I was halfway though the thought of "Is cyberspace really as high a priority as we're making it out to be?" before I remembered there are two territories w/ future robots.

Don't matter how much we diminish ENCOM's market-share, if the MCP hacks into Tempest we are dead.
I mean, if the tempest domain was easy to take down via cyber warfare there would not be a war between them and humanity.
To clarify, a traditional in-universe Negaverse is a parallel world where everyone switches moral ideologies. Darkwing Duck becomes Negaduck, Shego becomes the only good member of Team Go, that sort of thing.
Perry The Phamacist Rules the Tri-State Area with an Iron Flipper, challenged only by brave Agent Heinz Doofinschmirtz of Resistance Freedom Incorporated.
The MCP probably has about as much chance to successfully hack the Tempest Domain successfully as Doof has of standing up against Toffee if he decided to fuck subtlety.

That's what you get with well over forty-eight thousand years of tech-development.
Pucca married Garu, duh. But NEGAVERSE PUCCA is entirely unknown on her relationship status.

To clarify, a traditional in-universe Negaverse is a parallel world where everyone switches moral ideologies. Darkwing Duck becomes Negaduck, Shego becomes the only good member of Team Go, that sort of thing.
OHHH. THAT Negaverse. Apologies for the confusion. I know what kind of Negaverse you are talking about now. It's just that in quests, "Negaverse" usually refers to a kind of omake where the same events have happened, but it shows the quest from an alternate timeline as if we were actually seeing the events of the quest through a different main character. For example, someone recently did a "Shego Negaverse" omake with an alternate version of an SV user reacting to the Gala's events from Shego's point of view.
OHHH. THAT Negaverse. Apologies for the confusion. I know what kind of Negaverse you are talking about now. It's just that in quests, "Negaverse" usually refers to a kind of omake where the same events have happened, but it shows the quest from an alternate timeline as if we were actually seeing the events of the quest through a different main character. For example, someone recently did a "Shego Negaverse" omake with an alternate version of an SV user reacting to the Gala's events from Shego's point of view.
Those Negaverses, "Technically" with a small t, work the same as a Negaverse of a universe. its just the quest is the same, its OUR universe which is negaversed. An alternate version of us react to a quest by an alternate version of the DM, which happens to mirror this one.
OHHH. THAT Negaverse. Apologies for the confusion. I know what kind of Negaverse you are talking about now. It's just that in quests, "Negaverse" usually refers to a kind of omake where the same events have happened, but it shows the quest from an alternate timeline as if we were actually seeing the events of the quest through a different main character. For example, someone recently did a "Shego Negaverse" omake with an alternate version of an SV user reacting to the Gala's events from Shego's point of view.
Well duuuuh, that's why I said 'traditional'. The Disney terminology came first before the quest mods repurposed the word for their fics. Besides, I'm usually the one advocating for more NegaQuest omakes on Discord. ;)
I mean, if the tempest domain was easy to take down via cyber warfare there would not be a war between them and humanity.

Now that I think about it. Tempest probably lacks an internet to begin with.

However, I don't think Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel, the 19th Lord of the Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain would turn down the Trojan Horse that is an ENCOM laptop so long as the MCP is willing to play the long game.

It's a very long con, but if they had the time, they could hack the city in 3-5 years if our North Eastern neighbors helped out.

In conclusion, I retract my concern outside of ENCOM crit success and low random rolls.
ENCOM can't reach Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel, the 19th Lord of the Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain. No human can understand them and to drop a laptop well as seen in the start of the esp she at the heart of a major city that is used to being at war. Getting even close to her is going to be a pain and a half. ENCOM has a weakside of the physical world, they aren't giving her anything.
Now that I think about it. Tempest probably lacks an internet to begin with.

However, I don't think Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürstin von Flügel, the 19th Lord of the Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain would turn down the Trojan Horse that is an ENCOM laptop so long as the MCP is willing to play the long game.

It's a very long con, but if they had the time, they could hack the city in 3-5 years if our North Eastern neighbors helped out.

In conclusion, I retract my concern outside of ENCOM crit success and low random rolls.
Allow me to rephrase. If ENCOM tried a cyberattack on the 19th Lord of Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain, Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürsten von Flügel, do you know what would happen? Nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. The tempest domain might not even notice them. Like, the MCP is good at cyberwarfare; probably the best in the world, even. But expecting them to be able to take on a faction of sentient military AI from tens of thousands of years in the future is like asking a toddler to take on the American army. If MCP managed to pull it off I would be completely astounded.
Allow me to rephrase. If ENCOM tried a cyberattack on the 19th Lord of Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain, Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürsten von Flügel, do you know what would happen? Nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. The tempest domain might not even notice them. Like, the MCP is good at cyberwarfare; probably the best in the world, even. But expecting them to be able to take on a faction of sentient military AI from tens of thousands of years in the future is like asking a toddler to take on the American army. If MCP managed to pull it off I would be completely astounded.
You say that, but there must be a way for the MCP to attain a level of power capable of at least damaging Tempest, otherwise that area may as well just be a black hole for all its relevance to the map, This world is two small for Two oregon triangles.
Those Negaverses, "Technically" with a small t, work the same as a Negaverse of a universe. its just the quest is the same, its OUR universe which is negaversed. An alternate version of us react to a quest by an alternate version of the DM, which happens to mirror this one.
Oh I know. I was just explaining what I had initially assumed Leo meant.
Well duuuuh, that's why I said 'traditional'. The Disney terminology came first before the quest mods repurposed the word for their fics. Besides, I'm usually the one advocating for more NegaQuest omakes on Discord. ;)
Yeah I got it. I was totally in the wrong there. :p

Sorry again.
Allow me to rephrase. If ENCOM tried a cyberattack on the 19th Lord of Uranos' Kingdom's Tempest Domain, Drossel Juno Vierzehntes Heizregister Fürsten von Flügel, do you know what would happen? Nothing. Zero, zilch, nada. The tempest domain might not even notice them. Like, the MCP is good at cyberwarfare; probably the best in the world, even. But expecting them to be able to take on a faction of sentient military AI from tens of thousands of years in the future is like asking a toddler to take on the American army. If MCP managed to pull it off I would be completely astounded.
It's possible that ENCOM may not necessarily be able to interact with their code anyhow, at least initially. Code and programming languages tend to evolve and change. Going so far in to the future could potentially mean ENCOM would have to figure out how to decode their language just as much as we do in the "real world." Of course such incompatibilities could also just fall under the "don't think about it" and "paradox" clauses and not apply at all. Just throwing at the wall here.

King Cybug eating and adapting using their code would be absolutely horrendous though. Any theoretical incompatibilities don't matter when you are just trying to eat and multiply. That requires no interfacing whatsoever, unlike what TRON people tend to do.
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On the other hand, the Cybugs might find the network environment of Tempest Domain to be ably defended, by things they haven't before encountered or even imagined...

You say that, but there must be a way for the MCP to attain a level of power capable of at least damaging Tempest, otherwise that area may as well just be a black hole for all its relevance to the map, This world is two small for Two oregon triangles.
I mean. There are a lot of other ways that other kings could interact with Tempest Domain besides attempting to hack them?
King Cybug eating and adapting using their code would be absolutely horrendous though. Any theoretical incompatibilities don't matter when you are just trying to eat and multiply.
Incompatibilities do matter for digestion. You can't break down and re-purpose things that your stomach can't process. Cybugs would probably break their teeth trying to eat Tempest programs.
Incompatibilities do matter for digestion. You can't break down and re-purpose things that your stomach can't process. Cybugs would probably break their teeth trying to eat Tempest programs.
That would probably matter more if they were trying to eat matter, but by all evidence Cybugs can eat and assimilate any data that's not a firewall. With that said, I'm not super worried about Cybugs, MCP, and Tempest forming an unbreakable super AI union. I am however worried about the Cybugs that are probably already in our systems.
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That would probably matter more if they were trying to eat matter, but by all evidence Cybugs can eat and assimilate any data that's not a firewall. With that said, I'm not super worried about Cybugs, MCP, and Tempest forming an unbreakable super AI union. I am however worried about the Cybugs that are probably already in our systems.
It still matters. Information still needs to be processed, interpreted and integrated properly to remain functional. If the cybugs just combined code at random without knowing what it does then they would be a tumorous non-functional mess of errors instead of a functional threat.
Let's avoid making too many assumptions about how DVV cyberspace works given that we haven't directly explored it and are making inferences based on a combination of the canon of Tron and Wreck-It Ralph PLUS realism (hah!).

It seems reasonable to assume that an AI faction with futuristic technology would have the means to defend itself adequately against cyber-attack, but the strength of those defenses may be greater or lesser than we'd expect. Since we currently have no definitive information on the strength of either the defender or the attackers in this scenario, speculation is likely to be fruitless.
While we're on the topic of AI and robots, why do the current provisional plans not have decode odd transmissions in the learning actions?
While we're on the topic of AI and robots, why do the current provisional plans not have decode odd transmissions in the learning actions?
Because we have too much stuff on our plates already, it takes up a learning action if we want to do it with a chance of actual success, and the QM has said we'll need to do multiple actions to unlock diplomacy with A the Tempest Domain.
Unfreaky Friday
Unfreaky Friday

"So, what you're saying Eli-"


"Is that you and your mother switched bodies due to a magic hourglass?"

"That is what my daughter is saying, yes," the younger of the two women agreed.

"Huh. That's neat," Doofenshirtz replied, finally understanding the situation.

"What! No it's not! It's terrible! My Mother's marrying a stranger, and since I'm my Mother right now I need to marry a stranger! My brother ran away, I'm failing Gym, my entire life's been stolen! None of this is neat!" The older of the pair of women, Ellie apparently, called out.

"What my daughter is trying to say is that we need your help. My fiancé Mike works for your company and he mentioned how you can build devices that can do anything! We tried looking for the other magical hourglass-"

"There's another Magical hourglass that switches people's bodies in Danville!?" Doof asked excitedly. "Why an hourglass? You didn't get de-aged. You'd think it would be a statue, or something with a body, maybe a creepy idol with glowing eyes? An hourglass seems so off theme..."

"We tried looking for the second hourglass, but it was taken by a bully and now we can't get it back in time for the wedding!" The teenager explained.

"So, you know where the hourglass is, but you can't get it?" Doof insisted.

"Yes, but that's not the problem! The problem is that we've switched Bodies!" Ellie interrupted.

"Well, that's hardly a problem, I can just use the Mind-Transfer-inator and swap your minds back into the proper bodies. That one never actually got destroyed..." Doof pauses. "Neither of you is secretly a cow, are you?"

The women stared at him, as if having trouble comprehending his question.

"Well, it's a small risk anyway!" Doof explained happily. "Lets get you and Eli-"


"switched so you can marry that guy she hates."

"She doesn't hate him!" the younger of the pair protested. The older one, Ellie, was conspicuously silent. "Right?"

Ellie looked away.

"Just think of this as character-forming backstory!" Doof assured the older woman as he rummaged through his closet for the Mind-Transfer-Inator. "Having a wicked Step-father is great motivation for your future endeavors in Evil! Maybe if you're lucky your parents will disown you and you can be raised by wild Ocelots like me!"

Somehow, this didn't seem to set either of the women at ease.

"Ahah!" Doof crowed in triumph. "Here it is! Now, just put on the helmets and pull the lever and you'll be back to normal in no time! There's a slight chance of.... Huh. Would you be a Were-woman if it happened? How would that even work?" Doof wondered out loud to himself as the women strapped on the oddly colander-shaped helmets. "Eh, it's probably fine," he decided.

"Ready?" he asked, not waiting for a response before grabbing the lever and starting the countdown. "One! Two! Three! Mind Swap!" And with that, he yanked the lever.

Three seconds later, the women stumbled out of the machine patting themselves down as if to reassure themselves that they were back in their real bodies again.

"All set Eli-?"

"Ellie!" The younger girl shouted, irate. "And... Yes."

"Thank you Dr. Doofenshmirtz," the older woman replied. "If you ever need a wedding planner, please, let me know."

"I tried that once," Doof replied. "Didn't work out well. Probably won't try again, but good to know!"

"Well, if you change your mind, here's my card," The older woman offered.

"Katherine?" Doof asked puzzled. "I thought your name was Eli-?"

"ELLIE!" The daughter shouted, furiously.

"Well, it's a... nickname..." Katherine replied with an uncertain and upset smile. "I guess we'll be going now," she decided, guiding her daughter towards the door.

"Nice people. Strange, but nice," Doof decided before heading back to his office. He had an awful lot of work to finish.

So, This is Freaky Friday the Disney Musical. Why rely on Magic when you can Inator your way to victory? Right? ... Right?
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I kind of feel that if we're able to decode the odd transmissions we should do it now, instead of putting it on hold until we've nothing better to do. If we don't do it then, at some point, another faction will do it (like the US starting a Space Program or Khan completing Fusion Power or a lot of Genetics companies responding to the US food crisis) and then our main advantage will be gone.
Because we have too much stuff on our plates already, it takes up a learning action if we want to do it with a chance of actual success, and the QM has said we'll need to do multiple actions to unlock diplomacy with A the Tempest Domain.
Said multiple chain of actions just might be unlock a quest to investigate, but other than that, that's the main thing. It's something I really want to do, but learning is a really contested area.

Man, I wish we had a third learning action