I do want to talk to SOMEONE this turn...
Perhaps this plan will suffice?
[] Plan: Gear Up (Preliminary)
-[] National Actions
--[] Build a personal suit of power armor (Lizzy)
--[] Form a Research Agreement with Xanatos (Goofy)
--[] Recruit from your rolodex: Juniper (Technor)
--[] Cyber-defense (Alan Bradley)
--[] Move Castle Doofhawk to Doofania (Roddy Blair)
--[] Investigate the Middleton Drug Cartel (Commodore)
--[] Spy on Employees (Tobe+Talisman)
--[] Investigate Who Murdered Hawk (Agent Russ)
--[] Research Extradimensional Tech (Wendy Wower)
--[] Decentralize your Normbots (L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N)
--[] Research Human Genetics (Jumba)
--[] Research Mongolian Artifacts (Ghengis Khan)
-[] Quests
--[ ] One Man's Trash
---[] Quest Leader: Hego
---[] Wile
---[] Von Drake
---[] Norm Prime
-[] Personal Actions
--[] Heinz Doofenshmirtz
---[] Start Writing A Musical
---[] Tinker with your Inators
---[] Hire Dickens Detective Agency: Investigate Middleton Drug Ring (Commodore)
Chat With The Bossman: L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.
--[] Janna Ordonia
---[] Find Marco
--[] Janus Lee
---[] Work on Personal Projects
--[] Max Goof
---[] Train with Agent Russ
--[] Major Monogram
---[] Reorganize OWCA
--[] Vanessa Doofenshmirtz
---[] Job Shadow Mirage
--[] Mirage
---[] Recruit new talent
--[] Dennis
---[] Research the perfect Sandwich
--[] Kitsune
---[] Sell to Janna
--[] Tom
---[] Find Marco
-[] Miscellaneous
--[] Don't overclock Technor
--[] Activate an Inator
--[] Assign Yang Talisman to Tobe
--[] Assign Crystal key to Wendy Wower
--[] Assign Platonic Ideal of Sandwich to Dennis the Duck
--[]Assign Scrolls of Jo-Lan to Ghengis Khan
--[] Assign Dragon Breath potion to Ghengis Khan