Sure, I'll go through them and offer some remarks.
I don't know exactly how much ore Hazō can produce in a given amount of time, or how acute the shortage is, but this doesn't seem like a compelling use of Hazō's very valuable time. I could be convinced otherwise if we had more concrete information about how bad the shortage is, how long it would take Hazō, and how much the chakra would cost.
This I like in principle, but I don't know enough about the rules to say if a spear with invokable aspects would actually be realistic.
I think that if these items were affordable, ninja would already be buying them, and if not that's another large expense for us, and the supply chains for those items may not even exist yet. I'm also not sure what these hypothetical items would be, if not seals or weapons (see: iron shortage).
This seems like a decent thing to talk to Mari about in the abstract, but I suspect that (unless they've already thought about the answers to these questions) the result is that the QMs have to come up with some specifics that would otherwise be abstracted away. And I think the QMs have said they aren't interested in that kind of thing, so I'd rather it stayed abstracted away.
This one was mostly based on RandomOTP's comments regarding my economic war council plan. The impression that I got is we can make a ton of iron ore really fast. Separating one thing from another seemed to be pretty quick and we can make granite out of thin air. I believe we could make more than our current industrial base is going to use in the next several years in a day or two. And the ore quality will be way better.
I think we have enough money coming in that the supply thing would be a pretty minor expense. But I don't know what the things are or how useful it would be, so I honestly don't know how helpful this would be.
I do think it would be good to see if we can buy stuff that would make our people die less (trade for jutsu, get tutors, have TH people make a sucide jutsu for the FOOMers, etc).
I expect the problem with this is that there are a limited number of ninja and the Tower requires most of them for military tasks. If we aren't already hiring about as many ninja-hours as the Tower is willing to spare for till n' fills, I would support spending more money to do that.
This requires ninja semipermanently stationed in other cities to operate the seals. I'm not sure what the Tower would think of that.
New jutsu aren't very useful unless we have the ninja to use them (see above). I suspect the reason Mari hasn't already done this is that building walls is the most effective thing the Ministry can do with its ninja-hours, and they haven't finished that yet.
The trouble with propaganda is that it requires some skill to be effective, and can backfire if you aren't careful. I don't think we have anyone competent to handle this (the only people I would trust are Mari and Ami, but it's possible we could find someone else) who can be spared. Are there civilian propaganda specialists? Would it be possible to train someone to head this without consuming too much of Mari's time? I doubt it.
Do we actually know if Kagome's teachings have resulted in notably better safety results among the Gōketsu compared to other Leaf sealsmiths? Because our safety record certainly isn't perfect. And if it were an improvement, I think it wouldn't be trivial to train more people to effectively teach the Kagome safety procedures. Sealmasters who have been doing things their way for years aren't suddenly going to whole-heartedly adopt a new safety mindset and effectively teach it to students. I'd like to have a proper sealing academy eventually, but first we need to train the faculty, which is exactly what we're doing right now.
I have zero interest in this.
We collect taxes from these places and they don't exactly have to be able bodied to work a seal bank. There's only two cities of note near leaf, so I am pretty sure we can get two (or put a rotation). If we collect taxes from these places, we have to be stopping by reasonably regularly and a week long "work the seal bank" mission for a single genin that goes along with the "collect the taxes" team seems pretty darn doable.
I'm trying to build a case for a genin track for "support ninja" which aren't expected to be combat capable. Since everyone with chakra is drafted, it seems pretty likely that a bunch of people that aren't suited for combat are pushed in to it and die in the first few encounters. I think it would be useful to have an option for people who are terrible at fighting to serve honorably instead of just dying. More useful support ninja jutsu would help with that.
If our enemies can hire theater troupes to do plays about how terrible they are, why can't we hire theatre troups and writers that have ninja heros that treat civilians like people and villains that (among other things) publicly abuse their power over allied civillians. Make mistreating civillians become the "kick the puppy troupe". It doesn't have to be a religion. Just a narrative that shows up more often.
Regarding Kagome safety, there's the taggable "And the dances" aspect that can be used to do sealing research slowly but safely. I think that is sufficient evidence that there is something there.
Yes. Like the tower contest but with civilians contributing too. Money is useful for making good prizes
American culture has a habit of escaping it's borders. I was thinking we might do this intentionally with uplift themed cultural stuff (books, songs, etc).
The big reason why burning macerators could be useful is that you can use it in a trap 100+ times. That means something like a 100x improvement in chakra beast killing throughput compared to a disposable trap. And I think that might be enough to make it worth using with civilians setting them.
The dog plan has two major strategic goals. "humanize" the humans to the dogs so that they might be onboard with sharing jutsu with the Humans and identify trade goods that dogs would value. Prior updates have indicated that dogs have more or less unlimited meat that they can get reasonably easily. We have 99 people working to make food for the 1 that is not. So more food would allow a lot more work on not food stuff. Dogs can also work storage seals, so it shouldn't be hard for them to load it up... if they want to. PCJ would help our genin not die a ton if we could share it. Dogs might have something as good which we could ask Sasuke to adapt to human use (all day super smell so you never get surprised, etc).
The 7th path doesn't have chakra beasts but all of them have chakra. We know food is cheap to dogs. It might be the case for other clans too.
The chat invented a way to make roads be able to move forward basically as fast as chakra allows (don't smooth the ground, then cut it smooth with force knives). Ma and Pa have massive chakra pools and a trick that is likely to let them recharge their pools super fast. They would be phenomenal at making roads and walls, if only they cared to. We need to figure out how to make them care. Also, they are apparently S rank TH people? Would be great if they were actually motivated to put effort into helping us, either from trade or compassion.
However, they are super prideful so the plan tries to walk them into either caring more or offering to help.