"Henge," Hazō muttered, flicking off the handseals for one of the simplest ninja techniques in existence. A moment later, his disguise as Yoshida restored, he cut a new set of handseals. "Pangolin Style: Tunnel Excavation Technique!" he cried, pointing up at an angle towards where Noburi had said Keiko was waiting.

"What took you so long?" Keiko demanded as her clan brothers came above ground through the new tunnel.

Yay! Early update!

TBH I think at this point we should try to crash the party. Spam alarm seals, cause false alarms, report sightings of Akatsuki, whatever.
A thought occurs to me. Why don't we go find "Uji the Pimp" who apparently has a lot of information on everyone, and trade what we (Hazou) knows for Team Downfall's cover? That way we could find the team and stomp 'em before they spread word of Hazou's role to too many people.
Another though is that we could Henge as a civilian, while getting that civilian to stay in the break room. And we got a favor, rights?
He was eventually approached by Uji the Pimp, an information broker notable for his outrageous purple hat and gold teeth, who traded the identities of Team Kurenai in exchange for all the hidden role information Noburi had gathered. With this, Noburi tracked down Hinata and persuaded her (i.e. sold her most of what he knew) to use the Byakugan to find you.
Can we get some confirmation Hinata and Noburi used proper OPSEC and each confirmed that the other was the person they said they were? I don't want this to be a setup where Uji and "Hinata" are in on it.

Apologies for coming across as shitting on your plan. I know you spent a lot of time on it, and were probably quite excited to post it. I hope my last post got across that my problem was less with the plan itself than the timing of it.
Parasitism + Busting. Give a fake id and play it off, then leak or trade the details (depending on size of the clique). Public knowledge is useless knowledge.
If we can somehow get back into the group, we can see if they know who Team Letdown are, and also spread disinformation about who Hazou is.

[X] Lore Update
[X] The Deaths of Team Letdown
[X] Zabuza finds out about Clan Goketsu
[X] A hypothetical Zabuza who survived the Battle of the Gods (as opposed to ours who definitely survived but we can't prove it) finds out about Clan Goketsu
Ok, an increase of 50C in a few seconds is frightening. I wouldn't be surprised if that caused seizures and possibly death in some civilians. Probably best to spend a few seconds to reach peak temperature.

If it propogates, then there's definitely data out there which can have math done on it to figure out how much of a heating effect it would be. My intuition says that a single zone is unlikely to have enough volume in it to cause more than a temporary inconvenience when spread out. It could potentially be a good tool for clearing out a specific area if we need to, but I don't think it'd work great for general clearing out.

Of course, if I were a QM, I'd just say "MAGIC IS MAGIC" and make the chakra heat only impact the area inside the zone with a fuzzy boundary which didn't spread one way or another. That wouldn't stop exploits, but it'd make them harder to use and require more prep than just "LOLZ CITY IS DESTROYED NOW"
Worth noting: WE can increase it UP TO 50C, it doesn't have to be that exactly. Whatever's safe and effective.
Yeah, on that...I note that most updates seem to get 40-50 ratings, but 9-11 votes appears to be pretty standard. Can anyone think of a way to grow the voter base?
As someone who lurks continuously and occasionally throws their two cents in.

Tl;dr -The very nature of this quest discourages casual participation in votes.

It is often the case in this quest that a plan gone astray or one that misses some detail leads to a situation which puts the characters a hairs breadth away from knocking on deaths door. Hazo et al live and die by the grace of the dice gods and the thorough planning of the player base.

Keeping that in mind- as someone who possesses the knowhow to try to piece together a plan taking into account myriad factors going into each decision (be they game mechanics for combat or complex social interactions), but lacks the time on a weekly basis to do so genuinely, it feels very intellectually dishonest to cast a vote on a plan or plans that I personally haven't thoroughly examined in the plots current context as well as outside of it.
[X] Interlude: Ren's Thoughts on Team Uplift

[X] Interlude: Exam from the PoV of Team Downfall including the last event with a full description of their disguises, stats and weaknesses (I am asking for a friend)
Long time story [semi-recent thread] lurker here. Just wanted to throw my two cents into the mix (no monetary value). This tiny not-actually-monetary contribution is from the perspective of someone who doesn't really participate in the thread and votes, so may be skewed from regular participants experience.

I'm really enjoying the chunin exams. Like, really really.

For most of the quest, the highlight for me has been the character interaction. I haven't really been invested in any of the 'missions'. They've felt more like vehicles to enable said character interaction and kind of move the character to different stages. Some kind of had me going 'I wonder what's going on here', but figured it was a big background thing that we'd die if we investigated too much and couldn't do anything about anyway, so whatever (example: anything involving the 8-headed serpent cult). If the team decided mid mission (they aren't really missions, arks maybe?) to suddenly do something else, so long as the amazing quality of writing didn't drop, I would've been ok with it.

To contrast, I would be actively sad if the exams ended soon. I really like the events (especially the creativity shown in creating them) and the novelty of the problems the team face compared to the majority of what's been happening in the rest of the quest (not to say it's been bland, it REALLY hasn't, it's been awesome). And how the hivemind has approached them has been hilarious and great (Pardon me while I open this trade fort in the middle of your battle royale. Don't mind me.)

I'd just like to thank the QM's for this entire quest and all the joy it's brought me and especially for the creativity and spoons that must've been required to make this ark. I can't even imagine the spoon count for background adult!politics and all the genin npc plans, and how the former must influence the latter. That sounds painful, so thanks for that.

(I don't directly enjoy your pain. Indirectly...we might need to quantify some coefficients and do some math)
For the record, that update could consist of:

"Henge," Hazō muttered, flicking off the handseals for one of the simplest ninja techniques in existence. A moment later, his disguise as Yoshida restored, he cut a new set of handseals. "Pangolin Style: Tunnel Excavation Technique!" he cried, pointing up at an angle towards where Noburi had said Keiko was waiting.

"What took you so long?" Keiko demanded as her clan brothers came above ground through the new tunnel.

You need to spend 8 CP to restore your henge, so the only question is whether you're going to spend 30 CP to jutsu-tunnel your way out or if you're going to save the chakra and try something complicated.
Note that I am entirely on board with this scenario, since it will still leave me as the one adjudicating its consequences.

Hey that reminds me. @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Did we at any point find our counterpart, or our teammates' counterpart?
You did not. As per the plan, your primary focus was observational rather than interactive. If you ask, Noburi didn't find your counterpart either. You don't know whether Keiko did.

Long time story [semi-recent thread] lurker here. Just wanted to throw my two cents into the mix (no monetary value). This tiny not-actually-monetary contribution is from the perspective of someone who doesn't really participate in the thread and votes, so may be skewed from regular participants experience.

I'm really enjoying the chunin exams. Like, really really.

For most of the quest, the highlight for me has been the character interaction. I haven't really been invested in any of the 'missions'. They've felt more like vehicles to enable said character interaction and kind of move the character to different stages. Some kind of had me going 'I wonder what's going on here', but figured it was a big background thing that we'd die if we investigated too much and couldn't do anything about anyway, so whatever (example: anything involving the 8-headed serpent cult). If the team decided mid mission (they aren't really missions, arks maybe?) to suddenly do something else, so long as the amazing quality of writing didn't drop, I would've been ok with it.

To contrast, I would be actively sad if the exams ended soon. I really like the events (especially the creativity shown in creating them) and the novelty of the problems the team face compared to the majority of what's been happening in the rest of the quest (not to say it's been bland, it REALLY hasn't, it's been awesome). And how the hivemind has approached them has been hilarious and great (Pardon me while I open this trade fort in the middle of your battle royale. Don't mind me.)

I'd just like to thank the QM's for this entire quest and all the joy it's brought me and especially for the creativity and spoons that must've been required to make this ark. I can't even imagine the spoon count for background adult!politics and all the genin npc plans, and how the former must influence the latter. That sounds painful, so thanks for that.

(I don't directly enjoy your pain. Indirectly...we might need to quantify some coefficients and do some math)
Thank you for the kind words. I also enjoy writing the character interactions more than the other parts, though that is not to say I don't have fun with the background plotting or with designing horrifying trials to throw the players' way. In a way, it may be telling that I was the one to propose this event, whereas @eaglejarl... no, I shouldn't spoil the delightful surprise.
A thought occurs to me. Why don't we go find "Uji the Pimp" who apparently has a lot of information on everyone, and trade what we (Hazou) knows for Team Downfall's cover? That way we could find the team and stomp 'em before they spread word of Hazou's role to too many people.

Stomping Team Downfall doesn't really help, though. They knew Hazou's identity very early, somehow, which implies it's in circulation (how anyone learned that, or Team Kurenai's identities, is another question I'd really like answered). Since we've got a big target on our backs, other candidates who learn our identity can spread it just as well as Team Downfall.

I'm not entirely convinced it was Team Downfall to begin with, but the problem is that our identity is out there, rather than anyone specific knowing it.
I'm not entirely convinced it was Team Downfall to begin with, but the problem is that our identity is out there, rather than anyone specific knowing it.

Still, it would make sense to trade for and leak the identities of any top 10 team so our score doesn't look as bad relative to them.
[X] Interlude: Ren's Thoughts on Team Uplift

This would probably give us too much OOC knowledge, but what the hell, let's try.
So, more I think about it, more I think we should just use Elemental Mastery to DQ everyone. No one has to know it's Akane. All they'll know is there's someone with an apparent-utility technique that'll make people sweat like hell. We can even leave one spot open on a corner of the grounds or whatever, and all meet up there.

e: Fuck, we could even give Bonku a shaved ice stand outside and instruct him to ask anyone who gets some to cut themselves.
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So, more I think about it, more I think we should just use Elemental Mastery to DQ everyone. No one has to know it's Akane. All they'll know is there's someone with an apparent-utility technique that'll make people sweat like hell. We can even leave one spot open on a corner of the grounds or whatever, and all meet up there.

e: Fuck, we could even give Bonku a shaved ice stand outside and instruct him to ask anyone who gets some to cut themselves.

You know, as the resident wild idea killer, it should count for something that I'm starting to seriously consider this. The simplest explanation I have for what happened this update, is that someone is cheating really hard, and managed to start the event with a full list of candidate role assignments, or something close to it. Maybe Team Downfall managed to obtain Hazou's identity from a proctor, but the fact that it was so easy to find Team Kurenai suggests incredible proliferation of this information, though it may be that it's Leaf specifically that's being targeted.

Either way, we're not going to win by playing by the rules, it seems like. EM seems like the most effective and safe of the mass DQ ideas, as long as we can make sure no civilians are harmed.
You know, as the resident wild idea killer, it should count for something that I'm starting to seriously consider this. The simplest explanation I have for what happened this update, is that someone is cheating really hard, and managed to start the event with a full list of candidate role assignments, or something close to it. Maybe Team Downfall managed to obtain Hazou's identity from a proctor, but the fact that it was so easy to find Team Kurenai suggests incredible proliferation of this information, though it may be that it's Leaf specifically that's being targeted.

Either way, we're not going to win by playing by the rules, it seems like. EM seems like the most effective and safe of the mass DQ ideas, as long as we can make sure no civilians are harmed.
Considering that unlike in the old system, we can control how high the temperature of EM goes, it's unlikely that civilians would be harmed. Heck, we could just have Akane use it in the basement and it would slowly spread throughout the house and grounds.