Speaking of Macerators, though, I wonder what would happen if we introduced temperature changes to our payloads? Maybe chemical reactions, by forcing otherwise inert materials into combining into something appropriately horrifying by adding extremely hot materials, that wouldn't be possible the normal way due to byproducts or something? Or maybe just add molten iron with cold water or ice and make another massive bomb.
MMKII Weapon Schematic 75 has us using red-hot metal scraps as projectiles.
(Dunno if that would cut it. Structural integrity of metal vs temperature ain't my bailiwick).
A) Mostly my point is that theres a couple dozen minor variations we can make on things as simple as storage seals or explosives that go like:
1) What if (Modification)?
2) *Do (Modification)*
3) Plug (Modified Seal) into Munchkin.exe
waiting waiting waiting
5) Congratulations! You have created a blueprint for a horrifyingly deadly weapon of decently-large-scale destruction and desolation!
6) Do minor tests on a toy version
7) (In case of war) Drop on Rock from a few miles overhead.
B) But theres also things to be considered along the lines of
1) What if (Modification)?
2) *Do (Modification)*
3) Plug (Modified Seal) into 21stCenturySocialNorms.exe
waiting waiting waiting
5) " Why the fuck wouldn't we hand one of these to literally everyone capable of getting a +5 to it if it isn't our best stuff and also helps us layeth the military smackdown?"
6) Do small scale efficacy tests with a small group of clanless folks. Add said seal to the "Stockpile this" list.
7) (In case of war) Give everyone + 5 seals.
C) And then theres always:
HAZOU: So theres these jutsu called "Ghost Scales" and "Pangolin Training Jutsu" and "Pantokrators Hammer" that I'd like you guys to learn.
LEE: Sounds youthful! Is this why I was just adopted?
AKANE: Youthful as fuck. Lee and I will be so strong after learning these.
NARUTO: Why are you giving me this? I'm not in your clan! Clan secrets! Pangolin will be mad!
HAZOU: Listen here son:
One: Fuck the clan stuff, fuck the votes. You are now unofficially adopted, I'll fill out the paperwork later.
NARUTO: I don't know if I want--
HAZOU: Two! Listen to number two!!! You can make
dozens of yourself that all have bullshit chakra. I saw those Substitutions you absolutely spammed a few weeks ago just to play a cute little shell game! You can
also train with these clones to master said techniques super fast! Why would I *not* give these to you???? Why would I not want dozens of Naruto clones with at least 4 armor running around, that can also boost ridiculously before running people through with that bullshit hax Rasengan sphere nonsense!? What kind of madmen --
madman do you take me for???
NARUTO: But the Pangolin--
HAZOU: Three: Who
fucking cares about the Pangolin's opinions of us at this point? Do you have
any idea how many different ways I can reframe any objections they might have to this in a way that makes
them come off as the bad guys!? Do you think the other summon clans wouldn't go along with that, given that it matches the general preconceived notions of "Pangolins are xenophobic dicks." with a bit of a twist? Not to mention what Mari could do!
NARUTO: That's not even a good argument though because you have no guarantee that--
HAZOU: No! No, listen to me for a
second here. Just
one second. This entire "Pangolins will badmouth us and ruin our chances of doing politics on their plane" thing, is reliant on so many social dynamics being abstracted away to such a degree that its just completely inaccurate to proceed as if this is a given! First and foremost, this is super dependent on them
talking to other summoning clans! They're the
isolationist and xenophobic clan! Maybe, just maybe they'll convince some other pile of jerks on the 7th Path to have their summoner form a gang here and execute us in retaliation. but does it really matter given the circumstances? We're
already public enemy number one to half of the villages in this scenario. Second, when in the history of forever was the overriding opinion of a group based on hearsay from another
rival group? At worst it might come back to bite us with the Toads, but I think we can mitigate this decently given their history with Jiraiya so long as we get Noburi training on this summoning stuff like, immediately.
NARUTO: Something could still go wrong though, like isn't it entirely possible that--
HAZOU: Oh for fuck's sake! The
only universe in which this ever becomes a problem is the one in which
you actually have to use these techniques in battle to get an overwhelming advantage! So as applied to this upcoming war, we will probably have been very glad that we made sure that you had them beforehand as opposed to trying it
at the last minute and almost certainly not giving you enough time to prevent the tens of thousands of deaths that would result in such a long and drawn out stalemate of a conflict as would require the use of them in the first place! Just treat them as a trump card and don't wave them around like you would any other secret jutsu, and make sure you kill anyone hostile that sees you use them a couple times over. If they're friendlies, then we talk to whoever summoners there are in Leaf after the fact-- like Asuma --and just tell them not to mention it. They'll probably agree because they'll like a) winning this war and b)not being dead in a ditch somewhere!
NARUTO: I still don't like this.
HAZOU: Shut up and take these buffs!!!