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[x] Ami Plan: Aided by Their Respective Inter-Universal Horrors, Two Lunatics Talk to Each Other
Wordcount: 471.
During the first meeting, Ami made the following suggestion:
Wordcount: 471.
- Immediate reaction: grin ominously, say "yes, sir".
- Optimize everything below with the clan.
- Goals. Determine:
- How serious Ami is about the marriage.
- Whether she could treat you as a proper ally — at least when you represent the clan.
- Why she cast Keiko aside.
- Guidelines:
- Precommitments (overriding priority):
- Don't talk about OPSEC-sensitive topics. Avoid topics of uncertain confidentiality.
- Avoid commitments, unless Jiraiya explicitly allowed you to make any.
- Maintain mental balance.
- Assume that all displays of emotions are deliberate — if not necessarily fake. Expect mood whiplashes.
- Don't be intimidated by threats: they're bluffs (probably).
- Precommitments (overriding priority):
- Clothes: formal, clan colours + an ornamental kunai.
- Meet in the pre-established location, then move to the waters for privacy. Split up to get there, if necessary.
- (For Jiraiya) Take a pre-planned route optimized for spotting pursuers?
- Have a backup ANBU watch you from the shore. Inform Ami of this.
- Start by establishing a scheme to confirm integrity of letters. (Example: "nth letter of every sentence follows a pattern".)
- Serious discussion:
- Guidelines:
- Demeanour: calm but serious.
- Don't let Ami sidetrack you, or continue obfuscating. Insist on directness.
- She probably won't like it. If she persists in trying to play games, even after several warnings, calmly say that you'll be waiting for her reply and leave.
- Topics:
- Does Ami want to join forces with you?
- For political and personal reasons, you're willing to use your status as the clan heir to push for allying with her, marriage included if necessary. However, you'd need a clear statement of intent, with no further mindgames.
- Some of her actions suggest she is in danger. Does she need help?
- If she lies, we precommit to treat it as a major betrayal, regardless of the lie's actual consequences.
- (Don't confront her regarding Keiko until this is sorted out.)
- For political and personal reasons, you're willing to use your status as the clan heir to push for allying with her, marriage included if necessary. However, you'd need a clear statement of intent, with no further mindgames.
- If Ami stated she'd like to work together, bring up Keiko:
- Whatever Ami did when they met, it left Keiko convinced she hates her. With Ami's level of control, you doubt it's unintentional. Is it true? Why?
- Letter #1 hurt her. It's partially your fault, but Ami is responsible too. Is she is going to treat Keiko with disregard? If so, you doubt you could be close allies.
- Does Ami want to join forces with you?
- Guidelines:
- If everything goes well (i. e., you get an honest answer, regardless of its contents):
- Move back to the shore. Have a picnic, make small-talk.
- Act more relaxed and friendly. Do not forget the precommitments.
- Is it cold outside? Plagiarize ISC: bring chairs, a table, warm blankets, an iron barrel filled with fuel, socks filled with heated sand.
- (Leave scrolls with the ANBU until then?)
- (1 FP) Offer her some Ichiraku ramen. Mention that Teuchi made it for us: everyone in Leaf loves his cooking.
- Has she ever played any board games? If no, is she interested?
- Avoid innuendos.
- Hand her a post-interaction survey.
- Move back to the shore. Have a picnic, make small-talk.
- Deleted "to consider" section, since it's something Hazou already considered.
- @Rafin: clarified instructions about insisting on directness and precommiting to treat her as hostile if she lies. Are the changes satisfactory?
- Regarding "losing the ego", I'll refer to Roomba's post.
- @Lord Marshal:
- It's not clear whether being an envoy is something she, or Mist, or Jiraiya would find acceptable, so I'm not sure it's a good idea to mention it at this time. We could bring up this option once we have a clearer picture of her goals.
- Expanding on small-talk: I think we should leave this to Hazou's own judgment, as the level of "openness" would heavily depend on how the serious section goes. It's entirely possible that we won't even get to that. If we do, I think Hazou would manage earnestness on his own.
- @Roomba: I'm inclined to be lenient. I think cooperating with her would be highly beneficial (provided we're actually able to get her to cooperate), and as you've stated, her probable need to feel in control is a known quantity. I don't think we should risk sabotaging our relations by deliberately pressing one of her buttons and then cutting ties if she acts exactly as we expect her to.
During the first meeting, Ami made the following suggestion:
This may be a good way to frame the "serious" part of the discussion. Additionally, adopting one of her suggestions may make her feel more comfortable with that part (i. e., more in control). What do we think about belatedly accepting it?You do not require the comfort of arbitrary patterns of interaction? If so, we may continue much more efficiently by relying on a properly structured system. Branching linear structures surpass unconstrained spontaneity for our purpose, and the advantages in terms of managing uncertain power dynamics and adversarial information exchange are too obvious to state.
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