You could, but consider the scale. The roots of corn grow around 1.5m deep. One acre is 4047 m^2, so in order to cover one acre sufficiently to grow corn (chosen somewhat arbitrarily as an example food crop) you need a depth of 2m. That means you need ~8000 m^3 of soil per acre. I'm having trouble finding clear numbers, but it looks like 12 acres was enough to support one family in the Middle Ages. If you want to allow Sand to support itself, you're going to need tens of millions of cubic meters of soil. Soil has a density of ~1.5 g/cm^3, meaning that you can fit roughly 66,666 cm^3 into a storage seal (the most that will fit within the 100kg weight limit), which is 0.06 m^3. That's a lot of storage seals.

Might be easier to just technique hack an earth jutsu that makes soil/converts sand into soil like MEW makes new granite then lmao
Might be easier to just technique hack an earth jutsu that makes soil/converts sand into soil like MEW makes new granite then lmao
Even if we TH MEW, this isn't feasible due chakra costs. MEW gives effect cubic meters of granite, assuming an amazing TH hacked version of MEW that gets 10*effect cubic meters of soil per cast we would still need to generate 10000 effect per farm.

"Fifth place: The Motoyoshi clan, for the contribution of three medicinal plants and a jutsu that enhances the fertility of soil while preparing it for seeding.

We could ask Asuma about trading this jutsu to Sand, he might not like it. It's a significant economic advantage to give up, but if Sand's cropland is marginal enough that it doesn't help them very much he might go for it.
We could also look into any plants that reduce desertification, though Sand would probably know more about this than we would. Still, maybe a Plant Element user could contribute a new insight, for instance
[x] Arrange 4 hours off in the evening after the dogs are safely in a skytower. You, Ino, and Akane can have dinner and discuss your future relationship.

[x] Send a team to the iron mine to start clearing the land

[x] Send a team to acquire land somewhere in Fire and clear it. Make it something that could be usable for farming.
[x] Bring Akane flowers from the 7th path
What better way to indicate entering the unknown together than bringing her flowers that literally aren't in Leaf flower language yet?

Normal bluebell: Grateful.
7th path bluebell: I fought cosmic horrors from beyond reality and (all I got was this stupid flower) I am grateful to be alive.
[x] Write Akane love letters
[x] Collect Weird/Cool/Pretty flowers from the 7th Path for Ino
[x] Bring Akane flowers from the 7th path

Let's get flowers for them both.
[x] Send a team to the iron mine to start clearing the land
[x] Steady as she goes. Listen to Canabisu, trust in your subordinates, wait for further developments.
[x] Ask Asuma for permission to ask River about the Kangaroo scroll
[x] Bring Akane flowers from the 7th path

i will also propose
[x] buy enough catnip to suply a small army.
we dont know about their policies regarding drugs but it may be useful as a bargain chip so i rather we have it than not, also keep them away from fifi
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Answer to important question that I did not note down the asker of:

When a dog/pangolin/etc is summoned, their body disappears from the Seventh Path. Their consciousness is put into the chakra body on the Human Path, and their real body reappears back on the Seventh Path when the chakra body ends, either voluntarily or violently.
Answer to important question that I did not note down the asker of:

When a dog/pangolin/etc is summoned, their body disappears from the Seventh Path. Their consciousness is put into the chakra body on the Human Path, and their real body reappears back on the Seventh Path when the chakra body ends, either voluntarily or violently.

That has some nice stealth applications for 7P missions, maybe? Yay!
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Can we have CP costs for Hazou's new summons?
They range in cost from 5 to 15, averaging about 10.

IMPORTANT NOTE: As you no doubt saw in the update in the discussion that was definitely there from the beginning and not added after I realized the issue, Hazō only has 260 CP. He is not capable of summoning all 20 of the puppies that Cannai had him contract. He certainly is not capable of summoning them 2x/day. As such, he has been summoning 10 per day -- 4 in the morning, then Cantily to report back to Cannai, then a different 4 in the evening, then Cantily to report back to Cannai. Cannai is pretty grumpy about this but acknowledges that there's nothing to be done about it. As a result of this, Hazō is at 100 CP from now until the mission ends unless he receives explicit permission to skip a check-in.
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Wouldn't it be hilarious if the Arachnids were on an island and we ended up going all the way around the continent without finding them?
Day 134. Encountered our first Arachnids. It seems we were too late to save the clan--they have been turned into horrific chittering creatures that fling foul things at us before fleeing into the foliage. Peaceful communication may not be possible.

Day 135. Proceeding deeper into Arachnid lands. Natives periodically appear to pelt us with rotting fruit, then disappear before we can retaliate. I am starting to feel like I can sense meaning in their chaotic chatter. Could my exposure to the Out have given me the ability to comprehend the minds of eldritch abominations? I almost wish it hadn't. I think they're... laughing at us.

Day 136. We've found a settlement with a large, colourful building that seems like it might be the Arachnid boss's lair. We debated for a while before deciding to infiltrate. If the creature still retains any fragment of its former self, perhaps it can help us save the clan. If not... we can at least offer it mercy. We sneak in after dark.

Day 137. My eyes. I would claw them out if I could. After my experiences with the Out, I thought I was prepared for anything. I was wrong. The garish, clashing colours that seared our vision. The cruel cacophony, like music being filtered through a completely alien mind. The haze in the air that smothered our alertness and seemed to amplify the call of our primal instincts. And at the heart of the building, in what must have once have been a luxurious sleeping chamber, we witnessed... no, I cannot speak of it. I will take the image to my grave.

Day 138. Spent the whole day apologising to Enma and his harem. They don't know how we ended up here either.
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Wait, I'm confused, I thought the update had Hazou contract with 19 puppies, plus Cantily?
Braino fixed, thanks. The point stands: You don't have the chakra to function as the Summoner that Cannai was hoping for. Indeed, you barely have the chakra to summon powerful Dogs (165 CP and up) and then keep fighting.
I take it that Cantily is a more expensive Dog (IE: 40CP)?
*starts to answer, detects trap*

Why do you ask?

*does math*


Cannai needs to balance the CP cost with the reliability of his communications link. Yes, Cantily is a bit older (and therefore more expensive) than the other dogs. We are handwaving the exact variability and cost of the dogs' summoning to get our 160 CP / day number and the current numbers seemed reasonable.
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*starts to answer, detects trap*

Why do you ask?

*does math*


Cannai needs to balance the CP cost with the reliability of his communications link. Yes, Cantily is a bit older (and therefore more expensive) than the other dogs. We are handwaving the exact variability and cost of the dogs' summoning to get our 160 CP / day number and the current numbers seemed reasonable.
Makes sense, thanks.

I was asking since Hazou's 260CP, minus the cost of summoning 10 Dogs/say (at the presumed 10CP/Dog) ought to have resulted in him having 160CP, not 100, hence the question.