Maybe it's just me, but bringing a gift seems too forward. This isn't a date, and we're not trying to thank Ami for something. I think it would give the wrong impression. Maaaybe we could do an elaborate calligraphy ^_^ modeled after the one she put in her letter, on a scroll intended for wall hanging as a semi-joke gift? It's clever and amusing without coming across as a confession gift, I think.

As for conversational topic planning for the Ami meeting itself, I think we:
  • Want Ami's advice on how we can best help and support Keiko, both generally and in particular with her 'I am just a tool' thing.
  • Want to find out Ami's political goals, and what her faction is/wants/who it's made up of.
  • Ask what she thinks about uplift ideas, mentioning various proposals. If she seems enthusiastic, see if she would in principle be onboard with working together on proposals that cross borders/help everyone.
I must admit, I think we could make a nice small-but-playful gift by drawing ^_^ in elaborate calligraphy and telling Ami we found that so funny we had to draw it.

I would indeed support this in a plan.
her secret genjutsu trap seal
I'm pretty sure it's just a hypercompetitive memetic agent, not a seal. Source: it infected the hivemind through a purely textual medium.

I think it's the kind of thing she could easily generate at will, with her mastery of that Lovecraftian entity plugged into her mind.
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I'm pretty sure it's just a hypercompetitive memetic agent, not a seal. Source: it infected the hivemind through a purely textual medium.

I think it's the kind of thing she could easily generate at will, with her mastery of that Lovecraftian entity plugged into her mind.

In which case it tells her that she succeeded and should begin taking actions on the assumption that Leaf is going to collapse beneath a hypervirulent cognitodemic next month.

I'm less serious about objections to this gift. The calligraphy emogi or stamp is probably the only personalized gift which might be safe enough due to its content coming straight from her. We could even ask J if he wants to make and modifications or concealed additions before giving it, though I suspect that the gift is going to be thrown straight into the ocean right after lunch for exactly the same reasons.
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This will be one heck of a meeting, won't it? I am wondering how many pranks can she pull off in one meeting:

For one, she invited us to restaurant with experimental cousine. For all we know, she already ordered us a fresh chakra octopus, deadliest meal you can buy in Mist.
For two, she may actually go the flirtatious route, if only to rattle us and make Hazou slip up. Hell, she could even press the Akane issue (is your girlfriend okay with us meeting like that? ;P), and find out/infere that they are no longer together.
For three... she's gonna hit us with something unexpected. Like the disguise in Tua's omake.

Do we have any pranks Hazou can pull on her? Any jokes or surprises that would keep her off balance, if only for a milisecond?
Do we have any pranks Hazou can pull on her? Any jokes or surprises that would keep her off balance, if only for a milisecond?

Note that you didn't specify that the idea should have a positive outcome so here you go:

Hazou will buy a ninja puppet, repurpose it to look like Keiko and then make it talk during the date. Bonus points if he unseals it mid-conversation about a completely unrelated topic.

E: I guess the ^_^ stamp is a go then since the other popular alternative won't be possible to make in time?
Last edited: the insane-paranoid part of me is saying that we should get Noburi to keep Keiko away so that she doesn't get pushed into seeing our meeting. I know it seems a bit OOC for Ami to do this, but someone in the know who wants to screw us to achieve their goals (e.g., Mist warmongers, a Kage who wants to stop the Leaf-Mist alliance) could try this.
Hazou will buy a ninja puppet, repurpose it to look like Keiko and then make it talk during the date. Bonus points if he unseals mid-dinner.
Oh god, that's an idea alright.
... Speaking of Keiko:
We need to introduce Ami to Keiko's fan club.
In fact, she could become the president of the Mist branch of the fanclub!
Who knows- she could resurrect Mewramasa, so that he comes back if not in body, then in spirit.

Edit: Maybe name the Mist branch by his name? "Mewrama's Disciples"
Keiko would be the first disciple, and most special student of their belowed master.
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Does the team have any ice left over? If Keiko is any indication the Voice leads to Mori being absolutely fascinated by ice. It would be a fitting contribution to a lunch at an experimental cuisine restaurant in tropical/subtropical Mist. If I recall correctly, it was cut out of a through-frozen lake, so the deeper portions are probably exceptionally pure and clear. Perhaps carve it into glasses to drink chilled wine from?
Does the team have any ice left over? If Keiko is any indication the Voice leads to Mori being absolutely fascinated by ice. It would be a fitting contribution to a lunch at an experimental cuisine restaurant in tropical/subtropical Mist. If I recall correctly, it was cut out of a slow-frozen lake, so the deeper portions are probably exceptionally pure and clear. Perhaps carve it into glasses to drink chilled wine from?
something something cold stone killers something something screaming in Kagome
Do we have any pranks Hazou can pull on her? Any jokes or surprises that would keep her off balance, if only for a milisecond?
Propose to her.
Start giving her a completely ordinary explosive seal as a gift, then look at it again and yank it back, saying "Wait, NOT THAT ONE!" Proceed to pretend like nothing happened.
Give her a pink shuriken with badly drawn unicorns painted on it as a gift. Explain that it's your final shuriken. Tell her the idea came to you in a dream.

Ask to join her fan club.
Ask if she would like to join Keiko's fan club.
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Give her a pink shuriken with badly drawn unicorns painted on it as a gift. Explain that it's your final shuriken. Tell her the idea came to you in a dream.


...this...can we even do that?

I don't remember that part of the story well, but I suppose that she'd assume we found out from Keiko rather than arcane hivemind powers.

In any case, is anyone else in favor of the fancy calligraphied ^.^ wall scroll? It shouldn't take long for Hazou to make.

...this...can we even do that?

I don't remember that part of the story well, but I suppose that she'd assume we found out from Keiko rather than arcane hivemind powers.

In any case, is anyone else in favor of the fancy calligraphied ^.^ wall scroll? It shouldn't take long for Hazou to make.
Thats meta gaming too much in my opinion. I don't think Hazou knows about the pink shuriken.
Could we write the ^_^ as a seal blank? And then give it to her?

... I am not sure why though.

Maybe a flirt? "Your smile is as dangerous as a failed bioseal on my heart."
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Alright, I'm willing to write up an Ami meeting plan. What else do people want us to ask her/talk about?
No politics or anything that Jiraiya wanted us not to talk about. Or Keiko.

Something to break the ice. Dislike, like. Goals if any.
If you don't want us to find out Ami's political goals or inclinations or anything about her faction or find out anything that could help us support Keiko, then what in the world do you want us to use the meeting for?