She may be a good recruit... but, I seriously suggest that we recruit Kitsune first. We already have three learning heroes, four if we get Stanley next turn, and we kinda need better Diplo and Occult heroes, which Kitsune is both.
Also, something I forgot to mention but... if we're forced to put Tobe his ninja on an Intrigue action, while taking Janna to the auction, we won't have anyone helping our Occult rolls. So, if we want to have a third Occult hero and a second second good Occult hero, recruiting Kitsune next turn would be really useful. And, even if we can put Tobe on an Occult action the dame turn as we take Janna to the auction, it wouldn't hurt to take Kitsune with us as well as she, presumably, has a decent Diplo score to match her Occult score. Plus, who knows, having two Occult heroes attending the auction may help us out.
... what DCs? I mean... the only thing that it may lower is fusion... and that's not certain. Heck, it might even up the DCs to some actions, similar to how our AI action got an increase until qe researched out two newest pieces og tech.
Spreading our Heroes thinner to cover more actions is counterintuitive, as we have many more heroes than actions. It might be useful if, say, we wanted Khan on a quest but also wanted him on a Martial action, but it's more niche than it appears.
Yeah, but that's still a +36 Martial to two actions instead of a +55 to one seems like better action economy to me. One is a grand total of +72 across the board and the other is still just +55. Plus it's an additional action we get to take.
I mean... but will we really use her for anything? I mean... the best thing we could actually use her for would probably be the wasteland quest and, as we're almost certainly going to research the replica AI next turn, doing general AI research. Which will quickly be replaced by whatever new shiny research action we see. I mean... at the end of the day, hiring her may help our AI research... but we're already reaching the limits of what we can already research when it comes to AIs.
I'd be willing to recruit her immediately after Kitsune, just sin case we do need her. Though, recruiting her does come with it's own issues, as doing so may piss Trengrove off. And as he does control a company that's a part of the Zaibatsu, that means that we may end up pissing off Callaghan. Or, at least, attracting his attention. So we should probably put off recruiting her until we either make contact with Zaibatsu, or we buy out Trevor's company so his complaints end up falling on uncaring ears.
I don't think Tengrove has that big a grude against the. Like, she has a grudge against him, but I don't think he cares, though I haven't watched big hero 6 the series, so if you can show otherwise I'd listen. That said, first, I don think we are remotely reaching the limits of AI. I suspect that not only do we have AI options that will appear only once we've upgraded our generalized AI research, but that she may bring some of her own tech. What I'm most interested in, though, is her personal actions. As I would strongly suspect she has some form of personal action to give our AI units bonuses or development, which could get very powerful.
What do you recommend? I am thinking to go full Dino next turn. Specifically Dino Mount and Farming for Temujin's mount, general popularity boost, and to offset any negative rep that may appear if the news that we refused Toffee's corn comes out.
Depends on if Dino stuff is learning or something else (Ie Martial/stewardship instead). Kinda like to go for Infiltrator AI + Body so we can start making duplicates turn after next. But this is reallllly a wait and see our options turn before I'm comfortable saying anything other than "one of them should be infiltrator AI".
I am in agreement that, barring some turn where we NEED to have multiple heroes on persona actions/quest atomic genes is a no-go. Even if we had two martial actions, Atomic genes will rarely be worthwhile compared to specializing Khan on one action and another hero with an okay martial on a second.
Granted, if we find more sources of Khan, and it turns out that say, 500% Khan atomic genes can take two actions at 90% value, this would change.
Yeah, but that's still a +36 Martial to two actions instead of a +55 to one seems like better action economy to me. One is a grand total of +72 across the board and the other is still just +55. Plus it's an additional action we get to take.
He doesn't give us a second action and number of heros is not our bottleneck here.
Speaking of bottlenecks man it's cool research gets us opinion boosts but actually using it requires so much followup. Like our Learning actions don't really get us much directly, just unlock more options that need to compete with what we already have planned. Seriously as cool as dinos are, does anyone, for example, want to suddenly replace castle delivery with one of the domestication actions?
Martial: Either Outfit the PMC with Energy Weapons, Update Normbots to the current standard, or build a personal suit of power armor. Black Ops group might have some unexpected benefits.
Unfortunately as it stands most of our Martial actions revolve around advanced technology, logistics or both which are the areas our best Martial heroes get maluses on and we don't have enough capes to make a Black Ops group
Strangely our best option might be having Hego Outfit the PMC
Diplomacy: I'd LOVE to reach out to some of our neighbors this turn - specifically, Reach out to Shego and Reach out to Shere Khan. To help with the Shego action, I want to assign Hego to 'Talk to Shego.' Hopefully he won't botch his roll. Again. I'd be open to reaching out to the Zaibatsu as well, since Callahan might be willing to collaborate with us on science stuff. If we don't reach out to them, then I suggest recruiting that Learning hero we discovered this turn to help with our AI efforts.
Stewardship: While it's not exactly L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.'s forte, throwing them at the recycling programs action shouldn't hurt. Too much. I hope. Wouldn't put it past them to make mega walking, trash-eating trash-cans in a fit of megalomania. Now that we have Express Delivery done, we should try for the Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania action. Who's our highest Stewardship hero again? And I do think that summoning Malifishmirtz as a personal action will help, as it synchronizes quite well and he can consult on the moving process. Since we're saving money for the auction, perhaps finish up with the social media platform action?
Comedizing our supply chain might lower the DC for moving the castle even more which we could need since even with a slight reduction it's still outside our ability to reliably do
I'm all for doing the social media action but if we're having LOVEMUFFIN take a Stewardship action I'd rather they buy out Lee Industries, which would probably make them happier as well
Intrigue: With our input from Janna, now might be a good time to investigate Toffee. If we're up for it, maybe hire the Dickens Detective Agency to investigate the Middleton Drug Ring? Barring that, spying on our employees should help - it's not TOTALLY evil, just a little bit! Right up Doctor D's alley! On a more serious note, we need to check for moles, and not of the Agent M kind.
I'm all for investigating Toffee but I don't hunk we need to investigate the drug ring enough to take a personal action to hire the DDA and while I'd like to spy on our employees to maybe catch Kat it might be best to wait for OWCA to finish being reorganised to make sure he's actually there and we don't just missi him
Learning: Uh... wow. That's a lot of learning options. OK, how about Dinosaur Cavalry and Fusion Power? Just spitballing here. But I do think that giving Temujin a steed will synchronize VERY well with the DInosaur Cavalry option, and will go a long ways towards boosting both his stats and loyalty, not to mention potential consultation on the whole 'cavalry' thing and just making him happy to have regained part of his soul.
I'd like to try a quest this turn - we have a glut of heroes. Since I want to give Temujin a steed, perhaps One Man's Trash instead? We do need to check for threats on our border, after all.
For our personal actions, I already mentioned Summon Malifishmirtz. If we don't find a lead on Phineas and Ferb this turn, then Browse Online for interesting stories; if we DO, then Make Up With Roger, Read Your Spellbook, and Chat With The Bossman for either Goofy or Temujin. Hoping we can make headway on finding both of their hidden attributes and/or secrets, and upping their loyalty will boost their stats for actions.
... what DCs? I mean... the only thing that it may lower is fusion... and that's not certain. Heck, it might even up the DCs to some actions, similar to how our AI action got an increase until qe researched out two newest pieces og tech
I honestly don't know? GalFed isn't my specialty, but they seem to come from a higher tech base. My though process went something like this: you want to determine if atoms have a core, and you're back in 1900. You could repeat the Geiger-Marden Gold Foil experiment, but if you have access to a modern electron microscope, you could find out a lot more, even if you have to jury-rig the likely computerized output. I'm not sure whether this would mean a decreased DC or higher rewards, but could be valuable nonetheless.
Based on the wiki, it's actually the reverse. If she ever had a grudge it's gone because she's satisfied with teaching children. Tengrove on the other hand holds guilt over the event, and he also understands his fraud is unsustainable. He literally can not deliver on Ai as the positronic brain was never his in the first place.
I don't think Tengrove has that big a grude against the. Like, she has a grudge against him, but I don't think he cares, though I haven't watched big hero 6 the series, so if you can show otherwise I'd listen. That said, first, I don think we are remotely reaching the limits of AI. I suspect that not only do we have AI options that will appear only once we've upgraded our generalized AI research, but that she may bring some of her own tech. What I'm most interested in, though, is her personal actions. As I would strongly suspect she has some form of personal action to give our AI units bonuses or development, which could get very powerful.
Based on the wiki, it's actually the reverse. If she ever had a grudge it's gone because she's satisfied with teaching children. Tengrove on the other hand holds guilt over the event, and he also understands his fraud is unsustainable. He literally can not deliver on Ai as the positronic brain was never his in the first place.
Also, her research is the basis for our current AI research... which Syndrome, or who ever made the duplicate AIs, blew her research out of the water. So, while she may decrease the DC of our AI research and bring new ideas to the table... she probably won't bring anything world shattering to us.
And... again, her research was for non-sentient AIs, so it would undoubtedly take her a bit before she could do anything that could boost our AI heroes. I imagine one of her starting personal actions will be her interacting with our more sentient AIs to learn more about how they operate, rather thennjust giving them boosts.
I honestly don't know? GalFed isn't my specialty, but they seem to come from a higher tech base. My though process went something like this: you want to determine if atoms have a core, and you're back in 1900. You could repeat the Geiger-Marden Gold Foil experiment, but if you have access to a modern electron microscope, you could find out a lot more, even if you have to jury-rig the likely computerized output. I'm not sure whether this would mean a decreased DC or higher rewards, but could be valuable nonetheless.
I mean... what Learning actions do we have that would gain a DC decrease? Like... maybe fusion power, if they use that to power their ships... but, AIs? Terraforming? Genetics? Yeah, I really don't se how reverse-engineering the ship will decrease the DCs on those. I mean, more likely than not, it will just give us more stuff to research, like it's stealth system.
... also, an amusing idea. If we bring Kitsune to the auction, by either having Janna do the Occult action that turn or by having Tobe do it... just think of Xanathos' reaction. Here comes Doof, whom Xanathos believes may be dating Shego... and he walks in with a Kitsune. A mythical creature famed for luring men to their deaths in Japanese mythology. Either Doof is an idiot and he's going to get himself killed... or he brought her to the auction for two reasons. To show that he could survive anything the Kitsune could do to him, or, even more strange... he actually has her loyalty.
... or more humorously, Xanathos thinks Doof is either cheating on Shego, or is dating both Shego and Kitsune. Which... I really find funny for some reason.
... or more humorously, Xanathos thinks Doof is either cheating on Shego, or is dating both Shego and Kitsune. Which... I really find funny for some reason.
It's been long enough since I've seen Sorcerer's Apprentice I've forgotten who half the characters are. Well, okay, one of them: the perspective character of this, Maxim Horvath.
I actually only realized that it was Sorcerer's Apprentice when "Stutler" was mentioned, because I do remember him (particularly the scene where he was throwing plasma blasts like a night fury).
He doesn't give us a second action and number of heros is not our bottleneck here.
Speaking of bottlenecks man it's cool research gets us opinion boosts but actually using it requires so much followup. Like our Learning actions don't really get us much directly, just unlock more options that need to compete with what we already have planned. Seriously as cool as dinos are, does anyone, for example, want to suddenly replace castle delivery with one of the domestication actions?
What if we built a doppelganger type android with the AI replaced by a remote control unit that uses a neural interface so Jumba can interact with the public/wider earth scientific community without breaking either the Masquerade or leading the galfeds to him?
What if we built a doppelganger type android with the AI replaced by a remote control unit that uses a neural interface so Jumba can interact with the public/wider earth scientific community without breaking either the Masquerade or leading the galfeds to him?
This is either the best or worst time to expose Hawk
On one hand with what we know now Doom wouldn't hesitate to fire him if he became a problem which would minimise how much damage exposing him would do but on the other it means Doom will put less effort into covering up his crimes
Though as @Simon_Jester pointed out with how close he is to losing his job he might be more willing to work with us to screw Doom over
I mean... but will we really use her for anything? I mean... the best thing we could actually use her for would probably be the wasteland quest and, as we're almost certainly going to research the replica AI next turn, doing general AI research. Which will quickly be replaced by whatever new shiny research action we see. I mean... at the end of the day, hiring her may help our AI research... but we're already reaching the limits of what we can already research when it comes to AIs.
I highly doubt that this will be our last foray into AI research and even if it is the final DC will probably still be high enough to justify having her do it, plus Wendy's expertise is in AI and robotics so she'd probably get a bonus to any action involving our Normbots
I'd be willing to recruit her immediately after Kitsune, just sin case we do need her. Though, recruiting her does come with it's own issues, as doing so may piss Trengrove off. And as he does control a company that's a part of the Zaibatsu, that means that we may end up pissing off Callaghan. Or, at least, attracting his attention. So we should probably put off recruiting her until we either make contact with Zaibatsu, or we buy out Trevor's company so his complaints end up falling on uncaring ears.
Actually despite what their history Wendy and Trengrove have never had a particularly negative relationship and even if he were to be a little uncomfortable about us hiring her he's the least competent of the Zaibatsu and Amara is at the very least interested in working with us
Plus I'm wary of hiring Kitsune since we know absolutely nothing about her
Eh, I suggest getting Kitsune first. Besides, if we recruit her, and she has decent Diplo like ot seems she does, she can easily replace Goofy on any future recruitment rolls unless we desperately need someone on our Occult action.
... what DCs? I mean... the only thing that it may lower is fusion... and that's not certain. Heck, it might even up the DCs to some actions, similar to how our AI action got an increase until qe researched out two newest pieces og tech.
Also, her research is the basis for our current AI research... which Syndrome, or who ever made the duplicate AIs, blew her research out of the water. So, while she may decrease the DC of our AI research and bring new ideas to the table... she probably won't bring anything world shattering to us.
And... again, her research was for non-sentient AIs, so it would undoubtedly take her a bit before she could do anything that could boost our AI heroes. I imagine one of her starting personal actions will be her interacting with our more sentient AIs to learn more about how they operate, rather thennjust giving them boosts.
I mean it should be pointed out that Trengrove's entire corporation is based on an extremely advanced AI that was the closest in the world to being truly sapient before Syndrome reverse engineered the Gadget Project and that Wendy invented that AI as a school project without anywhere near the amount of resources we could provide her with
That's nothing to sneeze at and she's almost certainly possesses a more in depth understanding of AI and how they work than any of our other heroes
It's been long enough since I've seen Sorcerer's Apprentice I've forgotten who half the characters are. Well, okay, one of them: the perspective character of this, Maxim Horvath.
I actually only realized that it was Sorcerer's Apprentice when "Stutler" was mentioned, because I do remember him (particularly the scene where he was throwing plasma blasts like a night fury).
Canonically, as per Murphy's Law just an actor who worked in a Doctor Who-like show and who got tangentially involved in a time travel incident.
Here, an actor playing the same Doctor Who role, whose appeareance hasn't changed in sixty years and who is mentioned in the company retreat interludes to have done some kind of crossover with a Mexican telenovela.
A crossover in which his character is apparently waging some kind of conflict against the "Prognosticons".
The whole Tomorrowland plot is about the fact that Doctor Nix wants to let the apocalypse happen, because the tachyon precognitive engine they built predicted that the destruction of the world was certain to happen eventually. They also have robots capable of perfectly impersonating a human. In "canon" Gridlocked, they also are one of the parties engaged in temporal warfare, along with Doris.
This smells like a Tomorrowland plot hook, if you ask me.
EDIT: Furthermore, during the described scene of El Matador de Amor, there is mention of the great-grand-daughter of the main actress becoming President of Space. Given the hispanic surname, I am now putting my money on this character being the one being referenced.
Good news, everyone! I was inspired to write another omake, and this time it isn't a smokesceen for the QM to introduce a new nemesis or antagonistic group!
This one is about what happens when one of Felldrake's more dangerous items is mislabelled and winds up with L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., so stay tuned!
Actually despite what their history Wendy and Trengrove have never had a particularly negative relationship and even if he were to be a little uncomfortable about us hiring her he's the least competent of the Zaibatsu and Amara is at the very least interested in working with us
I mean, as her card states, Janna does seem to know her. So we could always just... ask her about Kitsune. Or, since we got a nat one hundred on our roll with her, she may mention Kitsune during the update. Still, in character, we really don't know much about the heroes and villains on our rolodex, so, in character, Doof really shouldn't care much about that.
I mean... there's really only two things that I can see getting a DC decrease. Fusion power and Begin the Doofenshmirtz Evil Space Program. All of our other stuff is based on stuff either unique to Earth, or has no real justification for being on a space ship. So I see us unlocking kore actions that getting DC decreases.
Good news, everyone! I was inspired to write another omake, and this time it isn't a smokesceen for the QM to introduce a new nemesis or antagonistic group!
This one is about what happens when one of Felldrake's more dangerous items is mislabelled and winds up with L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., so stay tuned!
I've seen quests - and this is rare, but it does happen - where the dice roll smooth as silk. Where for one reason or another the dice gods always roll true, or at least almost always do.
To see another one is a rare sight, and definitely unexpected... or should I say, COMPLETELY EXPECTED?!?
I would argue it's the large shield strapped to its face that does that. But, hey, on that note, if we're talking dinosaurs to be ridden for use of archers, why not the Styracosaurus or the Chasmosaurus?
In addition to bearing the traditional Ceratopsian form, their head crests are large enough to provide some protection to any potential rider! It would be like they all get a free shield in addition to their other weapons.
But honestly, it's because which sounds more badass, "velociraptor" or "Utahraptor?" Don't get me wrong, a bunch of Mormon dinosaurs could no doubt be very fierce when roused, but still.
Oh shit I actually didnt even think of that, that'd be fucking hilarious and selling it as a wildlife restoration program might even keep the government off our back
So, legit question since I can't recall - what all are we looking at for dinosaurs who lived in this area at one point? Mostly Cretaceous and Late Jurrasic, or are there any proper Triassic animals in the area?
Becuase nothing gets the dinosaur nerd in me going like the idea that alongside our Cretacrous and Jurrasic areas we might be able to fit in and make popular a small smattering of some of the coolest and most forgotten animals that ever lived. Triassic was a fuckin nutty period, what with massive early mammals, dinosaurs, protodinosaurs, and big reptiles all running around together.
I mean, he qualifies and.... I honestly want to see doof challenge Kat to the right of mortal comcat.
As in circling with lots of hissing and yowls before leaping and fighting each other as is proper.
Tell me the idea of Doof harkening back to his upbringing and showing off his Ocelot roots doesn't sound hilarious? (Martial and Intrigue bonus from returning to his feline roots potentially with cat mafia hero unit?)
Edit: Doof arching his back and hissing at Kat hair properly poofing out. Vanessa face paling in the background while Janna watches on with admiration
EDIT: Feline trash talk starts flying in fast. Yowls and growls far to vulgar to be translated to english....
Gengis can teach the critter to sound the songs of his people. We had an action about that and everything, so Temujin would almost certainly be interested.
It's been long enough since I've seen Sorcerer's Apprentice I've forgotten who half the characters are. Well, okay, one of them: the perspective character of this, Maxim Horvath