Greetings, folks,
Let me lead off by saying that the quest is going to continue, updates will still be on the same schedule, and the changes that are discussed below will be to your advantage.
The QMs don't want to quit, but we do need to make some significant changes before we get to the point where we do want to quit, because we can see that place on the horizon. All three of us have some pretty stressful real-life things going on right now, so spoons are in shorter supply than usual, and tempers are a bit more frayed. (Apologies to those who have, shall we say, had reason to notice this.) These are not short-term things that are going to expire in the next couple of weeks, so we need to account for them.
For a long time now, the QM team has been getting more and more exhausted by our current rule system. Everything is ad hoc, which means the QMs need to put in significant effort every time you guys want to create a new seal, learn a new jutsu, etc. Stats are only used as paywalls, so if you want to do something you don't have exactly the right skill for then there's nothing to fall back to. It's hard to design new things, which is frustrating for both players and QMs. Combats are a nightmare to keep track of, and the nightmare gets worse every time a new option is added to the heroes' arsenals.
It's been a long time coming, but this fight has brought it to a head. It's basically broken the QM team with its complexity, so we've finally decided to just bite the bullet and swap the quest to a professionally designed RPG system. We know this is going to be upsetting, especially with the story in the middle of the fight scene and we want to work with the playerbase to make it as non-traumatic as possible. The changeover is going to happen, that's not up for discussion. We would, however, like to get the players' input on the following questions:
- We're right in the middle of a fight scene, and that's a crappy place to make the change. Our thought is to roll everything back and start from an earlier point once the new rules are in place. The places that make the most sense to us are:
- The end of Chapter 160, when you were in the fort and Noburi sensed the incoming hostiles; or,
- The end of Chapter 159, when Hazō had just seen the night light seals and realized the danger. This is before you built the fort.
- We are open to suggestions for other rollback points, although it will be a tough sell to make us go further back then the end of chapter 159. We are also open to suggestions for non-rollback options.
- If you really, really want to see Hazō go to Noburi's rescue, there are probably enough spoons available for that to happen on Sunday. If we do this, the rest of the battle still won't happen until after the changeover. (Note that Hazō is in a very disadvantageous position right now, so a rollback would probably be good for you! ;>)
- What system should we switch to? The QMs are currently investigating the HERO system (exact variant TBD, probably either Champions or Ninja Hero) but we're willing to be convinced of something else. If you want to make a suggestion, please include the following:
- Name of system.
- Statement of why you think it would be a good choice. Remember that the goal is something that's easy to use, fast-moving, and flexible. "Easy to learn" is also a desirable characteristic, as is "easy to automate".
- Link to a zero-cost source of the rules, either online or as a download. (HERO and Ninja Hero are available free. PM me if you can't find them.)
The goal is to get something that is easy for the QMs to write for, that allows the players to design things on your own, and that is flexible enough to cover all the weird and wacky things you guys want to do with seals and ninjutsu. It's much easier on everyone if you can come to us and say "Hey, we want to create a seal that will do <thing>, and here's a build for it. What do you think? It would be 25 points, and we can afford that."
Here's our intent for what happens next:
- First, updates will continue on the normal schedule. They will consist of interludes, flashbacks, etc. We will ask you to vote for what you want to see, although we do reserve the right to override the vote if we choose. (We definitely will not be showing anything that provides major OOC knowledge, so don't even try voting for "Akatsuki talking about their dastardly plan and where they are right now."
- We'll figure out how to handle the in-story events during the changeover -- via rollback or something else and, if rollback, to when.
- At the same time as we're figuring out the changeover, we'll figure out what RPG system to change to. We're not going to rush this, but we also don't want to linger over it. If it takes a couple weeks, that's fine. If opinions converge faster, even better. If we need more time, we'll take more time. Remember that HERO is the current leading candidate.
- Once the system is chosen, we'll ask the playerbase for help in porting Hazō, Akane, Noburi, and Keiko to the new system. If you want to put together templates for NPCs that would be much appreciated as well. The QMs will create sheets for Mari, Jiraiya, and Kagome.
Again, we're sorry we have to do this, but it was getting to the point where we either changed systems or we abandoned the quest entirely, and we didn't want to do that. Marked for Death has been a huge part of our lives for two years now; we really enjoy writing it and interacting with the fantastic community that's grown up around it. Thanks for being here, and thanks for understanding.