I say we make like two trees and fuck off.


1) Run up pillar and hope no one notices (I dislike this).

2) Run to ground and use Hiding like a Mole. (Perhaps we could hide in that tunnel for a bit, but I think it may be booby trapped to Hell by now by someone else. No guarantees)

3) Spend some fate points and use substitution to get us out of here.

Hn. We can fix that.

*tosses goo bomb behind us as we run away*
I think we have done enough, this is going pretty tits up and I'd think it prudent not to give our mystery enemy any more openings. Someone's had our number this entire event and I think it's wise to play it (relatively) safe from here on out.




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Eh, it didn't exactly end up like we wanted it to but we still managed to accomplish our goal and flip the board.

I'm sure that nothing can go wrong after that.
I wanted to call everyone's attention to an apparently overlooked detail:

"All right. Let's do this. But I'll be counting on you to keep the other two reined in. And if you can, try to catch Urahara the Fur Trader in the crossfire."


"Because I'm pretty sure he's the leader of Team Mugiwara, and for some reason he has it in for me personally."

Team Mugiwara is the team which tracked us in Hot Springs after the incident. And its leader is likely the guy who can track people based on a blood sample with his bloodline.

It obviously is. What's Team uplift's call sign? Explosives. Who just triggered a seal? Hazō. Who is no where near the disaster? Super Team Leaf. We are prime suspects

Team Uplift's call sign is explosives to us, given full background knowledge. We haven't actually exploded anything since our arrival in Mist. If someone wanted to pin this on Hazou, this isn't a particularly effective way. More likely than not, it's just an opportunistic attack by a not-so-clever ninja.
I think trusting the proctors to handle the stampede is the right move.

Nihil supernum.

Really it does boil down to a moral decision:

Do we try to stop people from getting hurt from the stampede or not?

I think the answer is "No."

There are multiple reasons for this:

1) I actually don't see what we could do besides throwing goo bombs? Everything else seems like it would be extremely harmful. Even something benign like setting up more misterators may cause the front of the stampede to falter.

But even gooing everything up could cause problems. The least of which is getting us completely DQed and probably fucked as far as the exam goes from the point loss from popping all those henges. The safest option may well be to let it run its course.

2) Honestly it seems like the proctors would have to intervene if it comes to the point where X amount of people are getting trampled to death. If a bunch of genin and civilians die due to this shit that's some major major egg on their face.

3) As noted above if we try to stop the stampede it will come off as a tacit admission of guilt.

So we also have to take into consideration it's almost surely the case that the EM effect is still on, in which case people are going to running quite quickly through some alcoholic mist and into a very hot (and soon to be humid) area.

The MEW wedge should help. And I don't think this increases our chances of getting blamed. Some of the proctors are jonin. They know who threw that seal. If they want to blame us regardless, they already have enough circumstantial evidence.

I say we make a MEW wedge, and use it as cover to retreat into the building.
So, the explosive seal went off at the same time our cloud went off, and someone shouted to run into the Mansion. This almost reads like someone tracked us and had this as a prepared action for the moment we did something suspicious.

The timing could just be a case of both Hazou and the unknown person reacting to people starting to leave / go to the maze, so they're both prompted by Shirotsuma the Harlot.

Even if it's less likely than the alternative, if we can't completely discount the possibility of enemy action, then we need to account for it in planning.

To paraphrase Littlefinger: act as if any possible series of events could be happening and nothing will surprise you.

And to ward off fate, don't let Akane lure us into a confined space surrounded by "allied" ninja under pretext anytime soon.
The MEW wedge should help. And I don't think this increases our chances of getting blamed. Some of the proctors are jonin. They know who threw that seal. If they want to blame us regardless, they already have enough circumstantial evidence.

I say we make a MEW wedge, and use it as cover to retreat into the building.
If some proctors are Jonin then they can deal with this clusterfuck easily themselves.

We have absolutely no reason to risk the chance of exposure and invalidate our plans when they just bore fruit because of some fruitloop that decided to set up an explosive.

If something happens, the blame squarely rests on his shoulders.

Even if we help that doesn't mean they still won't DQ us, the proctors aren't our friends.
If some proctors are Jonin then they can deal with this clusterfuck easily themselves.

We have absolutely no reason to risk the chance of exposure and invalidate our plans when they just bore fruit because of some fruitloop that decided to set up an explosive.

If something happens, the blame squarely rests on his shoulders.

Even if we help that doesn't mean they still won't DQ us, the proctors aren't our friends.
POI: to the best of your knowledge, the proctors are chūnin, if only based on the fact that they sometimes fail to detect cheating or fall for social gambits (and also the fact that Mist simply doesn't have that many jōnin to spare). If any of the proctors are jōnin, this is a secret not known to Hazō.
There needs to be. If not:

This is literally the perfect event for some A or S rank to come in and stealth assassinate 100 talented genin and some chunin, crippling the military infrastructure of villages for the next few years.

If I was trying to sabotage the villages I would be on this shit like white on rice if there were no Jonin on duty.

[] Poll: Leave the Proctors to Protect People

[] Poll: Protect People Ourselves

If we're going Nihil Supernum on this thing then we need to decide that now so that we can factor it into planning.
Doesn't matter in the end.

The place is full of hundreds of ninja. If they go along with the stampede in order not to give themselves away and not get disqualified then that is squarely on them.

Why should Hazou matyr himself from them when half of the stampede is made out of ninja that can easily get themselves out of the situation.

If someone is to take responsibility then it should be the brainlet that set the tag in the first place.

[X] Poll: Leave the Proctors to Protect People
Doesn't matter in the end.

The place is full of hundreds of ninja. If they go along with the stampede in order not to give themselves away and not get disqualified then that is squarely on them.

Why should Hazou matyr himself from them when half of the stampede is made out of ninja that can easily get themselves out of the situation.

Human psychology.