[x] Subvote: 225-231=Ask for her professional opinion on necromancy.
[x] Subvote: 232-239=Ask her on her opinion of polyamorous relationships.
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[x] Ami Plan: One Assuredly Containing No Disastrous Oversights

[x] SV Dates Ami

[x] Subvote: 1-6=Ask for Ami's hand in marriage.

[x] Subvote: 54-63="By the way, I'm a distributed consciousness from another dimension"

[x] Subvote: Busy Beaver(number of subvotes) mod 300=Screaming
[X] Subvote 20-27="Lore Update. Lore Update. Lore Update. Lore Update."

[x] Subvote: 54-63="By the way, I'm a distributed consciousness from another dimension"

[X] Subvote 64-87="The constituent members of my external brain feed me all sorts of incredibly destructive weapons designs. Think landmass reshaping and go up from there."
[X] Subvote: 54-63="By the way, I'm a distributed consciousness from another dimension"
[X] Subvote 64-87="The constituent members of my external brain feed me all sorts of incredibly destructive weapons designs. Think landmass reshaping and go up from there."
[X] Subvote 88-96="They are not that good at social dynamics, however."
[X] Subvote 97-109="Would you like this block of ice? I heard you Moris like ice."
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I hope that, even if SV Dates Ami doesn't win this vote (and it really, really shouldn't), one of the QMs keeps the end product tucked away for a rainy day so we can see in an interlude what this would actually turn out like.
First: You say for Hazou to be honest, but then immediately thereafter have him lying about his reasons for meeting Ami. In the chapter where Hazou asked for Jiraiya's permission to meet Ami, his reasons for doing so were political -- to help Jiraiya get a better read on her -- and for Keiko. Hazou has never expressed interest in meeting her because she is a prodigy.

I am not seeing the lie?

The meeting is absolutely going to have a political component to it, that is inevitable.

Hazou saying he wants to meet her because she is a prodigy is also true. Just because he didn't list it as a reason for Jiraiya does not make it untrue and as our avatar we want to meet her in part because she is such a meme-worthy prodigy so our truth becomes Hazou's truth.

Heck, if Ami asks why you wanted to meet us, Hazou is going to say something along the lines of "Because I want to figure you out and you might be less guarded around me than you'd be around Jiraiya" because of the honesty clause.


That said, the honesty clause might need a bit of refining just so it is clear that it is not number one priority, i.e. that Ami can't just ask whether we have any WMDs and then the honesty compel kicks in and Hazou tells her all about them. He shouldn't do that because of the OPSEC bullet points but when it's phrased like "tell the truth when appropriate" this could become an issue on other points.

Some samples:

AMI: Want to talk about Keiko?
HAZOU: Yes. / No, lets postpone that until the second meeting.

Both scenarios are valid intepretations because we have two different bullet points governing his reply there. Honesty and the Family bullet point.

AMI: Did you come here to manipulate me?

Probably not a good thing to say even if Hazou thinks it's appropiate or would this fall under not being rude? It's a tricky thing because our interpretation might differ from that of the QMs (I would say it is not rude, just blunt and to the point, personally.)
We also wouldn't want Hazou to tell Ami that he hates her because she hurt Keiko. He shouldn't be saying it because of the "Thoughts" bullet point but there is always a chance that it could be misinterpreted as well.

Anyway, my suggestion would be to make it clear that "honesty where appropriate" has a lower priority than the other guide lines he has to follow, and is more constrained than "unless you are being rude". Maybe some rephrasing or reshuffling of the bullet points would make this clearer.

I think being honest is the way to go but my prediction would be that if the meeting goes off the rails it would be likely because of that part of the plan.

E: Can we add this second bullet point?
  • If put off-balance: keep your cool, mentally distance yourself.
    • She may try to convince you of her falling-out with Keiko (if it's fake) by e. g. subtly insulting her, or drawing parallels to Hana's exile. Don't let anger control you.
    • Don't let her fluster you either if she tries to playfully hit on you just to see you squirm.
Cause she is definitely gonna play up the charm on a relatively inexperienced teenage boy if she thinks it will give her an advantage.
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For reference, the original invitation plan had Hazō giving Jiraiya reasons why he wanted to see Ami. It didn't say anything about whether those were his real reasons, as opposed to just what he was saying in order to get permission.
For reference, the original invitation plan had Hazō giving Jiraiya reasons why he wanted to see Ami. It didn't say anything about whether those were his real reasons, as opposed to just what he was saying in order to get permission.

Yeah, that was my read on it as well.

Did you guys decide on whether Hazou can make the seal stamp in time for the date btw?
After some thought, I think it's fair for me to offer this:

One duty of a clan head is to train his heir. It's unstated at this point whether Hazō or Noburi is the heir (Keiko definitely is not interested), but it would be perfectly reasonable to think it was Hazō. He could therefore go to Jiraiya and ask to be brought into some high-level meetings with orders to sit silently against the wall and observe, or help with paperwork, or etc.

I'm not saying he would go for it at all, and depending on what you ask for he might tell you that you're not ready. Still, there are undoubtedly non-classified things that he does as Hokage that he would be willing to let you in on.
Guys... I just realized we already have an easily mass produced shielding jutsu.

Take two airwalker seals. Put one just above your wrist, the second just under your elbow. "Water walk" through your arm, and you have a shield.

Now the entirety of ninja R&D is figuring out ways to break air dome seals, and ways to stop those counters. Yay?
Guys... I just realized we already have an easily mass produced shielding jutsu.

Take two airwalker seals. Put one just above your wrist, the second just under your elbow. "Water walk" through your arm, and you have a shield.

Now the entirety of ninja R&D is figuring out ways to break air dome seals, and ways to stop those counters. Yay?
Good thought, but non-Hyūga cannot emit chakra from any part of their body except the hands and feet. Therefore, no waterwalking through your arm.
Just to be clear:

I meant something like this but with a much simpler motive on the bottom, and not a stamp to create the ninja magic paper.
Ah, that makes more sense. Hazō has no skill at woodworking so whatever he produces will be laughably crude, but if all you want to do is make the cat emoticon then he could probably have something put together in a couple of hours. He's definitely got some storage seals with firewood in them that he could use.

Also, y'all might want to consider actually sinking some XP into a carving skill. This is not the first time you've wanted to make something.
Good thought, but non-Hyūga cannot emit chakra from any part of their body except the hands and feet. Therefore, no waterwalking through your arm.

...what about the forehead? Leave Concentration Practice is a thing in canon. Though I could imagine problems with that given you wouldn't be able to move your head while the shield is up.

Regardless, you could still put one on the palm of your hand. If we get Macerator guns working you could have a shield seal in one hand, a gun seal in the other, and skywalkers on your feet...
After some thought, I think it's fair for me to offer this:

One duty of a clan head is to train his heir. It's unstated at this point whether Hazō or Noburi is the heir (Keiko definitely is not interested), but it would be perfectly reasonable to think it was Hazō. He could therefore go to Jiraiya and ask to be brought into some high-level meetings with orders to sit silently against the wall and observe, or help with paperwork, or etc.

I'm not saying he would go for it at all, and depending on what you ask for he might tell you that you're not ready. Still, there are undoubtedly non-classified things that he does as Hokage that he would be willing to let you in on.

We'll just offer to do some of his busy-work paperwork for him in exchange. Win win.