[x][Path] Chapter 702 stands, Hazō wakes up in the afterlife.
[x][Progression] Hazō's rate of progression should increase drastically, allowing him to become one of the strongest characters in the setting relatively quickly.
[x][PowerUp] Hazō should gain a power-up in short order (e.g. as discussed in the thread, Mangekyō Iron Nerve, Jashin-powers, etc).
[x][Rift] Orochimaru still absconds with the rift.
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō soon meets Akane (i.e. 1-5 chapters)
[x][AfterlifeManyPaths] Hazō goes to the afterlife, then directly to the Human Path
[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō soon learns of a way out of the afterlife, and can get there almost immediately
[x][AfterlifeXP] Hazō is somehow partially or fully immune to afterlife XP drain, and is therefore XP-positive immediately
[x][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō can find very rare ways to recover chakra in the afterlife, but it remains a scarce resource
[x][AfterlifeResearch] There should be some research elements in the afterlife arc, but they can be much later or reduced in scope
[x][AfterlifeResearch] There's no need for Hazō to do research while in the afterlife so long as it doesn't affect our XP rate
[x][AfterlifeTime] So far as Hazō knows, afterlife:Human Path time is 1:1
If you think Hazou's current rate of growth is fine that means you endorse an effective ~8XP/day rate of growth. That is his overall growth rate since the academy. Done by taking his graduation date and counting the days since.

In that case you would want to vote to increase his XP growth to that of the most talented essies, which is somewhere in the 8-10 range.

If this does not happen, Hazou will lose access to FOOM and TRs, and then also experience pathdrain causing his effective XP/day to plummet to the 1-2 range.
This is a good point that I didn't explicitly consider, thank you. I originally took the question to be about overall XP growth. If that is correct, I'd rather err on the side of weak XP growth in the afterlife and regular growth when rezzed, versus normal growth and exceptional growth respectively. If the question was just about afterlife XP and not "living" XP, I'd change my vote toward increasing it.
I'd also be more fine with a higher base rate now/at some point if there was a reasonable justification for it in story or some shiny we could acquire that could plausibly map toward it. But I don't have strong preferences on this point, and increased growth rate but no actual short-term power-ups would probably be the least warping buff.
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Mareo
No worries. We've said that the Great Seal isn't going to pop anytime soon and that the EM-apocalypse will be averted somehow. (One option being that Mari never had any intention of spreading civilisation-ending information but used her social spec powers to lie to Hazō so that he could confidently assert that he had a deadman switch.)
Sounds great!

Thank you for this. It feels good to hear that.
You're welcome! And thank you (and @Velorien and @Paperclipped and @OliWhail) for writing this quest for so long!

What we just had was not an arc where Sealing was A primary focus, it was THE primary focus. Since the only way we had to interact with our goals was research. It was the only thing we did. A vote for the most researchy option here is not a vote for lighthousing (IMO) it's a vote to keep it as a viable way of interacting with the afterlife.
I see your point here. I'm not sure how I feel about spending significant amounts of screen time on research for a dozen or so chapters though. So for now I'll just vote for both research options.
[x][AfterlifeResearch] Research should be a primary focus in the afterlife

We would rather not have research be the single main focus of the narrative the way it was last arc, but we are open to it having some screentime.
@Velorien, how much screentime is "some" screentime? Would there be chapters where research has more than half of the total screen time? Can you be a little clearer about how much research y'all are willing to put up with?

As the originator of the vote, I meant it mostly as a joke.
Yeah, I just couldn't resist voting for that option after I visualized the scene. Maybe I should write another omake…

Path: 1st most desired change. This retains canon and would be an interesting new arc in the quest established by prior events. I'd be disappointed if we had to retcon anything.
I don't want to push my pet ideas to the point of being annoying, so please eveyone let me know if I do. @MinTaxer, may I bring to your attention the possibility of having the last ~12 chapters turn out to be a vivid Jashin-sent dream? I think it nicely solves the problem of making the bioseal decision never have happened while keeping simulation intact. I mention this becaue I've seen arguments for keeping Chapter 702 saying that keeping it is the simulationist option, and I'm of the opinion that it's not the only simulationist option.

[x][Path] Chapter 702 is retconned, and rewritten such that Hazō survives. Other miscellaneous changes are made such that the quest remains playable.
@strange_person, since you voted for the retcon would you consider also or instead voting "[x][SurvivalWhy] The bioseal installation and all events after are revealed to be a vision from Jashin to warn Hazō not to take the bioseal"? It seems to me to accomplish the same thing but with simulationism better preserved.

(Again, please anyone tell me if I'm promoting my ideas too hard and being annoying.)

Like, really. Game's been going on for almost a decade at this point. How about we up the pace a bit so that we can get to a cool ending before another one?
I understand your desire to get somewhere after playing for a decade, but I feel like I just got here, so I wouldn't mind going on for another good part of a decade! :p
Very cool stuff, thanks QMs!

[x][Path] Chapter 702 stands, Hazō wakes up in the afterlife.
[x][Rift] Orochimaru still absconds with the rift.
[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō can learn of a way out of the afterlife, but finding more lore or discovering its location will be an odyssey in itself
[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō soon learns of a way out of the afterlife, but it will take a while to get there
[x][AfterlifeTime] So far as Hazō knows, afterlife:Human Path time is 1:1

As I see it, this is the realistic ending with appropriate narrative weight. The villain triumphs and the hero descends to the underworld.

[x][Progression] Hazō's rate of progression should increase to match that of the strongest in-setting ninja.
Discussion has convinced me, let's ball.

[x][PowerUp] Hazō does not need an immediate power-up
[x][PowerUp] Hazō should gain a small powerup that scales according to (TBD)
I could be convinced that we get some sort of Special Trick that helps us in the afterlife, I just don't think it should be a major powerup. Could be a boost to our scaling or something that explains why Hazou can survive the afterlife's chakra and XP drain.

[x][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō can find very rare ways to recover chakra in the afterlife, but it remains a scarce resource
[x][AfterlifeResearch] There should be some research elements in the afterlife arc, but they can be much later or reduced in scope

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō can get hints of Jiraiya's location, but won't find him easily
[x][AfterlifePeople][Aunt Ren] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Aunt Ren

It would be really thematically interesting for Hazou to meet Ren. Kind of a Mobius strip loop-around to the origins of his story, when Hana left the family and then Hazou left Mist.

I like Ami but I kinda want Hazou to be in the driver's seat on afterlife-exploration shenanigans, and she's too much of a wheel-stealing chaos monkey.
Voting time!

[x][Path] Chapter 702 stands, Hazō wakes up in the afterlife.

I'm ambivalent on these two, but I prefer this. A break will do everyone some good.

[x][Progression] Hazō's overall rate of progression is fine.
[x][Progression] Hazō's rate of progression should increase to match that of the strongest in-setting ninja.

I'd prefer a slightly lower rate that's closer to "S" than "not-S", but I think it would make things more interesting in general.

[x][PowerUp] Hazō does not need an immediate power-up
[x][PowerUp] Hazō should gain a power-up in short order (e.g. as discussed in the thread, Mangekyō Iron Nerve, Jashin-powers, etc).

Don't really care.

[x][Rift] Orochimaru brings the rift back to Leaf.


[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō can get hints of Akane's location, but won't find her easily
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Akane

Either it's a primary investigative goal (fun), or something that's a 10-20 chapter arc. Both are cool!

[x][AfterlifeManyPaths] Hazō goes to the afterlife, then directly to the Human Path
[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō soon learns of a way out of the afterlife, but it will take a while to get there

Honestly, a long afterlife could be neat, especially if we're questing. With QM comment in mind, one extra path could be interesting, but that still leaves the question of "is it worth it?"

[x][AfterlifeXP] Hazō suffers XP drain at first, but can eventually find a way to slow it or stop it, allowing him to continue gaining XP

Rebuild time? Nice.

[x][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō can find very rare ways to recover chakra in the afterlife, but it remains a scarce resource

[x][AfterlifeResearch] There should be some research elements in the afterlife arc, but they can be much later or reduced in scope
[x][AfterlifeResearch] There's no need for Hazō to do research while in the afterlife so long as it doesn't affect our XP rate

Not much to say here, other than approval voting for not-research-max.

[x][AfterlifeTime] Hazō soon gets evidence of heavy time dilation between afterlife and Human Path

Dilation fun, "free" power-up useful.

[x][SurvivalWhy] Orochimaru is more friendly, and never put a kill-switch in Hazō.
[x][SurvivalType] Hazō survives, goes back to Leaf, puts up a Force Dome. Akatsuki cannot break it immediately, or does not want to for some reason.
[x][SurvivalBioseal] (if Tsunade removes Hazō's killswitch) The extra chakra coil is removed

I don't care as much about these.

Last minute pre-post edits:

My understanding is that 'rate of progression' referred to his base XP rate, which makes him well above the average joe but nowhere near those on the S-rank track. FOOM, brevity bonuses, QM had fun, Loremaster and other OOC bonuses, and lootboxes bumped him into the S-rank track, but that's not what we were looking at here.

Okay, yeah. If we're already S-rank track with bonuses, I don't feel the need to up our base rate to S.

I don't necessarily want or need it to be immediate, but I would like the possibility of getting, for instance, Mangekyo Iron Nerve etc. If it's possible to earn it, I would prefer to earn it than get handed it on a silver platter. Maybe we could run into some of the ancient Kurosawa that're still kicking because mumblemumble, and impress them about it as part of one of the first arcs?

Sure, I'll bite.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō can get hints of a narrative-compatible friendly high-level Kurosawa ancestor's location, but won't find her easily
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with a narrative-compatible friendly high-level Kurosawa ancestor

Intent: give us Kurosawa lore, but not a punch-wizard that joins our party forever. Note that this is compatible with our more immediate relatives.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō can get hints of Ren's location, but won't find her easily
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Ami
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Ren
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Mareo

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō soon meets Momochi Zabuza (1-5 updates)

[X][AfterlifeManyPaths] Hazō goes to the afterlife, then ends up traveling through a small number of paths (or just one path) and back to the Human Path.

Intent: A second path could be cool, but it might also dilute the story. If this can be done in a cool way without wasting time & effort, then sure.


[X][Progression] It should take several months of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
[X][Progression] It should take no longer than the duration of the afterlife arc for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).

Roughly this?
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since you voted for the retcon would you consider also or instead voting "[x][SurvivalWhy] The bioseal installation and all events after are revealed to be a vision from Jashin to warn Hazō not to take the bioseal"? It seems to me to accomplish the same thing but with simulationism better preserved.
[x][SurvivalWhy] The bioseal installation and all events after are revealed to be a vision from Jashin to warn Hazō not to take the bioseal
[x][Path] Chapter 702 stands, Hazō wakes up in the afterlife.
Opens the door to many interesting possibilities. Death feels fitting as a consequence. I want to see what's cooking in Naraka

[x][Progression] Hazō's rate of progression should increase to match that of the strongest in-setting ninja.

I like that Hazou's punched way above his weight class for a while using tools unique to him. I want to see him interact with the world in new ways. He's done plenty at this level, let's move him up in power and importance to match the challenges he faces. I hope the afterlife will be a place he experiences personal growth as well, a more fully realized hero to meet the challenges the world and too often he alone faces. Side note, I hope the distance is an opportunity for Uplift to do cool stuff and grow their characters as well.

I chose this keeping path drain and limited FOOM in mind. I'd like for Hazou to be Jounin soon. Keeping a faster and even progression rate even after leaving the afterlife is what I have in mind as an ideal. As in, I wouldn't want Hazou's progression outside the afterlife to rise too explosively (from an already very high level) due to mechanics like path drain no longer having an effect on him. I don't have a good idea of how you deal with that outside of simply turning the knob to the appropriate xp rate I admit. The xp rate in mind is like 10/day. I'd prefer it to happen in a narratively satisfying way, maybe with the memory idea EJ brought up the other week.

[x][PowerUp] Hazō should gain a power-up in short order (e.g. as discussed in the thread, Mangekyō Iron Nerve, Jashin-powers, etc).
MIN is intriguing and the circumstances are appropriate. I favor it as a small upgrade for the unlock, with potential for more bonuses or abilities later if Hazou does the digging or invests in it. A way to learn about MIN: Hazou obtains some ancient notes of a companion of the Sage that was doing all the funky biohacking to give bloodlines. He can't decipher them but he can bring them with. If he can get them translated and to someone with high medKnow like Noburi, they can figure out how to access advanced abilities together. I like the idea of Noburi putting those med skills to work!

[x][Rift] Orochimaru still absconds with the rift.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō can get hints of Akane's location, but won't find her easily

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Akane
I worry Hazou finding old important characters will prevent growth. I may be overly concerned about that, considering how well the story's been handled with large casts in the past, but that's where I'm comin' from. I'd like to meet other people, have space for fresh stories (I do not mean this in a romantic sense)

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Senju Hashirama
Narrative potential, I'd like to see Hazō the divergent thinker speak to a kindred soul over tea. Ripe for giving Hazō's character some growth. Not sure how you solve Hashirama being super powerful trivializing encounters. Perhaps he's satisfied with the afterlife or ready to move on but waited for just this conversation because it was fortold. Or he's got fish to fry of his own. I would like Hazō to discuss Sunny and her conduct with him, think that would be fun.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō soon meets Kurosawa Ren
She's pretty tragic, family, but not necessarily going to join the group. Maybe she shares info on MIN

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Ami
I'm evil and want people to pick between Ami and Akane. Just kidding. I'd like to know what happened to Ami, if she's here.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Zabuza
For funny reasons is what I had in mind. If Zabuza wants to help our boy out of atonement for being a generally bad guy or something (maybe he thinks it'll help get him into the Pure Lands). Some training, a lootbox (memories?). Picturing trying to con him but failing, (his deceit is probably higher) yet he helps us for his own reasons. Reluctant but competent teacher could be fun.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Mareo
He's great.

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with a narrative-compatible friendly high-level Kurosawa ancestor

I favor adventure paths because there's more possibility for fun and it feels narratively unsatisfying for folk to just show up on our metaphorical doorstep. Not sure how much time is implied by this choice, definitely not trying to signal that it should take long. This is more of a I want to find people in fun ways signal.

[x][AfterlifeManyPaths] Hazō goes to the afterlife, then through a chain of other Paths / dimensions and back to the Human Path
I think it's neat and opens worlds of possibility, heh. It can solve the chakra is limited in the afterlife issue. We can dip into small dimensions or large. If building large ones is an issue, limit our ability to travel within it. I think the potential to have all kinds of beings and problems show up is a lot of fun! It's an opportunity to relax the normal limits of the story and a way for Hazō to flex his hard won abilities (Runes) and improve them to get him out of the mess he's in right now.

[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō can learn of a way out of the afterlife, but finding more lore or discovering its location will be an odyssey in itself.
I want to explore! To take in the sights, try the underworld food, and dip into the boiling lake for a spa day.

[x][AfterlifeXP] Hazō suffers XP drain at first, but can eventually find a way to slow it or stop it, allowing him to continue gaining XP
Choosing this so Hazō can respec his high Resolve and other pyramid issues the mechanics people identify. Prefer this doesn't slow his progression down.

[x][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō can find very rare ways to recover chakra in the afterlife, but it remains a scarce resource
Voting for this with the idea there's fun chakra-less adventures to be had. Also, I like the idea of popping to other dimensions to get a respite before returning to the afterlife to continue the journey. Anytime Hazō can use his unique skills to solve problems others cannot, it's a way for the world to feel a little more coherent.

[x][AfterlifeResearch] Research should be a primary focus in the afterlife
Don't want to lighthouse but I do think research is cool and core to Hazō. I like IV's ideas on TH being a focus in this arc.

Skipping the time dilation stuff for voting. I'd like for there to be some time dilation. But I want the people on the Human path to deal with things without Hazō, for his absence to have some weight and for us to feel the weight of those people in the world we come back to. That goes for Team Uplift, folk in the Leaf and everyone else too.

Wouldn't feel satisfying or be fun if Hazō comes back five minutes after he died, powered up and ready to fix everything personally.

Hope these takes and thoughts inform my votes and are helpful. Thanks to the QMs for making it easy and possible to express my opinions!
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I'm finally getting around to writing a post, and what do you know 90% of my multiquote is irrelevant. Bah, fuck it, I'll just do this in the context of voting.

I want to point out that, by and large, I read and then don't vote on most plans, and most of what I'm feeling happy about is relatively on par with how the rest of the thread is feeling by the looks of it. Should probably figure out my life a bit to change my voting stance, but 9/10 times I end up just fully agreeing with top plan so I ignore it, mb.

[x][Path] Chapter 702 stands, Hazō wakes up in the afterlife.

[][Progression] Hazō's overall rate of progression is fine.
[x][Progression] Hazō's rate of progression should increase to match that of the strongest in-setting ninja.

I think we either need to buff ourselves or nerf the challenges that we face, and honestly I think I'm more excited about buffing ourselves. Part of it is that it does feel kinda like we deserve it, part of it does feel like there are cool challenges I want us to face, but we can't face them til we get on plane. I think IV made the point that we've kinda done the "what can an average ninja do to break the setting", and I think we've done that kinda well, so I'm ready to play in the sandbox where we are the big mover and shaker that we have set ourselves up to become, but we don't need to sit aside and wait for that to be the case "once FOOM".

[][Progression] Hazō's rate of progression should increase drastically, allowing him to become one of the strongest characters in the setting relatively quickly.
I should note, I don't really want this to become an instant win button, so I'm not super in favor of this. I never voted in simulationist / difficulty, but my general stance was that I actually kinda like where both the levers are right now, with the exception of the fact that it feels like we've been stuck not necessarily on too tough a difficulty, but rather at too challenging a boss. We can handle the difficulty, but we somehow managed to skip ahead in the game and that's causing problems.

[][PowerUp] Hazō does not need an immediate power-up
[x][PowerUp] Hazō should gain a power-up in short order (e.g. as discussed in the thread, Mangekyō Iron Nerve, Jashin-powers, etc).
I feel relatively neutral towards this, but I think IV has made a really good argument in favor of MIN, so I'm minorly leaning towards that.

[x][Rift] Orochimaru brings the rift back to Leaf.
Definitely in favor of "there are consequences for our choices", and I think this is a reasonable and not insurmountable one!

[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō can get hints of Akane's location, but won't find her easily
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Akane
I am generally more in favor of letting us slow down a lot and actually play in the space of afterlife, assuming that would be exciting to people, and part of that is keeping us there without directly going though a quest. That being said, I thought a little bit about what it would look like if we _did_ get hints about Akane's location, and my immediate reaction was "well of course we'd follow that", so maybe I'm not super internally consistent here. Also I just miss Akane.

[x][AfterlifeManyPaths] Hazō goes to the afterlife, then directly to the Human Path
[x][AfterlifeManyPaths] Hazō goes to the afterlife, then through a chain of other Paths / dimensions and back to the Human Path
I feel pretty neutral towards this, for the reasons that Vel pointed out and the reasons the IV pointed out. I don't know that I would pick a chain of paths that is both hard to simulate and super occupied and then would need to be distinct from the other paths, but I also do like lore, sooooo.

[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō can learn of a way out of the afterlife, but finding more lore or discovering its location will be an odyssey in itself
[x][AfterlifeExitSpeed] Hazō soon learns of a way out of the afterlife, but it will take a while to get there
Let's stay around a while, the weather is nice. (see above re: slowing the pace, and I definitely agree with IV's point on taking time to explore and exploit but mostly explore.

[][AfterlifeXP] Hazō is somehow partially or fully immune to afterlife XP drain, and is therefore XP-positive immediately
[][AfterlifeXP] Hazō suffers XP drain at first, but can eventually find a way to slow it or stop it, allowing him to continue gaining XP
I... actually don't feel remotely qualified to vote for this, so I'm not gonna. Whichever feels more fun, but ideally in a way that does not feel super "and the rules don't apply to Hazō for Reasons™".

[x][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō quickly finds a way to regenerate chakra in the afterlife
[x][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō can find very rare ways to recover chakra in the afterlife, but it remains a scarce resource
[][AfterlifeChakra] Hazō has no special way to recover chakra in the afterlife, so he has a finite amount of chakra to use.
I think similarly to the above, don't particularly want our boy to be completely special cased, but also chakra is what'll let us do fun shit, so completely removing it feels wrong.

[x][AfterlifeResearch] There should be some research elements in the afterlife arc, but they can be much later or reduced in scope
[x][AfterlifeResearch] There's no need for Hazō to do research while in the afterlife so long as it doesn't affect our XP rate
I kinda feel like research is a big part of who we are (as a thread) (and as Hazō controllers), but also both wanna avoid causing pain points all around, and recognizing that we just came off of a "research required" arc. I don't want to say there won't be research, but I kinda want to protect from mechanics-incentive to lighthouse.

[x][AfterlifeTime] So far as Hazō knows, afterlife:Human Path time is 1:1
[][AfterlifeTime] Hazō soon gets evidence of heavy time dilation between afterlife and Human Path
This is one that I actually went back and forth about. Honestly, to me, I'm happy just punting this problem down the line a bit. There's a pretty large part of me that wants to get a sense of how much stronger we'll be closer to the end of this arc before deciding how fucked the world we left behind is?

Iron Nerve, Jashin-powers, etc).
I'm curious about the Mangekyou Iron Nerve since it seems like an emotionally-charged death might mirror the Sharingan themes well enough to unlock it but I have no specific expectations about how strong it is. I mostly want to know what's up there, personally.

Poll Plan: Oroprentice
This plan is a ton of fun, and if we survive, I think this would definitely be a strong contender of ways I'd like to see it happen. Particularly...

"You graduate the apprenticeship once you can disarm and remove your killswitch. Until then, I might occasionally murder you and let you find your own way out of the afterlife. Consider it field-training, nephew."
I chuckled.

Explore. Exploit. This is exactly what we need in order to make the afterlife arc fun, and not just a series of "we must ignore all the cool stuff because we can see the critical path and deviating from it is unconscionable".

Hazou needs to be in explore mode, not exploit mode, for most of it

I referenced this a lot above, but 100% agree here.

Okay so hear me out: Technique Hacking.
I am so incredibly very in favor of this yes please.

it's hard to have meaningful agency in a world where the Akatsuki probably destroys Leaf unless we do very specific things with every shred of our time
all of the this.

"You're thirty-six, Itachi," Konan said. "Also, you graduated the Academy at the normal age of twelve and followed a swift but still chronologically-plausible career path before you left Leaf."
I laughed very hard thank you.

I'd like the afterlife arc to take a bit of time. If we're just in and out, then...what was the point?

suddenly when we're back to the Human Path we have even more people we need to check in on and maintain relationships with
I did shudder when you brought this up. I agree that itinerant people feels more right, but also knowing us we do like to collect our people. Gaara (and Gaara-esque folks, including Zabuza who was tossed around) make for an interesting consideration here.

Something else I realized potentially (I can't find the quote that made me think this, I'm sorry), it's not that these relationships were hard to maintain, its that we were too busy working on the next big apocolypse to spend more time on the "seeing our relationships" sidequests. Maybe, if we can settle into a slightly less breakneck / time-pressure-driven pace, the relationship management will be less of a concern than before? Or it's just hopium, who knows.
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By simulationist afterlife, I mean what the QMs consider most realistic in the context of the marked for death universe if they ignore nudging things towards the players/QM desires.
You have already decided on some afterlife rules, but there are other rules you are considering changing given that there is a vote on them (AfterlifePeople, AfterlifeExitSpeed, AfterlifeXP, etc.). Those votable rules were what I was asking about.
edit: or perhaps more precisely. the rules for the scenario of hazou being in the afterlife
Oh, I see. Yup, we will do that.
Are there reasons you've rejected the idea that Jiraiya could pal around with us but in a reduced, less-powerful capacity?
3am brain, so maybe this is wrong:

Part of what defines Jiraiya's character is his power. It's what gives him the confidence to do what he thinks is right and damn the consequences, or to clown around without needing to worry that people will lose respect for him, or or or... Without that power he stops being the brash, confident, braggadocious, eccentric character that I enjoy so much. Suddenly, he's second guessing himself and struggling to deal with the shattering of the self-image that he built over decades. It's a compelling story, but I'm already working on that one in my original novel. No need to tell it in MfD as well.
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Oh, I see. Yup, we will do that.
So...can you answer the original question?
Can you mention the afterlife timeline that is the most simulationist? And since you said you will nudge things so Hazou deals with chakra drain but that the canon chapter is more plausible than him surviving. Can you state whether that most plausible afterlife timeline is more plausible than the most plausible Hazou survives timeline you previously mentioned?

Or if you haven't modeled that out yet. Add a poll option for the afterlife conditions to be whatever simulationism says, constrained by your requirements (like Hazou fixing chakra drain)?
Adhoc vote count started by Paperclipped on Feb 15, 2025 at 10:24 AM, finished with 166 posts and 48 votes.

Tally so far.
Narrative potential, I'd like to see Hazō the divergent thinker speak to a kindred soul over tea. Ripe for giving Hazō's character some growth. Not sure how you solve Hashirama being super powerful trivializing encounters. Perhaps he's satisfied with the afterlife or ready to move on but waited for just this conversation because it was fortold. Or he's got fish to fry of his own. I would like Hazō to discuss Sunny and her conduct with him, think that would be fun.
Nice idea. If it can be done without breaking the balance of our afterlife party, I'd love to see this happen.
[x][AfterlifePeople] In the afterlife, Hazō finds a clear "adventure path" to meeting up with Senju Hashirama

Also, another question for @Velorien, @eaglejarl and @Paperclipped:
Approximately how many chapters would the the "odyssey" exit speed be? How many would the "it will take a while to get there" option be?
[x][Path] Chapter 702 is retconned, and rewritten such that Hazō survives. Other miscellaneous changes are made such that the quest remains playable. See below for more details.
Adhoc vote count started by Paperclipped on Feb 15, 2025 at 10:24 AM, finished with 166 posts and 48 votes.

Tally so far.
Is there somewhere we can vote for the Gōketsu not dissolving?
Important note: Walking back what I said about the [Progression] vote.

If "Hazou has the current XP rate" actually means "Hazou has 1/10th the XP rate because there's no FOOM in the afterlife" then that's a really weird way of phrasing that option.
Yeah, I got it wrong. The progression vote is vibes-based, not specifically about his base XP rate.

Can you mention the afterlife timeline that is the most simulationist? And since you said you will nudge things so Hazou deals with chakra drain but that the canon chapter is more plausible than him surviving. Can you state whether that most plausible afterlife timeline is more plausible than the most plausible Hazou survives timeline you previously mentioned?

No idea, sorry.
There hasn't been enough work done yet to say what the most plausible afterlife timeline will be.

With respect to time dilation...I don't want to come back to an iced-over wasteland. That would just fucking suck. I don't want to come back to a hopeless world where we need to work even harder to make something good. There's opportunity in chaos, but I just fundamentally don't want to see all our hard work undone. I don't feel a need to know what the rate of time dilation is, but I'd like to know that we're not going to step out into...misery.
Not sure if I responded to this already and it was still sitting on this device's paste buffer, sorry if it's a repeat:

We've said that the apocalypses are going to be averted. The Great Seal won't pop anytime soon, the EM-apocalypse will be averted.

Or if you haven't modeled that out yet. Add a poll option for the afterlife conditions to be whatever simulationism says, constrained by your requirements (like Hazou fixing chakra drain)?
We're happy with the options we have. The afterlife will have the same degree of simulationism as what happens after he gets out of the afterlife.

Approximately how many chapters would the the "odyssey" exit speed be? How many would the "it will take a while to get there" option be?
We don't have a specific answer ready and I'm hesitant to even guess for fear of anchoring you on something that turns out to be wrong.
Yeah, I got it wrong. The progression vote is vibes-based, not specifically about his base XP rate.

If I may suggest less vague alternatives that underscore the point?

[][Progression] It should take several IC years for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
[x][Progression] It should take several months of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
[x][Progression] The pacing should be such that Hazou can plausibly fight Hidan and potentially win (immortality hax aside, stats only) after the adventuring in the afterlife is concluded.

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[X][Progression] It should take 1-2 years of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
[X][Progression] The pacing should be such that Hazou can plausibly fight Hidan and potentially win (immortality hax aside, stats only) after the adventuring in the afterlife is concluded.
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[X][Progression] It should take about a 1-2 years of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
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[x][Progression] It should take several months of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
[x][Progression] The pacing should be such that Hazou can plausibly fight Hidan and potentially win (immortality hax aside, stats only) after the adventuring in the afterlife is concluded.
[X][Progression] It should take about a 1-2 years of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).

For the record, this requires a minimum rate of about 11/day for the two year option, 22/day for the one year option.
[X][Progression] It should take about a 1-2 years of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).

I think 1-2 years is also fine.

Look, the main sticking point here for me is that after getting back to the Human Path through whatever means, we are no longer a helpless newborn kitten whenever the Hidan Cliffhanger shows up next.

We've had to deal with so many chapters of these S-rank assholes in this setting showing up at the end of a cliffhanger. "Oh shit, certain death!" the narrative says. "Talk your way out of this one or die!"

Fuck that lol. Whatever the progression needs to be mechanically, I don't care. Whatever needs to happen narratively to make it feel justified, I don't care. Do those things.

But whatever needs done to make it happen, the next time that cliffhanger scenario happens, please for the love of everything have it end with "and then the kid dropkicked that smug motherfucker in the face. Vote in a combat plan folks." and not just have this be walking into the proverbial slaughterhouse.
[X][Progression] It should take about a 1-2 years of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
[X][Progression] It should take several months of adventuring for Hazou to be able to throw hands with the average Jonin on stats alone (no seals, no tricks, no prep).
These two seem like more-or-less what I want, difficulty-wise: not becoming super-busted super-fast, but becoming more on-level with the threats we've needed to face.

Awww, but I wanted a cool ending. :p
Where's the Winter react when you need it?