make are really smart if the hardened earth is as tough per density as air domes.(ie, nearly unbreakable). I'm worried that we'll end up with a "mere" durability 12 or whatever, which Essies can use one of their big attacks to punch a hole in, but probably can't afford to cast dozens of times to dig through dozens of meters of earth.
We could make an Iron Earth Dome that's ten metres thick. (In fact, maybe we could just skip the whole problem and make a rune that allows for a variable internal radius at infusion time, so you could do the sphere version (with internal radius 0) or the dome version using the same rune.) As @OrthernLight points out, we could also nest them.

Based on stratigic nessecity, I'd put forward:
1. Anti-explosion rune
  1. Stratigicly transformitive enough that Leaf can fight the Akatsuki. We want it done at the same time as Force Dome and Iron Earth, so we should start it at the same time also.
Had forgotten about that one - you have my support there.

2."Activate all seals" or "destroy all paper" or "shred all chakra constructs" runes
  1. Seal destruction declaws Konan and Sasori(same with shredding chakra constructs). Paper destruction declaws Sasori and kills Konan outright.
Unconvinced by "destroy all paper"; Sasori has puppets as well as seals and destroying seals hurts us too, so it's really just a countermeasure for Konan, who's probably the Akatsuki member we're least likely to have to fight given that she a. seems to want to stay in Rain and b. seems relatively sane and might back down if we've clearly beaten the others without us needing a dedicated countermeasure. (Edit: as @OrthernLight points out, such a rune also might not work on Konan's chakra-infused paper.) "Activate all seals" does seem worth pursuing, though, because it might actually kill Sasori if he carries explosive seals on his person - on the other hand, we're not really short of ways to kill Sasori if we can get him to stand inside the radius of effect of a rune (see Explosive Rune)

Chakra construct destruction would be great if we could make it work - though a potential problem is that depending on exactly how Naruto's not-actually-a-seal-may-or-may-not-be-a-Minatoseal works it might unleash the Nine-Tails if Naruto's in the AoE when it goes off. (As @OrthernLight points out, it also breaks SC.)

3. Orochimaru's rift-moving seals
  1. We have an outline from Orochimaru of what runes to make, now we just need to make them. We need to invent these if we actually want to win, and there are 3 runes in the chain, so we'll have difficulty rushing it out on short notice. Best to start now.
This one I'm definitely not convinced by, partly because I'm of the opinion that we should focus on beating Akatsuki before we start thinking about how to backstab Oro, but mostly because I don't think these need a prep day. Oro has to be able to research them and we're almost certainly better than him at PS now that we have DotB; the likelihood of them turning out to be beyond us is IMO low enough that we could just jump in and pivot if they turn out to be hard.
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I'd like to sketch the oldest cave-wall marking and show the rest of the team and ask if any of them recognize it.

...Actually, I have a general feeling we're still missing something here, maybe related to the color-changing crystals.
Does [Pink, blue, green, yellow, repeat] mean anything?
I guess we're probably not going to prioritize investigating the water further, but:
- If it doesn't work on shadow clones, it *probably* doesn't work on summons, but we could check.
- If it can't be stored, it *probably* can't be taken to the Seventh Path, but we could check.

Chakra construct destruction would be great if we could make it work - though a potential problem is that depending on exactly how Naruto's not-actually-a-seal-may-or-may-not-be-a-Minatoseal works it might unleash the Nine-Tails if Naruto's in the AoE when it goes off. (As @OrthernLight points out, it also breaks SC.)

I tend to think it's still a good avenue to research, but we might want to shoot for one big pulse rather than ongoing, since that opens up the option of trying to kill Sasori and maybe Konan with while still letting Naruto join the fight afterwards.

on the other hand, we're not really short of ways to kill Sasori if we can get him to stand inside the radius of effect of a rune
I have some hope that we might be able to push the radius on a chakra-construct disrupting rune much larger than an explosive, and it'd probably be invisible and work through cover (and thus not dodgeable), both of which could make it a lot easier to line up, but I generally agree with your point
@Kyreneryk ,I've edited my above post to reply to Orthern, might be worth a look.(tldr; they're right about stuff)
This one I'm definitely not convinced by, partly because I'm of the opinion that we should focus on beating Akatsuki before we start thinking about how to backstab Oro, but mostly because I don't think these need a prep day. Oro has to be able to research them and we're almost certainly better than him at PS now that we have DotB; the likelihood of them turning out to be beyond us is IMO low enough that we could just jump in and pivot if they turn out to be hard.
If we go to war with Akatsuki to secure a random patch of nowhere they're aggressively defending, that's gonna get the attention of the other Hidden Villages, and WW6 will be fought over control of the rift site.
Even if we do take down most 85% of the Akatsuki and all of the cultists cleanly and silently, the remaining member can try to rally the other Hidden Villages to counterattack us, and "Leaf/Oro is seizing the means to resurrect their dead and conquer the world with a deathless army of Essies" is the best rallying cry they have.

If we leave the rift scar somewhere it can be verified and fought over, we'll need to fight and win a world war before we can get enough alone time with the rift to resurrect Akane, Jaraiya, ect.

So I think it's mission-critical to yoink the rift as soon as things go hot with the Akatsuki.
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While I appreciate Team Uplift as characters, when reading the thread I've thought I'm glad nobody I know in real life is like this a few times about most of them.
You mean traumatised child soldiers whose parental figures are some combination of
- dead
- emotionally absent
- emotionally abusive
- sexually abusive
- enabling said abuse
- loving but underqualified and insane
- may never have existed in this timeline?
If we go to war with Akatsuki to secure a random patch of nowhere they're aggressively defending, that's gonna get the attention of the other Hidden Villages, and WW6 will be fought over control of the rift site.
Even if we do take down most 85% of the Akatsuki and all of the cultists cleanly and silently, the remaining member can try to rally the other Hidden Villages to counterattack us, and "Leaf/Oro is seizing the means to resurrect their dead and conquer the world with a deathless army of Essies" is the best rallying cry they have.

If we leave the rift scar somewhere it can be verified and fought over, we'll need to fight and win a world war before we can get enough alone time with the rift to resurrect Akane, Jaraiya, ect.

So I think it's mission-critical to yoink the rift as soon as things go hot with the Akatsuki.
Sure - I hadn't actually thought of that, but now that you've pointed it out I agree that moving the rift away from the rift site is important to do. The thing is, Oro already has those runes, so the only reasons we need to have them too are 1. Oro dies (which is unlikely) or 2. we don't trust Oro to move the Rift. Oro's Rift runes are:
Hazō looked up, his face serious, and waved the paper. "He wants a progress report, yes. Because Orochimaru is almost done with the rift runes. He's been working on one that will open it and then a constellation of three others that move it. The first decouples it from its spatial location, the second pushes on it, the third pulls on it. He estimates he'll be able to move it somewhere between five and twenty miles with one set of runes."
So this is not "teleport the Rift anywhere he likes", which makes it moderately difficult to steal; it sounds like the Rift may actually have to physically move through the intervening space. As Naruto says in his original instructions, it's better if we can also move the Rift, but ultimately what matters is that Akatsuki don't control it; and Oro's not going to close the Rift, at least, so even if he does take control of it (which would set him against Naruto+Tsunade) we can deal with that at a later date. (Naruto's instructions below.)
If you have research bandwidth, start to develop rift technology in parallel with Orochimaru. I don't trust that he won't take the rift for his own, but it's still better that he selfishly sit on another immortality source than Akatsuki do who-knows-what with it. Still, I'd rather it be in your hands than his.

Besides, I was visualizing our attack on the Rift site as "detonate Remote Explosion Runes/Superchillers/equivalent superweapon, kill every non-S-ranker on the site instantly and maybe the S-rankers too, then crush any stragglers with Naruto+Tsunade+Oro" such that it would take at least a day or so for news to get out, by which time we could (hopefully) be gone with the Rift; I wasn't envisageing a protracted battle that would draw attention.
Those are reasonable examples, yes. However, the entire reason for calling them judgement calls as EJ did is that we aren't going to make definitive rulings in advance. It's possible that such a situation will arise and we will rule that, for one simulationist reason or another, the target was able to dodge the explosion anyway.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Hello all,

I hope you're doing well! I have a few low-priority questions and musings related to AoE mechanics that I'd appreciate your thoughts on whenever you have time:

Cover Manipulation with Ninjutsu
Could Earth ninjutsu potentially be used in combat to transform an area with cover into a completely flat zone without any? For instance, I imagine the Rock village might have experimented with techniques like this to support their Explosive Corps. While it might only work in specific environments (e.g., leveling out slight hills but not swamps or forests), it seems like it could have strategic value in certain situations. What are your thoughts?

Pre-Battle Zone Alteration
On a related note, could such terrain-altering techniques be used outside of combat to prepare defensive perimeters? For example, clearing potential cover in advance to prevent enemies from using it to evade defenses.

Overcrowded Cover
In scenarios with a large number of enemies (e.g., a hundred or even a thousand instead of thirty), would there be a point where there isn't enough available cover for all enemies to hide behind? Could we assume that at some stage, no more enemies could fit behind a single cover source?

Multiple AoEs and Cover
What happens when there are multiple AoEs activated simultaneously? For instance, if Hazō detonates explosive tags from two different directions in the same zone, would characters need to find cover that protects from both angles, or move quickly between two separate covers? And what if there were a dozen simultaneous blasts, like in Konan's case? Would dodging become impossible without using movement-based techniques (like Substitution) or techniques that generate cover (like Geode Coffin or Multiple Earth Wall)?

Expanding, Continuous AoEs
Finally, how would expanding, continuous AoEs, such as Goo Bombs, affect the use of cover? If a Goo Bomb is detonated on either side of a zone, would the expanding sticky substance eventually render any cover ineffective, as it slowly envelops the area? A boulder, for instance, wouldn't offer much protection if the gigantic cloud of goo keeps expanding around it after a short delay.

These are just some ideas I've been pondering, and I'd love to hear your thoughts if and when you have a chance!

I'd like to sketch the oldest cave-wall marking and show the rest of the team and ask if any of them recognize it.
Forbidden Lore time with Uncle Kagome!

I guess we're probably not going to prioritize investigating the water further, but:
- If it doesn't work on shadow clones, it *probably* doesn't work on summons, but we could check.
- If it can't be stored, it *probably* can't be taken to the Seventh Path, but we could check.
If we can store it on the 7th path, that would be huge. Make an artificial lake to store it, pop in via reverse-summoning every week, score points with the Toad sages for giving them a super-pool, let us research it on the fly...
Probably won't work, but super worth checking.

So this is not "teleport the Rift anywhere he likes", which makes it moderately difficult to steal; it sounds like the Rift may actually have to physically move through the intervening space.
If it works as described, yeah everything's fine.
I suspect that Oro might "misscalibrate" it and send it 50x to far, and 5 degrees off course, then be like "oops". He could then hunt it down and retrieve it later, wile everyone else is searching the wrong distance/direction.

Besides, I was visualizing our attack on the Rift site as "detonate Remote Explosion Runes/Superchillers/equivalent superweapon, kill every non-S-ranker on the site instantly and maybe the S-rankers too, then crush any stragglers with Naruto+Tsunade+Oro" such that it would take at least a day or so for news to get out, by which time we could (hopefully) be gone with the Rift; I wasn't envisageing a protracted battle that would draw attention.
Oh sure, I'm also assuming we have at least 24 hours after attacking the rift site to move the rift and make our getaway.
But my point was that we won't have enough time to research a new rune on the spot, so "we can research a rift mover after we beat Akatsuki" is not an adequate plan. And because rift-moving might be a runechain, it could take longer than our other research to complete, so we should start it as soon as we can afford to.

Also, it's ~guaranteed that one of the Akatsuki at the rift is Sasori, so "Chakra Shredders + Oro + Tsunade" likely enough to assault the Rift site. Or even just "Naruto + Oro + Tsunade + Boss Rush".
I'd really like to have runes to make it easier/safer, but I don't think superweapons are strictly nessecary, which is cool.
Runes enough to move the rift and defend Leaf are a minimum viable path to victory.
Forbidden Lore time with Uncle Kagome!

Maybe! I was mostly thinking Kei & Snowflake (have studied history) or Yuno (Isanese lore)

And if not, where do we even go to get a rift? Do we make a tiny rift-maker rune? Give up?
Did the bladehorror rift leave a rift scar?
If we can't access that for some reason, Kagome seemed to treat the it as if he'd heard of things like it happening before, so in a pinch we could see if he knows of any locations of abandoned seal research facilities and check them for rift scars, maybe.
[x] Training Plan (Noburi): Ninjutsu Power

Okay, so we finished the fighting arc, half the party took consequences, and we didn't unstagnate. Though, I suppose that the half the party that took the consequences are the ones that were DON'T control. Still, I can't imagine Mari unstagnated just from being drained.

We now find ourselves, it seems, in that desert between "too tough to fight most random dungeon spawns" and "not strong enough to fight the really Scary things". Or even knowing where to find them. I'm legitimately concerned that it isn't worth the time and effort to seek out those types of challenges, with the amount of time lost hoping for something tough but not lethal.

From a meta perspective, "hide out and lighthouse" has never been more appealing, given the in-universe time crunch, Mari's generous offer, and the time to reward investment on the cave. And if we don't lean on our team to maximize our time value, asking them to leave to come with us would have all been for nought.

On a completely different note: I'll be very curious to see: If Noburi uses the cave water in his barrel, will it affect him permanently? And, will it be safe to drink?

On a different different note: Tenten is a ranged fighter without a lot of jutsu usage, from what I understand. With reserves in the mid 300s it seems. Either we're missing something about her build, or it's not very efficient, and she could definitely benefit from something that makes decent use out of her decent reserves.
... And that she's maybe a helpful resource for Chakra, now that we think the chakravores aren't going to gank her again.
Can I get like a loosely abridged "This is what canonically happened in this story" summary of what's actually happened so far this arc? I'm not really following the chain of events so well, some stuff that I thought was offscreened hasn't been, theres some conversational stuff that seems like it's been repeated a bit, and this delve has apparently taken most of a month to do since we rendezvous'd with the team.

What have we been doing for that time period? Mostly stomping chakra squirrels and the like? Did we actually set up that capacitor rune at the start or not? Was there any progress on patching up the folks who were injured? Did Noburi sit down and actually try to do some research or is he still kind of just half-assing it?

I'm just trying to grok, I know spoons are at an all time low so sorry if it's coming across as annoying.
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[X] Action Plan: Research and Pre-search
Word Count: <299
Intended Duration: 8 Subjective Days (6 Solar)
  • Research
    • Ask Kagome to start working on Banshee Fuckers w/ notes
      • Suggestion: use Banshee Slayers to maintain opsec for the camp. Be careful of cave-ins.
    • Start with a no-prep DoB cycle of TR130/Icarus to finish TR130 for veterancy. Reroll TR130 for progress, Icarus for safety. (2 days)
    • Pivot to Force Domes/TR150 Unchained for the second cycle, full prep, reroll them both for progress. (6 days)
    • Prep days on the following, Kamikaze, Iron Earth, Kagome's Tears, Chakra Shredder Pulse, Let's-Fuck-With-Sealmasters Rune.
    • Follow the spoilered chakra budget.
  • Ask the rest of Uplift if they recognise the 8-point symbol carved on the cave.
  • Uplifting Speach
    • Explain Time Runes and other research.
    • We can make the tools to win this.
    • We'll all become super-badasses in the process
    • When we do, Leaf will be desperate to welcome us back as a retroactive black-op.
    • We got this.
  • Test the Cave water
    • Can it be brought to the 7th path?
    • How quickly does the effect fade if stored outside of the grotto?
  • Have Noburi prioritise teaching Hazou Mednin over conducting SC bloodline research until we leave the cave.
    • (Unless bottles of cave water keep their properties longish-term when removed from the grotto, in that case, Make FOOM clones available to Noburi to study SC)
  • Ask Uplift about their views on contacting Orochimaru via the Seventh Path in 3 months and asking him for a status update on Leaf.
    • There's a lot of risk inherent to waiting around with no information.
    • Would he kill us to monopolize Runesmithing?
  • We suspect the Otter scroll might be nearby, and we want to do a search. Brainstorm search plans with uplift.
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I'm just trying to grok, I know spoons are at an all time low so sorry if it's coming across as annoying.
Same situation here, fwiw, down to not wanting to impose unduly on spoons- I'm not entirely sure how much we accurately saw/understood, how much was IC outside Hazo and co's perception/understanding, and how much was OOC a mess because of IRL spoon purgatory and whatever other factors. I think I have a rough understanding of events but I'm shaky on a lot of the details and whether or not specific things we do/don't understand are important.
@Left-Hand Mutant , @Sir Stompy
  • Ask Kagome to start working on Banshee Fuckers w/ notes
    • Don't test them in the open, create a soundproofed section of the caves for him.
If there is a sealing failure, working on seals underground will dramatically lower Kagome's ability to run away. If there is no sealing failure, the extreme vibrations of a banshee fucker might be able to cause a cave in, which Kagome will not be able to escape unless he has Hiding Like a Mole, which he doesn't afaik.

Doing research underground seems... bad.
Doing sonic research underground seems suicidal.
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