Welcome to the Doofquest FAQ, where I attempt to answer some of the questions that I keep seeing over and over again, as well as clear up some misconceptions about the setting as a whole.
Q: What is this?
A: This is Doofquest, a quest where you take on the role of Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz in his attempt to survive in the corporation-dominated United States amidst a slew of threats pressing in on every side!
Q: Who is Doctor Heinz Doofenshmirtz?
More seriously, Doctor Doofenshmirtz is the primary villain of the popular Disney show Phineas and Ferb. A bumbling mad scientist, his incredibly brilliant inventions are matched only by his incredible lack of skill in doing anything aside from making them. He desires to RULE THE ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA, since the world seemed a bit ambitious, and fought endlessly against Perry the Platypus, an animal secret agent who usually got the best of him. He loves traps, musicals, and explaining his many traumatic backstories.
In this quest, Doof has (mostly) succeeded in his goal, and now looks out to the broader world.
Q: What's all this about territory?
A: 'Territory' isn't as literal as it is in other CK2 games. You don't have strict border patrols, people can cross as they want, and as much as you hate to admit it, the rest of the US does not acknowledge your ownership of your 'nation'. In Doofquest, 'territory' most often refers to land that a King has under their effective control in other ways; mastery of the criminal underworld, economic monopolies, or leashes on local politicians. Aside from a very few isolationist territories, most areas on the map are officially part of the United States. Nobody really cares about who's coming and going provided you aren't doing something obviously criminal or highly suspicious.
Q: King? I thought they were all CEOs!
A: 'King' is a bit of an artifact term from the original Disney Villains Victorious setting, where it did indeed describe various villains ruling over countries as monarchs or dictators. In Doofquest, it refers to any influential individual that managed to ascend to a position of power. While in reality they don't have ultimate control over their nation as a monarch might, they are able to exert an undue amount of influence.
Q: I really like [insert hero here!] Are they dead? Are they recruitable?
A: It depends. I'm not going to reveal the fates of any heroes outside of updates and interludes.
Except for Pony Head. She really is dead. Some heroes will not be recruitable even if they are alive and well, either because they would never reasonably want to join you, their power scaling will throw everything off, or because they would be too insignificant to do anything fun with.
The 7D are dead as well.
Q: What is the Masquerade? What exactly is the extent of the Masquerade?
A: The masquerade is a catchall term that refers to the illusion of normalcy in the world. In general, the Masquerade means 'don't rock the boat'. You don't want to disrupt the status quo in any way that is significant, as that will earn you the ire of your fellow corporate overlords and whatever's left of the US Government. As the people in power right now, they would very much like to remain that way.
What counts as breaking the masquerade: Revealing magic exists, revealing aliens exist, seizing territory from your neighbors forcefully, marching an army into any place, declaring that you now 'own' territory that rightfully belongs to the US Government.
What doesn't count as breaking the masquerade: Corporate espionage, expanding your influence through takeovers, sending individuals or capes to assault a rival, committing random acts of supervillainy.
You, Dr. Doofenshmirtz, have personally earned the ire of the United States Government for declaring yourself an independent sovereign nation. While they are able to successfully downplay this with propaganda campaigns and passing you off as an eccentric parody of a dictator, they're still upset that you're rocking the boat.
Q: How are Toons actually treated?
A: They're disliked by many and definitely marginalized by laws, but they are still considered citizens and afforded rights. Murdering a Toon out of the blue would get you the same penalties for murdering anyone else. Doom is not running extermination camps, his method of killing Toons is far more subtle- he works with the system.
Q: How many Toons are there?
A: If you rounded up every single Toon in the world and put them all in one place, you might break 100,000. The actual population in the United States is much lower than that, however- Japan has a fairly significant population of them, and Europe has a minority as well. Furthermore, some Toons have simply settled into normal day-to-day jobs and will be entirely uninterested in moving around. For every Toon that feels an undeniable urge to get out there and act, you'll get another one who suppresses that urge and gets a normal job. The Toons that remain in Los Angeles even after Doom's policy changes are those that are especially desperate, stupid, stubborn, foolhardy, or naive enough not to know or care about what might happen to them.
Q: What's the difference between a cape and a super?
A: Historically, 'super' referred to any person with a biological superpower, while 'cape' is a catchall term for any costumed heroes or villains that use enhanced abilities. 'Super' did not often encompass technologically-based individuals, a fact which attracted the ire of many people online- several years ago, the term 'cape' caught on to describe rising stars like Syndrome. It's stuck ever since.
Q: What settings and properties are included in the quest?
A: Generally, core Disney movies or TV shows that were produced by Disney to air on their Disney Channel or other owned programs are included. While many historical or fantastical Disney properties belong in the Classic setting, Doofquest takes place in the Gridlocked setting, which as a general rule includes all
Disney properties set at least partially on Earth after WWII, or which are set in some sort of alternate universe which is explicitly connected to a 'contemporary' earth like
Star vs or
Aside from those shows that have a King and space represented on the map, the inclusion of most other properties are up to me, and some of them will be surprises! The inclusion of semi-Disney stuff, like things that Disney co-produced, localized, or made through their Jetix or Touchstone labels may or may not be included depending on how well it fits the setting and my plans.
Disney movies set before WWII will not be included.
Q: This is fun! Where can I learn more?
Q: Do I need to watch [insert show or movie here] to enjoy this quest?
A: No, but watching the associated shows will usually enhance your experience. (Unless it's Teamo Supremo or The 7D, in which case watching it definitely won't help.) In general I'll provide enough information that an absolute newcomer should be able to get some enjoyment out of the interludes and character interactions, though someone who's familiar with the shows will probably get to enjoy some callbacks and shoutouts.
Q: Do anime characters exist?
A: Yes, they do, and they're pretty much a different type of Toon, only they're usually focused around entertainment in a different way than slapstick comedy. They are still actors, just ones that have really flashy special effects, so [insert shonen protagonist here] is actually no stronger than your average wrestler. Moreover, they won't appear in the quest and they won't be available for recruitment so as to keep the focus on things that are really relevant.
Q: What is XP? How do I gain it?
A: XP is 'experience points' that I will grant for producing extra content for the thread, usually in the form of omakes or fanart.
Q: How can I spend XP?
A: You can spend XP to boost a roll, lower the DC of the roll, or lower the threshold at which the die will explode. To spend XP, just tell me that you want to do so. 100 XP is the equivalent of one point of modification in any of these three categories. A maximum of 1000 XP may be applied to a single roll. If, for some reason, the roll does not go through (as in Janna's "I Got A Little Bored" action or an inator roll) then the XP will be refunded.
Q: Can I use XP to boost personal actions?
A: No.
Q: Can I put more than one hero on national actions?
A: No, unless you see a rule specifically saying otherwise.