[X] Plan lurkingluck
Tunnel in a perpendicular direction to previous destroyed tunnel as far as reasonable (not much time, not so far that we're out of bounds). Select the span where the biggest and more concentrated roots are for vegetation cover.
Listen for movement avoveground. If you ever had an upstairs neighbour, you know this is feasible. If possible, mist sense before emerging with a thin layer through soil permeability/humidity. If possible, poke a small hole first to ascertain surroundings. If no people around, emerge & regroup. Else, retry in perpendicular direction. Else, retry in random direction. Else, shrug and detonate for ground sinking as much as possible with half of stock, emerge during chaos, incapacitate if detected, regroup.
Not part of the plan:
The problem with more new people contributing is that they have trough the story, learn the mechanics, learn the mistakes made, and then maybe their plans won't horribly kill us all. I've lurked for what seems like years and this is the quality of plan I can offer. I do not see myself contributing except very sporadically, and it should be obvious I am not fluent with the mechanics. I think quality contribution is a very hard thing to do in this setting. I have never voted before. I do not even know if i have used the correct characters so that this plan is counted. I thought that it might inspire a better plan.
As always, I quite still enjoy the work you all put in. You're all making a cool thing.
Any attempts to coerce me to invest myself further by being nice and/or encouraging will result in me learning how to properly vote, and then vote for armageddon initiative. Any attempts to fake niceness/encouragement in order to get me to vote for armageddon will be ignored and not count towards previous statement.
The length of this post brought to you by the sunken cost fallacy.