[ ] Research Dino Domestication (Jumba)
DC 80 (Reduced by XP)
Critical Success
Jumba had no idea terrestrial reptiles got so big on this planet! Oh sure, he wasn't working with the big ones now, but the thought of all the fun he could have once he cracked the basic 'don't eat your handlers' issue was more than enough to keep him trucking forwards. It was a bit of a novel experience for him to inhibit violence gene markers, but he understood the reasoning, and made it his personal mission to genetically domesticate the beasts while still leaving a 'primal ferocity' switch in there for when things needed to get interesting. By all accounts, he seems to have succeeded.
When you assigned some interns to make sure the aggression had been properly bred out of them, you discovered a very useful fact: by using already existing domesticated genomes, Jumba had also bred in traditional pet behavior. With a bunch of velociraptors, miniature stegosauruses, and saurolophuses that act like cats, dogs and horses, you did the obvious thing and started marketing them as pets. Public opinion of your science divisions has understandably increased, with the mood on the street reportedly being summed up as 'sweet'.
Dinosaur Farming action unlocked! Dinosaur Entertainment action unlocked! Domesticate Large Herbivores action unlocked! Dinosaur Cavalry action unlocked! Environmental Adaptations action unlocked!
Public opinion moderately increased!
Dinosaur Cavalry DC lowered![