Voting is open for the next 1 day, 14 hours
We should probably talk to Asuma about all this, and probably how Yuno and Nobs are cool with being married and legally married?

Perhaps with Shikamaru and/or Keiko in tow as well? Don't wanna repeat mistakes
PSA: Clarification has been made to the Shadow Clone rules.

  • After level 30, it gives a percentage bonus to XP per day based on number of clones training and training duration. Specifically, you gain +10% XP / clone / training block that you assign to training. Do not round the total. This applies only to the base XP award for an update, not to OOC XP, brevity bonuses, creative training bonuses, etc.

@Inferno Vulpix @Velorien and I have both been dragging tail lately and I know that we're missing some training plan implementations and XP awards. Could you please repost them for us?
We should probably talk to Asuma about all this, and probably how Yuno and Nobs are cool with being married and legally married?

Perhaps with Shikamaru and/or Keiko in tow as well? Don't wanna repeat mistakes

This is a good point. We have more time for Hagoromo shenanigans if we get them legally married first, before the deadline.
We should probably talk to Asuma about all this, and probably how Yuno and Nobs are cool with being married and legally married?

Perhaps with Shikamaru and/or Keiko in tow as well? Don't wanna repeat mistakes
I'm about to go into work, but I'll vote for an action plan that does this. I'd also like for Hazou to mention the revelation he had regarding power and clan headship, since it can be blown up to the Hokage level... Also some of our older plans that got pushed to the side in earlier chapters, like that non-human messaging system... But really, all anyone would have to do to secure my vote would be to include an "inform Asuma about Noburi and Yuno's official engagement" or something like that. (Low spoon supply today, might need to ping me)
PSA: Clarification has been made to the Shadow Clone rules.

  • After level 30, it gives a percentage bonus to XP per day based on number of clones training and training duration. Specifically, you gain +10% XP / clone / training block that you assign to training. Do not round the total. This applies only to the base XP award for an update, not to OOC XP, brevity bonuses, creative training bonuses, etc.

@Inferno Vulpix @Velorien and I have both been dragging tail lately and I know that we're missing some training plan implementations and XP awards. Could you please repost them for us?
@eaglejarl, @Velorien
There were two training plans voted in recently. The first concerns Keiko's Resolve stat, and when inquired about it you expressed ponwog that it would have only had time to go through by the end of Chapter 376, meaning it's only been in effect for Chapter 377:
[X] Training Keiko: Resolve
Resolve 23: 66 XP
Save 7 XP

This allows Keiko to maintain 4 SC training blocks per day instead of 3.
Ponwog: Bonus XP does not apply, Resolve training had not gone through before (not enough time) but goes through after the end of 376. @Velorien ?
The second concerns Akane's SC stat, raising it up to FOOM level. It was voted in this last cycle, meaning at best it only starts mattering next update:
[X] Training Akane: FOOM
Shadow Clone 30 [255]
Save 5XP

There are three SC calculations (out of four possible updates, I forgot for one):
SC Math:
Presuming that there was nothing getting in the way of Keiko's SC regimen this update, then by her SOP she would have trained with 3 clones, for a x1.3 modifier to her XP this update. The XP payout this update was 3 XP, so Keiko got +0.9 XP.

(If SC applies to the +1 brevity XP, then Keiko got +1.2 XP, but I don't know if that applies or not)

(If the Keiko training plan from this tally went through then she would be training with 4 clones, for +1.2 or +1.6 bonus XP, depending on whether brevity XP counts)

@eaglejarl, @Velorien
With bonus XP not applying and Keiko's Resolve training not going through, this update comes to +0.9 XP for Keiko.
SC Math:
@eaglejarl @Velorien
This update we had 4 base XP and 2 bonus XP (and I still don't know if SC applies to bonus XP or not)
Keiko is the only person currently getting SC XP, presuming that nothing interrupted her FOOM schedule. Keiko gets one of the following bonuses, based on the following factors I have not heard word about:
  • +1.2 XP (4 x 0.3) (bonus XP doesn't apply, the Resolve training plan didn't go through)
  • +1.8 XP (6 x 0.3) (bonus XP does apply, Resolve training plan didn't go through)
  • +1.6 XP (4 x 0.4) (bonus XP doesn't apply, Resolve training plan went through)
  • +2.4 XP (6 x 0.4) (bonus XP does apply, Resolve training plan went through)
I apologize for having four separate possible values here, but I don't know if the bonus XP payouts are covered by SC or not (I don't think so but I'm not sure) and I don't know if Keiko is at Resolve 20 or Resolve 23, which changes the number of clones she can train with and thus the XP multiplier.

In addition, the last (and first) time I calculated these numbers is provided here:

To my knowledge, the SC bonus has not been applied to Keiko's character sheet.
Under similar conditions, Keiko earns +1.2 XP from that update.
SC Math:
@eaglejarl, @Velorien
This update we had 4 base XP, and Keiko is currently FOOMing (Akane I think only gets SC 30 at this update, and thus needs to wait for next update to take effect). Keiko's training plan has now gone through so she is now at Resolve 23, which by her SOP means she runs 4 clones in good conditions.
  • Keiko: +1.6 XP (4 x0.4)
There are 2 unaccounted previous payouts, found below: (the quoted post also itself quotes another payout post)
Under the assumption that Keiko's Resolve training plan has gone through at this point, Keiko earns +1.6 XP from this update.

And while that covers everything up until now, there's something on my mind about the future:
Our SOP for SC training dynamically scales up and down the number of shadow clones training based on things like extant Consequences. This is not a problem in updates covering only one day, as we can derive that scaling at the time of the calculation, but if you pose a month-long timeskip, we wouldn't be able to perform that scaling without knowing when and if we took a Consequence.

In other words, there are three options: abandon the idea of dynamic SOPs and give a fixed number of clones no matter the context, you read the SOPs to inform their simulation of the Resolve checks, or we perform the simulation ourselves and tell you what we rolled.

The first option is simplest, but suboptimal for growth and the inflexibility can introduce bigger problems down the line. The second option would work, but giving you extra work is suboptimal in my book. The third option, though, can be kept honest with public discord rolls, allowing us to follow the SOP and tell you what the exact result is without any additional trouble to you.

I personally favor the discord roll option, but let me know what you think is best.
[x] Interlude
[x]Interlude: What's Honoka Up To?
[x]Interlude: Meanwhile, In Mist...
[x]Interlude: Kagome and Akane Finish the Decryption

[x] Action Plan: Talk to Asuma

Run things through Mari, Yuno, Noburi etc. Take input and optimize.
  • Go with Kagome and Akane to deliver the spy network notes to Asuma ASAP.
    • Bring Yuno and Noburi
    • While there:
      • Update him on how things with the Dog Clan are going.
      • Have Noburi do the same with the Toads.
      • Update him on how the Yuno situation is going: she and Noburi want to get married. They'd be open to doing so both legally and in a ceremony according to Leaf customs. There's this issue with the Hagoromo though. See you got this letter from Hinata...
        • Bring the letter and show him.
        • Is this a problem?
  • Grab Shikamaru and Keiko and Mari (and Ami maybe?)
    • CCNJ:We should probably go talk to Asuma about all this, unlike last time where we didn't do that and this was a big problem in terms of us actually accomplishing our goals.
      • He is the Hokage afterall.
      • Ami mentioned something about "not destroying clans without a Kage's permission" and it got us thinking...
      • We might get some brownie points with him by letting him know/asking his preferences on the matter. Similarly, if he finds out that we just Kagome'd the Hags without letting him know or asking for permission, its not a good look...
    • Workshop how to approach him (and who should approach him) on "Conversation: Sort-of-incapacitating the Hagoromo" in a way that wouldn't set him off.
      • Ideas:
        • Maybe just frame it as economic headbutting and making them our political pawn? Seems like that's totally fair game...
        • Emphasize it isn't going to affect them in a way that would affect their ability to serve the Hidden Leaf. (Similarly to how the Hyuuga basically owned the Hagoromo previously).
        • Perhaps the Nara could spin up a quick CBA on what a Gouketsu-Nara directed Hagoromo would look like? With graphs and pictures?
        • Repeated: We might stand a lot to gain in his eyes by at least asking him about his preferences for how we go about this.
      • Take input from everyone. Optimize.
    • Once that's done, make any preparations required and go chat with the Hokage.
  • Go with the group and have the "Conversation: Sort-of-incapacitating the Hagoromo" with Asuma
    • Have this conversation according to whatever was concluded in the aforementioned meeting.
    • Look to Mari/Keiko/Shikamaru for help if things get sticky.
    • We thought you would appreciate us coming to you before doing anything surprising or potentially unwise, sir.
      • (Subtext: Lesson learned)
      • You are the Hokage afterall, and these are your ninja and your citizens too.

Feel free to yoink and make edits, feels like a really shitty plan atm FMPOV. Won't be able to maintain.
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I approve of the concept, but I don't know if Asuma is going to care enough about Yuno's choice. My greatest fear is him saying "in that case, we'll just have Yuno marry Neji." I'm also uncertain how to broach the topic of the Hagoromo - what do we say? They insulted us and are attacking us as a clan so we're responding? Either we're out of line in the first place and we're going to be admonished, or we aren't and there's no need to tell him. I think you have it phrased the best way - here's what happening and why you don't need to be worried about it - but do we need to do it?

These are kind of based off of my personal interpretation, so maybe you all see this differently?
I'll vote for any plan that includes a scene of kagome infusing and using a Jiraiyas Awesome seal for us, ping me here or on discord if one comes up please
[x] Interlude
[x]Interlude: What's Honoka Up To?
[x]Interlude: Meanwhile, In Mist...
[x]Interlude: Kagome and Akane Finish the Decryption

[x] Action Plan: Talk to Asuma

Great plan, I'll poke my brain later.
I approve of the concept, but I don't know if Asuma is going to care enough about Yuno's choice. My greatest fear is him saying "in that case, we'll just have Yuno marry Neji." I'm also uncertain how to broach the topic of the Hagoromo - what do we say? They insulted us and are attacking us as a clan so we're responding? Either we're out of line in the first place and we're going to be admonished, or we aren't and there's no need to tell him. I think you have it phrased the best way - here's what happening and why you don't need to be worried about it - but do we need to do it?

These are kind of based off of my personal interpretation, so maybe you all see this differently?
Not sure how to help the Hag issue. But Asuma will DEF care about Yuno's opinion. Yuno can't be Leaf's advocate in Isan if she doesn't care about Leaf, or if she has a grudge against Leaf for making her marry someone whose proposal she declined.
Hey, y'know who has more religious clout than anybody? Cloud. That major state which Leaf really wants to keep on its good side while it deals with Rock. Having a major figure from them officiate the very first inter-village wedding would presumably help with that.

Gee, if only B owed his life to the Gouketsu or we had some way of contacting the notoriously irreverent Grandmaster F.

It might allow the defusion of the treason bomb as well.

The more I think about it, the more I kick myself for not noticing Jiraiya's genjutsu seal.

"Makes people nearby fearful. Danger of friendly fire."

*Do not use near potential observers*

"Banshee slayers are not a counter."

*Seriously, nobody else around, Hazou*

"Might make some subjects angry instead."

*I'm not kidding, this is the good stuff*

This from the world's greatest sealmaster who spent the last three years compiling his sealing knowledge in a project we still haven't identified and which the Third considered extremely important despite being a ninjutsu god who held sealing in general contempt. Also the guy who knew that Hazou can instantly download seals into his head, including unnecessarily ornate ones.
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Biggest change is that we deliver the news about NoburixYuno alongside the Hagoromo plans, assuming Asuma seems to not be in a iwanttokillyouhazou mood.

[X] Action Plan: Talk to Asuma EDITED
Word Count: 298

Optimize/sanity-check with Mari, Noburi, Keiko, Ami, etc. as appropriate.
  • Our Hagoromo plans:
    • We should probably go talk to Asuma about this since he's the Hokage and last time us not talking with him had...well.
      • Ami mentioned "not destroying clans without a Kage's permission" Kagome'ing the Hagoromo without discussion isn't a good look, whereas talking to him may net us brownie points.
    • Workshop how (AND WHO) to approach him in a way that wouldn't set him off:
      • Argue that the Hagoromo's actions are endangering Leaf through this petty spat, given Yuno's wishes to marry Noburi.
        • An alliance built on a foundation of fear and mistrust is more likely to crumble than one built on love and respect.
      • Frame it as economic headbutting and making them our political pawn?
      • Emphasize that it won't affect their ability to serve Konoha (like how the Hyuga owned them previously).
      • Spin a CBA on what a Gouketsu/Nara-directed Hagoromo would look like, with graphs and pictures?
      • Emphasis: We might stand a lot to gain in his eyes by at least asking him about his preferences for how we go about this.
    • Make any preparations required.
  • Deliver Jiraiya's spy notes to Asuma ASAP. While there, update him on how things are going with the Dogs/Toads.
    • Let Asuma know Yuno's decided to marry Noburi, in a manner appropriate to Leaf customs.
      • There's the issue with the Hagoromo, though. <show him Hinata's letter>
      • Is this a problem?
    • Depending on Asuma's mood/response, let him know our plans for the Hagoromo.
      • We thought you'd appreciate us coming to you before doing anything (Subtext: Lesson learned).
        • You're the Hokage, and these are your ninja and your citizens too.
        • If he doubts we've learned our lesson, reference our revelation in the wake of the Ikenaga affair.
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Voting is open for the next 1 day, 14 hours